118 research outputs found

    Social inclusion and aftercare need of care leavers at the juvenile correction centres in Bangladesh

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    The study aimed to explore existing juvenile justice systems and the social inclusion of young offenders after leaving correctional centres in Bangladesh. This research tried to understand the perception of professionals who directly intervene in the process. Additionally, it explored the experiences with available services and challenges juveniles encountered after incarceration. The Labelling theory, the Ecological System theory, and Social inclusion theory were employed as the study’s theoretical framework and thematic analytical base. This study is conducted as an inductive and qualitative approach consisting of ten in-depth interviews. The respondents were selected through purposive sampling, and the initial contact was made after official approval. The study identified that the main challenges are the need for adequate financial allocations, offering secondary level elementary education to continue studying, lack of appropriate vocational training, and absence of full-time health service providers. However, findings concluded that juveniles had adopted their coping mechanisms to build resilience in adapting skills and supports from JCCs that gradually result in social inclusion. The most promising and praiseworthy step was the introduction of first virtual juvenile court in Bangladesh to expedite the juvenile justice system during this Covid-19 epidemic. In addition, the respondents recommended legal reform for delineating the age from 9 to 12, enhancing administrative collaboration with schools for uninterrupted study, and taking necessary measures for aftercare socioeconomic and mental supports. The study left further research implications for policy inferences and judicial system to ensure a child-friendly correctional process.O estudo teve como objetivo, explorar os sistemas de justiça juvenil existentes e a inclusão social de jovens infratores após deixarem centros correcionais em Bangladesh. Esta pesquisa procurou compreender a percepção dos profissionais que intervêm diretamente no processo. Também procurou conhecer experiências desenvolvidas ou em desenvolvimento nos serviços disponíveis e xplorou os desafios que os jovens enfrentaram após a sua institucionalização. Como referencial teórico utilizamos as teorias da teoria da Rotulagem, a teoria sistémica - ecológica e a teoria da Inclusão Social. Esta pesquisa orientou-se por uma abordagem indutiva e qualitativa composta por dez entrevistas em profundidade. O estudo identificou que os principais desafios são a necessidade de alocações financeiras adequadas, oferta de ensino fundamental de nível médio para continuar os estudos, a falta de formação profissional adequada e a ausência de prestadores de serviços de saúde em tempo integral. Como resultado mais promissor e louvável foi o primeiro tribunal juvenil virtual em Bangladesh a agilizar o sistema de justiça juvenil durante a epidemia deCovid-19. Além disso, os entrevistados recomendaram reformas da Lei da Criança para delinear a idade de 9 a 12 anos, aumentando a colaboração administrativa, especialmente com escolas para estudo ininterrupto e a adopção das medidas necessárias para os cuidados pos-saida do centro juvenil de apoio sócio-económico mental. O estudo deixou em aberto outras perspetivas de investigação ao nível das implicações nas políticas e o sistema judicial, a fim de assegurar um processo reeducacional mais favorável às crianças

    Techno-Aide Google Classroom for Learning English: Prospects & Challenges

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    Techno-Aide Google Classroom for Learning English: Prospects & Challenges Google Classroom is a technology aided online learning tool developed by Google which enables both the teachers and learners to fit into ‘beyond the classroom’ learning in an innovative way. This research paper tries to shed light on the prospects and challenges of using Google classroom for learning English at the tertiary level education in Bangladesh. For finding out the prospects and challenges, both English language learners’ and teachers’ perception on the ground of the four language skills- Listening, reading, Writing and Speaking have been studied. The research has been conducted following the quantitative method. An electronic survey was distributed among the students and teachers using Google Form for collecting and comparing responses. The prospect includes how Bangladeshi university students and teachers sense and experience this online tool to stay in touch, as well as develop and manage their work to learn English efficiently. Alongside the common challenges faced by the users (both learners and teachers) this research tries to trace out some technical shortcomings of Google classroom that can be eradicated by Google to turn Google classroom into more user-friendly platform for learning

    Engaging Fathers In Care Work: A Study Exploring The Pathway Of Preventing Violence Against Women And Children In Rural Bangladesh

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    For healthy development of child parents’ support and care is essential. It is expected that children with an involved loving father have much more healthy childhood and self-esteem. Engaging fathers in care work and child rearing is mean to improve family cohesion and well-being. This research deals with the traditional fact of household burden and familial hierarchy among family members and of course which ultimately leads to domestic violence against women and children. Hence this paper intends to understand whether involving fathers in Care work can result in prevention of violence against women and children. To engage fathers in care work at the household level and using the qualitative method of data collection the research tries to evaluate a community dialogue session involving couples from the rural community organized by CMMS and Promundo US in the Northern Bangladesh. Engaging father results in behavioral and cognitive attachment with partner and children in a family. The evidences from a study become the popular rationales for working with fathers. The project specifically for fathers and sessions for community peoples helped to build healthy relationship among families. The paper concludes with the notion that fathers involve in the care giving work in household domain by showing the challenge against traditional ideology of fatherhood and resist the vibes of violence against women and children in family

    Effects of intralesional platelet-rich plasma in the patients with lateral epicondylitis of elbow

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    Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is a major cause of musculoskeletal pain involving common extensor origin of the forearm. This study was done to determine the effects of platelet-rich plasma on 15 patients with lateral epicondylitis. Selected patients were given intralesional platelet-rich plasma injection, activity of daily living instructions and paracetamol. Patients were assessed every 14 days interval by visual analogue scale, and the patient rated tennis elbow evaluation. Treatment response according to visual analogue scale and patient rated tennis elbow evaluation tool, the difference of improvement was found in respect to time, from pretreatment W1 (just before 1st Intervention) score to W11 score in every alternate week (p<0.005). This indicates that intralesional platelet-rich plasma is effective in the patients with lateral epicondylitis of elbow

    Leaf area estimation by linear regression modles for pigenonpea (Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp.)

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    Leaflet length (L) and breadth (B), fresh (LFwt) and dry weights (LDwt) of leaves of 50 samples (500 leaves, 10 in each sample) were used in the prediction model to estimate the leaf area (LA) in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan cajan (L.) Millsp.). Two of the fifteen linear regression models, appeared more suitable for ease of measurement. These were LA = -17.784 + 6.823 L (Model-1) and LA = 0.5855 + 67.583 LFwt (Model-10). These regression models showed linear relationship when actual leaf area was plotted against predicted one in another 30 leaf samples (300 leaves, 10 in each sample). Moreover, models’ selection indices had high predictive ability represented by high R2 value with minimum error (low means square error and smaller percentage deviation). The selected models appeared unsophisticated but accurate, easy and rapid which can be used for estimation of leaf area of pigeonpea (Morphotype ‘Bogra’)

    Seed priming influences on yield and protein content of wheat sown at different time

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    The aim of this field experiment conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, was to investigate the impact of different seed priming techniques and sowing dates on the yield and quality of wheat. The study aimed to identify the most effective seed priming technique and optimal sowing date to enhance wheat productivity and minimize yield reduction. The experiment employed a split plot design with two factors: seed priming techniques (no priming, hydropriming with distilled water, osmopriming with PEG, and halopriming with CaCl2) and sowing dates (November 20, December 05, and December 20). The trial was conducted from November 2019 to April 2020 at the research field. The study consisted of three replications for each treatment combination. Osmopriming exhibited the most favorable results among all priming techniques, showing significantly higher values for effective tillers hill-1 (3.91), number of grains spike-1 (43.82), number of spikelets spike-1 (16.16), grain yield (3.87 tons hectare-1), biological yield (6.02 t ha-1), and harvest index (39.03%). No priming condition resulted in the highest protein content (12.11%), while osmopriming had the lowest protein content (11.77%). The sowing conducted on November 20 yielded the highest number of effective tillers hill-1 (3.57), number of grains spike-1 (42.49), number of spikelets spike-1 (15.75), grain yield (3.71 t ha-1), biological yield (9.70 t ha-1), and lowest protein content (11.74%). Sowing on December 20 resulted in the highest protein content (12.20%). Based on the study's findings, it can be concluded that the osmopriming technique, combined with sowing on November 20, offers the most promising approach to mitigate the yield reduction of wheat. This combination demonstrated the highest grain yield (4.23 t ha-1) compared to other treatments. Therefore, farmers and agricultural practitioners are recommended to adopt the osmopriming technique with a sowing date of November 20 for optimizing wheat production and enhancing overall crop quality

    Prognostic role of EGR1 in breast cancer : A systematic review

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by grants from the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (grant no. 2015R1A5A1009701 and 2019M3A9H1030682); and, in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea-Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Science and ICT)-NRF-2017R1A2B2012337. In addition, this paper was written as part of Konkuk University's research support program for its faculty on sabbatical leave in 2019-2020.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pattern of Pharmacotherapy of Patients Having Ischemic Heart Disease at a Specialized Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Survey Based Study on Patients Discharged from Hospital

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    Aims: Study on pharmacotherapeutic pattern on cardiovascular patients is rarely done. Patient’s demography, drug usage and its clinical outcome are the basis for the assessment of cardiac treatment. The aim of this study to analyze the demography of patients of ischemic heart disease along with drug usage and current trends of practice in Bangladesh. Methods: This study was carried out over a period of two months at different units of NICVD, situated at Dhaka, Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was prepared to collect necessary data from patients. Descriptive statistics was used to represent the data. Results: A total 363 discharged patients were interviewed followed by the verification of their discharge report and other medical documents to obtain necessary information. Out of 363 patients, frequency of male patients were high (74.66%, N= 271) than female patients (25.34%, N=92). There is a trends of ischemic heart disease development after 40 years of age and found significant in this study (P< 0.05). In this study, 83.19% of total patients were above 40 years of age. We found a significant number of patients also had diabetes, asthma and chronic kidney disease. Treatment approach of ischemic heart disease includes pharmacotherapy, revascularization and percutaneous coronary intervention. 48 patients (13.22%) out of 363 went for revascularization and percutaneous coronary intervention was done to 25 patients (6.89%). The goal of Pharmacotherapy is to reduce blood cholesterol level, prevention of further platelet aggregation, reduction of angina and control of heart rate. In our study, we found that, statins, anti platelet and anti angina/anti ischemic drugs are core in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Beta blocker, ACE inhibitor or ARB, CCB is commonly added to standard therapy to reduce mortality and for better therapeutic outcome. Among statins, the frequency of use of atorvastatin (87.93%), combination of clopidogrel and aspirin (73.90%) among anti platelet agents, combination of trimetazidine and nitroglycerine (61.56%) among anti angina/anti ischemic agents were highest. In our study, we found that bisoprolol was most commonly prescribed by the physicians among other beta blockers. Conclusion: The outcome of this study will be helpful for young professionals, general physicians and other professionals involved in the health care setting for the rational use of drugs and to formulate effective strategy for the management of ischemic heart disease

    Thermal performance of gasifier cooking stoves: A systematic literature review [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    A systematic literature review was conducted to summarize the overall thermal performance of different gasified cooking stoves from the available literature. For this purpose, available studies from the last 14 years (2008 to 2022) were searched using different search strings. After screening, a total of 28 articles were selected for this literature review. Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science databases were used as search strings by applying “Gasifier cooking stove” AND “producer gas cooking stove” AND “thermal performance” keywords. This review uncovers different gasified cooking stoves, cooking fuels, and fabrication materials besides overall thermal performances. The result shows that the overall thermal performance of different gasified cooking stoves was 5.88% to 91% depending on the design and burning fuels. The premixed producer gas burner with a swirl vane stove provided the highest overall thermal performance range, which was 84% to 91%, and the updraft gasified stove provided the lowest performance, which was 5.88% to 8.79%. The result also demonstrates that the wood pellets cooking fuel provided the highest thermal performance and corn straw briquette fuel provided the lowest for gasified cooking stoves. The overall thermal performance of wood pellets was 38.5% and corn straw briquette was 10.86%