37 research outputs found

    Kelayakan Model Integrasi Usahatani Tebu Dengan Usaha Ternak Sapi Dalam Menunjang Kesejahetraan Petani Peternak Di Kabupaten Kerinci

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    The research aimed was to assess the technical, institutional, commercial, financial and economic feasibility of integration model of cattle production with sugarcane farming and its effect on the prosperity of farmers in Kayu Aro Barat District, Kerinci Regency. The method used was survey method with Stratified Random Sampling technique. Sampling technque consisted of 2 strata i.e. strata I was sugarcane farmers who integrate to cattle production, and strata II was sugarcane farmers who not integrate to cattle production. Each index used present value from cost and benefit flows that were NPV, Net B/C ratio and IRR. For assessing the effect of integration model of cattle production with sugarcane farming on the prosperity of farmer was used path analysis. The study found that integration cattle production with sugarcane farming in Kayu Aro Barat District, Kerinci Regency was feasible. Technical, commercial, financial and economical aspects were partially affect to farmers' prosperity in Kayu Aro Barat District, Kerinci Regency

    Related Factors of Complete Basic Immunization on Children and Vaccine Management at Primary Health Care and Health Post in X Subdistrict Depok City

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    Background:Immunization is an effective primary prevention against infectious diseases on children. The purpose of this study was to determine the related factors to the completeness of basic immunization on children and vaccine management at primary health care and posyandu in X Subdistric, Depok City. Methods:The study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 140 mothers of children aged at least 11 months, and qualitatif study about vaccines management. Mother and child data collection using questionnaires and child health card (Kartu Menuju Sehat) in December 2012–May 2013. Vaccine management data was collected at 2 primary health care and 2 posyandu with interview and observation. Data analysis was performed with Chi-square test. result:The largest percentage of mothers who have children under the age of at least 11 months of age <30 years, at least graduated from junior high school education, no work, have a low knowledge about immunization. Vaccine management in clinics and neighborhood health center for storage after use of vaccines in posyandu not be returned to the community health center, recording and reporting is not done on the book of the records so that the possibility of scattered or lost, and the person in charge of managing the vaccine instead of pharmacy personnel. Residual use of the vaccine in posyandu not directly returned to the health center. Recording the use of vaccines in posyandu not carried on the books, so it is probable scattered or lost. Manager vaccine at primary health care should a technical pharmacy in accordance with Government Regulation No. 51 of 2009 conclusion: Completeness of basic immunization of children under one years old (82,9%), incomplete biggest measles immunization (15,0%). Factors parental characteristics (age, education, occupation, knowledge) and the availability of the vaccine were not significantly associated with children complete basic immunization. recommendation: Improving health promotion to increase the parents knowledge on immunizations beneficial

    Analisis Program Penyebaran dan Pengembangan Ternak Sapi pada Kawasan Sentra Peternakan Sapi di Kabupaten Merangin: The Analysis of Cow Distribution and Development Program on Cow Center Area in Merangin Regency

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis program penyebaran dan pengembangan ternak sapi di kawasan sentra peternakan sapi Kabupaten Merangin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Teknik penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Stratified Random Sampling. Instrumen penelitian diuji dengan uji dan uji reliabilitas Data penelitian skala ordinal dilakukan transformasi menjadi skala interval dengan menggunakan Method of Succesive Interval (MSI). Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kelancaran perguliran ternak digunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Program penyebaran dan pengembangan ternak sapi di kawasan sentra peternakan sapi Kabupaten Merangin belum berjalan secara optimal. Cukup banyak tingkat perguliran ternak sapi yang masuk kategori lancar, namun sisi lain cukup banyak juga kategori kurang dan tidak lancar. Adapun tingkat kelancaran mengulirkan ternak sapi pada program penyebaran dan pengembangan ternak sapi di kawasan sentra peternakan sapi Kabupaten Merangin dipengaruhi oleh karakter peternak.   Kata kunci: penyebaran, pengembangan, sentra, sapi, pergulira

    Factors Predisposing Implementation of Effective Nurse Communication: a Systematic Review

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    Background: Communication skills are essential for nurses in providing health services. Efficacious communication will impact in the quality of care and patient safety. This manuscript is to identify factors predisposing implementation of effective nurse communication. Method: This study that data was retrieved uses systematic review design. Data was retrieved from database ProQuest, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Science-Direct, JSTOR, and Wiley-Online in the period of 2011 – 2017. The study was done for journal, article and literature review by applying the keywords nurse communication, health\u27s communication, effective communication of nurse. Results: A total of 12518 studies was found from six databases. From, the number of these direct search, systematic review identifies conformity based on the title, so that it obtained 31 studies with a title that suitable for a selected discussion. The total of selected papers were 16 studies and identified Efficacious communication. Analysis result from the paper research was there were 16 papers that complement the criteria determined. Six factors are identified to have effect in an implementation of effective nurse communication: (1) intelligence and self-efficacy, (2) Communication Skills, (3) Work Experience, (4) Perceptions, (5) Socio-cultural, and (6) Organization culture. Conclusion: Effective communication will be executed best of it has become the work culture. Nurses Leaders has an imperative role as role models in doing effective communication. Effective communication will imply to the increase of nurses service qualit

    Korelasi antara Kuat Tekan Bebas dengan Kuat Tekan Geser langsung pada Tanah Lanau Disubstitusi dengan Pasir

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    This study aims to get the correlation between the soil compressive strength and soil shearstrength directly on silt substituted with granulated materials. This is done because if buildingstructures on the silt soil will cause several problems including a small value of the compressivestrength and low shear strength after incurring. For the testing is done with a mixture of sand, siltsoil so that it can be seen how much sand mixture to resist the forces on the load that is above theground.To determine the sand effect on silt soil , with the compressive strength and shear strength that hasbeen made by way of mixing the sand by 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. From the test results showedan increase in the compressive strength of 0.3723 kg/cm 2 in a mixture of 10% sand and a decreasein the mixture thereafter. In the direct shear strength value increased 30% when variations mixtureof sand that is equal to 0.4290 kg / cm 2 , the cohesion of 0.27 kg / cm 2 and the friction angle in at26.170.Keywords: silt soil, sand, soil compressive strength, soil direct shea

    Teacher Perception Towards the Use of Code Switching in Efl Classroom: A Case Study in English Intensive Program at State Islamic Institute in Cirebon

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    The present study is descriptive qualitative research. The study aims to investigate and show the teachers perceptions toward the use of code-switching (CS) used by teachers in EFL classroom, especially in English intensive program at a State Islamic Institute. A four-section 20-item questionnaire was developed and distributed to the teachers. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed. The results display that teachers' perceptions are positive towards the use of code-switching in the EFL classroom. Teachers believe that the use of code-switching could help them in eliciting content, manage the classroom, and show interpersonal relations in the classroom. However, the use of code-switching is beneficial for learners but it also needs limitation because it could damage the process of language acquisition as learners don't get comprehensive input