42 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of Mesostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson's Disease

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    The term vulnerability was first associated with the midbrain dopaminergic neurons 85 years ago, before they were identified as monoaminergic neurons, when Foix and Nicolesco (1925) reported the loss of neuromelanin containing neurons in the midbrain of patients with post-encephalitic Parkinson's disease (PD). A few years later, Hassler (1938) showed that degeneration is more intense in the ventral tier of the substantia nigra compacta than in its dorsal tier and the ventral tegmental area (VTA), outlining the concept of differential vulnerability of midbrain dopaminergic (DA-) neurons. Nowadays, we know that other neuronal groups degenerate in PD, but the massive loss of nigral DA-cells is its pathological hallmark, having a pivotal position in the pathophysiology of the disease as it is responsible for the motor symptoms. Data from humans as well as cellular and animal models indicate that DA-cell degeneration is a complex process, probably precipitated by the convergence of different risk factors, mediated by oxidative stress, and involving pathogenic factors arising within the DA-neuron (intrinsic factors), and from its environment and distant interconnected brain regions (extrinsic factors). In light of current data, intrinsic factors seem to be preferentially involved in the first steps of the degenerative process, and extrinsic factors in its progression. A controversial issue is the relative weight of the impairment of common cell functions, such as energy metabolism and proteostasis, and specific dopaminergic functions, such as pacemaking activity and DA handling, in the pathogenesis of DA-cell degeneration. Here we will review the current knowledge about the relevance of these factors at the beginning and during the progression of PD, and in the differential vulnerability of midbrain DA-cells

    Striatal expression of GDNF and differential vulnerability of midbrain dopaminergic cells

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    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily that when exogenously administrated exerts a potent trophic action on dopaminergic (DA) cells. Although we know a lot about its signalling mechanisms and pharmacological effects, physiological actions of GDNF on the adult brain remain unclear. Here, we have used morphological and molecular techniques, and an experimental model of Parkinson's disease in rats, to investigate whether GDNF constitutively expressed in the adult mesostriatal system plays a neuroprotective role on midbrain DA cells. We found that although all midbrain DA cells express both receptor components of GDNF (GFRalpha1 and Ret), those in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and rostromedial substantia nigra (SNrm) also contain GDNF but not GDNFmRNA. The levels of GDNFmRNA are significantly higher in the ventral striatum (vSt), the target region of VTA and SNrm cells, than in the dorsal striatum (dSt), the target region of DA cells in the caudoventral substantia nigra (SNcv). After fluoro-gold injection in striatum, VTA and SNrm DA cells show triple labelling for tyrosine hydroxylase, GDNF and fluoro-gold, and after colchicine injection in the lateral ventricle, they become GDNF-immunonegative, suggesting that GDNF in DA somata comes from their striatal target. As DA cells in VTA and SNrm are more resistant than those in SNcv to intracerebroventricular injection of 6-OHDA, as occurs in Parkinson's disease, we can suggest that the fact that they project to vSt, where GDNF expression is significantly higher than in the dSt, is a neuroprotective factor involved in the differential vulnerability of midbrain DA neurons

    Cloning and functional expression of a new epithelial sodium channel delta subunit isoform differentially expressed in neurons of the human and monkey telencephalon.

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    Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a member of the ENaC/degenerin family of amiloride-sensitive, non-voltage gated sodium ion channels. ENaC alpha, beta and gamma subunits are abundantly expressed in epithelial tissues, where they have been well characterized. An ENaC delta subunit has also been described in the human nervous system, although its histological distribution pattern remains unexplored. We have now isolated a novel ENaC delta isoform (delta2) from human brain and studied the expression pattern of both the known (delta1) and the new (delta2) isoforms in the human and monkey telencephalon. ENaC delta2 is produced by a combination of alternative transcription start sites, a frame shift in exon 3 and alternative splicing of exon 4. It forms functional amiloride-sensitive sodium channels when co-expressed with ENaC beta and gamma accessory subunits. Comparison with the classical ENaC channel (alphabetagamma) indicates that the interaction between delta2, beta and gamma is functionally inefficient. Both ENaC delta isoforms are widely expressed in pyramidal cells of the human and monkey cerebral cortex and in different neuronal populations of telencephalic subcortical nuclei, but double-labelling experiments demonstrated a low level of co-localization between isoforms (5-8%), suggesting specific functional roles for each of them

    Prolonged treatment with pramipexole promotes physical interaction of striatal dopamine D3 autoreceptors with dopamine transporters to reduce dopamine uptake

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    The dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT), a membrane glycoprotein expressed in dopaminergic neurons, clears DA from extracellular space and is regulated by diverse presynaptic proteins like protein kinases, α-synuclein, D2 and D3 autoreceptors. DAT dysfunction is implicated in Parkinson's disease and depression, which are therapeutically treated by dopaminergic D2/D3 receptor (D2/D3R) agonists. It is, then, important to improve our understanding of interactions between D3R and DAT. We show that prolonged administration of pramipexole (0.1 mg/kg/day, 6 to 21 days), a preferential D3R agonist, leads to a decrease in DA uptake in mouse striatum that reflects a reduction in DAT affinity for DA in the absence of any change in DAT density or subcellular distribution. The effect of pramipexole was absent in mice with genetically-deleted D3R (D3R−/−), yet unaffected in mice genetically deprived of D2R (D2R−/−). Pramipexole treatment induced a physical interaction between D3R and DAT, as assessed by co-immunoprecipitation and in situ proximity ligation assay. Furthermore, it promoted the formation of DAT dimers and DAT association with both D2R and α-synuclein, effects that were abolished in D3R−/− mice, yet unaffected in D2R−/− mice, indicating dependence upon D3R. Collectively, these data suggest that prolonged treatment with dopaminergic D3 agonists provokes a reduction in DA reuptake by dopaminergic neurons related to a hitherto-unsuspected modification of the DAT interactome. These observations provide novel insights into the long-term antiparkinson, antidepressant and additional clinical actions of pramipexole and other D3R agonists.This study was supported by the grants BFU2010-21130 and BFU2013-47242-R (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) to T G-H, BFU2010-20664 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), PNSD, to R M, and the IMBRAIN project (FP7-REGPOT-2012-CT2012-31637-IMBRAIN), funded under the 7th Framework Programme (Capacities). J C-H was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Fundación Canaria de Investigación y Salud (ID54), J S-H was partially supported by the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (SE-10/19), and P B-C was supported by a grant from the Campus de Excelencia Internacional (FEDER, ULL, CEI 10/00018-EDU/903/2010)

    Drastic decline in vasoactive intestinal peptide expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in obese mice on a long-term high-fat diet

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    The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the main region for the regulation of circadian rhythms. Although the SCN contains a heterogeneous neurochemical phenotype with a wide variety of neuropeptides, a key role has been suggested for the vasoactive intestinal neuropeptide (VIP) as a modulator circadian, reproductive, and seasonal rhythms. VIP is a 28-amino acid polypeptide hormone that belongs to the secretin-glucagon peptide superfamily and shares 68 % homology with the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP). VIP acts as an endogenous appetite inhibitor in the central nervous system, where it participates in the control of appetite and energy homeostasis. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to better understand the role of VIP in the regulation of appetite/satiety and energy balance. This study aimed to elucidate the long-term effect of an obesogenic diet on the distribution and expression pattern of VIP in the SCN and nucleus accumbens (NAc) of C57BL/6 mice. A total of 15 female C57BL/6J mice were used in this study. Female mice were fed ad libitum with water and, either a standard diet (SD) or a high-fat diet (HFD) to induce obesity. There were 7 female mice on the SD and 8 on the HFD. The duration of the experiment was 365 days. The morphological study was performed using immunohistochemistry and double immunofluorescence techniques to study the neurochemical profile of VIP neurons of the SCN of C57BL/6 mice. Our data show that HFD-fed mice gained weight and showed reduced VIP expression in neurons of the SCN and also in fibres located in the NAc. Moreover, we observed a loss of neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression in fibres surrounding the SCN. Our findings on VIP may contribute to the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying obesity in regions associated with uncontrolled intake of high-fat foods and the reward system, thus facilitating the identification of novel therapeutic targets

    The neuronal-specific SGK1.1 kinase regulates δ-epithelial Na+ channel independently of PY motifs and couples it to phospholipase C signaling

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    Wesch D, Miranda P, Afonso-Oramas D, Althaus M, Castro-Hernandez J, Dominguez J, Morty RE, Clauss W, Gonzalez-Hernandez T, Alvarez de la Rosa D, Giraldez T. The neuronalspecific SGK1.1 kinase regulates delta-epithelial Na+ channel independently of PY motifs and couples it to phospholipase C signaling. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 299: C779-C790, 2010. First published July 14, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00184.2010.-The delta-subunit of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is expressed in neurons of the human and monkey central nervous system and forms voltage-independent, amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels when expressed in heterologous systems. It has been proposed that delta-ENaC could affect neuronal excitability and participate in the transduction of ischemic signals during hypoxia or inflammation. The regulation of delta-ENaC activity is poorly understood. ENaC channels in kidney epithelial cells are regulated by the serum-and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1). Recently, a new isoform of this kinase (SGK1.1) has been described in the central nervous system. Here we show that delta-ENaC isoforms and SGK1.1 are coexpressed in pyramidal neurons of the human and monkey (Macaca fascicularis) cerebral cortex. Coexpression of delta beta gamma-ENaC and SGK1.1 in Xenopus oocytes increases amiloride-sensitive current and channel plasma membrane abundance. The kinase also exerts its effect when delta-subunits are expressed alone, indicating that the process is not dependent on accessory subunits or the presence of PY motifs in the channel. Furthermore, SGK1.1 action depends on its enzymatic activity and binding to phosphatidylinositol(4,5)-bisphosphate. Physiological or pharmacological activation of phospholipase C abrogates SGK1.1 interaction with the plasma membrane and modulation of delta-ENaC. Our data support a physiological role for SGK1.1 in the regulation of delta-ENaC through a pathway that differs from the classical one and suggest that the kinase could serve as an integrator of different signaling pathways converging on the channel

    Long-term controlled GDNF over-expression reduces dopamine transporter activity without affecting tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the rat mesostriatal system

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    The dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein expressed in dopaminergic (DA-) cells that takes back DA into presynaptic neurons after its release. DAT dysfunction has been involved in different neuro-psychiatric disorders including Parkinson's disease (PD). On the other hand, numerous studies support that the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has a protective effect on DA-cells. However, studies in rodents show that prolonged GDNF over-expression may cause a tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, the limiting enzyme in DA synthesis) decline. The evidence of TH down-regulation suggests that another player in DA handling, DAT, may also be regulated by prolonged GDNF over-expression, and the possibility that this effect is induced at GDNF expression levels lower than those inducing TH down-regulation. This issue was investigated here using intrastriatal injections of a tetracycline-inducible adeno-associated viral vector expressing human GDNF cDNA (AAV-tetON-GDNF) in rats, and doxycycline (DOX; 0.01, 0.03, 0.5 and 3. mg/ml) in the drinking water during 5 weeks. We found that 3 mg/ml DOX promotes an increase in striatal GDNF expression of 12 × basal GDNF levels and both DA uptake decrease and TH down-regulation in its native and Ser40 phosphorylated forms. However, 0.5 mg/ml DOX promotes a GDNF expression increase of 3 × basal GDNF levels with DA uptake decrease but not TH down-regulation. The use of western-blot under non-reducing conditions, co-immunoprecipitation and in situ proximity ligation assay revealed that the DA uptake decrease is associated with the formation of DAT dimers and an increase in DAT-α-synuclein interactions, without changes in total DAT levels or its compartmental distribution. In conclusion, at appropriate GDNF transduction levels, DA uptake is regulated through DAT protein-protein interactions without interfering with DA synthesis.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe