402 research outputs found

    Dynamics of fast pattern formation in porous silicon by laser interference

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    Patterns are fabricated on 290 nm thick nanostructured porous silicon layers by phase-mask laser interference using single pulses of an excimer laser (193 nm, 20 ns pulse duration). The dynamics of pattern formation is studied by measuring in real time the intensity of the diffraction orders 0 and 1 at 633 nm. The results show that a transient pattern is formed upon melting at intensity maxima sites within a time 1-µs) upon melting induced by homogeneous beam exposure and related to the different scenario for releasing the heat from hot regions. The diffraction efficiency of the pattern is finally controlled by a combination of laser fluence and initial thickness of the nanostructured porous silicon layer and the present results open perspectives on heat release management upon laser exposure as well as have potential for alternative routes for switching applications.Postprint (published version

    Can the transformation time in phase change optical recording be improved by using femtosecond laser pulses?

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    CLEO/EUROPE ; EQEC European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich ICm, Germany, 22-27 June, 2003N

    Slow interfacial reamorphization of Ge films melted by ps laser pulses

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    Melting and rapid solidification is induced in 50-nm-thick amorphous Ge films on glass substrates by single laser pulses at 583 nm with a duration of 10 ps. The solidification process is followed by means of reflectivity measurements with ns time resolution both at the air/film (front) and the substrate/film (back) interfaces. Due to interference effects between the light reflected at the film-substrate and film-liquid interfaces, the back side reflectivity measurements turn out to be very sensitive to the melt depth induced by the laser pulse and their comparison to optical simulations enables the determination of the solidification dynamics. For low fluences, only a thin layer of the film is melted and solidification occurs interfacially leading to reamorphization of the molten material. The results provide a critical interface velocity for amorphization of ∼4 m/s, much slower than the one that has widely been reported for elementary semiconductors. For high fluences, the molten layer depth approaches the film thickness and the results are consistent with a bulk solidification process. In this case, recalescence effects upon solid phase nucleation become important and lead to the formation of crystallites distributed throughout the whole resolidified volume. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.Jan Siegel acknowledges the funding of the European Community through a grant (ERB40001GT954352) within the Training and Mobility of Researchers Program. This work has been partially supported by CICYT (Spain) under project TIC93-0125.Peer Reviewe

    Second-harmonic generation in highly textured LiNbO3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition

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    LiNbO3 films have been deposited on (001) sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition, in an oxygen environment. Films grown at substrate temperatures of 650°C are crystalline, strongly textured, and show a degree of twining that is lower the higher the oxygen pressure is in the range of 0.5-1 Torr. Values of the nonlinear optical coefficients d33 and d31 of the films, measured via second-harmonic generation, are close to those for the bulk LiNbO3 single crystal. The dependence of both the degree of twining and the nonlinear optical response on the film thickness suggests that the films become closer to single domain for larger thickness. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewe

    High intensity luminescence from pulsed laser annealed europium implanted sapphire

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    Sapphire samples (Al2O3) were implanted with 400-keV ions at a dose of 1×1016 ions cm-2. A comparison was made between furnace annealing and pulsed laser annealing of the implanted samples. Furnace annealing to 1200°C, followed by excimer laser anneals, resulted in an increase of the cathodoluminescence emission intensity of the implanted europium by a factor of ∼20. This enhanced intensity is ∼50 times that of the signal prior to any form annealing treatment. It is proposed that the laser anneals dissociate Eu related clusters. The Eu 622-nm lifetime reached 1.53 ms compared with an original postimplant value of 0.14 ms. © 1994 American Institue of Physics.Peer Reviewe

    Multifractal patterns formed by laser irradiation in GeAl thin multilayer films

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    Structures induced in GeAl thin multilayer films by laser irradiation are studied. We compute their multifractal spectra from digitized transmission-electron micrographs. The results show that the patterns, which arise from a diffusion process followed by rapid solidification, are fractal, and that they cannot be described by a unique scaling exponent. © 1992 The American Physical Society.This work was partially supported by the Comision Interrninisterial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICyT) of Spain under Project Nos. MAT88-0437 and MAT90-0544.Peer Reviewe

    Multifractal patterns formed by laser irradiation in GeAl thin multilayer films

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    Structures induced in GeA1 thin multilayer films by laser irradiation are studied. We compute their multifractal spectra from digitized transmission-electron micrographs. The results show that the patterns, which arise from a diH'usion process followed by rapid solidification, are fractal, and that they cannot be described by a unique scaling exponentThis work was partially supported by the Comision Interrninisterial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICyT) of Spain under Project Nos. MAT88-0437 and MAT90-0544.Publicad

    Laser ablation of ceramic Al2O3 at 193 nm and 248 nm: The importance of single-photon ionization processes

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    9 págs.; 8 figs.The aim of this work is to demonstrate that single-photon photoionization processes make a significant difference in the expansion and temperature of the plasma produced by laser ablation of ceramic Al2O3 in vacuum as well as to show their consequences in the kinetic energy distribution of the species that eventually will impact on the film properties produced by pulsed laser deposition. This work compares results obtained by mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy on the composition and features of the plasma produced by laser ablation at 193 nm and 248 nm, i.e., photon energies that are, respectively, above and below the ionization potential of Al, and for fluences between threshold for visible plasma and up to ≈2 times higher. The results show that the ionic composition and excitation of the plasma as well as the ion kinetic energies are much higher at 193 nm than at 248 nm and, in the latter case, the population of excited ions is even negligible. The comparison of Maxwell-Boltzmann temperature, electron temperatures, and densities of the plasmas produced with the two laser wavelengths suggests that the expansion of the plasma produced at 248 nm is dominated by a single population. Instead, the one produced at 193 nm is consistent with the existence of two populations of cold and hot species, the latter associated to Al+ ions that travel at the forefront and produced by single photon ionization as well as Al neutrals and double ionized ions produced by electron-ion impact. The results also show that the most energetic Al neutrals in the plasma produced at the two studied wavelengths are in the ground state. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.This work has been partially supported by project IZK0Z2 of the Swiss National Science Foundation. R.P. acknowledges a grant from the JAE-doc program, co-funded by European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    Nanocrystal size dependence of the third-order nonlinear optical response of Cu:Al2O3 thin films

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    3 pages, 3 figures.Metal nanocomposite thin films formed by Cu nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous Al2O3 host have been synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. The mean nanocrystal diameter d was varied in the range 3.0 ± 0.6 to 6 ± 1 nm. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of the films were studied in the vicinity of the surface plasmon resonance and the size dependence of the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility of the metal nanocrystals has been determined. The observed dependence (1/d3) indicates that in the studied diameter interval, the nonlinear response is due to quantum confinement effects in which the major contribution is associated with electronic intraband transitions.This work has been partially supported by CICYT (Spain) under TIC 96-0467 project and by the EU under BRPR-CT98-0616 project. We acknowledge Dr. I. Vickridge (University of Paris VI et VII, France) for his assistance with RBS techniques.Peer reviewe

    Dynamics of laser induced metal nanoparticle and pattern formation

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    5 págs.; 4 figs.© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Discontinuous metal films are converted into either almost round, isolated, and randomly distributed nanoparticles (NPs) or fringed patterns of alternate non transformed film and NPs by exposure to single pulses (20 ns pulse duration and 193 nm wavelength) of homogeneous or modulated laser beam intensity. The dynamics of NPs and pattern formation is studied by measuring in real time the transmission and reflectivity of the sample upon homogeneous beam exposure and the intensity of the diffraction orders 0 and 1 in transmission configuration upon modulated beam exposure. The results show that laser irradiation induces melting of the metal either completely or at regions around intensity maxima sites for homogeneous and modulated beam exposure, respectively, within ≤10 ns. The aggregation and/or coalescence of the initially irregular metal nanostructures is triggered upon melting and continues after solidification (estimated to occur at ≤80 ns) for more than 1 μs. The present results demonstrate that real time transmission rather than reflectivity measurements is a valuable and easy-to-use tool for following the dynamics of NPs and pattern formation. They provide insights on the heat-driven processes occurring both in liquid and solid phases and allow controlling in-situ the process through the fluence. They also evidence that there is negligible lateral heat release in discontinuous films upon laser irradiation.R.J.P., T.K., and C.E.R., respectively, acknowledge the Grant No. JCI-2012_13034 from the Juan de la Cierva program, the support of DAAD, and CONACYT-Mexico postdoctoral fellowship No. 175641. The authors gratefully thank Professor P. Leiderer from University of Konstanz for his support and the Electron Microscopy Laboratory of CENIM for helping with the SEM observations.Peer Reviewe