41 research outputs found


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    West Sumatra is one of the regions in Indonesia are vulnerable to earthquakes. Disasters as events that come suddenly, would cause great emotional shock to the victim. For individuals who have a high resilience to face the conditions that must effectively. Minangkabau society with the culture, the society has been formed endurance. But apparently not everyone has the fortitude question, because there is also a post-disaster trauma. Sign of trauma, such as: feeling overshadowed by the earthquake, anxiety, and physical discomfort (psychosomatic), and another sign that cause individuals experiencing everyday life are disrupted (KES-T). In such circumstances one needs help from others (experts) to be treated "traumatic counseling". Many techniques can be used counselors such as desensitization, spiritual emotional freedom technique (SEFT), games, and crisis intervention, and other techniques


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    Increasing the number of students is the hope of all educational institutions, because it is one measure of quality improvement organizations. It can even affect the accreditation of the majors, so that the various promotions must be performed. The consequences are an increasing number of students to be offset by an increase in services by the department, faculty and institute. It is the responsibility of the agency to improve the education and learning process. Implementation of the learning process by making use of learning technologies, through the development. Improved services that is performed by faculties and institutes concerned with academic and non academic services. Academically, through giving scholarships and training as well as complementary facilities and infrastructure. In non-academic, it is held various competitions and other students’ activities (such as scouts, student regiment, PMI, Islamic study groups, Mapala, theater, music and voice of campus). Other efforts are undertaken to assess and cooperate with the users about the performance of graduates in the field continuously. In particular majors Counseling Islam has collaborated with various institutions, namely: the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Ministry of Religious Affairs Level I and the city of Padang, Siti Rahmah Hospital, Yarsi Ibn Sina Hospital, Aisyiah Hospital, and Dr. M. Jamil Hospital and other related agencies. Need assessment gives an honest description about the management of an institutio

    ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR MAHASISWA DALAM KULIAH ONLINE (Studi pada Mahasiswa Bimbingan Konseling Islam UIN Imam Bonjol Padang)

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    ABSTRACTLearning difficulties is a condition in which a person cannot learn properly, because there are certain disorders. In the learning process students are often found to have difficulty in learning, which affects the learning outcomes achieved. Learning difficulties are caused by various factors, both internal and external factors. The purpose of this study is to find out in detail and comprehensively the difficulties of student learning in online lectures. The research method used is qualitative research. The data source is 60 students majoring in Islamic Counseling Guidance. Data collection is done through online media utilizing 2 (two) WhatsApp groups. The results obtained were that most students said that they did not understand what the lecturer explained, the limited learning resources (such as books that were not available), it was difficult to discuss with friends because many friends did not understand either, there was no practice for lectures that should have been practical, limited time given by lecturers to complete assignments, many disturbances both from the learning environment that is not conducive or other tasks given by parents. A small number of students said that they did not have an android mobile phone, so they borrowed a parents or olders handphone, and it was difficult to get internet access


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    Perkembangan akhlak juga dipengaruhi oleh media sosial. Media sosial memiliki fungsi berbagi pesan dengan banyak pengguna media sosial lainnya, baik berupa informasi, gambar dan video. Saat ini aplikasi yang sedang viral dan banyak digunakan oleh kaum mileneal adalah TikTok. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan seseorang untuk bertindak positif dan negatif (tidak etis) dalam pemanfaatannya, Teguh Wahyono( 2006:36). Penggunaan aplikasi secara tidak tepat dan negatif dapat merusak akhlak. Banyak diantara mahasiswa yang menjadikan aplikasi ini untuk pamer video mereka dengan berbagai gaya untuk dilihat oleh siapa saja yang menggunakan aplikasi ini. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deksriptif, Sugiyono (2014:85). Penetapan subjek penelitian dengan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu mahasiswa aktif FDIK semester IV dan VIII dan sudah bermain aplikasi TikTok lebih dari 1 tahun. Penelitian mengungkapkan, sebagian besar bentuk akhlak mahasiswa pengguna Aplikasi TikTok tergolong akhlakul mazmumah karena mereka dilalaikan oleh aplikasi ini, serta bertindak tidak etis dan elanggar syariat agama. Sebagian kecil termasuk kepada akhlakul karimah, yang menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk kegiatan positif bermanfaat baginya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa menggunakan aplikasi TikTok, yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan karena penggunaan aplikasi, dapat dilakukan layanan informasi dan penguasaan konten. Dengan menggunakan beberapa fungsi yaitu pemahaman, pencegahan, pengentasan, dan pemeliharaan serta pengembangan

    Pelaksanaan Home Visit dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Kemalasan Mengaji Anak-anak di Nagari Sungai Tunu Kecamatan Ranah Pesisir Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    Learning to recite the Al-Qur'an for children is an obligation. For some children, reciting the Al-Qur'an is a boring activity and difficult to understand. In Nagari Sungai Tunu, there are children who show laziness, such as going home early, and have been reading the Al-Qur'an for a long time without reading fluently. One of the programs carried out by TPQ for lazy children is home visit. In general, after a home visit is carried out, lazy children appear to start diligently studying the Al-Qur'an. Researchhers want to see in more detail and comprehensively the implementation of home visit carried out by Al-Qur'an teachers


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    Pendidikan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sistematis membimbing dan membentuk kepribadian melalui proses pendidikan dengan tahap-tahap yang berkesinambungan menurut ukuran-ukuran yang disepakati secara normative. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan atau literatur review. Pencarian literatur nasional dan internasional dialkukan dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dari database Google Scholar, Peraturan peraturan di Indonesia, serta buku-buku . Dalam proses mencari literature yang sesuai dengan pembahasan, peneliti menggunakan kata kunci “Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling”, dan pelaksanaan Konseling Bagi Anak Usia Sekolah SD/MI” Memahami karakteristik anak-anak merupakan suatu keharusan bagi guru dan orang tua untuk bisa mendidik dan membimbing anak kearah yang lebih baik. Bagi guru harus dapat menerapkan metode pengajaran yang sesuai dengan keadaan siswanya maka sangatlah penting bagi seorang pendidik mengetahui karakteristik siswanya. Selain karakteristik yang perlu diperhatikan kebutuhan peserta didik..Bimbingan konseling di SD diperlukan untuk membantu siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah dan mengembangkan potensinya. Selain itu guru bimbingan dan konseling juga  akan membantu guru kelas dalam memberikan bimbingan dan pelayanan bagi siswa sekolah dasar agar layanan bimbingan dan konseling lebih maksimal lagi. Anak usia sekolah dasar memerlukan perhatian khusus agar siswa dapat mencapai prestasi belajar dan segenap potensi yang dimiliki siswa dapat ber-kembang secara optimal tanpa mengalami hambatan dan permasalahan yang cukup berarti


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    Globalization and free trade specifically in ASEAN countries clearly have impacts and changes in all aspects of life. One of the aspects of life is education. School is not only consist of Indonesian people, but also children from other countries because their parents study or work in Indonesia. Such conditions require a proper school for all children. The provision of infrastructure, educators and education personnel take effect in answering the challenge of such change. In the aspect of infrastructure needs to increase the number and the quality. Educators and education personnel must  adjust to these changes. Educators at least are able to master the international language, minimal English. Child-friendly school is a school that provides comfort and happiness to all students, so that they develop optimally in accordance with the potential they have. The discussion in this paper comparatively sees the profiles of child-friendly school in Indonesia and ASEAN countries. It is expected the well defined of child-friendly schools in a regional perspective. The next thing will be analyzed is the association with the role of counseling in schools, as the process of giving the assistance so that learners become successful on academic, social relationships and career preparation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: tingkat sikap dan hasil belajar serta kuatu atau tidaknya hubungan keduanya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMPN Kota Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengsn bentuk penelitian korelasional. Subjek penelitian adalah 176 peserta didik kelas VII dan VIII SMPN Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian analisis dari sikap peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa sikap peserta didik sangat positif sebanyak 33 orang atau sebesar 19%, pada kategori positif sebanyak 80 orang atau 45,45%, pada kategori kurang positif sebanyak 25 orang atau sebesar 15%, pada kategori negatif sebanyak 38 orang atau sebesar 22%. Hasil analisis data membuktikan bahwa hasil belajar adalah 77,13 berada pada kategori tinggi. Namun angka tersebut belum maksimal, sehingga mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Dari hasil korelasi Pearson Product Moment terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan antara sikap dengan hasil belajar dan koefisien korelasinya adalah 0,210. Dengan penelitian ini didapatkan informasi tentang hubungan sikap peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan hasil belajar di SMPN Kota Padang.Kata Kunci : Sikap, Hasil Belaja