14 research outputs found

    It takes two to tango: how large the effects of job factors on wife’s work-family conflict?

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    Introduction Married couples often do influence each other’s emotions and behaviors. The effect of this interpersonal marriage relationship on emotional job demands and job performance toward work-family conflict (WFC) is still under research. This article aims to determine the effects of married couple’s job factors (emotional job demands and job performance) on wife’s WFC. Methods A total of 120 dyads in private sectors were recruited via private invitations to social gatherings. Packets of self-administered questionnaires were given included emotional domain of Demand-Induced Strain Compensation, Spielberger Trait Anger Scale, work-family conflict and job performance measures. Dyadic analysis using Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was used. Results The emotional demand of wife significantly contribute higher effect (ES= 0.34 (95%CI: 0.23, 0.45); p<0.001) compared to emotional job demand of husband on wife’s WFC (ES= 0.14 (95%CI: 0.03, 0.25); p=0.011). The job performance of wife significantly contribute higher effect (ES= 0.29 (95%CI: 0.17, 0.40); p<0.001) compared to job performance of husband on the wife’s WFC (ES= 0.17 (95%CI: 0.06, 0.29); p=0.003). Both wife and husband influenced each other pertaining to emotional job demands (r=0.35, 95%CI: 0.22, 0.48) and job performance (r=0.51, 95%CI: 0.38, 0.64) on the wife’s WFC. Overall, the APIM model explains of 22.9% and 25.1% of the total of non-independence of emotional job demands and job performance toward WFC, respectively. Conclusions Wife’s WFC was influenced by both herself and her partner’s emotional job demands and performance. All resources should be channeled to working wives to prevent any health and job outcomes resulted from the work-family conflict

    The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on caregivers of family members with mental health issues : the untold story

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    COVID-19 was officially declared as a global pandemic in March 2020, confirming the disease’s threat to human health and well-being. Since then, the world is dealing not only with the infections, but also with the negative effects on mental health. Countries have closed their borders in the war against the pandemic, travel between and within the country has been restricted, and life has come to a halt in many parts of the world. The government-imposed limitations in all pandemic-affected nations, including Malaysia, have had an indirect and harmful impact towards the caregivers of family members with depression. This has been the subject of several studies by the researchers. However, there was paucity of information regarding this issue in the Malaysian context. Hence, this article aims to explore the challenges faced by the caregivers before the pandemic, psychological impacts of COVID-19 towards the community and caregivers of family members with mental health issues, as well as the needs to help the latter during the pandemic. To the researcher’s knowledge, no such study has been performed in the Malaysian context. Thus, more research on this topic is required in the future. This kind of research gives light to the untold story from the caregiver’s point of view. Recommendations for future research and implications for social work practice are discussed

    Time Efficiency on Computational Performance of PCA, FA and TSVD on Ransomware Detection

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    Ransomware is able to attack and take over access of the targeted user'scomputer. Then the hackers demand a ransom to restore the user's accessrights. Ransomware detection process especially in big data has problems interm of computational processing time or detection speed. Thus, it requires adimensionality reduction method for computational process efficiency. Thisresearch work investigates the efficiency of three dimensionality reductionmethods, i.e.: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) andTruncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD). Experimental results onCICAndMal2017 dataset show that PCA is the fastest and most significantmethod in the computational process with average detection time of 34.33s.Furthermore, result of accuracy, precision and recall also show that the PCAis superior compared to FA and TSVD

    Ransomware detection based on opcode behaviour using k-nearest neighbours algorithm

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    Ransomware is a malware that represents a serious threat to a user’s information privacy. By investigating how ransomware works, we may be able to recognise its atomic behaviour. In return, we will be able to detect the ransomware at an earlier stage with better accuracy. In this paper, we propose Control Flow Graph (CFG) as an extracting opcode behaviour technique, combined with 4-gram (sequence of 4 “words”) to extract opcode sequence to be incorporated into Trojan Ransomware detection method using K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) algorithm. The opcode CFG 4-gram can fully represent the detailed behavioural characteristics of Trojan Ran-somware. The proposed ransomware detection method considers the closest distance to a previously identified ransomware pattern. Experimental results show that the proposed technique using K-NN, obtains the best accuracy of 98.86% for 1-gram opcode and using 1-NN classifier

    Performance of Different Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) Structures for Optical Modulator

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    An optical modulator is a device that electrically controls the output phase and the output amplitude of the optical signal. This paper analyzes the performance of different structures of the MZI as an optical modulator. This project compares the performance of Y-coupler and MMI coupler as Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) modulator on the SiliconOn-Insulator (SOI). This project used OptiBPM software and OptiSys for designing the structures and performance analysis. The performance has been analyzed based on the insertion loss, extinction ratio, phase shift and modulation efficiency. MMIcoupler design shows better performance with reduced insertion loss and better modulation efficiency of 2.53% and 17% respectively than that of the Y-coupler. Furthermore, the extinction ratio and phase shift of MMI coupler show an increment about 8.35% and 7.96% respectively when analyzed as the optical modulator. Therefore, the MMI coupler as MZI modulator exhibits better performance than the Y-coupler

    Time efficiency on computational performance of PCA, FA and TSVD on ransomware detection

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    Ransomware is able to attack and take over access of the targeted user's computer. Then the hackers demand a ransom to restore the user's access rights. Ransomware detection process especially in big data has problems in term of computational processing time or detection speed. Thus, it requires a dimensionality reduction method for computational process efficiency. This research work investigates the efficiency of three dimensionality reduction methods, i.e.: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD). Experimental results on CICAndMal2017 dataset show that PCA is the fastest and most significant method in the computational process with average detection time of 34.33s. Furthermore, result of accuracy, precision and recall also show that the PCA is superior compared to FA and TSVD

    Transnational Marriage in Malaysia: Case Study and a Critical Review Based on Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Narrative Analysis of Topical Stories

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    This chapter examines child citizenship in transnational marriages involving Malaysian women and foreign spouses. The discussion is based on the critical reviews of the Malaysian laws in regard to transnational marriages and its adherence to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). In Malaysia, most marriages are endogamous (within the same ethnic group), but mixed marriages between diverse backgrounds are on the rise. The federal constitution shows differing citizenship provisions for children of transnational marriages based on the gender of the Malaysian spouse, indicating potential gender inequality in the legislation. Therefore, this chapter discusses the importance of addressing transnational marriage issues in line with the ratified CEDAW, which Malaysia adopted in August 1995. The review focuses on Malaysian mothers with non-Malaysian citizen children and identifies five themes from the data: divorce-related emotional distress, lack of awareness of child citizenship status, unresponsiveness from authorities, prioritizing child welfare, and uncertainty about the future. Gender inequality in legislative provisions impacting mothers and children with different nationalities is highlighted. The review urges the government to take decisive action to comply with the convention and ensure justice for affected mothers and their children

    Analyze Of Process Parameter Variance In 19nm Wsi2/Tio2 NMOS Device Using 2k-Factorial Design

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    This project investigates and analyzes the impact of process parameter variance on the drive current (ION) and leakage current (IOFF) for 19nm WSi2/TiO2 NMOS device using 2k-factorial design. The four process parameter, namely halo implant dose, halo implant energy, source/drain (S/D) implant dose and S/D implant energy will be investigated and adjusted to improve the results. The simulated of the device was performed by using ATHENA module. Meanwhile the electrical characterization of the device was implemented by using ATLAS module. These two modules will be combined with 2kfactorial to aid design and optimize the process parameters. The most effective process parameter with respect ION and IOFF were chosen depending on the percentage of the factor effect on S/N ratio that indicates the relative power of factor to reduce variation. The most dominant or significant factors in S/N Ratio are pocket halo implant dose and S/D implant energy. Meanwhile, the values of ION and IOFF values for 19nm WSi2/SiO2 NMOS device after optimization approaches are 591.38 µA/µm and 2.217 pA/µm respectively. The results obtained are meet the requirement of International Technology Roadmap Semiconductor (ITRS) 2013 prediction

    Rasio Likuiditas dalam Menaksir Kapasitas Financial pada PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur

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    The purpose of this research is to gain knowledge about the company's financial capabilities related to PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk by utilizing a financial ratio measurement tool and referring to the type of liquidity ratio for 2019 to 2020. The results of this study cannot be separated from the research technique itself, observers use historical data from the company's annual financial statements. The shape of this research is descriptive quantitative research, which refers to the direct processing by observers of the annual financial report data obtained from PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk for the period 2019 to 2020. The results of the study illustrate that by using a liquidity ratio measuring instrument, PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk, with reference to the Current Ratio and Quick ratio, describes the financial condition in a very good and good condition. Meanwhile, for the company's cash ratio, it describes the company's poor condition in paying off its short-term debt by using the company's cash funds

    Exploring the Lived Experience on Recovery from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) among Women Survivors and Five CHIME Concepts: A Qualitative Study

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    Objective: Depression is estimated to be the leading cause of disease by 2030 and is already the leading cause in women worldwide. In Malaysia, nearly 2.3 million people have experienced depression at least once. Yet, this problem has not been thoroughly investigated and addressed. Thus, a study exploring the lived experience of the survivors needs to be carried out. With most Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients being women compared to men, this study focused on women MDD survivors to understand their journey to recovery. Survivors or also called ‘People with Lived Experience’ (PWLE) have a range of first-hand experiences with treatment and recovery, making them an expert by experience. Method: A qualitative study was conducted using purposive sampling of four women survivors. This method was able to explore the experience of informants rigorously as it gave flexibility and encouraged discussion between researchers and informants. The data from in-depth interviews conducted were then analyzed using thematic analysis, focusing on the key concepts of CHIME conceptual framework of recovery. Results: This study found four major themes with fifteen subordinate themes: survivor’s efforts, challenges, social support, and hopes. The findings of this study were then integrated with CHIME framework, also known as the guiding philosophy of recovery for mental illness patients. Conclusion: These findings contributed to a better understanding of the recovery process and supports needed for MDD patients to recover. In addition, this study also gives hopes that MDD patients can recover, therefore breaking the social stigma still prevalent in the community. Based on these first-hand experiences shared by the survivors, it is hoped that the present interventions conducted by related organizations and caregivers can yield improvements so that the current patients who are still struggling with MDD can recover faster holistically. Limitations and implications for future research have also been discussed