541 research outputs found

    Present Limits on the Precision of SM Predictions for Jet Energies

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    We investigate the impact of theoretical uncertainties on the accuracy of measurements involving hadronic jets. The analysis is performed using events with a Z boson and a single jet observed in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV in 4.6 fb1\mathrm{fb^{-1}} of data from the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). The transverse momenta (\pt) of the jet and the boson should balance each other due to momentum conservation in the plane transverse to the direction of the pp and pˉ\bar{p} beams. We evaluate the dependence of the measured \pt-balance on theoretical uncertainties associated with initial and final state radiation, choice of renormalization and factorization scales, parton distribution functions, jet-parton matching, calculations of matrix elements, and parton showering. We find that the uncertainty caused by parton showering at large angles is the largest amongst the listed uncertainties. The proposed method can be re-applied at the LHC experiments to investigate and evaluate the uncertainties on the predicted jet energies. The distributions produced at the CDF environment are intended for comparison to those from modern event generators and new tunes of parton showering.Comment: Submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Electroweak and finite width corrections to top quark decays into transverse and longitudinal W W -bosons

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    We calculate the electroweak and finite width corrections to the decay of an unpolarized top quark into a bottom quark and a W W -gauge boson where the helicities of the W W are specified as longitudinal, transverse-plus and transverse-minus. Together with the O(αs) O(\alpha_s) corrections these corrections may become relevant for the determination of the mass of the top quark through angular decay measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 7 postscript figures adde

    NRQCD Analysis of Bottomonium Production at the Tevatron

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    Recent data from the CDF collaboration on the production of spin-triplet bottomonium states at the Tevatron p \bar p collider are analyzed within the NRQCD factorization formalism. The color-singlet matrix elements are determined from electromagnetic decays and from potential models. The color-octet matrix elements are determined by fitting the CDF data on the cross sections for Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) at large p_T and the fractions of Upsilon(1S) coming from chi_b(1P) and chi_b(2P). We use the resulting matrix elements to predict the cross sections at the Tevatron for the spin-singlet states eta_b(nS) and h_b(nP). We argue that eta_b(1S) should be observable in Run II through the decay eta_b -> J/psi + J/psi.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    On the mechanisms of heavy-quarkonium hadroproduction

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    We discuss the various mechanisms potentially at work in hadroproduction of heavy quarkonia in the light of computations of higher-order QCD corrections both in the Colour-Singlet (CS) and Colour-Octet (CO) channels and the inclusion of the contribution arising from the s-channel cut in the CS channel. We also discuss new observables meant to better discriminate between these different mechanisms.Comment: Invited review talk at 3rd International Conference On Hard And Electromagnetic Probes Of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HP2008), 8-14 June 2008, Illa da Toxa, Galicia, Spain. 11 pages, 21 figures, LaTeX, uses svjour.cls and svepj.clo (included

    Hard diffractive quarkonium hadroproduction at high energies

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    We present a study of heavy quarkonium production in hard diffractive process by the Pomeron exchange for Tevatron and LHC energies. The numerical results are computed using recent experimental determination of the diffractive parton density functions in Pomeron and are corrected by unitarity corrections through gap survival probability factor. We give predictions for single as well as central diffractive ratios. These processes are sensitive to the gluon content of the Pomeron at small Bjorken-x and may be particularly useful in studying the small-x physics. They may also be a good place to test the different available mechanisms for quarkonium production at hadron colliders.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Final version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Associated production of light gravitinos in e^+e^- and e^-\gamma collisions

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    Light gravitino productions in association with a neutralino (selectron) in e^+e^- (e^-\gamma) collisions are restudied in a scenario that the lightest supersymmetric particle is a gravitino and the produced neutralino (selectron) promptly decays into a photon (electron) and a gravitino. We explicitly give the helicity amplitudes for the production processes by using the effective goldstino interaction Lagrangian, and present the cross sections with different collision energies and mass spectra. We also examine selection efficiencies by kinematical cuts and beam polarizations for the signal and background processes, and show that the energy and angular distributions of the photon (electron) can explore the mass of the t-channel exchange particle as well as the mass of the decaying particle at a future e^+e^- (e^-\gamma) collider.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; references added, version to appear in EPJ

    HELAS and MadGraph with goldstinos

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    Fortran subroutines to calculate helicity amplitudes with goldstinos, which appear as the longitudinal modes of massive gravitinos in high energy processes, are added to the HELAS (HELicity Amplitude Subroutines) library. They are coded in such a way that arbitrary amplitudes with external goldstinos can be generated automatically by MadGraph, after slight modifications. All the codes have been tested carefully by making use of the goldstino equivalence theorem and the gauge invariance of the helicity amplitudes. Hadronic total cross sections for associated gravitino productions with a gluino and a squark are also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; a footnote and a reference added, version to appear in EPJ

    Matching NLO parton shower matrix element with exact phase space: case of W -> l nu (gamma) and gamma^* -> pi^+pi^-(gamma)

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    The PHOTOS Monte Carlo is often used for simulation of QED effects in decay of intermediate particles and resonances. Momenta are generated in such a way that samples of events cover the whole bremsstrahlung phase space. With the help of selection cuts, experimental acceptance can be then taken into account. The program is based on an exact multiphoton phase space. Crude matrix element is obtained by iteration of a universal multidimensional kernel. It ensures exact distribution in the soft photon region. Algorithm is compatible with exclusive exponentiation. To evaluate the program's precision, it is necessary to control the kernel with the help of perturbative results. If available, kernel is constructed from the exact first order matrix element. This ensures that all terms necessary for non-leading logarithms are taken into account. In the present paper we will focus on the W -> l nu and gamma^* -> pi^+ pi^- decays. The Born level cross sections for both processes approach zero in some points of the phase space. A process dependent compensating weight is constructed to incorporate the exact matrix element, but is recommended for use in tests only. In the hard photon region, where scalar QED is not expected to be reliable, the compensating weight for gamma^* decay can be large. With respect to the total rate, the effect remains at the permille level. It is nonetheless of interest. The terms leading to the effect are analogous to some terms appearing in QCD. The present paper can be understood either as a contribution to discussion on how to match two collinear emission chains resulting from charged sources in a way compatible with the exact and complete phase space, exclusive exponentiation and the first order matrix element of QED (scalar QED), or as the practical study of predictions for accelerator experiments.Comment: 24 page

    Bulk matter physics and its future at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Measurements at low transverse momentum will be performed at the LHC for studying particle production mechanisms in pppp and heavy-ion collisions. Some of the experimental capabilities for bulk matter physics are presented, focusing on tracking elements and particle identification. In order to anticipate the study of baryon production for both colliding systems at multi-TeV energies, measurements for identified species and recent model extrapolations are discussed. Several mechanisms are expected to compete for hadro-production in the low momentum region. For this reason, experimental observables that could be used for investigating multi-parton interactions and help understanding the "underlying event" content in the first pppp collisions at the LHC are also mentioned.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of Hot Quarks 2008, Estes Park, Colorado, 18-23 August 200

    Colour reconnections in Herwig++

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    We describe the implementation details of the colour reconnection model in the event generator Herwig++. We study the impact on final-state observables in detail and confirm the model idea from colour preconfinement on the basis of studies within the cluster hadronization model. Moreover, we show that the description of minimum bias and underlying event data at the LHC is improved with this model and present results of a tune to available data.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Matches with published versio