118 research outputs found


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    The attempt to question the legitimacy of President Abdurrahman Wahid has led to reemergence of the idea of having a direct election for the filling the President post, instead of having an indirect election, namely through the People\u27s Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or MPR). This article rejects the idea of engaging in a constitutional reform on a reactive for a short terms interest. If we are committed to have a direct election for recruiting president, we have to do it thoroughly and comprehensively based on a well-chosen design. For that purpose, this article outlines some mechanisms for direct election for the president. We have to decide which mechanism fit to Indonesian political life. More whichever mechanism we choose it has to fit with the idea of establishing check and balances. Kata-kata kunci: pemilihan presiden, sistem presidensial murmmekanisme checks and balance

    Pengajaran pendidikan moral Pancasila di Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas (SMTA): Suatu Studi Tentang Fungsi Sosialisasi Politik = Teaching of Education on Moral Pancasila at Senior High Schools: A Study on the Function of

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    The leaching of Education Moral Pancasila is given to students. The decision of teaching material is conformed with the government\u27s goal_ It shows that political socialization material has a relationship with the government\u27s goal - legitimacy and nation building of government. Teaching material here means the amount of value, norm, altitude and symbol which are given to students through the teaching of Education Moral Pancasila. This research analyzes the teaching material of education moral Pancasila from the first, second and third volumes of the third edition published in 1985, that was grouped in accord with the order of Pancasila\u27s codes and the group of the supernatural power of Pancasila and the New Order which are out of Pancasila codes. The group of the material is analyzed to find the value, norm, attitude and symbol which are socialized on each group. This research examines the message or value that is given to the students. From those values that are socialized on each group, this analysis is based on the literature and related to the reality in the life of Indonesian government at present time - the material\u27s value is directed to the legitimacy of government or directed to the nation building importance or to the both of them. At last this research tries to conclude that the moral teaching materials can be used effectively to support the political socialization in Indonesia, especially in Primary and political socialization can be used to support the legitimacy of the Indonesian Government. Key words: political socialization -- curriculum -- legitimacy -- nation buildin

    Menampung partisipasi politik rakyat

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    Kata Kunci.: partisipasipolitik rakya

    Pemilihan Presiden Dan Penciptaan Mekanisme 'Checks and Balances': Menuju Penciptaan Sistem Presidensial Murni

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    The attempt to question the legitimacy of President Abdurrahman Wahid has led to reemergence of the idea of having a direct election for the filling the President post, instead of having an indirect election, namely through the People's Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or MPR). This article rejects the idea of engaging in a constitutional reform on a reactive for a short terms interest. If we are committed to have a direct election for recruiting president, we have to do it thoroughly and comprehensively based on a well-chosen design. For that purpose, this article outlines some mechanisms for direct election for the president. We have to decide which mechanism fit to Indonesian political life. More whichever mechanism we choose it has to fit with the idea of establishing check and balances

    Pola rekruitmen elit anggota DPRD Tingkat II Bandar Lampung pada masa pemilu 1987-1992 = The Elite Recruitment Pattern of Members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung for The 1987-1992 General Election

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    Political and representation issues in a country following the democratic line are always an interesting subject for political observers. Political party and its all attached function characteristics, should be not separated from party system, even from its surrounding political system. In terms of politics in Indonesia as well as political representation, political party function may be actually and explicitly indicated by to what extent of party\u27s thought contribution manifested through the house of representatives at local level. Based on such a perspective, this study focused on the recruitment function of political party and was limited to local level by selecting DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung as a study object. By finding out the political life in Bandar Lampung, especially, DPC-PDI and its back- ground, this thesis was to identify a recruitment pattern members of DPRD U Bandar Larnpung. Recruitment mechanism followed by DPCPDI Bandar Lampung was more determined by leaders of DPC-PDI, particularly, its chairman and secretary. Nomination mechanism applied, verbally showed a democratic pattern, beginning from the lower level involving subdistrict commissioners. However, when looking further it was just a formality in order to appear the presence of democracy in DPC-PDI. In fact, the largest authority was held by chairman and secretary Therefore, it was uncommon, that the recruitment mechanism in DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung indicated a collegial pattern. By using three approaches integrally including recruitment, party, and political systems as an analytic device, this study was to identify the established pattern in recruitment mechanism. It was to be an expectation that there would be an explanation about recruitment mechanism of members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung from PDI fraction. Key words : Political System - DPC-PDI - Elite Recruit- merit Pattern

    Islam dan negara dalam politik orde baru (1966-1994) = Islam and State in The New Order Politics (1966-1994)

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    The relationship of Islam and the State in a country where majority of the people are Moslem is frequently marked by uneasy feeling. In Indonesia, such phenomena is also encountered. It is this topic which this study focuses on, restricting to the era of New Order (1966-1994). The study has the objective of elucidating the changes which had taken place in the relationship of Islam and the State during the era of New Order (1966-1994) from antagonistic (1967-1981) to reciprocally critical (19824985) and finally accomodative (1985-1994). The relationship of Islam and the State was analyzed based on perspective theory of State and Civil Society. Structural approach was used. The study was descriptive and evaluative. Aggregat data and docu- mentary data were collected through literature study.Hence, analytical method was adopted in this study was qualitative. The results revealed that: First, the relationship of Islam and the State during the era of New Order was influenced by suppressor variable is New Order political model and Islamic general features of the Indonesian. Secondly, from that very fact, the accomodative relationship of Islam and the State is bidirectional. In one way the State accomociates the needs of Islam. In another way Islam provides supports to the State. Thirdly, the changes in relationship Islam and the Sfate coincides with the change of State perception to becoming positive to Islam, and vice versa. Fourthly, the State perception to Islam was changed since (1) Trauma of Islamic rebellion in the past has faded. (2) There was a better understanding, appreciation, and-perception among member of elite society in the State itself towards Islamic society. It is due to involvement of figures known to have strong background of Islam in the government, a phenomenon known as "Santrisasi Priya.", and due tobetter understanding andperception from the elite society in the government towards Islam, particularly from the president himself, a phenomenon known as "Santrisasi Priyayi"and (3) Potential of Islamic Society as majority of Indonesian people in supporting National Development Program, system legitimacy and powerful vote it promises in any general election. The change of Islamic society towards the government if affected by (1) The Islamic groups is diversity, (2) Modernization of Islamic education, and (3) New frame of reference towards Islamic norms and dogmas, as well as perception towards sociopolitical reality of the New Order. Keywords: Islam - State - Civil Society - New Order Politic

    Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII) Dalam Dinamika Hubungan Islam Dan Negara. Indonesian Moeslem Students Assciation in The Dynamic ZRelationship between Islam and New Order State.

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    ABSTRACTPH is known as a critical and non-conformist Moslem organization. They always criticize New Order\u27s policies especially about Islam and youth. It becomes an illegal organization, then. As illegal organizations they can still run their activities of regeneration. So, they still exist. Like between Islam and State, there is also a dynamic relationship between PII and State. In 1985, PII refused to comply with state\u27s regulation about sole principle, while in 1995 they decided to register their organization to the Department of Home Affairs.This thesis discusses about the why of refusal and acceptance of PII to the act number 8, 1985, especially about sole principle, why there is a change, and can it be explained continuously or not. This is a qualitative research, which tries to understand and interpret the phenomena as it means itself.The concept of modernization and state and civil society is the theoretical guidance in discussion. In this perspective, PII is an Islamic movement, which tries to modernize Islamic community. To modernize here means to be modern (concern with Islamic resurgence) and to refuse the destructive impact of it. PH as a movement is also an effort to realize the ideal community as stated in Islamic scriptures. This movement is run in a nation state named Indonesia (New Order) which run modernization led by state itself, while the state has a very hegemonic relationship to the society.This study concludes that as an illegal organization, PH is still in the orbit of influence of New Order State, especially about the dynamic relationship which is developed. This is like all other organizations. Islamic movement is still a reaction to the action or policies of the state. The interpretation of all aspects or values that is struggled or fought by organization is really depending on which relationship developed by the state. Keywords: Islam State -- Sole âPrinciple -- civil-societ


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    Firm value is one of the benchmarks for investors before investing. Factors such as company size and capital structure can influence firm value. This study aims to determine the effect of company size using total assets and total sales on firm value with capital structure as an intervening variable in LQ45 companies in Indonesia for the 2016-2020 period. This quantitative research used the path analysis method for data analysis is Smart PLS version 3. The samples in this study were 43 companies registered in LQ45 for 2016-2020. The results show that firm size using total assets has a negative effect on firm value, and firm size using total sales was proven to have a positive effect on firm value. Firm size using total assets is proven to have a negative effect on capital structure, and firm size using total sales proved to have no effect on capital structure. Capital structure has a negative effect on firm value, while capital structure does not mediate the effect of firm size by using total assets and total sales on firm value


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    This study concerns with parties and party system in Indonesia, especially after the New Order in power since 1968. The main question raises in this study is about the dynamics of parties under the New Orkr Government, how political parties, especially the non-government parties-, were able to survive considering the nature of political system under the New Order.- In attempting to answer the above question the study conducted an historical analysis by employing documentary data, especially on parties and government publication. This study is qualitative one since it does not attempt to apply and convert variables from indicator to score or values._ From the analysis we can find that under the New Order Government the hegemonic party system was estabilished in doing so the government had applied several policy measures such as creating repressive apparatus, implementation of the floating mass system, depolitization of the masses, and the conduct of general election in such a way so that the government party of Golongan Karya (Golkar) had been able to prevail with such an absolute majority and finally the emasculation of political parties.The present party system will be able to exist as long as the political community and the government do not have strong commitment toward a better democracy in Indonesia. Key Words: Political Parties â Party System â General Election â New Orde

    The effectiveness of think pair share technique (TPST) in teaching writing hortatory exposition text

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