15 research outputs found

    Dynamic Capabilities and Internet of Things as Predictors of Supply Chain Performance in Thailand: Mediating Role of Operational Agility

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    Manufacturing sector is largely relying on its supply chain performance to bring efficiency in production in terms of cost and time. Internet of Things (IOT) and Dynamic Data and Information Processing Capabilities (DDIPCs) are found as strong predictors of organizational agility which can probably play part in supply chain performance. Use of IOT and DDIPCs basically enhance flexibility in organizational operations resulting in their smooth functioning. So, this study has tried to analyze the impact of use of IOT and DDIPCs on supply chain performance of manufacturing sector in Thailand in mediating role of organizational agility. Around 67 organizations have been used as sampling frame as data has been collected from their employees through questionnaire-based survey which was subsequently analyzed through SPSS and AMOS by applying tests of CFA and SEM. Hypotheses testing has concluded that both use of IOT and DDIPCs significantly increase supply chain performance through direct and indirect paths. Organizational agility has been also found as significant mediator in respective relationship. Originality in this study lies in association between use of IOT and DDIPCs with supply chain performance which was not tested before. This study has its implications and future research indications too

    Robotic Process Innovation as Mediator between Technical Traits and Lean Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical study in Thailand

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    Thailand is not just thriving due to its tourism but the country’s manufacturing sector is also leaning towards robotic process innovation. Such innovation is strengthening due to technological advancements and resulting in enhanced firms’ productivity. This idea of bringing robotic process innovation is action can be really helpful for lean processes in organizations. This study has aimed to check the role of direct and indirect usefulness of technological traits on lean supply chain performance in mediating role of robotic process innovation. Study has taken only those Thailand’s manufacturing organization in sample who have already included robotic processes in their production system and their employees have surveyed through questionnaire. CFA and SEM were used to analyze model fitness and hypotheses. Results have enlightened that Both direct and indirect usefulness have significant impact on lean supply chain performance and also flagged significant mediating role of robotic process innovation in same relationships. Novelty in this study has come due to including a unique outcome lean supply chain performance as an output of robotic process innovation and technical traits. This study has its implications for not only for manufacturing but service sectors too to adopt such robotic practices to improve their performance levels

    Product Modularity, Mass customization Supply Chain Quality Integration and The Competitive Performance of Textile and Appraisal Sector of Indonesia: The Role of Open Book Accounting

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    The main purpose of the current study is to investigate the impact of product modularity, Mass customization, and supply chain integration on the competitive performance of the textile and appraisal sector of Indonesia. In addition to that the study has also examined the moderating role of open book accounting in the relationship between product modularity and competitive performance and in the relationship between supply chain quality integration and competitive performance. The hypotheses have been developed using the existing theories and the objectives have been set for the study. The data was collected using survey method. Quantitative research approach was used to gather information from a sizeable population. A resourceful finding related to product modularity, supply chain quality management, and mass customization has been added to the existing literature. The previous empirical studies focused on the development of mass customization capability and no study has paid any attention on the role of open book accounting in the supply chain management. The research offers several guidelines for the managers to implement supply chain integration. It has been suggested that the managers should apply organizational and manufacturing design practices, which enhance the capability of mass customization for managing internal and external issues related to supply chain

    Embedding Supply Chain Agility in Relationship between Energy Management Practices and Renewable Energy Supply Chain: An Empirical Investigation

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    In present economy, energy management practices is one the important source for reducing the energy consumptions in industrial sector and creating sustainability in organizations by producing renewable energy supply chain. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the relationship among energy management practices such as management commitment, energy awareness, energy knowledge, energy audit with renewable energy supply chain. It further investigates the supply chain agility as mediator. The nature of the current study is descriptive and quantitative. The data for present study is collected from manufacturing companies in Thailand by using self-administered questionnaire. 300 questionnaires are distributed in manufacturing companies by using simple random sampling technique. The smart PLS has been used for data analysis. The finding of the study shows that all the hypotheses are accepted and shows the positive and significant results. The findings reveal that the energy management practices such as management commitment, energy awareness, energy knowledge, energy audit have significant influence on renewable energy supply chain and supply chain agility significantly mediates the relationship. Further discussion and limitation of the study is also discussed at the end of the study

    The mediating role of green creativity in the relationship between proactive green innovation, reactive green innovation and the performance of Green product development: A case of Thai sports manufacturing firms

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    The study is carried out to examine the mediating role of green creativity in the relationship between proactive green innovation, reactive green innovation and the performance of Green product development. The study has used the survey-based methodology to achieve the research objectives. The SEM-Pls is used to analyse the data collected from the manufacturing firms in the Thai Sports industry. For the cumulative green activity Some managerial mediations like reimbursement plans, brainstorming competitions and team building are might be good options. Thirdly between the green product development performance and PGI there is an important role of green creativity, as in organizations increment in green creativity also matters a lot. The benefit of green innovations is comprising with lost cost to deal with pollution, the effectiveness and productivity will be high, accountability of law will be less developing the reputation of business and the stakeholder sad customers will provide additional support. For the future research author can use the longitudinal study and can make discussion about differences of the finding in different time period. Secondly the research can conduct a study on different countries and compare the finding with current study. For the future study in conceptual framework human resource practices can also be considered

    Collaborative Performance and Swift Trust in Tourism Industry of Thailand: Role of Big Data Analytics Capability and External Supply Chain Management

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    Building trust among different stakeholders of the business and collaborative performance are two most desired organizational outcomes. Such across the board relations largely based on big data exists about these relationships which help to sort out the conflicts. Through the very same big data, manufacturing industry can also look after its external supply chain management practices too. This study has checked the impact of Big Data Analytics Capability (BDAC) on swift trust and collaborative performance in Thailand’s manufacturing sector. Moreover, study has also analyzed the mediating role of external supply chain management in relationship between BDAC and swift trust and BDAC and collaborative performance. Data has been collected from managerial level employees of 39 manufacturing firms of Thailand equipped with big data capability. Questionnaire based data was then analyzed through SPSS and AMOS. BDAC was reflected as a significant predictor of swift trust and collaborative performance in results. Indirect role of external supply chain management was also flagged significant in results. This study is novel due to inclusion of external supply chain management as mediator and it will have its implications for manufacturing sector which can improve their collaborative performance through BDAC driven supply chain management

    The mediating impact of green self-efficacy and green mindfulness in the relationship between green shared vision and green creativity among the manufacturing firms in Thai sports Industry

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    The main objective of the current study is to examine the impact of green self-efficacy, green mindfulness and green shared vision on the green creativity among the manufacturing firms in Thai sports Industry. In addition to that, the mediating impact of green self-efficacy and green mindfulness in the relationship between green shared vision and green creativity among the manufacturing firms in Thai sports Industry is also examined. There is need to fill this research gap. It has been proposed in this study that there are three novel constructs including green mindfulness, green shared vision, and green self-efficacy. An integral framework has been developed to define the association among the variables and their implications. Companies, which lie in the environmentalism context, have to consider green creativity. The manufacturing firm’s Thai sports industry are chosen as a sample of the study and the SEM-PLS is used to analyse the data. The findings of the study have provided support to the proposed results. The findings revealed that the when companies aim at increasing their green creativity, it is required to increase their shared vision. When companies aim at improving green creativity, it is required to increase green mindfulness. It has been indicated by the results that a significant mediation effect is created by green mindfulness, which directly affects green creativity in a positive through green mindfulness. A novel concept has been developed in this study, which is green mindfulness, to explore the implications. The previous studies have analysed the issues of shared vision, but this has not been explored regarding environmental management

    The Supply Chain Improvement Planning and Supply Chain Performance: Does the Global Configuration of Supply Chain Matters in Thai Based International Firms?

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    The study, which is carried out on the Thai international firms, is investigating the impact of supply chain improvement planning on the supply chain performance. In addition to that, the study has examined the mediating role of the global configuration of the supply chain. The sample size in this study has been selected of 375, which is considered suitable and acceptable. The stratified random sampling design was used in the research. The population is divided into subgroups or strata from where random samples are drawn from each of the created strata in proportion to the entire population. The SEM-PLS has used to analyze the data. The findings of the study have shown agreement with the proposed hypothesis.  The findings of the study have revealed the fact that there is a need for the companies to focus on the investment areas and deal with the global SC configuration adopted by them. Along with the findings has broached that there is a variation of results from one group to another. Locals can achieve higher performance improvements through supplier development (i.e. quality and flexibility) and distribution strategy (i.e. lead-time, quality, and delivery). The study will b helpful for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in understanding the issues related to supply chain improvement planning, global configuration of supply chain and supply chain performance

    The Role of Formal and Informal Socialization in the Creation of a Supply Chain Rational Capital in the Food Industry of Thailand

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    The study is carried out to examine the interrelationship among the capital formation mechanism, formal socialization, informal socialization and the supply chain rational outcome. The study has used the social capital theory to conceptualize interrelationship among the capital formation mechanism, formal socialization, informal socialization and the supply chain rational outcome. The study has employed the SEM-PLS to answer the questions raised in the study. The outcomes obtained for this study have suggested that some context-specific mixture of informal and formal socialization mechanism is needed. The formal structure is needed to form the basis for establishing the mechanism of informal socialization, which could occur after a certain time period. For instance, a senior executive in a food company observed this situation while evaluating potential suppliers for a strategic alliance of a multiyear steel agreement. According to this study, relational capital also facilitates some particular operational metrics in relationship interactions. In addition, the relation capital concept can be used by suppliers and buyers to make relation-specific investments and establish knowledge-sharing relationships for obtaining relational rents. Furthermore, the relational capital must be recognized as a key constituent to foster and maintain relationship performance.  The study is among the pioneering studies on the issues and will be helpful for policymakers and researchers in understanding the issues related to capital formation mechanism, formal socialization, informal socialization and the supply chain rational outcomes in Thai food industry