22 research outputs found

    Consumer Perception of Visual Innovation in China Time-Honored Brands: A Conceptual Paper

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    China time-honored brands have been favored by consumers because of their unique cultural attributes. In the era of modern commerce, China has numerous time-honored brands. Yet, very few of them remain evergreen and thrive consistently over time. Therefore, it is very important to explore the innovative ways of China time-honored brands. After reviewed the research of China time-honored brands and existing literature on consumers' perception of brand visual innovation, this work obtained the function diagram of the visual innovation of brands perceived by consumers. This perception pertains to consumers' recognition of the visual imagery, craftsmanship, innovative services, and creativity of these brands, as well as the perception of whether there will be ongoing innovative activities and potential for innovation in the future. On this basis, combined with the characteristics of China time-honored brands, the theoretical model proposed in this paper can further develop the measurement of consumer perception of the visual innovation of China time-honored brands in the future, and carry out empirical research to provide theoretical support for the revitalization of China time-honored brands

    Social Commentary on Photographic Images

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    AbstractSocial commentary is an alternative method to convey messages to the public with the hope to change their perceptions and attitudes toward certain social issues of ethnical, political, moral and even religious. Various methods are used either in the form electronic medium or printed medium. One of the methods is photographic images which are used by photography artists to convey their messages in social commentary. In the advanced countries, social commentaries images have long been accepted by the public hence become one of the powerful medium of communications in triggering toward society to change. In some developing countries including Malaysia however, the acceptance among public on the usage of photographic images in social commentary is argued still not fully accepted and understood which posted by photography artists. It is therefore, the photography artworks which are produced by these artists are become only as an ordinary exhibited materials that do not carry any message or impact to the public. As a consequence, there is communication gap between the artists and the public in the form of delivering, acceptance and understanding some of the issues which need be addressed and highlighted. This paper therefore, focuses to investigate the social commentary photography artists and to what extend their messages in the artworks are being understood by the public. This study involves by interviewing some Malaysian photography artists to probe details purposes and intention of why they produce their photographic works to be delivered to public. The observation and questionnaire are also employed. Finally, it is hoped that this study would benefit various levels of people such as artists, public, personnel in government and public sectors to bring a great impact and awareness that photographic images is become one of the powerful medium in conveying and delivering various messages to public

    Development Educational Material Topeng Malang with the Augmented Reality for Supporting Character

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    Strengthening the quality of education, especially in the arts and culture, in Indonesia is very important. This can be achieved via the application of technology. Malang is a city that has a lot of traditional cultures, such as masks (Topeng), of which there are about 67 designs. It is a challenge in developing learning materials for Topeng Malang. The influence of the inclusion of modern styles is one of the factors stimulating the decline of Malang people’s insights related to traditional culture such as Topeng Malang. This research is related to the strengthening of Topeng Malang education media material by using AR technology. This research focuses on insightful content relating to characters in Topeng Malang, especially for supporting models. This research is carried out through descriptive procedural models, which must be followed to produce a development product — data was obtained by interview, data observation, and documentation. Observation data consisted of reference data for the description of supporting character models namely Pranajiwa and Emban, visuals in the form of Topeng Malang, library data and surveys from the target audience. Keywords: Topeng Malang, Augmented Reality, Support character mode

    The impact of photo images as propaganda for peace / Kamarudzaman Md. Isa, Mustaffa Halabi Hj. Azahari and Adzrool Idzwan Hj. Ismail

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    'Image' to an extent relates with visual representation, which consists of an act of seeing which establishes places or subject matters in the surrounding world; these would in part, describe in words and explaine such paradigm, but yet lacking in the content of the emotional experience as a total. The relation between what is seen and what is known could never achieve as a fulfilled settled communication process. A known representative of imageries, the photography, is known for its implementation within the media or as a medium of persuasion. Such form of images plays an important role, yet lacking the awareness of its motivations or agendas. The production of images as a form of communication to the viewers is a critical process. This paper explores the problems in understanding of photography imageries and their impact

    Preferred principle elements of design in effective photography

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    Photography are used for many reasons.It has been used from capturing a wedding ceremony to documenting historical events in newspaper.Its also as a visual representation that highlight an act of seeing to establish subject matter in the surrounding.Many artists considered photography to be simple craft, with the camera selecting, composing, and capturing moments.In a communication process, photograph is used as medium of persuasion as it controls the emotions of the reviewer.Thus, this paper explores on the basic element and principle of art and design, in making an effective photography.This study will benefit the image maker and will give them a new style of making and producing mesmerizing photography to persuade a society

    The Gedhok Fabric Preservation Through Culture and Economy

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    Culture is a manifestation of real behaviour created by humans as cultured social beings. Culture is a form of actualization of art that exists in a collection of people. There are seven elements of universal cultures, one of them is art. Traditional art is a means that is used to create a sense of beauty from within the human soul, one of which is to be expressed on a beauty of cloth. Gedhok cloth is a traditional textile which uses two production techniques, namely weaving to produce the textured motif on cloth, then coloring the cloth with batik technique to produce another set of motifs. The purpose of this research is to document the history of gedhog cloth which is part of a culture in society that is starting to recede so that it can be one way to preserve the culture of gedhog cloth through scientific writing. The research uses descriptive analysis using historical diachronic approach. The existence of gedhok weaving is sustain due to continuous support from its community which still adheres to the teachings of their ancestors

    Digitalization of Indonesian Culture: The 3-Dimentional Model of the “Patih” Character in Topeng Malang

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    The culture of Malang City cannot be separated from the traditional arts that exist therein.OfthefamousonesisTopengMalang, although it is now not as attractive as the modern art.TopengMalangispeculiarinthatithas67formsofmaskdesign.One way to preserve the Topeng Malang culture, especially regarding mask design, is through digitizing. This research focuses on digitizing the whole form of the Topeng Malang, especially the Patih character, in addition to developing these characters into human formwith3-dimensional modeling techniques.This is a descriptive procedural research model, resulting in a product. Data were obtained thtough observation, interviews and documentation. Observation collected visual data with regard to Topeng Malang’s forms, references for re-forming the Patih character, literature and survey result. The character re-formation applied to patterns, shapes and colors of the Topeng Malang. EnhancingthedesignofthePatihcharacterinTopengMalangassetswillrevitalizethe local wisdom in Malang and improve the recognition, pride, and image of Indonesian culture in the world. This result of this research can also be utilized as part of the materials for character education. Keywords: Topeng Malang, 3D model, Patih characte

    Kajian Kesedaran Bumi Hijau di Kalangan Mahasiswa IPTA – Zon Utara (Projek Penghasilan Video Bumi Hijau Sebagai Satu Kaedah Kempen Berkesan) (S/0 14569)

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kaedah terbaik dalam meningkatkan kesedaran dalam kalangan mahasiswa Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPTA) zon utara sempena kempen bumi hijau melalui platform kandungan kreatif / media kreatif. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis diskritif telah dibuat menggunakan ‘Statistical Package for the Social Sciences’ (SPSS) dan mendapati kajian ini telah mencapai objektifnya. Dimana pelajar dan generasi muda mempunyai semangat sayangkan bumi hijau. Hasil dari analisis yang dilakukan melalui soalan-soalan yang diberikan kepada pelajar, didapati mereka memahami maksud dan peka tehadap isu alam sekitar. Dalam pada itu, paparan video berkaitan persekitaran Universiti Utara Malaysia yang masih hijau dan terpelihara telah ditayangkan.Video ini telah dihasilkan dan ditayangkan kepada pelajar dan sedikit sebanyak memberikan pendedahan serta kesedaran serta kesan secara tidak langsung kepada pelajar. Secara kesimpulannya, ia mendidik generasi muda tentang kepentingan pemeliharaan dan pemulihan bumi hijau di sekitar kampus

    Objective Measurement of Effective Message through Photograph among the Public

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    'Photograph' is to an extent very close with visual representation, which consists as a part of an act of seeing which establishes places and subject matters in the surrounding world. These would in part, described in words and explained such paradigm. However, it's still yet lacking in the content of the emotional experience as a total. Such form of images plays as an important role, yet lacking realization, as it is also a part of a design committee in society. The act of seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world, we can describe the world using words, but words can never describe the emotional experience in total. What does visual really mean? How is visual measured? As an observer, how can we define whether the message and the meaning of a particular visual is delivered and understood along with the information it carries? Those three questions play important roles especially with the rapid growth of technology, which contributes to the development of human knowledge especially in the art industries. This paper explores the problems in understanding of photography imageries and their impact to the society