6 research outputs found

    The Integration of Ghanaian traditional pottery and American contemporary ceramics

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    Concepts of Some Indigenous Pottery Decorative Techniques in Northern Ghana

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    The aim of this paper was to identify some concepts of indigenous pottery within the three northern regions of Ghana. As a result, emphasis was given to the identification of some concepts of indigenous pottery in northern Ghana. The descriptive approach of the qualitative research methodology was used. Interview and observation methods were employed as the data collection processes to ascertain reasons why they engage in pottery decoration and the concepts behind them. The data was subjected to comparative analyses and the indications were that, the people of northern Ghana make interesting forms of decorative techniques which comes with an authentic concepts. The study revealed that, there are eight identified indigenous pottery decorative techniques which included; incision, impression, stainning, blasting, smooking, perfforation, macrame and modeling. With these techniques the researchers realised that there are some basic concepts behind each and every decorative techniques found on the indigenous pottery. These included; convertions of red ferric ironoxide to black ferric ironoxide, reduction of friction, restriction purposes and movement and handling purposes

    Asante Cultural Symbols, A Source for The Creation of Bamboo and Leather Souvenirs

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    This piece of presentation is on souvenirs, as the cultural belief in Ghana. In discussing this presentation, some attempts have been made to examine the nature and diversity of indigenous Asante cultural symbols as a source for the creation of Bamboo and leather souvenirs, as well as an appreciation of indigenous bamboo and leather crafts as a human achievement. There is also a general overview on Asante culture in Ghana, outlining in particular the shape of the cultural symbols, varieties that exist, and the philosophical impact it has on Asante man (the Asante community). The writer argue that the Asante cultural symbolic embellished bamboo and leather souvenirs evolved out of motivated and adoptable processes, which have social heritage components as well as devout and enlightening dimensions. These the writers concluded have experienced substantial variations over the past several periods. Keywords: Culture, Souvenir, tourist, Proverbial souvenir, Regalia souvenirs. DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/55-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    The Poetics of Traditional Ghanaian Beads

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    The use of beads in Ghana is a site for a robust cultural meaning-making Beads have been very popular in the past and are growing stronger in popularity with modernity to the extent that their modern meanings seem to be eclipsing the traditional ones This paper takes us back to their traditional meanings by examining closely their relationship with the wearer Using qualitative instruments of research methodology basically through interviews and participant observation this paper by examining the bead as a cultural text identifies two main relationships between the bead and the wearer the synecdochic and the metonymic relationships Using mainly linguistic theories to interrogating these relationships the paper relying on the entextualization theory of Michael Silverstein and Greg Urban and the performance theory of Richard Bauman discovers that in addition to being objects of aesthetics as the modern meanings mainly suggest the bead has very important traditional meanings The paper also demonstrates that where the bead is placed on the body is a function of traditional meanings Again when the bead is used is also contingent upon traditional meaning

    The Craft Industry, Oral Literature and Language in the Development of Tourism in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges

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    This paper examines the role the craft industry, Oral Literature and language play in the development of tourism in Ghana.  From the study, it was found that all the three are important for several reasons, namely economic value, exchange of information, sharing of experiences or world-views and finally changing biases.  However, lack of outlets and finishing of products constitute major problems. Key Words: Artifact, Cosmo-vision, pragmatic interpretation, equiparable, lyrical interpretation

    Integrated Flower Vases in Clayware and Wood

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    The local pottery industry faces tremendous challenges from the increasing interest Ghanaian are showing in imported products because of their functional value, quality and aesthetic appeal. This is due among others, to the monotonous approach to production and finishing of indigenous products, conditions that also marred the philosophical impact they are supposed to convey. To overcome some of these challenges the researchers experimented on the integration clay-wear and wood for the production of flower vases. The qualitative research method where observational, experimental and descriptive approaches were employed to investigate the viability of integrating clay-wear with wood for the project. The research unveiled that clay-wear and wood can be integrated in the production of finished products that are functional, aesthetically presentable and of high quality. Besides, it is also proven that with appropriate manipulation through experiment other locally available raw materials can be used to produce products would convey the Ghanaian culture to would be buyers and the outside world. Keywords: Clay, Wood, Integration, Decoration, Production