427 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of transcription factor expression during metazoan embryonic development

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    During embryonic development, a complex organism is formed from a single starting cell. These processes of growth and differentiation are driven by large transcriptional changes, which are following the expression and activity of transcription factors (TFs). This study sought to compare TF expression during embryonic development in a diverse group of metazoan animals: representatives of vertebrates (Danio rerio, Xenopus tropicalis), a chordate (Ciona intestinalis) and invertebrate phyla such as insects (Drosophila melanogaster, Anopheles gambiae) and nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) were sampled, The different species showed overall very similar TF expression patterns, with TF expression increasing during the initial stages of development. C2H2 zinc finger TFs were over-represented and Homeobox TFs were under-represented in the early stages in all species. We further clustered TFs for each species based on their quantitative temporal expression profiles. This showed very similar TF expression trends in development in vertebrate and insect species. However, analysis of the expression of orthologous pairs between more closely related species showed that expression of most individual TFs is not conserved, following the general model of duplication and diversification. The degree of similarity between TF expression between Xenopus tropicalis and Danio rerio followed the hourglass model, with the greatest similarity occuring during the early tailbud stage in Xenopus tropicalis and the late segmentation stage in Danio rerio. However, for Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae there were two periods of high TF transcriptome similarity, one during the Arthropod phylotypic stage at 8-10 hours into Drosophila development and the other later at 16-18 hours into Drosophila development.Comment: ~10 pages, 50 references, 6+3 figures and 5 table

    A strategy for achieving manufacturing statistical process control within a highly complex aerospace environment

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    This paper presents a strategy to achieve process control and overcome the previously mentioned industry constraints by changing the company focus to the process as opposed to the product. The strategy strives to achieve process control by identifying and controlling the process parameters that influence process capability followed by the implementation of a process control framework that marries statistical methods with lean business process and change management principles. The reliability of the proposed strategy is appraised using case study methodology in a state of the art manufacturing facility on Multi-axis CNC machine tools

    Optimum Composition of Nanosilica in Synthetic Based Mud (SBM) For High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Wells Application

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    The depleted of easy oil reservoir and followed by the decreasing of production rate of the existing field enforce drilling operation to find the reservoir in challenging environment condition which contain high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) to accommodate the global energy demand which continue to grow over the years. This HPHT environment tends to give some troublesome during drilling operation, particularly drilling fluid. Prolonged exposure of drilling fluid in HPHT condition will change the drilling fluid desired properties due to degradation of the chemical component. Although Synthetic Based Mud (SBM) is well known as the most suitable drilling fluid for most wellbore environment, but it still has some problem with chemical degradation while exposed to HPHT condition. Recently, as the early stage of research by conducting series laboratory experiments, the utilization of nanosilica has been introduced to the SBM as an additive and it has been proven to enhance SBM performance in HPHT

    Holistic Development: Muslim Women’s Civil Society Groups in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania

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    Muslim women’s organizations in East and West Africa have cultivated successful strategies to mitigate the varied domestic economic and political outcomes produced by globalization. Although China and the BRICS countries are providing multipolar development models their results may not differ significantly from their western counterparts if groups that are often left out of the decision-making processes are not included. There is an urgent need for social scientists to make the experiences of African women as designers of development the central point of theorizing in order to inform how we conceptualize economic and political participation and measure inequality. This paper will utilize case studies from local women’s non-governmental and community based organizations in Kano, Nigeria, Tamale, Ghana and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to help develop mechanisms for sustainable economic growth and substantive representation, which I argue, can help generate state institutions that are more responsive to the needs of their citizens. Mainstreaming gender, as an analytical frame is essential because it interrogates privilege, illustrates how it is distributed among and between women and men and provides insights into partnerships that can be forged across genders. Furthermore, the institutional linkages of women’s organizations both within and across national contexts strengthens the ability of African countries to look internally and share their development best practices through sub- regional entities and the African Union. Finally, civil society needs to be redefined and contextualized using the perspectives of citizens at the grassroots level to produce holistic policy recommendations for all three tiers of governance (domestic, sub-regional and regional).Keywords: African women, muslim women, civil society, economic development, sustainable growth, governanc

    Race. Nation. Zombie: Imperial Masculinities Gazing at the Undead

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    This dissertation argues that zombie narratives have always been about white masculinity and that colonialism is the true living dead monster. The zombie is not the load-bearing signifier in these stories. It is the white men who act as representatives of empire that embody tropes and evolve. This dissertation examines the survivor masculinity in zombie films over time to see how hegemonic masculinity has adapted to a range of national crises. I argue that the failure of white masculinities in these films and novel is rooted in the limited ways of knowing inherent in the Imperial Gaze. Starting in the 1930s, zombie films have attempted to recruit the double consciousness of black men to assist white men in their domination of colonial subjects. Each chapter thus juxtaposes race conflicts within the nation with our imperial actions on the global scale

    Clarifying the Role of Precedent and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis in Trial and Intermediate Appellate Level Charter Analysis

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    What happens when valid constitutional precedent, including precedent from our country’s highest court, is called into question in both fact and law? Such has been an increasingly familiar phenomenon in Canadian Charter jurisprudence. This is not necessarily surprising considering that the Charter is now over 30 years old and previous Charter issues once thought to be settled are starting to be relitigated in light of new social and legislative facts. It is amongst this backdrop that this paper considers, and makes attempts to disentangle, some of the thorny doctrinal issues associated with stare decisis and precedent in such situations. The paper uses and considers two cases, Bedford v Attorney (General Canada) and Carter v Canada (Attorney General), as examples of courts having to grapple with stare decisis and precedent based issues in face of binding Supreme Court of Canada precedent. Since this paper was published, new cases have emerged where trial and intermediate appellate courts have had to face similar, if not identical, issues with the doctrine of stare decisis in the Charter context [see e.g. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour et al v The Queen, 2013 SKCA 43 leave to appeal granted 2013 CanLII 654102 (SCC)]. Ultimately, this paper goes on to provide a principled framework for navigating stare decisis and precedent based issues in trial and intermediate level appellate level Charter analysis

    Point of View

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    Law in 3-Dimensions

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    This project, overall, involves a theory of law as dimensions. Throughout the history of the study of law, many different theoretical paradigms have emerged proffering different and competing ways to answer the question ‘what is law’? Traditionally, many of these paradigms have been at irreconcilable odds with one another. Notwithstanding this seeming reality, the goal of this project was to attempt to take three of the leading paradigms in legal theory and provide a way to explain how each might fit into a single coherent theory of law. I set out to accomplish this by drawing on the field of theoretical physics and that field’s use of spatial dimensions in explaining various physical phenomena. By engaging in a dimensional analysis of law, I found that I was able to place each paradigm within its own dimension with that dimension being defined by a specific element of time, and in doing so much of the conflict between the paradigms came to be ameliorated. The project has been divided into two main parts. PART I discusses the fundamentals of legal theory (Chapter 1) and the fundamentals of dimensions (Chapter 2). These fundamentals provide a foundation for a dimensional analysis of law which takes place throughout PART II. In Chapter 3, I argue that the three fundamental theses of Positivism coalesce with the 1st-dimension of law, which is defined as law as it exists at any one point in time. From there, I argue in Chapter 4 that the 2nd-dimension of law, being law as it exists between two points in time (i.e. when cases are adjudicated), is characterized by Pragmatism. I then turn, in Chapter 5, to argue that the 3rd-dimension of law, being law as it exists from the very first point in legal time to the ever changing present day, coalesces with the fundamental theses of Naturalism. Ultimately then, I argue that a theory of law as dimensions, through the vantage points of the specific elements of time, provides a more complete account of the nature of law


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    Abstrak -Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimalisasi potensi terjadinya fraud dan error pada badan usaha berupa toko. Penggunaan internal control telah banyak dilakukan oleh badan usaha baik dari yang berskala kecil hingga besar, hal ini dikarenakan badan usaha menyadari pentingnya internal control untuk memastikan kegiatan operasional yang efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Toko Malino Indah di Maumere. Analisis internal control didasarkan pada teori COSO framework karena COSO framework memberikan panduan umum internal control yang dikembangkan dan digunakan secara internasional sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan analisis internal control terkait dengan fraud dan error yang memadai. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa internal control yang diterapkan oleh Toko Malino Indah masih sangat lemah. Hal ini menimbulkan berbagai potensi fraud dan error yang dapat terjadi seperti pencurian kas dan inventory serta kesalahan dalam penjualan. Penyebab utamanya adalah pemilik tidak memiliki pengetahuan mengenai internal control yang baik dan benar. Penulis memberikan rekomendasi internal control secara umum untuk adanya aturan yang jelas dalam toko, pengawasan yang lebih ketat, menilai ulang risiko fraud dan error, perekrutan karyawan yang berkompeten, dan pencatatan yang dilakukan dengan benar. Kata kunci: Internal control, COSO framework, toko, fraud, error Abstract –This research aims to help the object to minimizing potential fraud and error. Internal Control has been used by business entity because they realize internal control can help to assure about the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations. The writer use Malino Indah Store as the object. This research use qualitative approach. This internal control analysis use COSO framework because its give general guidance about internal control and its been used by international world, so its expected to could give adequate analysis. This research find that internal control in Malino Indah Store was too weak. This cause various of fraud and error potential like theft of cash and inventory as well as sales mistakes. The main cause of this weak internal control is the owner does not has the knowledge about the right internal control. Writer recommend internal control for the object to has written regulatory, thighter monitoring, reassessment of fraud and error potential, recruit competent employee, and do the entry correctly. Keywords: Internal control, COSO framework, store, fraud, erro
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