16 research outputs found

    A novel regulator controls Clostridium difficile sporulation, motility and toxin production

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    Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic pathogen that forms spores which promote survival in the environment and transmission to new hosts. The regulatory pathways by which C. difficile initiates spore formation are poorly understood. We identified two factors with limited similarity to the Rap sporulation proteins of other spore-forming bacteria. In this study, we show that disruption of the gene CD3668 reduces sporulation and increases toxin production and motility. This mutant was more virulent and exhibited increased toxin gene expression in the hamster model of infection. Based on these phenotypes, we have renamed this locus rstA, for regulator of sporulation and toxins. Our data demonstrate that RstA is a bifunctional protein that upregulates sporulation through an unidentified pathway and represses motility and toxin production by influencing sigD transcription. Conserved RstA orthologs are present in other pathogenic and industrial Clostridium species and may represent a key regulatory protein controlling clostridial sporulation

    RstA Is a Major Regulator of Clostridioides difficile Toxin Production and Motility

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    Clostridioides difficile is an anaerobic, gastrointestinal pathogen of humans and other mammals. C. difficile produces two major toxins, TcdA and TcdB, which cause the symptoms of the disease, and forms dormant endospores to survive the aerobic environment outside the host. A recently discovered regulatory factor, RstA, inhibits toxin production and positively influences spore formation. Herein, we determine that RstA directly binds its own promoter DNA to repress its own gene transcription. In addition, our data demonstrate that RstA directly represses toxin gene expression and gene expression of two toxin gene activators, TcdR and SigD, creating a complex regulatory network to tightly control toxin production. This study provides a novel regulatory link between C. difficile sporulation and toxin production. Further, our data suggest that C. difficile toxin production is regulated through a direct, species-specific sensing mechanism.Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a toxin-mediated diarrheal disease. Several factors have been identified that influence the production of the two major C. difficile toxins, TcdA and TcdB, but prior published evidence suggested that additional unknown factors were involved in toxin regulation. Previously, we identified a C. difficile regulator, RstA, that promotes sporulation and represses motility and toxin production. We observed that the predicted DNA-binding domain of RstA was required for RstA-dependent repression of toxin genes, motility genes, and rstA transcription. In this study, we further investigated the regulation of toxin and motility gene expression by RstA. DNA pulldown assays confirmed that RstA directly binds the rstA promoter via the predicted DNA-binding domain. Through mutational analysis of the rstA promoter, we identified several nucleotides that are important for RstA-dependent transcriptional regulation. Further, we observed that RstA directly binds and regulates the promoters of the toxin genes tcdA and tcdB, as well as the promoters for the sigD and tcdR genes, which encode regulators of toxin gene expression. Complementation analyses with the Clostridium perfringens RstA ortholog and a multispecies chimeric RstA protein revealed that the C. difficile C-terminal domain is required for RstA DNA-binding activity, suggesting that species-specific signaling controls RstA function. Our data demonstrate that RstA is a transcriptional repressor that autoregulates its own expression and directly inhibits transcription of the two toxin genes and two positive toxin regulators, thereby acting at multiple regulatory points to control toxin production

    The C. difficile clnRAB operon initiates adaptations to the host environment in response to LL-37.

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    To cause disease, Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile must resist killing by innate immune effectors in the intestine, including the host antimicrobial peptide, cathelicidin (LL-37). The mechanisms that enable C. difficile to adapt to the intestine in the presence of antimicrobial peptides are unknown. Expression analyses revealed an operon, CD630_16170-CD630_16190 (clnRAB), which is highly induced by LL-37 and is not expressed in response to other cell-surface active antimicrobials. This operon encodes a predicted transcriptional regulator (ClnR) and an ABC transporter system (ClnAB), all of which are required for function. Analyses of a clnR mutant indicate that ClnR is a pleiotropic regulator that directly binds to LL-37 and controls expression of numerous genes, including many involved in metabolism, cellular transport, signaling, gene regulation, and pathogenesis. The data suggest that ClnRAB is a novel regulatory mechanism that senses LL-37 as a host signal and regulates gene expression to adapt to the host intestinal environment during infection

    Chemical and Stress Resistances of Clostridium difficile Spores and Vegetative Cells

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    Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive, sporogenic and anaerobic bacterium that causes a potentially fatal colitis. C. difficile enters the body as dormant spores that germinate in the colon to form vegetative cells that secrete toxins and cause the symptoms of infection. During transit through the intestine, some vegetative cells transform into spores, which are more resistant to killing by environmental insults than the vegetative cells. Understanding the inherent resistance properties of the vegetative and spore forms of C. difficile is imperative for the development of methods to target and destroy the bacterium. The objective of this study was to define the chemical and environmental resistance properties of C. difficile vegetative cells and spores. We examined vegetative cell and spore tolerances of three C. difficile strains, including 630Δerm, a 012 ribotype and a derivative of a past epidemic strain; R20291, a 027 ribotype and current epidemic strain; and 5325, a clinical isolate that is a 078 ribotype. All isolates were tested for tolerance to ethanol, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, butanol, chloroform, heat and sodium hypochlorite (household bleach). Our results indicate that 630Δerm vegetative cells (630 spo0A) are more resistant to oxidative stress than those of R20291 (R20291 spo0A) and 5325 (5325 spo0A). In addition, 5325 spo0A vegetative cells exhibited greater resistance to organic solvents. In contrast, 630Δerm spores were more sensitive than R20291 or 5325 spores to butanol. Spores from all three strains exhibited high levels of resistance to ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, chloroform and heat, although R20291 spores were more resistant to temperatures in the range of 60-75°C. Finally, household bleach served as the only chemical reagent tested that consistently reduced C. difficile vegetative cells and spores of all tested strains. These findings establish conditions that result in vegetative cell and spore elimination and illustrate the resistance of C. difficile to common decontamination methods. These results further demonstrate that the vegetative cells and spores of various C. difficile strains have different resistance properties that may impact decontamination of surfaces and hands

    Phase variation of a signal transduction system controls Clostridioides difficile colony morphology, motility, and virulence.

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    Recent work has revealed that Clostridioides difficile, a major cause of nosocomial diarrheal disease, exhibits phenotypic heterogeneity within a clonal population as a result of phase variation. Many C. difficile strains representing multiple ribotypes develop two colony morphotypes, termed rough and smooth, but the biological implications of this phenomenon have not been explored. Here, we examine the molecular basis and physiological relevance of the distinct colony morphotypes produced by this bacterium. We show that C. difficile reversibly differentiates into rough and smooth colony morphologies and that bacteria derived from the isolates display discrete motility behaviors. We identified an atypical phase-variable signal transduction system consisting of a histidine kinase and two response regulators, named herein colony morphology regulators RST (CmrRST), which mediates the switch in colony morphology and motility behaviors. The CmrRST-regulated surface motility is independent of flagella and type IV pili, suggesting a novel mechanism of cell migration in C. difficile. Microscopic analysis of cell and colony structure indicates that CmrRST promotes the formation of elongated bacteria arranged in bundled chains, which may contribute to bacterial migration on surfaces. In a hamster model of acute C. difficile disease, the CmrRST system is required for disease development. Furthermore, we provide evidence that CmrRST phase varies during infection, suggesting that the intestinal environment impacts the proportion of CmrRST-expressing C. difficile. Our findings indicate that C. difficile employs phase variation of the CmrRST signal transduction system to generate phenotypic heterogeneity during infection, with concomitant effects on bacterial physiology and pathogenesis

    Genome Sequence of a Toxin-Positive Clostridium difficile Strain Isolated from Murine Feces

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    International audienceHerein, we report the genome sequence of a Clostridium difficile strain isolated from the feces of antibiotic-treated C57BL/6 mice. We have named this strain, which differs considerably from those of the previously sequenced C. difficile strains, LEM1