8,285 research outputs found


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    Kemajuan komunikasi yang berkembang sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman. terdapat keinginan manusia untuk dapat meningkatkan pengiriman suara ditambah gambar yang bergerak yang dikenal dengan Televisi, Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besar kuat sinyal yang di terima pada lokasi tertentu dalam daerah layanan TVRI stasiun Makassar berdasarkan kuat medan hasil pengukuran dan hasil perhitungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengambil data pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh TVRI pada daerah-daerah layanannya dengan menggunakan alat ukur (Field Strength Meter ML 512 A / Merk Anritzu). Daerah pengukurannya yaitu daerah Gowa dan Takalar. Hasil analisis diketahui kuat sinyal yang sampai ke daerah Gowa masih baik, sedangkan pada daerah Takalar kuat sinyal cukup baik dimana noise sudah ada. Dari hasil perhitungan kuat medan, kuat sinyal yang sampai ke penerima sudah baik yaitu di atas 40 dBµ,V. Adanya perbedaan antara hasil pengukuran dan perhitungan disebabkan oleh beberapa hal seperti, pembacaan yang kurang tepat

    Analisis Faktor Penurunan Gangguan Saluran Udara Tegangan Menengah (SUTM) Pada Penyulang Parangbanoa

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    The reliability of the electric power system is one of the most important things to pay attention to in order to maintain the performance of the three main pillars of PT. PLN (Persero). The problem that often occurs in the distribution sector is interference with feeders. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of trip feeder disturbances in parangbanoa feeders at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Kalebajeng. The problem that often occurs in the distribution sector is feeder disturbance. Based on the results of the ArcGIS (Geometry Informindo System) output, the potential causes of trip disruption in the parangbanua feeders are trees and plants that affect SUTM, animals on the network, damaged JTM components, broken insulators, and less tight connections causing hot temperatures. Maintenance activities carried out are divided into integrated maintenance. saving obtained is 7,418 kWh / week, and the gain obtained can reach Rp. 10,882,206, - / week, while the benefits are a reduction in the number of interruption of feeder trips

    Prediksi Kandidat Protein Target Antikanker Derivate Kumarin Asal Tanaman Sanrego (Lunasia amara Blanco)

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    Jumlah penderita kanker setiap tahun meningkat demikian juga angka kematian yang terjadi. Upaya pengobatan kanker dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan tanaman herbal yang mengandung kumarin, salah satunya adalah Sanrego. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memprediksi protein target dari derivate kumarin (scopoletin dan umbelliferone) sebagai antikanker berdasarkan studi in silico. Metode penelitian meliputi ekstraksi batang Sanrego, deteksi derivate kumarin dari ekstrak etil asetat (EEA) menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), prediksi aktivitas derivate kumarin menggunakan Passonline server dan prediksi protein target menggunakan Swiss Target Prediction dan Superpred. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derivate kumarin memiliki aktivitas sebagai substrat CYP, kardiovaskular analeptic dan inhibitor permeable membrane. Selain itu protein target dari derivat kumarin EEA Sanrego adalah carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) yang terlibat dalam perkembangan sel kanker. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah protein target dari derivate kumarin yaitu protein CA9 yang terlibat dalam sejumlah aktivitas sel kanker


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    As well as the Protection of Information System Models  Starting And Penhentian Mi3f By Using Sms. PLC (programmable logic control) is a device (equipment) that is used to  replace the sequential relay circuits to control the machine. The research method ology used in  the preparation of this final project is besifat experimental study using SMS as a media object to  detect an error in an induction motor. The protection of information systems using the  instrument for the identification of disorders includes two types: overcurrent relays and current  sensors for detecting large flows entering and phase detection in case of failure


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    The development of science and technology is growing rapidly, as well as the development of knowledge about alternative energy. This study aims to analyze the design of the circuit form so as to produce electric current and to determine the operating flow of a series of seawater energy generating devices as a source of electrical energy reserves. The research was carried out by taking measurement data carried out by the Electrical Engineering laboratory. From the results of the measurement experiment the use of sea water explains that at one liter produces a voltage of 0.86 V, when using two liters produces a voltage of 1.85 V, when using three liters produces a voltage of 2.57 V. From the results of the research It was carried out that the voltage contained in 1 container of seawater was obtained 0.68 V, with the information of the lamp being off, and for 4 containers of sea water obtained a voltage of 3.87 V with a description of the lamp of life. This marine energy is used not only to turn on LED lights, but is used to power electricity in a narrow area or even in large areas. If this sea water energy can be developed in Indonesia, then the Indonesian state can save energy, because most of Indonesia's territory is water / sea. Energy sources derived from fossils at any time will soon be depleted. From the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that this sea water can be used as a source of renewable and environmentally friendly energy reserves

    Penanganan, Pengolahah, dan Pengawasan Pangan (Tanaman, Ikan dan Ternak)

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    Adriani A. 2022. Food handling, processing and control (plants, fish and livestock). In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 18-26. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).The purpose of handling, processing and controlling foodstuffs is to ensure their availability for the people of Indonesia. These foodstuffs must be in a healthy, safe and sustainable condition. However, in the development of food supply from plants, livestock and fish, there are global challenges. The global challenges of food supply are climate change which is uncertain, arable land is getting limited, clean water is getting limited and the population is increasing. Of course this is a challenge in the provision of food in the future. One of them is by increasing productivity, sustainability and quality. On the other hand, food handlers must pay attention to quality and quantity to consumers. Physical, chemical and biological treatment of food ingredients needs serious attention from raw materials, processing, transportation and storage to produce quality food. In accordance with the 5.0 industrial revolution, the availability of quality food is a priority so that the quality of human life increases, is safe and comfortable


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    Tanaman Sanrego ( Lunasia amara Blanco) secara empiris digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk mengobati luka dan infeksi. Kandungan senyawa kimia tanaman Sanrego berupa lunasin, lunacrin dan lunamarin. Belum diketahui secara  pasti senyawa dari tanaman Sanrego yang berperan sebagai antiinflamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi senyawa bioaktif dari tanaman Sanrego yang berperan sebagai antiinflamasi melalui pendekatan molecular docking. Tahap penelitian terdiri atas  preparasi ligan-reseptor, simulasi docking menggunakan software autodoct vina dan analisis interaksi ligan-reseptor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senyawa lunacrin memiliki nilai binding affinity yang paling kecil diantara semua senyawa kimia tanaman Sanrego. Interaksi antara lunacrin dan enzim COX-2 terjadi melalui ikatan hidrogen yang dihubungkan oleh residu asam amino Tyr 341. Selain itu lunacrin memenuhi persyaratan untuk melewati membran sel berdasarkan uji Lipiski. Berdasarkan  hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa lunacrin berperan sebagai antiinflamasi berdasarkan hasil molecular docking. Kata kunci : Sanrego, antiinflamasi, Lunacrin, enzim COX-2. molecular dockin

    Phytochemical Screening of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Beta-beta Leaves (Lunasia amara Blanco) as Anticancer and Antimicrobial Based on Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances (PASS) Online

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    Introduction: Beta-beta leaves (Lunasia amara Blanco) have anticancer and antibacterial activity, but the secondary metabolites involved are still not clearly known. The aim of this research is to screen secondary metabolites from beta-beta leaves that have potential anticancer and antibacterial properties using the Passonline server and determine potential compound target proteins using the Superpred online server.Method: Extraction of beta-beta leaves was carried out using the maceration method using ethyl acetate and identification of secondary metabolites using Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC HRMS). Prediction of the anticancer, antibacterial and toxicity potential of secondary metabolites of beta-beta leaves using Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances (PASS) Online. Analysis of similarity to drugs using Lipinski rule of five and prediction of target proteins using the online superpred server.Results: There are 10 secondary metabolites each which have anticancer and antibacterial bioactivity. The compounds methyl cinnamate and 3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid are similar to drugs based on Lipisnki rule of five analysis and are non-toxic based on online PASS analysis. There are 3 target proteins for methyl cinnamate which are involved in anticancer and antibacterial activity, namely NFκβ P105, ADAM10 and Catephsin D.Conclusion: Ethyl acetate extract from beta-beta leaves contains secondary metabolites as anticancer and antibacterial based on Passonline server analysis. Methyl cinnamate is a potential secondary metabolite candidate as an anticancer and antibacterial with 3 target proteins, namely NFκβ P105, ADAM10 and Catephsin D.   Key words: Anticancer, antibacterial, beta-beta, Lunasia amara, passonline, prediction