65 research outputs found

    Condicionamento de biossólidos e a disponibilidade de Cu e Zn para arroz

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    Sewage treatment process is a factor to be considered for biosolid use in agriculture. The greatest sewage treatment facility of São Paulo State (Barueri/SP) altered in the year 2000 of its sludge treatment. The addition of ferric chloride and calcium oxide was substituted by the addition of polymers. This change can modify heavy metal phytoavailability. A green house experiment, using 2 soils treated with biosolids (three with and one without polymers with and without polymers) was performed to evaluate Cu and Zn phytoavailability using rice (Oryza sativa L.) as test plant. Three kilograms of two soils (Haphorthox abd Hapludox) were placed in pots and the equivalent to 50 Mg ha-1 (dry basis) of biosolid was added and incorporated. The statistical design adopted was completely randomized experiment, with five treatments (control plus four different biossolids) each soil and four replications. Soil pH before and after harvesting, Cu and Zn concentrations in shoot were evaluated. Tukey (5%) was used to compare the results. DTPA, HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and Mehlich 3 were used to estimate soil available Cu and Zn. Amounts extracted were correlated to those presented in rice shoot, to evaluate the efficiency of predicting Cu and Zn phytoavailabilities. Biosolids with polymers presented higher Cu and Zn phytoavailabilities, possibly due to the lower pH of these residues. In this case soil presented lowest values of pH and plant shoot had highest. All extractants were representative of Cu and Zn availability to rice plants.O processo gerador do biossólido é um fator a ser considerado na avaliação do uso agrícola deste resíduo. Em 2000, a adição de cloreto férrico+cal virgem durante o tratamento do esgoto foi substituída pela adição de polieletrólitos na maior Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos de São Paulo (Barueri), o que pode gerar mudanças na fitodisponibilidade dos metais pesados. Um experimento em casa de vegetação, com dois solos (Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo e Latossolo Vermelho Escuro) tratados com quatro diferentes biossólidos foi montado para avaliar a disponibilidade de Cu e Zn utilizando arroz (Oryza sativa L.) como planta teste. Os vasos receberam 3 kg de solo e o correspondente a 50 Mg ha-1 (base seca) de biossólido. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (testemunha + 4 diferentes biossólidos) e quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se pH do solo antes e após a colheita do arroz e teor de Cu e Zn na parte aérea das plantas. Os extratores químicos DTPA, HCl 0,1 mol L-1 e Mehlich 3 foram utilizados para avaliar a fitodisponibilidade de Cu e Zn para plantas de arroz. O biossólido tratado com polieletrólitos apresentou maior fitodisponibilidade de Cu e Zn, possivelmente devido ao menor pH que este confere ao solo. Os três extratores avaliados foram representativos da fitodisponibilidade de cobre e zinco

    Organic acids as extractors of phytoavailable heavy metals in soils treated with sewage sludge

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    Ainda não foi desenvolvido um método de extração eficiente para estimar teores fitodisponíveis de metais pesados, porque os extratores utilizados não simulam reações semelhantes às que ocorrem próximo às raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma solução de ácidos orgânicos rizosféricos como extratora de teores fitodisponíveis de metais pesados presentes em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto. Os solos utilizados foram: Latossolo Amarelo distrófico, Neossolo Quartzarênico e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivados com plantas de banana, pupunha e café, respectivamente. A avaliação do extrator (solução composta por ácido acético, cítrico, lático e oxálico em concentrações de 1,00, 0,72, 0,49 e 0,12 mol L-1, respectivamente) foi feita a partir da análise da correlação entre teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn) extraídos do solo e os teores nas plantas. As correlações foram significativas, indicando a eficiência do extrator para todos os casos estudados. Entre os metais avaliados, as quantidades extraídas de Pb correlacionaram-se melhor com teor fitodisponível nas três situações investigadas.An efficient extraction method to estimate concentrations of phytoavailable heavy metals has not been established yet, because the extractors used do not simulate reactions close to the roots. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of a rhizospheric acid organic solution as an extractor of phytoavailable heavy metal from soils (Oxisols) treated with sewage sludge. Three Oxisols with different textures cultivated with banana, peach palm and coffee were studied. The extractor (solution composed by acetic, citric, lactic and oxalic acids with concentrations of 1.00, 0.72, 0.49 and 0.12 mol L-1, respectively) evaluation was performed from correlation analyzes between heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn) concentrations extracted from the soil, and plant tissue concentrations. The correlation was significant, indicating the extractant efficiency in all studied cases. Comparing the studied elements, the Pb amount extracted correlated better with its phytoavailability on the three situations investigated

    Local Productive Arrangements for Biodiesel Production in Brazil – Environmental Assessment of Small-holder’s Integrated Oleaginous Crops Management

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    Sustainability assessments were carried out in small-holders’ farms in four territories where productive arrangements have been organized for production of minor oleaginous crops under the Brazilian biodiesel program. The study aimed at checking local impacts of the biodiesel productive chains at the rural establishment scale, and promoting the environmental performance of the selected farms, henceforth proposed as sustainable management demonstration units. Assessments were carried out with the APOIA-NovoRural system, which integrates 62 objective and quantitative indicators related to five sustainability dimensions: i) Landscape Ecology, ii) Environmental Quality (Atmosphere, Water and Soil), iii) Socio-cultural Values, iv) Economic Values and v) Management and Administration. The main results point out that, in general, the ecological dimensions of sustainability, that is, the Landscape Ecology and Atmosphere, Water, and Soil quality indicators, show adequate field conditions, seemingly not yet negatively affected by increases in chemical inputs and natural resources use predicted as important potential impacts of the agro-energy sector. The Economic Values indicators have been favorably influenced in the studied farms, due to a steadier demand and improved prices for the oleaginous crops. On the other hand, valuable positive consequences expected for favoring farmers’ market insertion, such as improved Socio-cultural Values and Management Administration indicators, are still opportunities to be materialized. The Environmental Management Reports issued to the farmers, based on the presented sustainability assessment procedures, offer valuable documentation and communication means for consolidating the organizational influence of the local productive arrangements studied. These productive arrangements were shown to be determinant for the selection of crop associations and diversification, as well as for the provision of technical assistance and the stabilization of demand - conditions that promote value aggregation and income improvements, favoring small-holders’ insertion in the market. More importantly, these locally organized productive arrangements have been shown to strongly influence the valorization of natural resources and environmental assets, which are fundamental if sustainable rural development is to take place under the emerging agro-energy scenario

    Local Productive Arrangements for Biodiesel Production in Brazil – Environmental Assessment of Small-holder’s Integrated Oleaginous Crops Management

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    Sustainability assessments were carried out in small-holders’ farms in four territories where productive arrangements have been organized for production of minor oleaginous crops under the Brazilian biodiesel program. The study aimed at checking local impacts of the biodiesel productive chains at the rural establishment scale, and promoting the environmental performance of the selected farms, henceforth proposed as sustainable management demonstration units. Assessments were carried out with the APOIA-NovoRural system, which integrates 62 objective and quantitative indicators related to five sustainability dimensions: i) Landscape Ecology, ii) Environmental Quality (Atmosphere, Water and Soil), iii) Socio-cultural Values, iv) Economic Values and v) Management and Administration. The main results point out that, in general, the ecological dimensions of sustainability, that is, the Landscape Ecology and Atmosphere, Water, and Soil quality indicators, show adequate field conditions, seemingly not yet negatively affected by increases in chemical inputs and natural resources use predicted as important potential impacts of the agro-energy sector. The Economic Values indicators have been favorably influenced in the studied farms, due to a steadier demand and improved prices for the oleaginous crops. On the other hand, valuable positive consequences expected for favoring farmers’ market insertion, such as improved Socio-cultural Values and Management Administration indicators, are still opportunities to be materialized. The Environmental Management Reports issued to the farmers, based on the presented sustainability assessment procedures, offer valuable documentation and communication means for consolidating the organizational influence of the local productive arrangements studied. These productive arrangements were shown to be determinant for the selection of crop associations and diversification, as well as for the provision of technical assistance and the stabilization of demand - conditions that promote value aggregation and income improvements, favoring small-holders’ insertion in the market. More importantly, these locally organized productive arrangements have been shown to strongly influence the valorization of natural resources and environmental assets, which are fundamental if sustainable rural development is to take place under the emerging agro-energy scenario

    Ácidos orgânicos na rizosfera e fitodisponibilidade de elementos-traço originários de lodo de esgoto

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    The aim of this work was to quantify low molecular weight organic acids in the rhizosphere of plants grown in a sewage sludge-treated media, and to assess the correlation between the release of the acids and the concentrations of trace-elements in the shoots of the plants. The species utilized in the experiment were cultivated in sand and sewage sludge-treated sand. The acetic, citric, lactic, and oxalic acids, were identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography in samples collected from a hydroponics system. Averages obtained from each treatment, concentration of trace elements in shoots and concentration of organic acids in the rhizosphere, were compared by Tukey test, at 5% of probability. Linear correlation analysis was applied to verify an association between the concentrations of organic acids and of trace elements. The average composition of organic acids for all plants was: 43.2, 31.1, 20.4 and 5.3% for acetic, citric, lactic, and oxalic acids, respectively. All organic acids evaluated, except for the citric acid, showed a close statistical agreement with the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn found in the shoots. There is a positive relationship between organic acids present in the rhizosphere and trace element phytoavailability.O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar ácidos orgânicos de baixo peso molecular presentes na rizosfera de plantas cultivadas na presença de lodo de esgoto e avaliar a correlação entre a liberação dos ácidos e a concentração de elementos-traço nas plantas. As espécies utilizadas no experimento foram cultivadas em areia e areia com lodo de esgoto. Os ácidos acético, cítrico, lático e oxálico foram identificados e quantificados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em amostras coletadas de um sistema hidropônico. As médias obtidas em cada tratamento, para concentração de elementos-traço na parte aérea e para concentração de ácidos orgânicos rizosféricos, foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A análise de correlação linear foi utilizada para verificar a associação entre as concentrações de ácidos orgânicos e elementos-traço. A média de composição dos ácidos orgânicos para todas as plantas foi 43,2, 31,1, 20,4 e 5,3%, para os ácidos acético, cítrico, lático e oxálico, respectivamente. Todos os ácidos orgânicos, com exceção do cítrico, correlacionaram-se com as concentrações de Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni e Zn na parte aérea das plantas. Existe associação entre ácidos orgânicos rizosféricos e fitodisponibilidade de elementos-traço

    Nickel toxicity in common bean plants and effects on soil microbiota

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de Ni ao solo (0, 2,3, 10,5, 47 e 210 mg kg-1), na presença e ausência de calcário, sobre: o desenvolvimento do feijoeiro; a fitodisponibilidade de Ni e algumas características biológicas do solo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. A dose de Ni de 210 mg kg-1 causou a morte de todas as plantas, tanto na presença como na ausência de calcário. Houve aumento da produção de grãos de feijão no tratamento que recebeu calcário. A concentração de Ni dos grãos aumentou com o incremento de Ni no solo, ultrapassando o limite máximo permitido, de 5 mg kg-1 de matéria fresca, na dose de 2,3 mg kg-1, indicando que a aplicação de calcário não foi suficiente para reduzir os teores de Ni no grão de feijão a níveis apropriados para o consumo. Observou-se diminuição da biomassa microbiana do solo nos tratamentos com altas concentrações de Ni, que foi acompanhada por aumento no qCO2. O qCO2 foi um indicador adequado do grau de estresse que teve a comunidade microbiana do solo com a adição de Ni.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of Ni addition (0, 2.3, 10.5, 47 and 210 mg kg-1), in the presence and absence of lime, on: common beans development, Ni phytoavailability, and soil biological characteristics. A greenhouse experiment was conducted using a sample of a Rhodic Hapludox. Rate of 210 mg kg-1 of Ni caused plant death in both the absence and the presence of lime. Grain yield of common beans was higher in treatments with lime addition. However, grain Ni concentration increased with Ni addition, exceeding the maximum admissible value, of 5 mg kg-1 (fresh weight), already at rate of 2.3 mg kg-1. Lime addition was not enough to reduce grain Ni concentrations to permissible levels for consumption. The addition of high concentrations of Ni decreased soil microbial biomass, and this reduction was accompanied by an increase in the metabolic quocient. The qCO2 was an adequate indicator of the stress level caused by Ni addition on soil microbial community

    Mineralization of carbon and nitrogen in soil after successive applications of sewage sludge

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica de mineralização do C e a capacidade do solo em fornecer N após sucessivas aplicações de lodo de esgoto, além de determinar a relação destas com a taxa de mineralização do lodo previamente aplicado. A área experimental recebeu, por sete anos, os seguintes tratamentos: 80 kg ha-1 por ano de N mineral (L0); e 10 ou 20 Mg ha-1 por ano de lodo (L1 e L2, respectivamente). Amostras de solo (0–20 cm) foram retiradas um ano após a última aplicação dos tratamentos. As amostras receberam doses de lodo correspondentes a 0, 120 e 240 kg  ha-1 de N e foram incubadas em laboratório por mais de 100 dias, tendo-se determinado o C‑CO2 liberado e o teor de N inorgânico no solo. A mineralização do C e do N foi mais influenciada pelo uso prévio do lodo do que pelas doses incubadas. A taxa de mineralização do nitrogênio (TMN) diminuiu de 16%, em L0, para 11%, em L1, e 8% em L2. No entanto, essa redução não resultou em menor disponibilidade de N no sistema, pois houve incremento do N potencialmente mineralizável (N0) em L1 e L2. Assim, a TMN não é um parâmetro adequado para cálculo da dose de lodo a ser aplicada em áreas previamente tratadas com o resíduo, pois subestima a capacidade do sistema em fornecer N. Neste caso, deve-se considerar o uso do N0.The objective of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of carbon mineralization and the soil capacity in providing nitrogen after successive applications of sewage sludge, as well as to determine their relation with the mineralization rate of the sludge previously applied. The experimental area received for seven years the following treatments: 80 kg ha‑1per year of mineral N (L0); and 10 or 20 Mg ha‑1 per year of sewage sludge (L1 and L2, respectively). Soil samples (0–20 cm) were taken one year after the last application of the treatments. Samples received sewage sludge doses corresponding to 0, 120, and 240 kg ha‑1 of N and were incubated in laboratory for more than 100 days, with determination of C‑CO2 emission and inorganic soil N content. The mineralization of C and N was more influenced by the previous use of sludge than by the incubated doses. The nitrogen mineralization rate (NMR) reduced from 16%, on L0, to 11% on L1 and 8% on L2. However, this reduction did not result in lower N availability on the system, since there was an increase of the potentially mineralizable nitrogen (N0) in L1 and L2. Therefore, the NMR is not an adequate parameter for calculating the sewage sludge dose to be applied on areas previously treated with the residue, since it underestimates the system capacity of providing N. In this case, the use of N0 should be considered

    Disponibilidade e mineralização do nitrogênio após aplicações sucessivas de lodo de esgoto no solo, estimadas por meio de incubação anaeróbica

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate, through anaerobic incubation, N mineralization and availability in soils treated with successive applications of sewage sludge, and to determine the residual effect of previous applications on nitrogen mineralization rate (NMR). Two long‑term experiments were conducted with annual sewage sludge doses for corn cultivation: one with the recommended dose of sewage sludge, correspondent to 120 kg ha-1 N, and 2, 4, and 8 times the dose in area at Embrapa Meio Ambiente, in Jaguariúna, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil; and the other with 80 kg ha-1 mineral N fertilization, and 1 and 2 times the recommended dose of sewage sludge in area at Instituto Agronômico, in Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil; besides a control, without sewage sludge application. N availability and NMR were determined in field conditions and through anaerobic incubations in laboratory. Total nitrogen absorbed by plants was also estimated. Sewage sludge is more effective in supplying nitrogen to corn in the long term than mineral fertilization. The residual effect of sewage sludge does not influence the NMR from newly‑added sludge. The method of anaerobic incubation is efficient in estimating the mineralization of N from newly‑added sewage sludge.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de incubação anaeróbica, a mineralização e a disponibilidade de N em solos tratados com aplicações sucessivas de lodo de esgoto, e determinar o efeito residual das aplicações anteriores na taxa de mineralização do nitrogênio (TMN). Dois experimentos de longa duração foram realizados com doses anuais de lodo de esgoto, para o cultivo de milho: um com dose recomendada de lodo, correspondente a 120 kg ha-1 de N, e 2, 4 e 8 vezes essa dose, em área da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, em Jaguariúna; e outro com 80 kg ha-1 de N aplicado via adubo mineral, e 1 e 2 vezes a dose recomendada de lodo de esgoto, em área do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas; além de testemunha, sem aplicação de lodo. A disponibilidade de N e a TMN foram estimadas em condições de campo e por incubações anaeróbicas em laboratório. O N total absorvido pelas plantas também foi determinado. O lodo de esgoto é mais efetivo em fornecer nitrogênio ao milho, em longo prazo, do que a adubação mineral. O efeito residual do lodo de esgoto não influencia a TMN do lodo recém‑adicionado. O método de incubação anaeróbica é eficiente em estimar a mineralização do N proveniente de lodo de esgoto recém‑adicionado

    Decomposição de palha de cana-de-açúcar recolhida em diferentes níveis após a colheita mecânica

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    The objective of this work was to determine the effect of collecting different levels of sugarcane straw on its decomposition on soil surface, after consecutive ratoons. The trial was conducted for two consecutive ratoons, using the sugarcane variety RB845210, testing four amounts of remaining straw after harvest: 11.3, 8.5, 5.7, and 2.8 Mg ha-1. Decomposition rates of biomass, carbon, nitrogen, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin were evaluated, as well as the C/N ratio and the mineralized quantities of C and N from the straw. Thedistinct levels of sugarcane straw aboveground do not alter decomposition rates, neither do they alter the mineralization of carbon, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin within the same ratoon. The straw decomposition process persists along the two ratoon cycles, regardless of the initial amount of straw on soil surface. The C/N ratio and lignin decay are adequate indicators for detecting differences of straw decomposition rates between the evaluated levels of straw, while hemicellulose and cellulose decay detects only differences in rates over time. In absolute terms, the lower the initial aboveground straw level, the higher the amounts of carbon and nitrogen mineralized, even if there are no differences in decomposition rates.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito do recolhimento de quantidades variáveis da palha de cana-de-açúcar sobre sua decomposição na superfície do solo, após subsequentes socas. O experimento foi realizado por duas socas subsequentes, com a variedade de cana-de-açúcar RB-845210, tendo-se testado quatro quantidades remanescentes de palha após a colheita: 11,3, 8,5, 5,7 e 2,8 Mg ha-1. Foram avaliadas as taxas de decomposição de biomassa, carbono, nitrogênio, celulose, hemicelulose e lignina, bem como a relação C/N e a quantidade de C e N mineralizada a partir da palha. O recolhimento variável da palha da canade-açúcar não alterou as taxas de decomposição da biomassa nem a mineralização de carbono, hemicelulose, celulose e lignina, em uma mesma soca. O processo de decomposição da palha não se esgota, mesmo após duas socas, independentemente da quantidade inicial de resíduo sobre o solo. A relação C/N e a decomposição da lignina servem como indicadores para verificar diferenças nas taxas de decomposição entre os níveis de palha avaliados, enquanto a decomposição da hemicelulose e da celulose somente detecta alterações nessas taxas ao longo do tempo. Em termos absolutos, quanto menor a retirada da palha do campo, maior a quantidade decarbono e nitrogênio mineralizada, mesmo que não haja diferenças na taxa de decomposição