25 research outputs found


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    The paper is based on diachronic analysis of historical maps from different periods, in order to capture more accurately the evolution of the forest landscape in the subcarpathian sector of Bistriţa Valley. In order to achieve the final purpose, were used large scale cartographic materials covering a period of over two centuries (1788 – 2006), which were processed and interpreted into GIS environment. The results showed a continuous reduction of forest area, which in the first period occupied nearly half of the total study area. The main causes of these changes are of anthropogenic order, gradually replacing forests with pastures, agricultural land or built-up perimeter. During the whole period under review stands some small areas where afforestation works were made but insignificant in relation to the deforested areas

    The analysis of agricultural landscape change using GIS techniques: case study: Podoleni, Romania

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    The increasingly tensions rising between society’s need for resources and space on the one hand, and the capacity of the land to support these needs on the other hand lead to unprecedented changes in landscape configuration, and hence, to the environment. This paper analyzes changes in the agricultural landscape of Podoleni, Neamt County, Romania, in spatio - temporal terms, as a result of the modernization of the ground processing techniques, types of crops, and the degree of fragmentation of land parcels. The study was conducted using Geographical Information Systems techniques, the main materials used in the analysis are topographic maps from different representative periods, and the 2006 orthophotomaps. Application of GIS techniques at a detailed scale (1:5000) allows an efficient management of land use for local authorities. The results highlight the optimal management of agricultural land so as to maintain a balance between their basic function (food needs) and preservation of nature (landscape, environment)

    The analysis of agricultural landscape change using GIS techniques. Case study: Podoleni, Romania

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    The increasingly tensions rising between society’s need for resources and space on the one hand, and the capacity of the land to support these needs on the other hand lead to unprecedented changes in landscape configuration, and hence, to the environment. This paper analyzes changes in the agricultural landscape of Podoleni, Neamt County, Romania, in spatio -temporal terms, as a result of the modernization of the ground processing techniques, types of crops, and the degree of fragmentation of land parcels. The study was conducted using Geographical Information Systems techniques, the main materials used in the analysis are topographic maps from different representative periods, and the 2006 ortho-photomaps. Application of GIS techniques at a detailed scale (1:5000) allows an efficient management of land use for local authorities. The results highlight the optimal management of agricultural land so as to maintain a balance between their basic function (food needs) and preservation of nature (landscape, environment)

    EU acquis compliance on urban waste management. Case study: Piatra Neamt, Romania

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    This paper examines the current challenges in urban waste management systems under EU regulations for a newcomer state. Piatra NeamÈ› is among the first Romanian cities which made the transition from a traditional to a modern waste management infrastructure through ISPA funds. These changes are poor reflected in rate of recyling and treatment so far according to analysis of waste streams. The paper performs a critical review of waste management services and also assesses the vulnerability to illegal dumping. Inappropriate sites of waste management facilities contribute to environmental pollution and urban landscape degradation. Comparative analysis between pre-accession period vs. current situation highlights one the one hand the improvements in this sector and on the other hand the difficulties to comply EU targets

    Anthropogenic landform modeling using GIS techniques case study: Vrancea region

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    Anthropogenic landforms are the result of significant changes in the Earth's crust due to technological development of human society, guided by its economic, social and cultural needs. anthropogenic landforms of the studied area was analyzed using GIS techniques at the general scale, conducting the entire study area maps, and detailed modeling of representative samples in detail. Representing the anthropogenic landforms on the digital elevation model can be very important in studying natural hazards, such as hydrological modeling on flood plains, which could influence the direction of the flood wave. The digital elevation model (DEM) made by traditional methods can not represent the anthropogenic landforms, leading sometimes to a misinterpretation of reality on the ground

    Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques

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    The goal of the study is to develop an appropriate method for analyzing and quantifying the territorial expansion of built-up area in the administrative territory of Bistrita subcarpathian Valley, a well populated region. The area under study has high favorability in terms of housing due to its contact geographical unit position and access to natural resources. Analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of built-up area is essential for understanding and assessing the consequences of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The methodology was mainly achi sved through GIS techniques, by using relevant cartographic documents covering a period of more than 200 years. As a particular method we created a system of matrices (focalsum) which divide the areas affected by changes into equal size squares in order to highlight the density of these changes. The study was conducted through a systemic approach, aiming to analyze the connections between the territo: ial expansion and the environmental components which constituted key factors to its dynamics. The results showed a continuous and rapid expansion of built-up area, With different growth patterns depending on the socioeconomic factors, which represented the dominant driving factors of this phenomeno

    Restructuring the post-industrial landscape of Bistrita subcarpathian valley

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    The paper examines the industrial landscape evolution of Bistrita subcarpathian Valley, focusing on the causes, and especially on the consequences of those rapid changes over the territory. The area under study has favorable conditions for the development of the industrial sector, being an area of old housing and having access to natural and human resources needed for this type of activity. The methodology was achieved through the spatial and temporal analysis of cartographic documents from different suggestive periods, carefully selection of the bibliographical mater lis, and through a detailed field study for validating the results of the laboratory and providing new information. To better illustrate the industrial landscape dynamics reflected in Bistrita subcarpathian Valley we used GIS techniques as the main tool in completing the work, resulting two cartographic materials that capture the state before and after the fall of the communist regime (1989), which affected the whole Romanian industry. The maps are supported by edifying images of the concerned periods. The results noted an accelerated process of transforming the industrial landscape within the analyzed territory, a critical moment being 1989, which marks the transition from planned to market economy, resulting a complex process of industrial restructuring. The study identifies certain models of conversion of former industrial sites and finally aims to provide viable solutions for reinsertion in the economic circuit

    Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques

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    The goal of the study is to develop an appropriate method for analyzing and quantifying the territorial expansion of built-up area in the administrative territory of Bistrita subcarpathian Valley, a well populated region. The area under study has high favorability in terms of housing due to its contact geographical unit position and access to natural resources. Analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of built-up area is essential for understanding and assessing the consequences of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The methodology was mainly achi sved through GIS techniques, by using relevant cartographic documents covering a period of more than 200 years. As a particular method we created a system of matrices (focalsum) which divide the areas affected by changes into equal size squares in order to highlight the density of these changes. The study was conducted through a systemic approach, aiming to analyze the connections between the territo: ial expansion and the environmental components which constituted key factors to its dynamics. The results showed a continuous and rapid expansion of built-up area, With different growth patterns depending on the socioeconomic factors, which represented the dominant driving factors of this phenomeno