340 research outputs found

    Caracterización del campo acústico generado por transductores focalizados

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    En este trabajo se presenta el fenómeno conocido como Shift no lineal (movimiento de la posición del máximo de presión e intensidad en el eje, en haces ultrasónicos focalizados, a medida que se incrementa la tensión aplicada al transductor) en el caso de haces de Número de Fresnel intermedio. Los resultados experimentales para un transductor de Número de Fresnel en torno a 6 muestran la existencia de un pequeño Shift no lineal en la posición axial del máximo de presión. Estos resultados son coherentes con el modelo de predicción basado en la ecuación KZK. Se observa cómo, en régimen no lineal, para este grado de focalización la posición axial del máximo de presión puede sobrepasar la focal geométrica del sistema.Adrián Martínez, S. (2009). Caracterización del campo acústico generado por transductores focalizados. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/8887Archivo delegad

    Design and Development of an Acoustic Calibrator for Deep-Sea Neutrino Telescopes and First Search for Secluded Dark Matter with ANTARES

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    [EN] Neutrino astronomy is a booming field in astroparticle physics. Due to the particular characteristics of neutrinos, these particles offer great advantages as probes for the study of the far and high-energy Universe. It is extensively accepted by the scientific community that a multi-messenger approach with the combination of information provided by neutrinos, photons and charged particles (cosmic rays) is possible to obtain a more complete image of the fundamental astrophysics processes taking place in our Universe. Since neutrinos are neutral and very weak interacting particles they can reach the Earth from astrophysical sources without deflection by magnetic fields and almost without energy losses and absorption, contrarily to the rest of messengers. The other side of the coin of neutrino properties is that detection of neutrinos is very challenging and big highly instrumented detection volumes are needed. Natural media (deep sea, lakes or ice in the Antarctica) host this kind of experiments using the water (or ice) as target material where the neutrino interaction is produced. ANTARES is the first undersea neutrino telescope, located at 2475 m depth in the Mediterranean Sea. ANTARES is optimized for optical detection of the Cerenkov light induced by relativistic muons produced by high energy neutrino interactions near the detector. The charge, position and arrival time of the photons to the optical modules which compose the detector allows the muon track reconstruction, and thus, knowing the neutrino coming direction. Some information of the event energy is also derived. ANTARES is also hosting the AMADEUS experiment which is investigating the feasibility of the acoustic detection of Ultra-High Energy (UHE) neutrinos. The framework of this thesis is the ANTARES experiment. As commonly done in the thesis developed in this experiment (and in this field), the work has been divided in two different areas. On the one hand, a part more devoted to technological aspects related to the detector and, on the other hand, a part dedicated to ANTARES data analysis. The first part of the thesis is focused in the development of a calibrator able to reproduce the acoustic signal generated in the UHE neutrino interaction with a water nucleus which, roughly speaking, generates a highly directive bipolar acoustic pulse. Having a good calibrator is crucial to test and tune the telescope response for this kind of signals. The second part of the thesis, the data analysis part, is centred in the analysis of the ANTARES data in order to constrain possible Dark Matter models. This work is focused on the detection of products resulting of the Dark Matter annihilation trapped in the centre of the Sun. Specifically, the Secluded Dark Matter (SDM) model has been tested by the detection of di-muons (co-linear muon pair) and/or neutrinos coming from Sun direction. Broadly speaking, this model is based on the idea of the existence of a mediator resulting of the Dark Matter annihilation which, subsequently, would decay into standard model particles as muons or neutrinos. These models have been proposed in order to explain some experimental "anomalies" observed, such as the electron-positron ratio spectrum detected in satellites, measured recently with high accuracy by AMS-II. The study of this thesis constitutes the first search of experimental evidences of this kind of models in neutrino telescopes.[ES] La astronomía de neutrinos es un campo en auge dentro de la Física de Astropartículas. Los neutrinos ofrecen grandes ventajas como sondas para estudiar el Universo lejano y de alta energía. Es extensamente aceptado que mediante la combinación de la información que proporcionan los neutrinos junto a la obtenida mediante fotones de alta energía (rayos gamma) y partículas cargadas (rayos cósmicos) se podría obtener una imagen más completa de los procesos astrofísicos fundamentales que tienen lugar a lo largo de nuestro Universo.La razón fundamental por la que los neutrinos son tan altamente valorados como mensajeros es la baja interacción con el medio que los rodea. Al ser partículas sin carga interactúan muy débilmente con la materia, por ello pueden escaparse de la fuente donde se han producido y, al contrario de lo que ocurre con el resto de mensajeros, pueden llegar a la Tierra sin ser desviados por los campo magnéticos y sin prácticamente pérdida de energía. Esta misma razón que los hace tan valorados es a su vez la que los hace tan difíciles de detectar. Se impone la necesidad de construir detectores de grandes volúmenes, del orden del km3, altamente instrumentados. Se utilizan medios naturales (en el fondo del mar, en lagos o en enterrados en el hielo de la Antártida) aprovechando el agua (o hielo) como material diana donde se espera que interaccione el neutrino. ANTARES es el primer telescopio submarino de neutrinos construido en el fondo del mar Mediterráneo. Está optimizado para la detección óptica de la luz Cherenkov inducida por los muones relativistas producidos en la interacción de neutrinos de alta energía en los alrededores del detector. La información de la carga, posición y tiempo de llegada de los fotones a los fotomultiplicadores que componen el detector permite tanto la reconstrucción de la trayectoria del neutrino como el conocimiento de su energía. Además, ANTARES acoge el experimento AMADEUS mediante el cual se está investigando y testeando la detección acústica de neutrinos de muy alta energía que, al interaccionar en el agua, producen un pulso termo-acústico que se pretende registrar con una red de hidrófonos. El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis se engloba bajo el marco del experimento ANTARES. Como es común en las tesis desarrolladas en este experimento, el trabajo se ha dividido en dos áreas diferenciadas: por un lado, una parte de enfoque más tecnológico y, por otro lado, una parte analítica de datos tomados por el telescopio. La primera parte de la tesis está centrada en el desarrollo de un calibrador capaz de reproducir la señal acústica que se emite en la interacción de un neutrino de alta energía con un núcleo de agua que, generalizando, es un pulso bipolar altamente directivo. El disponer de un buen calibrador es clave a la hora de testear la detección acústica en el telescopio y poder sintonizar y "entrenar" los los receptores para este tipo de señales. La segunda parte de la tesis se ha centrado en el análisis de datos registrados por ANTARES con el fin de contrastar posibles modelos astrofísicos para la búsqueda de materia oscura. Este trabajo ha focalizado en la detección de los productos de la aniquilación de materia oscura atrapada en el centro del Sol. Se ha testeado el modelo de Secluded Dark Matter (SDM) a través de la detección de di-muones (pareja de muones co-lineales) y neutrinos en la dirección del Sol. A grandes rasgos, este modelo se basa en la idea de la existencia de un mediador resultado de la aniquilación de materia oscura que posteriormente decaería en partículas del modelo estándar como muones o neutrinos. Estos modelos han sido propuestos con el fin de explicar ciertas 'anomalías' experimentales observadas, tales como el espectro del flujo de positrones detectado en satélites, medido recientemente con gran precisión por AMS-II. realizado en esta tesis constituye la primera búsqueda de evidencias[CA] L'astronomia de neutrins és un camp en auge dins la Física d'Astropartícules. Els neutrins ofereixen grans avantatges com a sondes per estudiar l'Univers llunyà i d'alta energia. Es extensament acceptat que mitjançant la combinació de la informació proporcionada pels neutrins junt a la obtinguda mitjançant fotons d'alta energia (rajos gamma) i partícules carregades (rajos còsmics) es podria obtindre una imatge més completa dels processos astrofísics fonamentals que es donen al llarg del nostre Univers. La raó fonamental per la qual els neutrins són altament valorats com a missatgers és la baixa interacció amb el medi que els envolta. Al ser partícules sense càrrega interactuen molt dèbilment amb la matèria, per això poden escapar-se de la font on s'han produït i, al contrari del que ocorre amb la resta de missatgers, poden arribar a La Terra sense desviar-se pels camps electromagnètics i sense pràcticament pèrdua d'energia. Aquesta mateixa raó que els fan tan valorats és al mateix temps la que els fa tan difícil de detectar. S'imposa la necessitat de construir detectors amb grans volums de detecció, de l'ordre del km3, altament instrumentats. S'utilitzen medis naturals (al fons de la mar, en llacs, al gel de l'Antàrtida) aprofitant l'aigua (o el gel) com a material diana on interaccionen el neutrins. ANTARES és el primer telescopi submarí de neutrins construït al fons de la mar Mediterrània. Està optimitzat per a la detecció òptica de la llum de Cherenkov induïda pels muons relativistes produïts en la interacció de neutrins d'alta energia als voltants del detector. La informació de la carrega, posició i temps d'arribada dels fotons als fotomultiplicadors que composen el detector permet tant la reconstrucció de la trajectòria del neutrí, amb gran resolució angular, com el coneixement de la seua energia. A més, ANTARES acull l'experiment AMADEUS mitjançant el qual s'està investigant i testejant la detecció acústica de neutrins de molt alta energia, que, al interaccionar a l'aigua produeixen un pols termo-acústic que es pretén registrar amb una xarxa d'hidròfons. El treball dut a terme en esta tesi s'engloba baix el marc de l'experiment ANTARES. Com es comú en les tesis desenvolupades en aquest experiment, el treball s'ha dividit en dues àrees diferenciades: per una banda una part d'enfocament mes tecnològic i, d'altra banda, una part analítica de les dades preses pel telescopi. La primera part de la tesi està centrada en el desenvolupament d'un calibrador capaç de reproduir la senyal acústica que es genera en la interacció d'un neutrí d'alta energia amb un nucli de l'aigua que, generalitzant, és un pols bipolar altament directiu. Disposar d'un bon calibrador es clau a l'hora de testejar la detecció acústica al telescopi i poder sintonitzar i "entrenar" els receptors a aquest tipus de senyals. La segona part de la tesi, amb caràcter d'anàlisi de dades, s'ha centrat en l'anàlisi de les dades registrades per ANTARES amb el fi de contrastar possibles models astrofísics per a la recerca de matèria fosca. Aquest treball es centra en la detecció dels productes d'aniquilació de matèria fosca atrapada al centre del Sol. En concret, s'ha testejat el model de Secluded Dark Matter (SDM) a través de la detecció de di-muons (parell de muons co-lineals) i neutrins en la direcció del Sol. A grans trets, aquest model es basa en la idea de l'existència d'un mediador resultat de l'aniquilació de matèria fosca que posteriorment decauria en partícules del model estàndard com muons o neutrins. Aquests models han sigut proposats amb la fi d'explicar certes "anomalies" experimentals observades, tals com l'espectre del flux de positrons detectat en satèl¿lits, mesurat recentment amb gran precisió per AMS-II. L'estudi realitzat en esta tesi constitueix la primera recerca d'evidències experimentals d'aquest tipus de models en telescopis de neutrins.Adrián Martínez, S. (2015). Design and Development of an Acoustic Calibrator for Deep-Sea Neutrino Telescopes and First Search for Secluded Dark Matter with ANTARES [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48877TESI

    Nonlinear focal shift beyond the geometrical focus in moderately focused acoustic beams

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    An appropriate copyright notice must be included along with the full citation for the published paper and a Web link to ASA's official online version of the abstract. There are no format restrictions; files prepared and/or formatted by ASA, AIP, or its vendors (e.g., the PDF, PostScript, or HTML article files published in the online journals and proceedings) may be used for this purpose. If a fee is charged for any use of the posted article, ASA permission must be obtained.The phenomenon of the displacement of the position along the axis of the pressure, intensity, and radiation force maxima of focused acoustic beams under increasing driving voltages (nonlinear focal shift) is studied for the case of a moderately focused beam. The theoretical and experimental results show the existence of this shift along the axis when the initial pressure in the transducer increases until the acoustic field reaches the fully developed nonlinear regime of propagation. Experimental data show that at high amplitudes and for moderate focusing, the position of the on-axis pressure maximum and radiation force maximum can surpass the geometrical focal length. On the contrary, the on-axis pressure minimum approaches the transducer under increasing driving voltages, increasing the distance between the positive and negative peak pressure in the beam. These results are in agreement with numerical KZK model predictions and the existed data of other authors and can be explained according to the effect of self-refraction characteristic of the nonlinear regime of propagation.We wish to thank Dr. Yuri N. Makov for his advice and remarks for the improvement of this article. This work was supported by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, under Project Nos. PAID-06-10-002-295 and PAID-05-11-002-340.Camarena Femenia, F.; Adrián Martínez, S.; Jimenez, N.; Sánchez Morcillo, VJ. (2013). Nonlinear focal shift beyond the geometrical focus in moderately focused acoustic beams. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 134(2):1463-1472. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4812865S14631472134

    Acoustic Transmitters for Underwater Neutrino Telescopes

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    In this paper acoustic transmitters that were developed for use in underwater neutrino telescopes are presented. Firstly, an acoustic transceiver has been developed as part of the acoustic positioning system of neutrino telescopes. These infrastructures are not completely rigid and require a positioning system in order to monitor the position of the optical sensors which move due to sea currents. To guarantee a reliable and versatile system, the transceiver has the requirements of reduced cost, low power consumption, high pressure withstanding (up to 500 bars), high intensity for emission, low intrinsic noise, arbitrary signals for emission and the capacity of acquiring and processing received signals. Secondly, a compact acoustic transmitter array has been developed for the calibration of acoustic neutrino detection systems. The array is able to mimic the signature of ultra-high-energy neutrino interaction in emission directivity and signal shape. The technique of parametric acoustic sources has been used to achieve the proposed aim. The developed compact array has practical features such as easy manageability and operation. The prototype designs and the results of different tests are described. The techniques applied for these two acoustic systems are so powerful and versatile that may be of interest in other marine applications using acoustic transmitters.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures,1 tabl

    A time-dependent search for high-energy neutrinos from bright GRBs with ANTARES

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    Astrophysical point-like neutrino sources, like Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), are one of the main targets for neutrino telescopes, since they are among the best candidates for Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) acceleration. From the interaction between the accelerated protons and the intense radiation fields of the source jet, charged mesons are produced, which then decay into neutrinos. The methods and the results of a search for high-energy neutrinos in spatial and temporal correlation with the detected gamma-ray emission are presented for four bright GRBs observed between 2008 and 2013: a time-dependent analysis, optimised for each flare of the selected bursts, is performed to predict detailed neutrino spectra. The internal shock scenario of the fireball model is investigated, relying on the neutrino spectra computed through the numerical code NeuCosmA. The analysis is optimized on a per burst basis, through the maximization of the signal discovery probability. Since no events in ANTARES data passed the optimised cuts, 90% C.L. upper limits are derived on the expected neutrino fluences

    SPOT and GPRS drifting buoys for HF Radar calibration

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    Traditional drifting buoys have been designed to measure the surface currents at a nominal depth of 15m with drogues of 6m height. Herein, in order to assess the performance of HF Radars two designs of Lagrangian drifting buoys have been developed and targeted to provide the vertically averaged velocity of the currents in the frst 2 and 0.5 meters of the water column. These are the layer heights of the HF Radars of RAIA observatory. The buoys were made with standard materials and of-the-shelf electronics, to keep costs as low as possible.Peer Reviewe

    R&D studies for the development of a compact transmitter able to mimic the acousticsignature of a UHE neutrino interaction

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    [EN] Calibration of acoustic neutrino telescopes with neutrino-like signals is essential to evaluate the feasibility of the technique and to know the efficiency of the detectors. However, it is not straightforward to have acoustic transmitters that, on one hand, are able to mimic the signature of a UHE neutrino interaction, that is, a bipolar acoustic pulse with the 'pancake' directivity, and on the other hand, fulfil practical issues such as ease of deployment and operation. This is a non-trivial problem since it requires directive transducer with cylindrical symmetry for a broadband frequency range. Classical solutions using linear arrays of acoustic transducers result in long arrays with many elements, which increase the cost and the complexity for deployment and operation. In this paper we present the extension of our previous R&D studies using the parametric acoustic source technique by dealing with the cylindrical symmetry and demonstrating that it is possible to use this technique for having a compact solution that could be much more easily included in neutrino telescope infrastructures or used in specific sea campaigns for calibration. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n (Spain Government), project references FPA2007- 63729, FPA2009-13983-C02-02, ACI2009-1067 and ConsoliderIngenio Multidark (CSD2009-00064). It has also being funded by Generalitat Valenciana, Prometeo/2009/26.Ardid Ramírez, M.; Adrián Martínez, S.; Bou Cabo, M.; Larosa, G.; Martínez Mora, JA.; Espinosa Roselló, V.; Camarena Femenia, F.... (2012). R&D studies for the development of a compact transmitter able to mimic the acousticsignature of a UHE neutrino interaction. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 662:206-209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.11.139S20620966

    Model type II regression for lagrangian validation of HF radar velocities in the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Two designs of lagrangian low-cost drifting buoys have been developed in order to monitor the ocean surface dynamics in the North-west Iberian Peninsula and provide ground-truth observations that can be used to assess the performance of High Frequency (HF) Radars of RAIA observatory from 2020 to 2022. Since regression model type I, which is typically used in buoy-HF radar antennas validations, does not consider the presence of errors in the observations from both instruments, regression model type II was proposed to instrument intercomparison. Furthermore, a new metric was developed to better assess both model types regressions in lagrangian validations.Peer Reviewe

    Tailoring Mesoporous Silica-Coated Silver Nanoparticles and Polyurethane-Doped Films for Enhanced Antimicrobial Applications

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    This work was supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry—LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020) as well as the Scientific Society PROTEOMASS (Portugal) for funding support (General Funding Grant). This work was also supported by the Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center- MEtRICs which is funded by national funds from FCT/MCTES (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04077/2020, (28 February 2024), https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/04077/2020 (28 February 2024)). S.N., J.F.-L., A.F.-L., E.O., J.L.C-M. and C.L. thank the FCT-MEC for the research grant SiSi4Bacter (PTDC/QUI-COL/1517/2020). E.O. thanks FCT/MEC (Portugal) for the individual contract, CEECIND/05280/2022. S.N. and J.G. thank the FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) for their doctoral grants associated with the Chemistry PhD program (SFRH/BD/144618/2019) and (2022.09495.BD). A.F.L. thanks the FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) for his research contract through the project PTDC/QUI-COL/1517/2020. J.F-.L. thanks the FC/MEC (Portugal) for the individual research contract DL57/2016 Norma Transitoria. The work was carried out partially through the INL User Facilities (Braga, Portugal). Publisher Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.The global increase in multidrug-resistant bacteria poses a challenge to public health and requires the development of new antibacterial materials. In this study, we examined the bactericidal properties of mesoporous silica-coated silver nanoparticles, varying the core sizes (ca. 28 nm and 51 nm). We also investigated gold nanoparticles (ca. 26 nm) coated with mesoporous silica as possible inert metal cores. To investigate the modification of antimicrobial activity after the surface charge change, we used silver nanoparticles with a silver core of 28 nm coated with a mesoporous shell (ca. 16 nm) and functionalized with a terminal amine group. Furthermore, we developed a facile method to create mesoporous silica-coated silver nanoparticles (Ag@mSiO2) doped films using polyurethane (IROGRAN®) as a polymer matrix via solution casting. The antibacterial effects of silver nanoparticles with different core sizes were analyzed against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria relevant to the healthcare and food industry. The results demonstrated that gold nanoparticles were inert, while silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial effects against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis) and Gram-positive (Bacillus cereus) strains. In particular, the larger Ag@mSiO2 nanoparticles showed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and a minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 18 µg/mL in the Salmonella strain. Furthermore, upon terminal amine functionalization, reversing the surface charge to positive values, there was a significant increase in the antibacterial activity of the NPs compared to their negative counterparts. Finally, the antimicrobial properties of the nanoparticle-doped polyurethane films revealed a substantial improvement in antibacterial efficacy. This study provides valuable information on the potential of mesoporous silica-coated silver nanoparticles and their applications in fighting multidrug-resistant bacteria, especially in the healthcare and food industries.publishersversionpublishe