399 research outputs found

    Swarm Intelligence Based Multi-phase OPF For Peak Power Loss Reduction In A Smart Grid

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    Recently there has been increasing interest in improving smart grids efficiency using computational intelligence. A key challenge in future smart grid is designing Optimal Power Flow tool to solve important planning problems including optimal DG capacities. Although, a number of OPF tools exists for balanced networks there is a lack of research for unbalanced multi-phase distribution networks. In this paper, a new OPF technique has been proposed for the DG capacity planning of a smart grid. During the formulation of the proposed algorithm, multi-phase power distribution system is considered which has unbalanced loadings, voltage control and reactive power compensation devices. The proposed algorithm is built upon a co-simulation framework that optimizes the objective by adapting a constriction factor Particle Swarm optimization. The proposed multi-phase OPF technique is validated using IEEE 8500-node benchmark distribution system.Comment: IEEE PES GM 2014, Washington DC, US

    Enhanced Estimation of Autoregressive Wind Power Prediction Model Using Constriction Factor Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Accurate forecasting is important for cost-effective and efficient monitoring and control of the renewable energy based power generation. Wind based power is one of the most difficult energy to predict accurately, due to the widely varying and unpredictable nature of wind energy. Although Autoregressive (AR) techniques have been widely used to create wind power models, they have shown limited accuracy in forecasting, as well as difficulty in determining the correct parameters for an optimized AR model. In this paper, Constriction Factor Particle Swarm Optimization (CF-PSO) is employed to optimally determine the parameters of an Autoregressive (AR) model for accurate prediction of the wind power output behaviour. Appropriate lag order of the proposed model is selected based on Akaike information criterion. The performance of the proposed PSO based AR model is compared with four well-established approaches; Forward-backward approach, Geometric lattice approach, Least-squares approach and Yule-Walker approach, that are widely used for error minimization of the AR model. To validate the proposed approach, real-life wind power data of \textit{Capital Wind Farm} was obtained from Australian Energy Market Operator. Experimental evaluation based on a number of different datasets demonstrate that the performance of the AR model is significantly improved compared with benchmark methods.Comment: The 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) 201

    A multi-physics simulation approach to Investigating the underlying mechanisms of Low-Speed Pre-Ignition

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    As part of the effort to improve thermal efficiency, engines are being significantly downsized. A common issue in gasoline engines which limits thermal efficiency and is further exacerbated by downsizing, is low speed pre ignition (LSPI). This thesis uses a Multiphysics approach, initially using a validated 1D engine performance model of a GTDI engine, to define realistic boundary conditions. A strong emphasis on validating each simulation methodology as much as possible is maintained at each stage. A hydrodynamic model of the ring-liner and Lagrangian CFD model are used to investigate the impact of engine oil fluid properties on the mass of oil transported from the crevice volume to the combustion chamber. A heat transfer and evaporation model of a single droplet inside an engine environment was developed for alkanes of chain lengths representing the extremes of the chain lengths present in engine oil. It was found the droplet generally evaporates at a crank angle which is close to the point where LSPI is observed. The hydrocarbon study ends with a CFD constant volume simulation to understand why engine oil like hydrocarbons ignite in rig tests but not in an engine. This research then proceeds to develop a single particle detergent model in an engine environment, to initially understand why ignition occurs when a calcium Ca based detergent is present but not in the case of a magnesium Mg detergent. It was found from simulation that the common theory of calcium oxide CaO resulting from thermal degradation from the previous cycle then reacting with Carbon dioxide CO2 late in the compression stroke is unlikely. There is a stronger case for the CaO particle causing ignition as it is present in fresh engine oil sprayed onto the liner. As predicted by the hydrocarbon evaporation model the oil will cover and protect the CaO particle until late in the compression stroke when the oil will evaporate, exposing the CaO particle to CO2

    Modeling and performance evaluation of stealthy false data injection attacks on smart grid in the presence of corrupted measurements

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    The false data injection (FDI) attack cannot be detected by the traditional anomaly detection techniques used in the energy system state estimators. In this paper, we demonstrate how FDI attacks can be constructed blindly, i.e., without system knowledge, including topological connectivity and line reactance information. Our analysis reveals that existing FDI attacks become detectable (consequently unsuccessful) by the state estimator if the data contains grossly corrupted measurements such as device malfunction and communication errors. The proposed sparse optimization based stealthy attacks construction strategy overcomes this limitation by separating the gross errors from the measurement matrix. Extensive theoretical modeling and experimental evaluation show that the proposed technique performs more stealthily (has less relative error) and efficiently (fast enough to maintain time requirement) compared to other methods on IEEE benchmark test systems.Comment: Keywords: Smart grid, False data injection, Blind attack, Principal component analysis (PCA), Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Elsevier, 201

    Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade between Pakistan and Selected SAARC Countries

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    This paper analyses country-specific and industry-specific determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) between Pakistan and other SAARC countries using panel data techniques. This paper also disentangles total IIT into horizontal and vertical IIT. The Vertical IIT is further divided into high-quality and low quality IIT. This paper finds that country-specific variables are more important in explaining the IIT relative to industry-specific variables. The decomposition of IIT shows that in the SAARC region Pakistan’s IIT is mostly comprised of the vertical IIT. The share of horizontal IIT is comparatively less. The paper offers specific policy recommendations for the promotion of IIT in the SAARC region. JEL classification: F12, F14, F15 Keywords: IIT, Horizontal IIT, Vertical II

    Impact of Public Examination on Teaching of English: A Washback Perspective

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    Washback speaks of influence of test on teaching and learning. This paper investigates the wash back effect of Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) exam on English language teaching and learning in Pakistan. The purpose of this study is to explore the causes of low level of English language proficiency at the completion of 12 years of academic education with English as a compulsory subject. To achieve this goal it examines the effect of HSSC exam on teaching methods and materials. Population of the study was all the teachers teaching English in colleges at HSSC level in Sargodha, Pakistan. A survey questionnaire consisting of ten questions was administered to the teachers of English. The questionnaire aimed at investigating the effect of HSSC on English teaching methodology and materials used by the teachers. Findings of the study affirmed that HSSC instead of supporting has negative washback effect on teaching methods and materials. Keywords: washback, HSSC exam, teaching method, teaching material

    Stress Analysis of Buried Pipeline Using Finite Element Method

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل سلوك الجزء المدفون تحت الارض من أنابيب الصلب تحت تأثير الأحمال الناجمة عن الضغط الداخلي وتباين درجات الحرارة بسبب نقل المنتجات الهيدروكربونية. على افتراض أن خط الأنابيب مدفون في تربة رملية، وباعتماد طريقة العناصر المحددة لتنفيذ هذا التحليل باستخدام برنامج ANSYS 12.0. تم دراسة تأثير أربع متغيرات منها طول الجزء المدفون من الانبوب، خواص التربة، وعمق غطاء التربة، وحالة التقييد لنهايتي الجزء المدفون من الانبوب. حيث تبين أن زيادة طول الجزء المدفون أو زيادة قيم معاملات رد فعل التربة العمودية والمماسية للجزء المدفون من الأسباب المؤدية الى انخفاض في قيم الازاحات الطولية، والإجهاد، والانفعال. كما أن عمق غطاء التربة على الجزء المدفون من الانبوب ليس له أي تأثير على النزوح الطولي، ولكن الاجهادات والانفعالات  زادت عند زيادة عمق غطاء التربة. من دراسة تأثير حالة التقييد لطرفي الجزء المدفون، وجدت أن الحد الأقصى للازاحات الطولية لم تتأثر، ولكن قيم الاجهادات والانفعالات الطولية زادت بمقادير صغيرة.This study aims to analyze the behavior of underground part of steel pipelines under the effect of loads caused by internal pressure and temperature variation due to transportation of hydrocarbon products. The pipeline assumed to be buried in a sandy soil. The finite element method is used to carry out this analysis using ANSYS 12.0 program.  Four parameters are studied including length of the buried part of the pipeline, soil properties, depth of soil cover, and ends condition of the buried part of the pipeline. It is found that increasing the length of the buried part of the pipeline or increasing values of the normal and tangential modulus of subgrade reactions for the surrounding soil causes decreasing in the values of longitudinal displacement, stress, and strain. Soil cover depth over buried pipeline has no effect on the longitudinal displacement, but the stresses and strain increased when the soil cover depth increases. From studying the effect of boundary conditions of the two ends of steel buried pipeline, it is found that longitudinal maximum displacement did not affected, but the longitudinal stresses and strains increase with small rate values

    Stress Analysis of Buried Pipeline Using Finite Element Method

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل سلوك الجزء المدفون تحت الارض من أنابيب الصلب تحت تأثير الأحمال الناجمة عن الضغط الداخلي وتباين درجات الحرارة بسبب نقل المنتجات الهيدروكربونية. على افتراض أن خط الأنابيب مدفون في تربة رملية، وباعتماد طريقة العناصر المحددة لتنفيذ هذا التحليل باستخدام برنامج ANSYS 12.0. تم دراسة تأثير أربع متغيرات منها طول الجزء المدفون من الانبوب، خواص التربة، وعمق غطاء التربة، وحالة التقييد لنهايتي الجزء المدفون من الانبوب. حيث تبين أن زيادة طول الجزء المدفون أو زيادة قيم معاملات رد فعل التربة العمودية والمماسية للجزء المدفون من الأسباب المؤدية الى انخفاض في قيم الازاحات الطولية، والإجهاد، والانفعال. كما أن عمق غطاء التربة على الجزء المدفون من الانبوب ليس له أي تأثير على النزوح الطولي، ولكن الاجهادات والانفعالات زادت عند زيادة عمق غطاء التربة. من دراسة تأثير حالة التقييد لطرفي الجزء المدفون، وجدت أن الحد الأقصى للازاحات الطولية لم تتأثر، ولكن قيم الاجهادات والانفعالات الطولية زادت بمقادير صغيرة.This study aims to analyze the behavior of underground part of steel pipelines under the effect of loads caused by internal pressure and temperature variation due to transportation of hydrocarbon products. The pipeline assumed to be buried in a sandy soil. The finite element method is used to carry out this analysis using ANSYS 12.0 program.  Four parameters are studied including length of the buried part of the pipeline, soil properties, depth of soil cover, and ends condition of the buried part of the pipeline. It is found that increasing the length of the buried part of the pipeline or increasing values of the normal and tangential modulus of subgrade reactions for the surrounding soil causes decreasing in the values of longitudinal displacement, stress, and strain. Soil cover depth over buried pipeline has no effect on the longitudinal displacement, but the stresses and strain increased when the soil cover depth increases. From studying the effect of boundary conditions of the two ends of steel buried pipeline, it is found that longitudinal maximum displacement did not affected, but the longitudinal stresses and strains increase with small rate values