10 research outputs found

    The effect of emotional intelligence towards organizational commitment, job performance, and job satisfaction among employees at German company (Federal Autocars Sdn. Bhd) / Adlin Adnan

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    The present research was conducted at Federal AutoCars Sdn Bhd.Glenmarie. This research and study was conducted to know the effect of employees’ emotional intelligence towards organizational commitment, job performance and job satisfaction at Federal AutoCars Sdn Bhd. The problem faced by the most organization is to have efficient and quality employees in all departments. The major problem that can be seen is there are group of employees who tend to take less responsibility when dealing with their task. This sort of behavior basically caused by lack of emotional intelligence skills by the employees. This study is to know the level of emotional intelligence among employees, relationship between emotional intelligence towards organizational commitment, job performance, and job satisfaction among employees. Next, the aim of this study is to know which element is affected by emotional intelligence the most. Lastly, to find the alternatives to cure the problems that occurred. The data were taken from 110 respondents using convenience sampling and the results were analyzed and interpretations of relationships were made. It was found that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment, and job performance. As for between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, the relationship is insignificant. Lastly, The most element that is affected by emotional intelligence in job performance


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    Objective: To demonstrate curcumin as the safe and effective therapeutic agent in the prevention and treatment of oxidative damage in fibroblasts within the cochlear supporting tissues and lateral wall following noise exposure by neutralizing oxidative stress-inducing agents, such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).Methods: Twenty-four Rattus norvegicus were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 6). Group 1: The control group; group 2: noise (+); group 3: noise (+), 50 mg/day curcumin (+); group 4: noise (+), 100 mg/day curcumin (+). All groups (except group 1) were subjected to 100 dB SPL for 2 h per day for 14 d. Curcumin used in this study was derived from Curcuma longa L. (Turmeric) with curcumin [28.1±1.0]% w/w compared to Standard and administered orally for 14 d. All samples were Immuno histo-chemistrically examined for the expressions of MDA in cochlear fibroblasts and colorimetrically examined for H2O2 levels in cochlear tissues using the colorimetric reader.Results: The results obtained showed significant differences for the expressions of MDA (P<0.05) in all groups, and significant differences for H2O2 levels (P<0.05) in all groups, except in group 1 compared to 4 and group 3 compared to 4.Conclusion: Curcumin proved to be potentially effective in the prevention and treatment of oxidative damage in fibroblasts within the cochlear supporting tissues and lateral wall following noise exposure by decreasing the expressions of MDA and H2O2 levels.Â

    Gangguan Pendengaran dan Keseimbangan pada Penderita Tuberkulosis yang Mendapat Pengobatan Antituberkulosis Kategori 1 dan 2

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    Tuberkulosis merupakan masalah yang serius di masyarakat. Pada tahun 2010, World Health Organization mencatat jumlah penderita tuberkulosis di Indonesia menurun ke posisi empat dengan meningkatnya keberhasilan pengobatan obat antituberkulosis (OAT). Namun, pemberian OAT jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan efek samping ototoksik berupa gangguan pendengaran dan keseimbangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek ototoksik pada penderita tuberkulosis paru dengan pemberian OAT di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Analisis univariat dilakukan dengan tabel frekuensi distribusi sedangkan analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji t dan Fisher's exact test. Didapatkan 35 penderita tuberkulosis yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, 22 orang dengan pengobatan tuberkulosis kategori 1 dan 13 orang tuberkulosis kategori 2. Dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni dan tes keseimbangan. Tiga orang (33,3%) penderita tuberkulosis kategori 1 dan 6 orang (66,7%) penderita tuberkulosis kategori 2 mengalami gangguan pendengaran (p < 0,05). Hasil tes keseimbangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan yaitu 7 orang (100%) tuberkulosis kategori 2 dengan positif tes Romberg dan 11 orang (100%) tuberkulosis kategori 2 positif tes tandem Romberg. Gangguan pendengaran dan keseimbangan pada penderita tuberkulosis paru dengan OAT ditemukan lebih tinggi pada kategori 2 dibandingkan dengan kategori 1 dengan perbedaan yang signifikan.Tuberculosis remains a serious problem in the community. In 2010, World Health Organization report that Indonesia's ranking decrease to fourth position due to success of antituberculosis treatment. But the long term administration of antituberculosis treatment may cause ototoxic effect like hearing and balance impairment. The aim of this study was to describe ototoxic effect of subjects who were given tuberculosis treatment in H. Adam Malik General Hospital. This is a descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Univariat analysis was done by frequency distribution table, meanwhile bivariat analysis was done by t-test and Fisher's exact test. Thirty five pulmonary tuberculosis patients met the inclusion criteria. Twenty two patients with 1st category, and 13 patients with 2nd category tuberculosis treatment. Pure tone audiometric and balance examination was evaluated. Three patients (33.3%) of 1st category tuberculosis and 6 (66.7%) patients of 2nd category tuberculosis have hearing loss with significant difference (p<0.05). Balance test showed 7 people (100%) of 2nd category tuberculosis having positive Romberg test and 11 people (100%) of 2nd category tuberculosis having positive tandem Romberg test. Hearing and balance impairment found higher in patients with 2nd category antituberculosis treatment with significantly different

    Rancangan Perniagaan ETR 300 Agensi Pelancongan / Suehara Ayeop...[et al.]

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    Agensi Pelancongan Kenari adalah sebuah perniagaan perkhidmatan pakej pelancongan dalam dan luar negara, perkhdimatan tiket penerbangan domestik dan antarabangsa, pakej umrah dan haji berdaftar, tempahan hotel serta menjadi agen penerbangan Malayasia yang sah. Perniagaan ini beralamat di No. 4040, Taman Mutiara, Jalan Sultanah, 05350 Alor Setar, Kedah

    Factors Affecting Presbycusis on Audiogram Overview at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan

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    Background: Presbycusis incidence is thought to have a relationship with hereditary factors, metabolism, atherosclerosis, noise and lifestyle. The presbycusis classification consists of Sensory (outer hair-cell), neural (ganglion-cell), metabolic (strial atrophy), and conductive cochlea (stiffness of the bas

    Influence of Hormonal Changes on Audiologic Examination in Normal Ovarian Cycle Females: An Analytic Study

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    Introduction There is only limited information from previous studies that suggest that auditory function may be influenced by hormones. Recent advances in the field have exposed the potential role of hormones in modulating the auditory system. Objective This study aims to investigate the relationship between menstrual cycle and outer hair cell function with audiological examination. Methods This is an analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The sampling was a systematic random sampling. We found 49 women with normal menstrual cycle and collected their data through interviews, physical examination, and examination of the ear, with otoscopic and other routine otorhinolaryngology examinations. We evaluated Tympanometry, distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), and pure tone audiometry. Results We found the audiometric threshold worse in the follicular phase than other phases at 4000 Hz of the right ear, and in the ovulation was found best than any other phases at 1000 Hz of the left ear with significant difference. We found significant difference of DPOAE between ovulation time and follicular phase at 3000 Hz and 1000 Hz in the left ear and between ovulation and luteal phased at 2000 Hz, 3000 Hz and 5000 Hz in the right ear and at 1000 Hz in the left ear with p < 0.05. Conclusion The result of this study showed that only a small part of audiometry threshold had a significant difference between each menstrual phase. In other words, we found no correlation between menstrual and audiometry threshold. Nonetheless, there is a correlation between menstrual cycle phase and DPOAE amplitude

    Gangguan Pendengaran dan Keseimbangan pada Penderita Tuberkulosis yang Mendapat Pengobatan Antituberkulosis Kategori 1 dan 2

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    Tuberkulosis merupakan masalah yang serius di masyarakat. Pada tahun 2010, World Health Organization mencatat jumlah penderita tuberkulosis di Indonesia menurun ke posisi empat dengan meningkatnya keberhasilan pengobatan obat antituberkulosis (OAT). Namun, pemberian OAT jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan efek samping ototoksik berupa gangguan pendengaran dan keseimbangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek ototoksik pada penderita tuberkulosis paru dengan pemberian OAT di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Analisis univariat dilakukan dengan tabel frekuensi distribusi sedangkan analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji t dan Fisher’s exact test. Didapatkan 35 penderita tuberkulosis yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, 22 orang dengan pengobatan tuberkulosis kategori 1 dan 13 orang tuberkulosis kategori 2. Dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni dan tes keseimbangan. Tiga orang (33,3%) penderita tuberkulosis kategori 1 dan 6 orang (66,7%) penderita tuberkulosis kategori 2 mengalami gangguan pendengaran (p < 0,05). Hasil tes keseimbangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan yaitu 7 orang (100%) tuberkulosis kategori 2 dengan positif tes Romberg dan 11 orang (100%) tuberkulosis kategori 2 positif tes tandem Romberg. Gangguan pendengaran dan keseimbangan pada penderita tuberkulosis paru dengan OAT ditemukan lebih tinggi pada kategori 2 dibandingkan dengan kategori 1 dengan perbedaan yang signifikan.Tuberculosis remains a serious problem in the community. In 2010, World Health Organization report that Indonesia’s ranking decrease to fourth position due to success of antituberculosis treatment. But the long term administration of antituberculosis treatment may cause ototoxic effect like hearing and balance impairment. The aim of this study was to describe ototoxic effect of subjects who were given tuberculosis treatment in H. Adam Malik General Hospital. This is a descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Univariat analysis was done by frequency distribution table, meanwhile bivariat analysis was done by t-test and Fisher’s exact test. Thirty five pulmonary tuberculosis patients met the inclusion criteria. Twenty two patients with 1st category, and 13 patients with 2nd category tuberculosis treatment. Pure tone audiometric and balance examination was evaluated. Three patients (33.3%) of 1st category tuberculosis and 6 (66.7%) patients of 2nd category tuberculosis have hearing loss with significant difference (p<0.05). Balance test showed 7 people (100%) of 2nd category tuberculosis having positive Romberg test and 11 people (100%) of 2nd category tuberculosis having positive tandem Romberg test. Hearing and balance impairment found higher in patients with 2nd category antituberculosis treatment with significantly different.