12 research outputs found

    Investigation of the relationship between inflammation and osas (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome)

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    YÖK Tez No: 489989Giriş ve Amaç: Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu (OUAS); uyku sırasında tekrarlayan tam (apne) veya parsiyel (hipopne) üst solunum yolu obstrüksiyonu epizotları ve sıklıkla kan O2 saturasyonunda düşmenin eşlik ettiği bir sendromdur. Günümüzde çok sayıda değişik tipte uyku bozukluğu tanımlanmıştır. Bunlardan ortalama %1- 5 oranında görülme sıklığı ile en önemli yeri Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu almaktadır. Apne ve hipopne peryodları sonucunda hiperkarbi ve hipoksemi oluşmakta, buna bağlı olarak intratorasik basınç dalgalanmaları, baroreseptör disfonksiyonu, oksidatif stres ve endotel disfonksiyonu gibi birçok organ ve sistemi etkileyen patolojiler oluşmaktadır. Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu patogenezinde üst solunum yolunda (ÜSY) lokal olarak artmış olan inflamasyonun rolü bilinmekle birlikte, spontan olarak devam etmesi gereken düzenli soluk alıp vermelerin değişik şiddette azalması ile ortaya çıkan hipoksi, asfiksi, hiperkapni ve solunumsal asidozun lokal ve sistemik inflamasyon gelişmesine yol açtığı öngörülmektedir. Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu tanısında kullanılan altın standart yöntem PSG (Polisomnografi)'dir. Radyolojik olarak lateral baş-boyun grafisi, kısıtlı olarak BT ve MRG kullanılabilmektedir. Ancak hastalığın tanı ve takibinde kullanılabilecek herhangi bir biyokimyasal belirteç henüz tanımlanmamıştır. Planladığımız bu çalışma ile inflamatuar belirteçlerin OUAS'ndaki yeri, hastalığın tanısını koymada önemli olup-olmayacağı, aynı özelliklere sahip OUAS'lu hastalar ve sağlıklı gönüllüler arasındaki inflamasyon açısından benzerlik ya da farklılıklarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Hastalar ve Metot: Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Uyku Laboratuvarı'nda Aralık 2016 - Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasında ilk kez tanı amaçlı PSG uygulanan erişkin yaş grubundaki 165 hasta değerlendirilmiştir. Bu grup içerisinde uyku laboratuvarında PSG ile değerlendirildiği halde OUAS tanısı almayan ve çalışma kriterlerine uygun olan hastalar kontrol grubu olarak değerlendirildi (AHİ 5-15 Hafif, AHİ 15-30 Orta, AHİ >30 Ağır OUAS olarak tanımlanmaktadır). Hastalar AHİ30 (ağır) Grup 3 olarak 3 gruba ayrıldı. Çalışmayı tamamlayan 165 hasta [Grup 1 (n=56), Grup 2 (n=69), Grup 3 (n=40)] istatiksel değerlendirmeye alındı. Bütün hastaların ve kontrol grubunun IL-6, TNF-?, neopterin ve YKL-40 serum düzeylerine bakıldı. Bulgular: IL-6, neopterin, YKL-40 değerleri açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark vardı. Ancak TNF-? serum düzeyleri bakımından gruplar arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark gözlenmedi. Ağır grupta ölçülen IL-6 ortanca değeri, normal ve hafif-orta gruplarında ölçülen değerinden anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksekti. Ağır grupta ölçülen neopterin ortanca değeri, normal ve hafif-orta gruplarında ölçülen değerlerinden anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksekti. Ağır grupta ölçülen YKL-40 ortalama değeri, normal grupta ölçülen değerinden anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksekti (p 30 severe OSAS). Patients were divided into 3 groups: AHI 30 (severe) Group 3. A total of 165 patients who completed the study [Group 1 (n = 56), Group 2 (n = 69), Group 3 (n = 40)] were included in the iv statistical evaluation. Serum levels of IL-6, TNF-?, Neopterin and YKL-40 were measured in all patients and control group Results: There was a significant difference between groups in terms of IL-6, neopterin, and YKL-40 values. However, there was no significant difference in serum TNF-? levels among the groups. The median IL-6 measured in the severe group was significantly higher than in the normal and mild-to-moderate groups. The neopterin median value measured in the severe group was significantly higher than the values measured in the normal and mild-to-moderate groups. The mean value of YKL-40 measured in the severe group was significantly higher than the value measured in the normal group (p <0,05). Conclusion: OSAS is a systemic disease that affects many organs and systems, impairs quality of life, and reduces the daily performance and increases morbidity and mortality. In this study, we found inflammatory markers of IL-6, YKL-40 and neopterin were elevated in OSAS patients (especially severe group)

    An investigation of serum irisin levels and iflammatory markers in fibromyalgia syndrome

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    WOS: 000500484500004PubMed: 31909378OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we aimed to compare serum irisin levels in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and healthy control subjects and also investigate the relationship between irisin, disease activity and inflammation markers in patients. METHODS: A total of 84 women, including 48 patients who were diagnosed with FMS and 36 healthy controls, were included in this study. The demographic characteristics of the patients and control group were recorded. VAS for pain and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire for the assessment of the physical function of the patients, SF36 was used for quality of life, and accompanying Beck Depression Inventory to assess depression was used. Blood samples were taken for analysis that irisin, and inflammatory markers of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLO). Serum irisin levels were determined using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. RESULTS: Serum irisin level of the patients with FMS had no significant differences compared with the healthy control group. When we compared the values of ESR, CRP, hsCRP, NLO with FMS patients and healthy controls, there was no significant difference found between them (p>0.05). There was no significant correlation between inflammatory markers and level of serum irisin (p>0.05). In patients, there was no significant correlation between inflammatory markers and level of serum irisin (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Irisin, which is a myokine, was determined to have no significant role in the pathogenesis of FMS. Irisin had no association with disease activity and inflammatory markers. Also, the inflammation hypothesis was not supported, which suggested in FMS

    Serum clara cell protein-16 level in non-smoker obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients

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    European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) International Congress -- SEP 28-OCT 02, 2019 -- Madrid, SPAINWOS: 000507372407393…European Respiratory So

    Serum clara cell protein-16 level in non-smoker obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients

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    European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) International Congress -- SEP 28-OCT 02, 2019 -- Madrid, SPAINWOS: 000507372407393…European Respiratory So

    The relationship between serum leptin level and disease activity and inflammatory markers in fibromyalgia patients

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    Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523WOS: 000434665900003PubMed: 30374474OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between serum leptin level, disease activity and inflammation markers in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). METHODS: A total of 48 patients with FMS diagnosed according to the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria were included in the study, as well as 36 healthy women as controls. The Visual Analogue Scale was used to gauge pain severity, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire was used to assess physical function, the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey was used to examine quality of life, and depression was measured with the Beck Depression Inventory. Blood samples were examined for erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein level (CRP), high-sensitivity CRP level (hsCRP), the neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio (NLR), and the serum leptin level was determined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. RESULTS: The serum leptin level in patients with FMS was significantly higher than in the healthy group. However, no significant relationship was found between leptin level and clinical and inflammatory parameters. In addition, there were no significant differences between the patients and the control group in measurements of ESR, CRP, hsCRP, or NLR. CONCLUSION: A higher serum leptin level in patients with FMS suggested that leptin may play role in the pathogenesis of FMS, yet there was no relationship between leptin and clinical and inflammatory parameters, suggesting that leptin is not an indicator of disease activity in FMS. Additional research should be performed with larger patient groups

    Serum Clara cell secretory protein (CC-16) in non-smoking patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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    PubMed ID: 32144590Objective: This study aimed to determine the association between the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and serum Clara cell protein (CC16) levels in non-smoking patients with OSA. Methods: This prospective study included non-smoking patients who presented with sleep-related disturbances and underwent polysomnography (PSG). The serum CC16 level was measured and its relationship to PSG parameters was investigated. Results: The study included 128 patients (83 men) with a mean age of 48.4 ± 11.9. OSA was detected in 66 men (70%) and 29 women (30%) (p = 0.051). The severity of OSA was mild in 32 (25%), moderate in 28 (22%), and severe in 35 (27%) of the patients. There was no significant difference in CC16 levels between the OSA group (1746 ± 1006) and the OSA negative group (1721 ± 1201, p = 0.91) levels. There was no significant difference between the CC16 levels of the each four groups. Mean serum CC16 levels were significantly lower in OSA negative men than OSA positive men (777 vs 1462, p = 0.005). No significant difference was observed in CC16 values according to OSA severity in women. Conclusion: The serum CC16 level does not differ between non-smoking OSA patients and OSA negative patients. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Ankilozan spondilit hastalarında nötrofil- lenfosit oranı

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ankilozan spondilit (AS) hastalarındaki inflamasyon ile nötrofil -lenfosit oranı (NLO) arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Yöntem: Ankilozan spondilit tanılı 40 hasta ve 30 sağlıklı gönüllü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm veriler yatan ve poliklinik hasta kayıt veritabanından elde edildi. Tüm olguların Bath Ankilozan Spondilit Hastalık Aktivite İndeksi (BA S- DAI), tam kan sayımı (TKS), CRP ve ESHı da kapsıyan ayrı ntılı fizik muayene ve laboratuvar bulguları kaydedildi. Lenfosit ve nötrofil sayısı otomatik TKSnin bir parçası olarak ölçüldü. Bulgular : Akut-faz reaktanı olan CRP ve ESH kontrol gr ubuna göre hasta grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (p 0.05). Sonuç : Bu çalışmada NLO düzeylerinin AS hastalarında sağlıklı bireylere göre anlamlı olarak yüksek olmadığı görüldü. Bu sonuç NLOnun AS hastalarında sistemik in flamasyonu değerlendirmede uygun bir ölçü birimi olmad ığını götermektedir. Bizim elde ettiğimiz bu ön sonuçların daha ileri çalışmalarla tamamlanması gerektiğine inanıyoruz.Objective : The purpose of the present study is to determine the association between neutrophil -lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Method : Forty patients with ankylosing spondylitis and 30 healthy volunteers were included in the study. All data were obtained from patient registry database from in -patient and out-patient clinics. Detailed physical examination, and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) were record ed. Complete blood count (CBC), CRP and ESR were performed recorded as laboratory tests in all participants. Lymphocyte and neutrophil counts were measured as part of the automated CBC. Results : The CRP, which is an acute -phase reactant, and ESR were signi ficantly higher in the patient group than those in the control group (p0.05). Conclusion : We observed that NLR levels werent significantly higher in AS patients compared to healthy individuals. NLR hasnt seem a reasonable measure to detect systemic infla m- mation in AS patients. We believe that our preliminary results need to be complemented with further studies

    Urinary system infection at diabetes mellitus and obesity patients: A retrospective evaluation [Diabetes mellitus ve obezite hastalarında üriner sistem enfeksiyonu: Geriye dönük değerlendirme]

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    Aim: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the distribution of isolated pathogens, the resistance rates of these pathogens to antimicrobials, presence of glycosuria and pyuria in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and obesity in adult and pediatric endocrine outpatient clinics with urinary system infections. Material and Methods: Between January 2012 and February 2014, records of 107 patients with DM and obesity in Duzce University Medical Faculty Hospital Adult and Pediatric Endocrine outpatient clinics were retrospectively reviewed. Biochemical/microbiological laboratory results of urine specimens taken from these patients were evaluated. Fisher Exact and Pearson Chi-Square tests were used with statistical evaluation of SPSS 22.0 program. Results: Thirty-two (70%) of the patients were children, 75 (30%) are adults; 84 (78.5%) were female, 23 (21.5%) were male, mean of ages 25.1±23. Number of patients with diabetes and obesity were 76 (71.0%) and 31 (29.0%), respectively. Bacterial growth occurred 28 (26%) of urine cultures (23 (30.2%) of patients with DM, 5 (16.1%) of patients with obesity). E. coli was detected most frequently as causative agent. In patients with pyuria and glycosuria, more bacterial growth were detected and statistically significant correlation was found between pyuria and bacterial growth, but no significant relationship was found with glycosuria. Conclusion: Although glycosuria may increase the risk of infection, it may not be a determining parameter alone, but patients should be assessed considering the current risk; it has also been found that there is a strong relationship between the presence of the pyuria and urinary tract infection. However, it is considered appropriate to start antibiotic treatment according to the causative agent and sensitivity profile isolated in urine culture rather than to start empirical treatment according to the complete urine analysis result. © 2018, Duzce University Medical School. All rights reserved

    ACE Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with OSAS

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830; Ayada, Ceylan/0000-0002-6272-4173WOS: 000360810100098

    Effects of erdosteine on alpha amanitin-induced hepatotoxicity in mice

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    The aim of this study was to investigate beneficial effects of erdosteine in the alpha amanitine-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Three hours after giving alpha amanitin (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) to the mice, they were administered silibinin (50 mg/kg/d, i.p.) or erdosteine (100 mg/kg/d, oral) therapies once a day for 3 d. A histopathological examination of their liver tissues was carried out 24 h after the last treatment; transaminase levels, blood urea nitrogen, urea, and creatinine were analyzed in serum. Erdosteine showed a beneficial effect by significantly improving the functional parameters particularly in alpha amanitin-induced hepatotoxicity and partially in renal toxicity. In the histopathological evaluation, the toxicity that was generated with alpha amanitin was significantly reduced by erdosteine, showing a possible hepatoprotective effect. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group