49 research outputs found
A new method to determine the diet of pygmy hippopotamus in TaĂŻ National Park, CĂŽte dâIvoire
This research was funded by âFond des donationsâ of the University of NeuchĂątel and the âWilly MĂŒller Awardâ of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en CĂŽte dâIvoire.Diet determination of endangered species is an essential element in defining successful conservation strategies and optimising captive breeding programmes. In this study, we developed a new diet identification system, derived from standard faecal analysis, to determine the diet of an elusive and endangered herbivore, the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis). We collected faecal samples from 10 free-ranging individuals covering a combined home range area of about 50Â km2 in TaĂŻ National Park, CĂŽte dâIvoire. In subsequent laboratory analyses, we extracted a large number of leaf epidermis fragments from spatially separated faecal samples and compared them with a reference plant database. Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) of epidermis fragments combined with direct visual inspection, we identified the most frequently consumed plant species, which revealed that pygmy hippopotami qualified as intermediate feeders. Their diet was based on at least seven species of monocotyledonae, dicotyledonae and fern groups, with a preference for a small number of other plant species. We evaluate the merit of our method and discuss our findings for developing effective conservation and captive breeding strategies in an endangered species with a wild population of less than 2500 adult individuals.PostprintPeer reviewe
Do ethnobotanical and laboratory data predict clinical safety and efficacy of anti-malarial plants?
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over 1200 plant species are reported in ethnobotanical studies for the treatment of malaria and fevers, so it is important to prioritize plants for further development of anti-malarials.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The âRITAM scoreâ was designed to combine information from systematic literature searches of published ethnobotanical studies and laboratory pharmacological studies of efficacy and safety, in order to prioritize plants for further research. It was evaluated by correlating it with the results of clinical trials.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>The laboratory efficacy score correlated with clinical parasite clearance (r<sub>s</sub>=0.7). The ethnobotanical component correlated weakly with clinical symptom clearance but not with parasite clearance. The safety component was difficult to validate as all plants entering clinical trials were generally considered safe, so there was no clinical data on toxic plants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The RITAM score (especially the efficacy and safety components) can be used as part of the selection process for prioritising plants for further research as anti-malarial drug candidates. The validation in this study was limited by the very small number of available clinical studies, and the heterogeneity of patients included.</p
Un Andropogon nouveau de la section Piestium (Gramin\ue9es)
Volume: 3Start Page: 401End Page: 40
Programme de ressources gĂ©nĂ©tiques forestiĂšres en Afrique au sud du Sahara (programme SAFORGEN): RĂ©seau âEspĂšces Ligneuses MĂ©dicinalesâ : compte rendu de la premiĂšre reunion du RĂ©seau, 15-17 DĂ©cembre 1999 Station IITA Cotonou, Benin
L'objectif principal de cette premiÚre rencontre était surtout de mettre en place le Réseau «EspÚces Ligneuses Médicinales» pour son démarrage effectif. Il s'agit (1) d'identifier au cours de l'atelier identifier des correspondants dans chaque pays, (2) de s'entendre sur les activités communes pour une collaboration future à partir d'une liste d'espÚces prioritaires et (3) faire le point de ce qui a déjà été fait sur chacune d'elles. Les organisateurs ont transmis aux participants, un canevas (voir annexe 3) pour guider la rédaction des rapports nationaux. Devaient figurer dans ce rapport, la politique nationale dans le domaine des plantes médicinales, la liste des essences ligneuses médicinales prioritaires, des informations sur chacune des espÚces afin d'en évaluer l'importance et de connaßtre les études déjà entreprises les concernant, les contraintes liées à leur conservation et leur utilisation durable, enfin les domaines prioritaires en vue des activités futures