55 research outputs found

    Comparison Study in Using Plough, Tractor and Cultivator for Rice Field\u27 Land Preparation

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    Land preparation of the rice field is one of the most important steps for paddyplantation. Formerly plough is one of the main tools for land preparation, but now thefarmer used tractor or cultivator. From the farmer experience who are used that tools forland preparation there had advantages and disadvantages. The used of plough for landpreparation for long time ago the deep of rice field soil is constant because the ploughblade can be adjusted up and down. The plough can be turn to the right or left side so thatall part of rice field except the corner can be cultivate. But for pulling the plough must bedifficult to find two cows. While if using tractor or cultivator the right or left side and thecorner of the rice field can\u27t be cultivate. Deep of rice filed soil become shallow so thefertility of soil reduced. Beside that using tractor or cultivator for land preparation needmore fuel. The plough were easy to carry out, but tractor and cultivator difficult to carryout because the weight more that 200 kg

    Pengaruh Penyiangan Dan Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Mutu Kimiawi, Mikrobiologis Dan Organoleptik Ikan Tongkol (Auxis Tharzard, Lac)

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    Ikan tongkol merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat dan jika dibiarkanpada suhu kamar, maka terjadi proses penurunan mutu menjadi busuk. Ikan yang sudah mengalami prosespembusukan, bila dikonsumsi dapat menimbulkan keracunan (Histamine fish poisoning). Keracunan inidisebabkan oleh kontaminasi bakteri pathogen dengan dekarboksilasi asam amino histidin oleh enzimhistidin dekarboksilase menghasilkan histamin. Bakteri ini banyak terdapat pada anggota tubuh manusiayang tidak higienis, kotoran/tinja, isi Perut ikan, insang serta peralatan yang tidak bersih.Penelitian eksperimental dengan pola faktorial, yaitu faktor P adalah faktor penyiangan dengan 2 taraf,tanpa penyiangan dan penyiangan, sedangkan faktor T adalah suhu penyimpanan dengan 3 taraf yaitu suhupenyimpanan 30oC, 15oC dan 0oC.Analisis statistik terhadap mutu kimiawi seperti kadar histamin, kadar total volatil bases (TVB) dantrimetilamin (TMA) menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) pada pengaruh penyiangan dan suhupenyimpanan. Terjadi peningkatan kadar histamin, kadar TVB dan TMA selama penelitian. Selamapenelitian terjadi peningkatan jumlah koloni bakteri, jumlah Coliform, kecuali bakteri Vibrioparahaemolyticus negatif. Perlakuan penyiangan dan suhu penyimpanan 0oC memiliki mutu kimiawi,mikrobiologis terbaik sampai hari ke 10 serta masih diterima panelis.Hubungan antara kadar histamin dengan jumlah bakteri mempunyai hubungan sangat kuat, ditunjukkandengan nilai r ? 0,7 kecuali kadar histamin dengan waktu memiliki hubungan agak lemah r ? 0,5.Keamanan ikan tongkol dengan penerapan teknologi tepat guna berupa tanpa penyiangan danpenyiangan pada suhu 30oC hanya aman untuk dikonsumsi sampai hari ke 0. Perlakuan tanpa penyiangandan suhu penyimpanan 15oC aman sampai hari ke 4, sedangkan dengan penyiangan aman sampai hari ke 6.Untuk perlakuan tanpa penyiangan dan penyiangan dengan suhu penyimpanan 0oC aman sampai hari ke 10

    Ergonomic Intervention of Houses Type 36/120 Saves Electricity and Increases Comfort of Occupants in Nuansa Kori Housing Sading Mengwi Badung

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    Development of the housing sector has now spread to the suburban areas ofDenpasar; even some rural areas in Bali have become targets of housingdevelopers. Designing and arranging of houses through ergonomic interventioncomprises one of several efforts for improving the houses' quality in terms oftheir natural comfort. The ergonomic intervention should meet such criteria as tobe technically applicable, less costly, energy saving especially that of electricity,socio-culturally convenience, and environment friendly. This experimental studybeing reported applied a treatment by subject design, in which eight houses wereselected as sample, located in the housing complex of Perumahan Nuansa KoriSading Mengwi Badung. Of the eight sampled houses, each two houses facednorth, south, east and west, respectively. Twenty six occupants of the eightsampled houses were interviewed using a questionnaire. All samples wereselected by stratified random sampling. The ergonomic intervention comprisedremodeling of ventilation and windows of all the sampled houses. Data collectingof objective comfort was carried out before and after intervention i.e. at 8 am, 10am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm and 8 pm, by measuring temperature, humidity, lightintensity, and airflow. Data of subjective comfort were collected by questionnaire,which had been tested earlier for its validity and reliability. The results showedthat (1) before intervention the average of wet temperature was 23.66 ± 1.36 ºC,after intervention was 23.09 ± 1.20 ºC; (2) before intervention the average of drytemperature was 28.76 ± 1.07 ºC, after intervention was 27.88 ± 0.73 ºC; (3)relative humidity before intervention was 73.44 ± 4.37 %, after intervention was72.63 ± 2.73 %; (4) natural light intensity before intervention was 134.94 ± 71.69lux, after intervention was 229.69 ± 114.53 lux; (5) the average of airflow beforeintervention was 0.10 ± 0.04 m/sc, after intervention was 0.31 ± 0.08 m/sc; and(6) electricity saving resulted in 11% as evidenced by decrease of electricity billby 8%. The conclusions could be arawn are (1) that ergonomic intervention byremodeling ventilation and windows of houses type 36/120 could improveobjective comfort by 12.4% (p<0.05), along with increase of subjective comfort ofthe occupants of the houses facing all directions; dan (2) moreover, electricitysaving resulted in 11% (p<0.05) as evidenced by decrease of electricity bill by 8%(p<0.05). This study suggests that ergonomic intervention should be applied sinceearly in the construction of houses in order to make them cheaper, healthier, andmore comfortable

    Varies Shuttle Run Exercise Methods Increase Agility Of Students Of Smk Negeri 2 Tondano Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Achievment of Indonesian athletes at International level are only resting on badminton, archery, and weight lifting. Meanwhile, other sports do not exhibit encouraging achievement. Agility is one of the important factor on sports including group and individual sports. This is an experimental research with randomized pretest posttest conrol group design. Sample are 75 students recruited from SMK Negeri 2 Tondano Kabupaten Minahasa. Sample was grouped into 5 groups, each group composed of 15 students. The five groups observed were group 1 with treatment of 4 x 30 m shuttle run, group 2 treated with 8 x 15 m shuttle run, group 3 with 12 x 10 m shuttle run, group 4 within 16 x 7.5 m shuttle run, and the last is control group. Exercise was carried out for 6 weeks with a frequent of 3 time per week. Agility pre and posttest data were analysed using anova oneway followed by LSD Post Hoct Test at 5% significant level. This study obtained that there were a significant different among the five groups observed. Shuttle run exercise method with dose of 16x7.5 m increase the highest agility

    The Correlation of Hand Muscle Load and Learning Outcomes Towards Typing Activities of Balinese Script Using Keyboard of Aksara Bali Smart

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    The computer was to a tool that helps the human activities in various field unlike for education, banking, simulation, war, and so on. In regarding the education was used to learning e.g. typing a script. The computer was included three main components i.e. input components, a processing component, and an output component. The keyboard was included as an input component. Redesigning a keyboard was done to producing a special keyboard of aksara Bali smart that have the character feature was composed on it. In order to prove the efficiency and effectiveness the tool itself would be tested the connection of hand muscles load and learning outcomes of typing activity Balinese script using the keyboard of aksara Bali smart. The technique of correlating descriptive was used that involved 23 students, including 17 males and 6 females who met criteria the inclusion and exclusion randomly were selected
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