19 research outputs found

    Modulus Kekakuan Campuran Beraspal Yang Mengandung Butiran Ban Bekas Sebagai Agregat Pengganti Sebagian

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    . During last two decade method of flexible pavement design developed based on analytical method, by which the use of this method stiffness is strongly required modulus of pavement material. The main research objective described in this thesis is to predict and compare stiffness modulus of bituminous mixtures containing scrap rubber tire as partially aggregate replacement with the conventional bituminous mixtures. A Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) type C (BS 594.1992) was selected for investigation and the influences of scrap rubber tire as partially aggregate replacement in the mixture were investigated and the optimum bitumen content was determined


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    Earthquake is one of the main natural disasters which frequently occur in West Sumatra. Large earthquake September 30, 2009, has caused damage to the structure and caused many casualties. Due to this condition, this research was made to study bamboo as a house retrofitting material for developing countries.  Mechanical and physical properties such as moisture content testing, testing density, testing of compressive strength and tensile strength were conducted. It is obtained from the test results, the highest compressive strength and tensile strength are 94.958 MPa and 183 MPa, showed by Betung bamboo. Shaking table test are also undertaken to investigate the seismic behavior of bamboo masonry wall. Two degree of masonry walls, 60° and 90° are tested in order to check the strength of masonry wall by direction of the coming of an earthquake. From the shaking table test, it was observed that a 60° masonry wall showed a better seismic performance than those of a 90° masonry walls. Small cracks were observed at 90° masonry walls after 20 seconds, while there was no crack at a 60° masonry wall. As a result of these test, using bamboo as a house retrofitting material could be chosen, both of technically and economically

    Pemasangan Tali Polypropylene Band Mesh sebagai Retrofitting Material pada Rumah Tinggal di daerah Pisang, Kota Padang

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    Kota Padang termasuk salahsatu kota dengan tingkat kerentanan yang tinggi terhadap gempa. Kejadian gempa tahun 2009 yang lalu telah merubah banyak hal terhadap peta kegempaan sebelumnya. Oleh sebab itu penting bagi masyarakat untuk mengetahui aturan membangun yang benar dan teknologi perkuatan apa yang bisa diterapkan untuk menambah perkuatan pada bangunan. Kelompok yang menjadi mitra pada pengabdian ini adalah kelompok tukang bangunan di daerah Pisang, Kota Padang, yang sedang membangun sebuah rumah tinggal. Adapun pemilihan bangunan ini karena telah memenuhi persyaratan standar bangunan SNI untuk rumah layak tinggal. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk lebih mudah dipahaminya metoda perkuatan bangunan dengan pemasangan tali Polypropylene Band Mesh (PPBM) ini baik oleh para tukang bangunan maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. Metoda yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah survey lansung ke lapangan, memberikan penyuluhan melalui presentasi, dan metoda pemasangan lansung tali PPBM pada bangunan rumah tinggal, dimana dengan ini diharapkan para tukang bisa mendapatkan ketrampilan dan ilmu pengetahuan baru dalam bidang konstruksi bangunan, terutama untuk bangunan yang aman terhadap gempa. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, kelompok tukang bangunan semakin bertambah pemahaman dan ketrampilannya tentang konsep membangun yang benar dan konsep perkuatan bangunan dengan tali Polypropylene Band Mesh. Sehingga penggunaan tali ini dapat dijadikan rekomendasi sebagai salahsatu alternative bahan perkuatan bangunan agar aman terhadap gempa

    Experimental Study of Bamboo As A House Retrofitting Material For Developing Countries

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    Earthquake is one of the main natural disasters which frequently occur in West Sumatra. Large earthquake September 30, 2009, has caused damage to the structure and caused many casualties. Due to this condition, this research was made to study bamboo as a house retrofitting material for developing countries.  Mechanical and physical properties such as moisture content testing, testing density, testing of compressive strength and tensile strength were conducted. It is obtained from the test results, the highest compressive strength and tensile strength are 94.958 MPa and 183 MPa, showed by Betung bamboo. Shaking table test are also undertaken to investigate the seismic behavior of bamboo masonry wall. Two degree of masonry walls, 60° and 90° are tested in order to check the strength of masonry wall by direction of the coming of an earthquake. From the shaking table test, it was observed that a 60° masonry wall showed a better seismic performance than those of a 90° masonry walls. Small cracks were observed at 90° masonry walls after 20 seconds, while there was no crack at a 60° masonry wall. As a result of these test, using bamboo as a house retrofitting material could be chosen, both of technically and economically

    Pengembangan Usaha Aneka Penganan Tradisional Minang Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat

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    There are so many home-based businesses in West Sumatra. One of them is to make traditional cakes typical of the local area. Minang Kabau have many culinary products that have been widely known. Starting small business with household business can be a successful business with many branches. However, not infrequently this business is well developed, and some even stopped. There are many weaknesses in this household business, from production to business management. Some problems are still using simple tool in production process , inefficient and unhygienic production layouts. Another problem is the packaging is simple and simplistic, unattractive the display of products and less professional management. The IbM's goal is to improve the professionalism of home-based cakes through factory lay-out improvements, coconut shell extract packaging, product sales / display counters, PIRTs, trademarks, bookkeeping, management, and product marketing. Key words: production, lay-out product,  display product, bookkeeping, small and medium enterprise


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     Abstrak   Perkerasan jalan terutama pada perkerasan lentur sering mengalami kerusakan yang lebih cepat akibat beban muatan kendaraan. Penggunaan bahan tambah (additive) menjadi salah satu alternatif yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan kualitas lapis perkerasan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) dan mendapatkan kinerja VIM, VMA dan VFA campuran lapisan AC-WC dengan penambahan limbah plastik High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengacu pada Spesifikasi Teknis Bina Marga 2018 Revisi 2 Divisi 6. nilai KAO dengan metode marshall sebesar 6,45% pada variasi 0% penambahan limbah plastik, 6,3% pada variasi 1% penambahan limbah plastik, 6,25% pada variasi 1,5% penambahan limbah plastik dan 6,2% pada variasi 2% penambahan limbah plastik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian laboratorium nilai KAO Marshall yang didapatkan semakin menurun dengan penambahan limbah plastik dan penambahan limbah plastik 2% merupakan kadar terbaik yang dapat digunakan dalam campuran beraspal karena memiliki nilai VIM dan VMA yang rendah dan nilai VFA yang tinggi. Kata kunci: 1, Aspal 2, AC-WC 3, Limbah Plastik 4, HDPE 5 Marshall     Abstract   Road pavements, especially flexible pavements, often experience faster damage due to vehicle loads. The use of additives is one of the alternatives used to get a good quality pavement layer. This study aims to obtain the value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) and to obtain the performance of VIM, VMA and VFA of a mixture of AC-WC layers with the addition of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic waste. The method used in this study refers to the Technical Specifications of Bina Marga 2018 Revision 2 Division 6. the KAO value with the Marshall method is 6.45% at 0% variation of addition of plastic waste, 6.3% to variation of 1% addition of plastic waste, 6, 25% in the 1.5% variation of the addition of plastic waste and 6.2% in the 2% variation of the addition of plastic waste. Based on the results of laboratory testing, the value of KAO Marshall obtained decreases with the addition of plastic waste and the addition of 2% plastic waste is the best level that can be used in asphalt mixtures because it has low VIM and VMA values and high VFA values.   Keywords: 1, Asphalt 2, AC-WC 3, Plastic Waste 4, HDPE 5 Marshal

    Pemanfaatan Cangkang Sawit Sebagai Subtitusi Agregat Kasar Pada Beton Perkerasan Kaku Untuk Jalan Lalu Lintas Rendah

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    Agregat pada pekerasan kaku  merupakan komponen yang sangat penting, namun tidak semua daerah memiliki bahan tersebut, sehingga terpaksa didatangkan dari daerah lain yang mengakibatkan biaya perkerasan kaku tersebut relatif semakin tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari agregat alternatif  dengan pemamfaatan limbah cangkang kelapa sawit ( tertahan #4,75) sebagai subtitusi agregat kasar1-2 pada campuran beton perkerasan jalan kaku lalu lintas rendah. Penelitian ini direncanakan campuran beton perkerasan kaku dengan komposisi cangkang kelapa sawit sebagai subtitusi sebagian agregat kasar yaitu CKS-0%, CKS-2,5%, CKS-5%, CKS-7,5%,  dan CKS-10%. Pada pengujian dibuat tiga benda uji untuk lima variasi  cangkang kelapa sawit. Benda uji untuk berbentuk silinder dengan tinggi 300 mm dan diameter 150 mm ini diuji ketahanannya terhadap tekan (f’c) pada umur beton 28 hari dan dikonversikan ke kuat tarik lentur (fcf). Berdasarkan SNI 8457:2017 syarat minimal mutu beton jalan lalu lintas rendah dengan f’c;21.8 MPa dan fcf;3.5 MPa.  Hasil pengujian menujukkan campuran beton CKS-5%( f’c;23.33 MPa, fcf;3,6 MPa) dapat digunakan pada perkerasan kaku untuk jalan lalu lintas rendah dibanding campuran beton CKS-2.5%( f’c;14.43 MPa, fcf;2.85 MPa), CKS-7.5%( f’c;17.70 MPa, fcf;3.16 MPa) dan CKS-10%( f’c;12.86 MPa, fcf;2.69 MPa). Jika dibanding dengan campuran beton CKS-0%( f’c;23.97 MPa, fcf;3,7 MPa) dengan CKS-5% ( f’c;23.33 MPa, fcf;3,6 MPa)  mengalami penurunan f’c dan fcf sebesar 2.7% dan 1.4%. Pengunaan cangkang kelapa sawit CKS-5% dapat mengurangi pemakaian agregat kasar ukuran 1-2 sebesar 69 Kg/m3. &nbsp

    Kinerja Marshall Immersion pada Campuran Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) dengan Penambahan Cangkang Sawit sebagai Substitusi Agregat Halus

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    Asphalt concrete wearing courses (AC-WC) are asphalt mixtures which consist of coarse and fine aggregates plus fillers which have a continuous gradation with asphalt binder. In general, the aggregates in the AC WC mixtures consist of natural rock materials which are broken down and in certain areas the availability is limited so it must be imported from other regions. This resulted in relatively high prices from the asphalt mixture. This can be anticipated by looking for alternative aggregate substitute materials, one alternative is to use palm oil shells. In this test, palm shells were used as a substitute for fine aggregates with variations in percentage of palm shells, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, the tests were carried out namely the testing of volumetric characteristics, Marshall characteristics, determination of optimum asphalt content and Marshall immersion. From the results of the study obtained the value of Marshall Immersion decreases as the percentage of palm shells increases in the mixture