7 research outputs found

    Prevalence of odontogenic cysts in oral and maxillofacial surgery department of hasan sadikin general hospital: 2 years retrospective study

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    Background: Odontogenic cysts are cysts arising from the odontogenic epithelium. According to the World Health Organization in 2017, classification of odontogenic cysts are classified into cysts originating from inflammatory and developmental processes. Most cystic lesions of the oral and maxillofacial cavity are of odontogenic origin and have higher incidence than other body parts. This study to explain about prevalence of odontogenic cyst in RSUP Hasan Sadikin in 2019-2020 .Method: This study was a retrospective study that included 30 patients diagnosed with odontogenic cysts during 2019-2020. The data taken in each patient were age, gender, location of predilection, investigations, diagnosis, management, and recurrence of cases of odontogenic cysts.Result: A total of 15 patients had developmental odontogenic cysts and 15 had inflammatory odontogenic cysts. Most developmental cysts were 12 patients with dentigerous cysts, Odontogenci Keratocyst in 2 patients, and calcifying odontogenic cyst in 1 case. Inflammatory cysts were dominated by 15 patients with radicular cysts.Conclusion: Prevalence of odontogenic cyst was found more in female, with radicular cyst and location in the maxill

    Prevalence of odontogenic cysts in oral and maxillofacial surgery department of hasan sadikin general hospital: 2 years retrospective study

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    Background: Odontogenic cysts are cysts arising from the odontogenic epithelium. According to the World Health Organization in 2017, classification of odontogenic cysts are classified into cysts originating from inflammatory and developmental processes. Most cystic lesions of the oral and maxillofacial cavity are of odontogenic origin and have higher incidence than other body parts. This study to explain about prevalence of odontogenic cyst in RSUP Hasan Sadikin in 2019-2020 .Method: This study was a retrospective study that included 30 patients diagnosed with odontogenic cysts during 2019-2020. The data taken in each patient were age, gender, location of predilection, investigations, diagnosis, management, and recurrence of cases of odontogenic cysts.Result: A total of 15 patients had developmental odontogenic cysts and 15 had inflammatory odontogenic cysts. Most developmental cysts were 12 patients with dentigerous cysts, Odontogenci Keratocyst in 2 patients, and calcifying odontogenic cyst in 1 case. Inflammatory cysts were dominated by 15 patients with radicular cysts.Conclusion: Prevalence of odontogenic cyst was found more in female, with radicular cyst and location in the maxill

    The The Incidence of Mandibular Angle Fractures Accompanied by Impacted Third Molar at Oral Surgery Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung - West Java: Insidensi Fraktur Angulus Mandibular Yang Disertai Gigi Impaksi di Klinik Bedah Mulut Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung-Jawa Barat

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    Mandibular fracture is a discontinuity of mandible bone that usually leads to trauma. The fractured area is mostly the mandibular angle located in the third molar area. Therefore, this study aims to examine the incidence of mandibular angle fractures accompanied by impacted teeth in the oral surgery clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital. This is a retrospective observational study and the data used were collected from the medical records of patients with mandibular angle fractures accompanied by impacted third molars at the Oral Surgery Clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from January 2017 to December 2019. Panoramic radiographs were obtained for confirmation and the data collected were age, gender, fracture aetiology and location, impacted tooth type and classification, as well as treatment. The number of mandibular angle fractures with impacted third molars in male patients (92.8%) was more than in females (7.2%). Fractures caused by traffic accidents and fights were 85.8% and 14.2%, respectively, while all patients were treated with ORIF. The percentage of cases according to the classification of third molars in angle fractures are classes IA (20%), IB (6.7%), IIA (20%), IIB (20%), IIC (13.3%), IIIC (6.7%), and unerupted tooth seeds (13.3%).The incidence of mandibular angle fracture with impacted third molars at the Oral Surgery Clinic, Dr. Hasan Sadikin over the last three years has increased. This case is more common in males due to traffic accidents and is treated with surgery (ORIF)

    Management Dentoalveolar Fracture with Simple Wiring in Mild Head Injury : A Case Report

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    Introduction: Maxillofacial trauma generally involves injury to soft or hard tissue of the face and oral cavity. One of the hard tissue injuries to the oral cavity is dentoalveolar injury such as the luxation and avulsion of the anterior teeth. Management of dentoalveolar injury can be done by reduction and immobilization using splinting. The technique of splinting dentoalveolar fractures in patients with mild head injuries can use simple wiring with consider to short-duration treatments. Case Report: A case report will be reported from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin-Bandung, a 54 year old man came to the Emergency Room of Hasan Sadikin Hospital with bleeding from his mouth due to a motorcycle accident and the patient's face hit the asphalt first. The results of the examination showed that the patient had a dentoalveolar fracture in teeth 11 and 21, had 2 degree luxation and the patient had mild head injuries. Discussion: The patient suffered a mild head injury, confirmed by the Head CT Scan examination and there were injuries to the soft and hard tissues. The patient have soft tissue injuries with vulnus laceratum in the upper and lower lip regions, vulnus laceratum was also found in the gingiva in areas 11-21 and was then treated using suturing the simple interrupted method. The dentoalveolar fracture that affected 11-21 accompanied by 2 degrees of mobility was managed by simple wiring using the essig method. Conclusion: Dentoalveolar fractures in patients with mild head injuries can be used with a simple wiring approach with the essig method, this is taken by considering treatment is simple

    Penatalaksanaan ameloblastoma acanthomatous mixed with follicular seukuran bola basket - 15 tahun tanpa perawatan : Laporan kasus

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    ABSTRAK         Pendahuluan: Ameloblastoma merupakan tumor odontogenik jinak berasal dari epitel yang menunjukkan karakter agresif lokal dengan tingkat kekambuhan yang tinggi. Lesi dengan ukuran yang cukup besar maupun lesi agresif memerlukan adanya pendekatan bedah yang radikal. Tujuan dari laporan kasus ini adalah untuk membahas penatalaksanaan komprehensif ameloblastoma acanthomatous mixed with follicular. Laporan kasus: Seorang pasien laki-laki berusia 58 tahun dengan keluhan utama benjolan sebesar bola basket pada rahang bawah kanan dengan gambaran klinis kenyal, tidak nyeri, berwarna merah muda sama dengan jaringan sekitarnya dan tidak mudah berdarah. CT (Computed tomography) Scan kepala menunjukkan massa solid dengan gambaran mixed radiolusen dan radiopak yang besar diantara matriks jaringan lunak disertai destruksi tulang mandibula. Pasien dilakukan tindakan hemimandibulektomi dan eksisi luas diikuti dengan penutupan primer. Hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi baik sebelum dan sesudah operasi menunjukkan gambaran yang sama yaitu ameloblastoma acanthomatous mixed with follicular. Tatalaksana post operatif diobservasi pada Unit Perawatan Intensif karena perdarahan massive selama operasi. Dengan mempertimbangkan patensi airway, diputuskan juga untuk melakukan percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy untuk mencegah ventilator acquired pneumonia pada pasien, serta follow up berkala dilakukan hingga saat ini. Simpulan: Ameloblastoma acanthomatous mixed with follicular tanpa adanya perawatan selama beberapa tahun menunjukkan potensi pertumbuhan yang tidak terbatas mengakibatkan deformitas wajah yang signifikan. Penatalaksanaan dengan intervensi bedah dan follow up pasca operasi diperlukan untuk mencegah ekspansi lebih lanjut dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien.   Kata kunci: ameloblastoma acanthomatous, hemimandibulektomi, eksisi, kualitas hidup Management of a acanthomatous mixed with follicular ameloblastoma ABSTRACT  Introduction: Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor of epithelial origin that exhibits a locally aggressive behavior with a high level of recurrence. Especially larger, aggressive lesions require a more radical surgical approach. The aim of this case report is to discuss the comprehensive management of an extremely large acanthomatous mixed with follicular ameloblastoma. Case report: In this case report, a 58 years old male patient with chief complain of a basketball size lump on his right lower jaw, with painless, same color with the surrounding tissue, firm, and non- bleeding characteristic on the clinical findings. Head CT Scan showed a large solid mass with radiolucent and radiopaque among soft tissue matrix with destruction of the mandible bone. The patient went for wide excision with hemimandibulectomy followed by primary closure of the lesion. Both prior and after the surgery showed the same pathological result which was acanthomatous mixed with follicular ameloblastoma. The post operative management was monitored in Intensive Care Unit due to an excessive bleeding during the surgery. Considering the airway patency it was also decided to perform percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy to prevent ventilator acquired pneumonia in this patient, and we have continued follow-up observation since then. Conclusion: A few years untreated acanthomatous mixed with follicular ameloblastoma showed a potency for unlimited growth with significant face deformation. Management with surgical intervention and post operative follow-up were necessarily needed to stop further expansion and ensure the life quality of the patient. Keywords : behaviour change, DASS-21, morsicatio buccarum, morsicatio labioru

    Management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis with combination of gap arthroplasty surgery and physiotherapy

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    Background. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is a union of the articular surface of the temporal bone to the disc-condyle complex that restricts mandibular movements due to either a fibrous or bony union between the head of the condyle and the glenoid fossa. Common etiological factors are trauma, infection, and pathology in the joint or systemic diseases. The diagnosis of TMJ ankylosis is established through physical and clinical evaluation, and imaging examination. Currently, the surgical techniques used to treat TMJ ankylosis are gap arthroplasty, interpositional arthroplasty, joint reconstruction, and distraction osteogenesis. Purpose. To provide overview about management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis with gap arthroplasty combined with physiotherapy post surgery. Case. A 12-year-old female patient came to Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with complaint of opening mouth restriction, which occured since one year prior to admission. After complete physical and radiographic examination, patient then was diagnosed with TMJ ankylosis due to neglected odontogenic infection. The treatment was performed with gap arthroplasty under general anesthesia. Patient then underwent physiotherapy after the surgery, including application of heat on the affected region and exercises to open and close mouth. Discussion. Ankylosis of TMJ is an uncommon case that results in chronic and severe limited mouth opening. The critical factor of successful treatment of TMJ ankylosis is early detection, correct surgery approach, implementation of an intensive physiotherapy program, and a good post-operative conduct. Therefore on this patient, gap arthroplasty was the chosen surgery approach followed by intensive physiotherapy. Conclusion.Management goal in TMJ ankylosis is  to increase the patient’s mandibular function, correct associated facial deformity, decrease pain, and prevent reankylosis. Careful surgical technique and subsequent atten­tion to physiotherapy are both considered essential to achieve a satisfactory result