504 research outputs found


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    Program PPL merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam mengaplikasikan ilmu pengtahuan dari kampus kepada seluruh warga sekolah dan lingkungan. Tujuan dari PPL yaitu memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam pengelolaan sekolah dan mengembangkan kompetensi di bidang pendidikan, melatih mahasiswa dalam mengenal seluk-beluk sekolah, menjalin kerjasama antar anggota tim PPL dan antara Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dengan pihak sekolah. Program PPL di SMK YPKK 2 SLEMAN dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10Agustus 2015 sampai dengan tanggal 12 September 2015. Praktik mengajar dilaksanakan oleh 12 orang mahasiswa yang berasal dari program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Pendidikan Ekonomi, Pendidikan Akuntansi, serta Bimbingan Konseling. Tiap mahasiswa didampingi oleh satu guru pembimbing pengampu mata pelajaran yang sesuai dengan program studi tiap mahasiswa. Kegiatan praktik mengajar dikelas dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2015. Kegiatan praktik pengajaran dikelas dilaksanakan sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan. Dengan adanya kegiatan PPL, mahasiswa mendapat bekal, pengalaman dan gambaran yang nyata tentang kegiatan-kegiatan dalam dunia kependidikan. Adanya kerjasama, kerja keras, kedisiplinan, tenaga, dana dan waktu sangatlah mendukung terlaksananya program-program PPL dengan baik. Kegiatan PPL tersebut telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa dengan baik meskipun ada beberapa hambatan dalam kegiatan tersebut akan tetapi dapat teratasi dengan baik atas kerjasama antara mahasiswa dan pihak sekolah

    Teacher Perceptions of Small High Schools

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    This research brief uses data from the School District of Philadelphia teacher survey to assess teacher perceptions of small and large neighborhood high schools

    Pipeline to Failure: Social Inequality and the False Promises of American Public Schooling

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    My experience as a New York City public school student was absolutely electrifying, though filled with many trials. While my mother would have preferred to put me in private school, having access to some of the world’s greatest institutions and resources offered unique opportunities and exposures. The performing arts provided me with an outlet to express myself and build skills and confidence. In particular, dance education kept me occupied and disciplined in a large city full of danger. Every so often, I witnessed hostile, or even violent exchanges between students, or students and staff. While some of my schoolmates became doctors and Olympic medalists, others were parents at the age of fifteen. Unfortunately, too many teachers lacked the passion or desire needed to ignite their students’ true potential. My long-time compassion for youth led me to a career as an educator and administrator. Through my work with several non-profit and educational organizations, I honed invaluable instructional and managerial skills; I learned to write and deliver engaging arts and academic curricula and manage contracts, programs and budgets. Over time, I began to discover the multifaceted issues that plague the urban education system. Despite my commitment to changing the American educational landscape, I often felt hopeless as I encountered endless obstacles. My desire to gain a deeper understanding of the social, cultural, political and economic factors that affect one’s educational pursuit led me on a journey to study at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. The research I have conducted has provided me with mounting evidence that public-schooling fails to ameliorate social inequalities; instead they play a major role in reproducing them. In Schooling in Capitalist America, economists and social theorists Bowles and Gintis eloquently explain: The perpetuation of the class structure requires that the hierarchical division of labor be reproduced in the consciousness of its participants. The educational system is one of the … reproduction mechanisms through which dominant elites seek to achieve this objective. By providing skills, legitimating inequalities in economic positions, and facilitating certain types of social intercourse among individuals, U.S. education patterns personal development around the requirements of alienated work. The educational system reproduces the capitalist social division of labor, in part, through a correspondence between its own internal social relationships and those of the workplace. (p. 147). Bowles and Gintis’ correspondence theory still holds true. Race and class are undeniably intertwined and serve as the backdrop, while a record-breaking number of lower-class students continue to be set on a trajectory of failure. When we begin to understand the world in which we live and how it has come to be, it is only then that we can make it a better place. I dedicate this research to our nation’s young and the marginalized communities that continue to be intentionally left out of the rat race

    Targeting the Roots of the American Criminal Justice System and Its Modern-Day Manifestations Through the Historical Marginalization of Black Americans

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    Following the murder of George Floyd in late May of 2020 came a summer of heightened emotions and loud utterances of beliefs regarding police behavior and systemic racism. For many white Americans, this was a catalyst for deep self-inventories, personal growth, and the unlearning of dangerous prejudices and misconceptions. For Black Americans, however, this was simply another expression of normalized deadly behavior against their communities. The recent demands for transforming our legal system shed light on the malevolent origins of American policing. When identifying the unjust roots of the American legal system, modern-day manifestations of racially motivated practices, attitudes, and beliefs cannot be ignored. By overlooking the roadblocks to reforming this system, the same ineffective practices are implemented, thereby wasting precious time and resources. Intense and meticulous analysis on the origins of policing further illustrate the historical marginalization of Black Americans and their depravity of justice at the hands of local and state governments. The skewed perception of justice provided by our current legal system will never be truly transformed to benefit all facets of society until its sinister roots are adequately confronted and alleviated. These methods of transformation use reform as an apparatus in achieving a socially, politically, and economically equitable society, not as an end-all solution


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    abstractBasic considerations of criminal law judges in imposing conditional on the perpetrators of criminal acts of persecution are juridical considerations, namely the fulfillment of a minimum of two items of evidence in the trial, the judge considered that there are justification, an excuse and a reason for removing the judge the prosecution to convict on parole. Beside the judges also look at the background of the events of the crime as a whole as well as the attitudes and actions of the defendant in the community daily. The defendant did cause by the maltreatment victims who are not acting in good faith to the defendant as a guarantor of loans receivable in the pawnshop and the defendant has been helping victims to get a loan. Court decisions that criminalize conditional against an abuser are deemed not in accordance with the justice community because judges are less sensitive to the suffering of victims of the crime of persecution by the defendant. The judge should impose a more optimal criminal defendant, given the criminal acts of persecution that resulted in physical harm to the victim in the form of bruises and abrasions due to blunt impact. Keywords: Imposition, Conditional Punishment, PersecutionabstrakDasar pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana bersyarat terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penganiayaan adalah pertimbangan yuridis sebagaimana diatur Pasal 184 KUHAP, hakim menilai bahwa terdapat alasan pembenar, alasan pemaaf dan alasan penghapusan penuntutan bagi hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana bersyarat. Selain itu hakim juga melihat peristiwa yang melatar belakangi perbuatan pidana tersebut secara keseluruhan serta sikap dan perbuatan terdakwa sehari-harinya dalam masyarakat. Terdakwa melakukan penganiayaan disebabkan oleh korban yang tidak beritikad baik kepada terdakwa sebagi penjamin hutang piutang di Pegadaian dan terdakwa telah menolong korban untuk mendapatkan pinjaman. Putusan pengadilan yang menjatuhkan pidana bersyarat terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penganiayaan dipandang belum sesuai dengan keadilan masyarakat karena hakim kurang sensitif terhadap penderitaan korban akibat tindak pidana penganiayaan oleh terdakwa. Hakim semestinya menjatuhkan pidana yang lebih optimal kepada terdakwa, mengingat tindak pidana penganiayaan yang dilakukan tersebut mengakibatkan penderitaan fisik pada korban berupa luka memar dan lecet akibat benturan benda tumpul. Kata Kunci: Penjatuhan Pidana, Hukuman Bersyarat, Penganiayaa

    Pengembangan Media Video Pembelajaran Pengenalan Materi Magnet Untuk Siswa Tuna Rungu Pada Siswa Kelas 5 SDLB Karya Mulia 1 Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini mengembangan media video pembelajaran bagi anak tunarungu kelas 5 semester 2 di SDLB Karya Mulia Surabaya. Media ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah peserta didik dalam belajar mengingat materi yang disampaikan dengan cara menulis kembali materi yang disampaikan sebelumnya. Hal ini didasarkan pada latar belakang penelitian bahwa anak tunarungu di SDLB Karya Mulia Surabaya masih rendah dalam proses mengingat materi yang disampaikan karena memiliki daya ingat yang rendah. Untuk itu diperukannya pemecahan masalah dengan menggunakan media video pembelajaran yang dapat diputar ulang serta menarik minat anak tunarungu. Pengembangan media ini menggunakan metode ADDIE yaitu analyze, design, develop, implement, dan evaluation pada pelaksanaan pembayatan media tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian non-parametrik. Subjek yaitu ahli materi dan ahli media serta subjek anak tunarungu kelas 5 semester 2 di SDLB Kaya Mulia Surabaya yang berjumlah 6 anak. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket terbuka, expert judgement dan tes. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan rumus P yang digunakan untuk mengukur presentase angket kemudian untuk tes menggunakan expert judgement dan rumus wilcoxon match pairs test.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa validasi kelayakan media memperoleh perhitungan dari angket ahli materi sebesar 100% dengan kriteria baik sekali; perhitungan dari angket ahli media sebesar 100% dengan kriteria baik 5sekali. Data hasil uji coba media menggunakan expert judgement, ini dilakukan karena peserta didik tidak mampu untuk melakukan penilaian kelayakan media sehingga di lakukan oleh ahli media. Data peroleh Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test dari pre test dan post test diperoleh sebesar Zhitung 2,20 > Ztabel 1,96, dengan taraf signifikan 5%, sehingga terdapat perbedaan pada hasil belajar. Kesimpulannya adalah penggunaan media video pembelajaran dapat meningatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan media atau pembelajaran konvensional untuk menstimulasi kemampuan anak tunarungu. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Media Video Pembelajaran, Tunarung

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Intensi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of personal attitudes, subjective norms, behavior, behavior, and the environment on the interest in entrepreneurship. This type of research is descriptive quantitative while the sampling in this study using purposive sampling of 232 students. The data analysis method was carried out using PLS-SEM analysis, testing PLS-SEM analysis through two stages, namely the measurement model (Outer Model) and the structural model (Inner Model). The results of this study indicate that: personal attitudes, behavioral control and entrepreneurial skills have a positive influence on interest in entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, university environment variables and norms do not have a positive influence on entrepreneurial interest

    Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Kepala Daerah Dalam Penentuan Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dalam Jabatan Struktural

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    : The aim of this research paper is to find out the regent\u27s authority implementation in deciding structural-rank civil servant officers mutation in Rokan Hilir regency administration. The method in conducting this research paper is empirical legal research. As the main data is primary data, namely data directly gained from source and interview and supported by secondary data. This research paper uses qualitative analytical method. In drawing conclusion, this research paper uses inductive reasoning method, based on particular examples to reach a general conclusion about something. The result of this research paper is the regent\u27s authority in deciding structural-rank civil servant officers mutation in Rokan Hilir regency administration has been carried out well although there are some mutation cases tainted with political or logrolling reason, but it\u27s still in line with the law. Keyword : implementation of authority, determination of movemen