74 research outputs found

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    Penerapan Metode Demonstrasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi pada Siswa SDN Pacing

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca puisi menggunakan metode demonstrasi pada siswa kelas IV SDN Pacing Kecamatan Sedan Kabupaten Rembang Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Bentuk penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action research). Penelitian terdiri dari 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 2 kali pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Uji validitas data penelitian menggunakan teknik triangulasi, yaitu triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif komparatif dan teknik analisis kritis. Objek penelitian yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas IV SDN Pacing Kecamatan Sedan Kabupaten Rembang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada siklus I, peningkatan kelulusan sesuai dengan KKM menjadi 70,74% dan pada siklus ke II terjadi peningkatan 75% sehingga siswa dinyatakan tuntas. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh simpulan bahwa metode demonstrasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca puisi pada siswa kelas IV SDN Pacing Kecamatan Sedan Kabupaten Rembang Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

    Babad Segaluh 3

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    Pengekspresian Jatuh Cinta Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Melalui Media Tulisan: Kreativitas atau Vandalisme?

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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to understand the characteristics of falling in love and the love expression in writing media (graffiti) on Junior High School students. The chosen approach is qualitative approach with phenomenological research type. The subject is students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Pancadarma Malang. The result shows love is expressed in the form of courting behavior, the love that underlies this relationship is romantic love so it cannot be said to be deep love (unreflective). In love expression, it can be directly (oral and action) or indirect (writing). The expression of love through writing can be classified into written media (school facilities, public facilities, private facilities, social media); writing forms (graffiti, tattoos, reply to comments, replying text messages, poetry, writing letters, short stories); and the content of writing (feelings and desires to be disclosed). It can be concluded that there are two main characteristics of the love expressed in the form of writing, the love expressed in the form of works and love expressed in the form of destructive (vandalism) behavior.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik jatuh cinta dan bentuk pengekspresian jatuh cinta melalui media tulisan (coretan) pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Pendekatan yang dipilih adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Subjek adalah siswa SMP Pancadarma Malang. Hasil menunjukkan cinta diekspresikan dalam bentuk perilaku pacaran, cinta yang mendasari hubungan ini adalah cinta romantis sehingga hubungan tidak dapat dikatakan mendalam (unreflective). Dalam pengekspresiannya, cinta dapat diungkapkan secara langsung (lisan dan tindakan) maupun tidak langsung (tulisan). Pengekspresian cinta melalui tulisan dapat diklasifikasi menjadi media tulisan (fasilitas sekolah, fasilitas umum, fasilitas pribadi, media sosial); bentuk tulisan (graffiti, tato, berbalas komentar, bertukar pesan teks, puisi, menulis surat, cerita pendek); dan isi penulisan (perasaan dan keinginan yang ingin diungkapkan). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada dua karakteristik utama pengekspresian cinta dalam bentuk tulisan, yaitu cinta yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk karya dan cinta yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk perilaku vandalisme (perusakan).Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i42017p16

    Babad Segaluh 2

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    Partai Politik Dalam Bingkai Media (Analisa Framing Dipecatnya Fahri Hamzah Dari Anggota PKS Di Surat Kabar Kompas Tanggal 4-9 April 2016)

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    The case involving Fahri Hamzah with his party was reported by various media in Indonesia, one of them was Kompas Daily Newspaper. The mass media in Indonesia has its own internal policies and powers in doing the selection of issues or topics in an event, as well as a source for the related issues. Fahri Hamzah who became PKS cadres at that time did an indisciplinary action towards his party, of course this is very unfortunate, because Fahri who at that time served as Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives gave a controversial, counterproductive and inconsistent statement with the party directives at that time. The method used in this research is framing analysis, with analysis model from Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. There are four structures of this model of analysis: syntax, script, thematic and rhetorical. Model analysis of Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki assumed that framing formation is done to represent a meaning. Data analysis of the case of Fahri Hamzah in Kompas Daily Newspaper on 4th-9th April 2016 edition. Research results showed that the mass media has its own ideology in expressing a fact. Kompas Daily Newspaper is a national media that has a nationalist ideology. In this case, there are three research themes, namely PKS which is on the brink of division, Fahri who took indisciplinary action and Fahri Hamzah case in Kompas frame

    Strategi Komunikasi Pembangunan Tim Promosi Kesehatan Puskesmas Polokarto Melalui Program Desa Siaga

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    The development program has three components namely development communications, development programs containing ideas about development programs, and the community. This research focused on community empowerment in the health area through Desa Siaga program. Desa Siaga is the state of a region that is ready to implement health empowerment independently. The purpose of this research was to find out the development communication strategy of the Health Promotion Team, the Community Health Care of Polokarto, through Desa Siaga program in Bulu Village, Polokarto, Sukoharjo. It used a descriptive qualitative method. This study used in-depth interviews with three informants and observation. Informants were selected using snowball sampling technique. The findings demonstrated that the team successfully implemented Desa Siaga program using the 5P technique (Possibility, Reinforcement, Protection, Support, and Maintenance). The findings also indicated that Desa Siaga program as a program introduced by Puskesmas Promotion team Polokarto received a positive response from the community by forming an organization to launch the program that is Village Health Forum