31 research outputs found

    Influence of Airqual on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth on Garuda Indonesia Airlines

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    This study aims to examine the effect of AIRQUAL (Airline Tangible, Terminal Tangible, and Empathy) on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth at Garuda Indonesia airline. It applies a quantitative method where random samples were respondents who have flown with Garuda Indonesia airline to or through Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta Airport Jakarta, Indonesia. Data processing was performed using Structural Equation Modeling with SPSS 23.0 for Mac and AMOS for Windows software. The results showed that airline tangible and empathy were proven to affect customer satisfaction, while terminal tangible did not affect customer satisfaction. Statistical tests also showed that customer satisfaction had a positive effect on word of mouth

    Indonesian tourism marketing communication strategy through Lion Mag in-flight magazine

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    The world of tourism cannot be separated from transportation and accommodation. Transportation becomes a means of tourists to reach the desired tourist destination both domestic and international. Airplane becomes the most effective option for tourists as it reaches a wide range of destination. Each airline including Lion Air has its own promotional media to communicate with potential passengers. This research focused on the representation of Indonesian tourism as strategic marketing communication in LionMag InFlight magazine. This study used data collection techniques obtained from various sources such as documents, archival records, interviews, and observations, both in the form of research or non-research research data as well as conceptual or procedural. The results of this study indicated that LionMag continues to be creative in providing information needed by both local and foreign tourists


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    Abstract ā€ To retain stakeholders in the company that needed the relationship (guan xi) needed to create loyalty with each other, Alon (2003) also agreed on this, so guan xi played an important role in obtaining business profits. To increase business profits by making production with high costs so as to increase costs that make the price of products competitive, rapid distribution, and quality products that can improve the company. Variable dependency, guan xi, supply chain integration and operational performance by adding the mediating role of supply chain integration. This research is a quantitative study with a type of causal research using structural equation modeling methods. The results of this study indicate all supported hypotheses, where supply chain integration mediates fully between Guan Xi and operational performance. Key word: Guan xi, Depedency, Supply Chain Integration, Operational Performance. Abstrak ā€ Untuk mempertahankan stakeholder pada perusahaan dibutuhkan hubungan yang baik (guan xi) supaya dapat menciptakan loyalitas satu sama lain, Alon (2003) juga mengakui ini, bahwa guan xi berperan penting peran dalam memperoleh peluang bisnis. Untuk meningkatkan keuntungan bisnis dengan cara membuat produksi dengan kapasitas besar sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya yang membuat harga produk menjadi kompetitif, pendistribusian yang cepat, dan produk yang berkualitas yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kembali variabel dependency, guan xi, supply chain integration dan operational performance dengan menambahkan peran mediasi supply chain integration. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian kausal yang menggunakan structural equation modeling method. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan seluruh hipotesis terdukung, dimana supply chain integration memediasi secara penuh antara guan xi dengan operational performance. Kata Kunci: Guan xi, Depedency, Supply Chain Integration, Operational Performance


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    Abstract ā€ To retain stakeholders in the company that needed the relationship (guan xi) needed to create loyalty with each other, Alon (2003) also agreed on this, so guan xi played an important role in obtaining business profits. To increase business profits by making production with high costs so as to increase costs that make the price of products competitive, rapid distribution, and quality products that can improve the company. Variable dependency, guan xi, supply chain integration and operational performance by adding the mediating role of supply chain integration. This research is a quantitative study with a type of causal research using structural equation modeling methods. The results of this study indicate all supported hypotheses, where supply chain integration mediates fully between Guan Xi and operational performance. Key word: Guan xi, Depedency, Supply Chain Integration, Operational Performance. Abstrak ā€ Untuk mempertahankan stakeholder pada perusahaan dibutuhkan hubungan yang baik (guan xi) supaya dapat menciptakan loyalitas satu sama lain, Alon (2003) juga mengakui ini, bahwa guan xi berperan penting peran dalam memperoleh peluang bisnis. Untuk meningkatkan keuntungan bisnis dengan cara membuat produksi dengan kapasitas besar sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya yang membuat harga produk menjadi kompetitif, pendistribusian yang cepat, dan produk yang berkualitas yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kembali variabel dependency, guan xi, supply chain integration dan operational performance dengan menambahkan peran mediasi supply chain integration. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian kausal yang menggunakan structural equation modeling method. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan seluruh hipotesis terdukung, dimana supply chain integration memediasi secara penuh antara guan xi dengan operational performance. Kata Kunci: Guan xi, Depedency, Supply Chain Integration, Operational Performance

    The Four Variables of Seas and The Role of Prior Experience As Stimulant to Become a Social Entrepreneur: a Qualitative Study of UBAYA FBE Students

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    ABSTRAK-- Istilah dari social entrepreneur sudah mulai menjadi isu yang hangat. Wirausahawan sosial telah memikat hati orang banyak, karena tujuan dari wirausahawan sosial itu sendiri adalah untuk membantu orang lain. Seperti di Indonesia, banyak orang yang kurang beruntung perlu dirawat, dan dengan demikian nama wirausahawan dengan tujuan sosial sangat digemari. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari basic research ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi stimulant untuk menjadi seorang wirausahawan sosial dengan menggunakan pengukuran Social Entrepreneurial Antecedents Scale (SEAS) yang memiliki empat variabel dan dengan tambahan prior experience kedalam pengukurannya. Sejauh istilah ini mulai meroket, kebutuhan untuk menemukan lebih jauh mengenai anteseden dari niat wirausahawan sosial itu sendiri diperlukan, ini karena pentingnya wirausahawan sosial saat ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjadi tolok ukur untuk mengetahui sifat dasar manusia yang seperti apa yag dapat mengubah seseorang untuk menjadi seorang wirausahawan sosial di masa mendatang, terutama mahasiswa di universitas, karena dunia membutuhkan seorang wirausahawan yang lebih dapat diandalkan yang mana memiliki perspektif dan pikiran yang dapat merubah orang-orang di lingkungan mereka. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode kualitatif yang berarti metode wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen untuk mendukung validitas data yang dilakukan. Subjek utama dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya khususnya mahasiswa Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah sebuah penilaian dari niat kewirausahaan sosial siswa yang diukur menggunakan empat variabel dari SEAS dan peran prior experience dalam merangsang siswa untuk menjadi wirausahawan sosial dalam kehidupan nyata. Kata kunci: Wirausahawan Sosial, Four Variables of SEAS, Niat Kewirausahaan Sosial, Prior Experience. ABSTRACT-- The term social entrepreneur has begun to be a hot issue. Social entrepreneur has earned many people heart, since the purpose of the social entrepreneur itself is to help others. As in Indonesia, my unfortunate people need to be taken care of, and thus the name entrepreneur with social purposes is highly preferable. Hence the purpose of this basic research is to explore the stimulant to become a social entrepreneur using the Social Entrepreneurial Antecedents Scale (SEAS) four variables and prior experience as the measurement. As far as the term begins to rocketing, the need to discover farther about the antecedents of social entrepreneurial intention itself is necessary, this is because the importance of social entrepreneurs nowadays. This research goal is to be the benchmark to know what basic human traits that able to turn someone to become a social entrepreneur in the future, especially students in the university, because we need a more reliable social entrepreneur which has the perspective and mind that can change their surroundings. Whilst, method used by the researcher is qualitative methods in which means interviews, observation, and analysis of documents in order to support the validity of the data are conducted. The main subject of the research are students at University of Surabaya specifically the students in Faculty of Business and Economic. The scope of this research is an assessment of the social entrepreneurial intention of the students measured by the four variables of SEAS and the role of prior experience in stimulating them to become a social entrepreneur in real life. Keywords: Social Entrepreneur, Four Variables of SEAS, Social Entrepreneurial Intentions, Prior Experience

    Co-Creative Service Innovation on Social Media: An Empirical Study in an International Coffee Cafe Chain in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of consumer innovativeness and attitude toward CCSI on social media, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control on intention to co-create and adoption intention. The object of this study is an international coffee cafƩ chain in Indonesia. Method: This study uses primary data sources by distributing questionnaires online. There are 150 questionnaires used in the data processing. Research data was processed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with IBM SPSS Statistic software and AMOS 22. Result: The results show that 6 hypotheses are supported and 1 hypothesis is not supported. Consumer innovativeness, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control affect the intention to co-create. Consumer innovativeness, perceived behavioral control, and intention to co-create affect adoption intention. Hypothesis 3: the effect of attitude toward CCSI on social media on intention to co-create is not supported

    International Touristsā€™ Motivations And Revisit Intention To Indonesia

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    Traveling to another country is always a trend in the tourism industry. In fact, tourists often revisit the countries they have visited before. The current trend of foreign tourists to visit and revisit Indonesia increases. It is important to know the motivation of foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. This study aims to determine the relationship between motivation, satisfaction and revisit intention of foreign tourists in visiting Indonesia. The results showed the motivation is interrelated with satisfaction and satisfaction becomes an important factor that drives revisit intention of foreign tourists in visiting Indonesia. Keywords: motivation, satisfaction, revisit intentio

    Essential Drivers of Customer Satisfaction in using Shopee Apps: A Perspective of Logistic Service Dimensions

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    This study was motivated by authorsā€™ curiosity to study Shoppe as a booming e-commerce company, while logistics services are critical for Shopeeā€™s success in term of satisfying its customers. This study aims to examine how factors of logistic dimensions affect customer satisfaction of Shoppe and is basic research. The authors applied a correlational research type with a quantitative approach. The primary data were obtained directly from respondents by distributing a questionnaire. They were analyzed using SEM approach and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) software. The results show that of 7 hypotheses are supported. All factors of logistics dimensions: availability, delivery time, shipping cost, delivery reliability, product quality and condition, consumer complaint and return policy, and information quality affect customer satisfaction. This implies that Shoppe must make its stocks available, ensure its delivery time on time, pay attention on its shipping cost, ensure the delivery of goods is in accordance with the conditions applied, the product packaging during shipping is not damaged, a simple return policy, provide information that meets expectations to satisfy its consumers. The present study can shed light on the logistics services dimensions that align with customer expectations in the e-commerce industry. Understanding these crucial logistics dimensions can enable Shopee to better tailor their logistics operations to meet and exceed customer needs, ultimately resulting in satisfaction

    Pengaruh Logistics Service Quality Terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty Pada Industri Ritel di Indonesia

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    Abstractā€”The service industry sector has great potential for increasing economic growth, in which this sector can contribute to improving national GDP, job creation, and poverty reduction. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Logistics Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty at Matahari Department Store. Data processing was done using a quantitative approach and this type of research is causal research. The variables used in this study were logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The data analysis technique used was Multiple Linear Regression using the SPSS 18.0 for window program. This study used a sample of respondents who have shopped online at Matahari Department Store at least once a year with a total sample of 200 respondents. The results of this study indicate the influence of Logistics Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty at Matahari Department Store.  Keywords: Logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty   Abstrakā€” Sektor industri jasa memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan dapat berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan PDB nasional, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan pengurangan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Logistics Service Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty pada Matahari Department Store. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausal. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, dan customer loyalty. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linear Berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS 18.0 for window. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel berupa responden yang pernah berbelanja online di Matahari Department Store minimal 1 kali dalam setahun dengan jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 200 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh Logistics Service Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty pada Matahari Department Store. Kata kunci: Logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalt

    The Effect of Logistic Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of PT. Global Jet Express (J&T Express)

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    This present study aims to analyze what factors contribute significantly to customer satisfaction of logistic servicesā€™ users in Indonesia with PT. Global Jet Express (J&T Express) as the research object. The theory used in this research was Logistic Service Quality (LSQ), consisting of timeliness, information sharing, order condition, personnel contact quality, and order discrepancy handling. It used 224 respondents, and Structural Equation Model (SEM) technique using AMOS software was used to analyze the data. The results show that timeliness, information sharing, order condition, and personnel contact quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Only order discrepancy handling has a positive but not significant effect on customer satisfaction. The study results provide input for J&T Express and other logistics companies on the factors influencing customer satisfaction. The results of this study show that information sharing is the most important variable influencing customer satisfaction; therefore, J&T express must regularly perform continuous improvements and innovations related to information sharing with customers to increase customer satisfaction