1,704 research outputs found

    Impact of Metrical Prosody on Performances

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    This thesis is about testing Frederick Turner and Ernst Pöppel's claim that suggestmetrical poem tends to measure three seconds in terms of psychological limitwhen it is performed aloud. The objective of the study is to present metricalpoems as the new data to test their claim by using corpus analysis. Hereby, theresearcher uses publicly available 28 read-aloud poems from poetryoutloud.orgby using Praat to find the duration of each metrical line. The findings indicate thatthere are 18 English metrical poems with 314 lines in total, supported by metricaltree analysis, meanwhile there are 10 poems which are free verse and found that1) most lines have iamb feet, 2) 10 of the metrical pattern of the poems are iambicpentameter, whereas others are in diverse meter, 3) there is no psychological limiton the duration of metrical lines in performance as the researcher only founds62.73% that fit to the 3 seconds of temporal window based on the analysis in thecorpus of 314 metrical lines. This study has shown what Frederick Turner andErnst Pöppel claim is not methodologically proven

    The Effect of Problem Posing Approach Towards Students\u27 Mathematical Disposition, Critical & Creative Thinking Ability Based on School Level

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    The background of this study is the school of the new students of mathematics education courses came from grade high, medium and low. Here the writer wants to see how much influence of the school level on new students\u27 critical thinking skills and creative mathematical. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in new students\u27 mathematical disposition, critical & creative thinking ability through the mathematical problem posing approach based on school level (high, medium, low). The method used in this research is the experimental method, with only posttest design. The population of this study is all the students of mathematics education department in Cimahi; while the sample is selected randomly from one college. Then from this chosen college is taken two samples from random class. The instrument of essay test is used to measure students\u27 critical and mathematical creative thinking ability; while non-test instrument is questionnaire of attitude scale. The results show that: 1) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 2) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in the students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 3) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical disposition

    A Pilot Survey for CIII] Emission in the Reionization Era: Gravitationally-Lensed z∼7−8\sim7-8 Galaxies in the Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744

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    We report results of a search for CIII] λλ\lambda \lambda1907,1909 {\AA} emission using Keck's MOSFIRE spectrograph in a sample of 7 zphot∼7−8z_{phot}\sim7-8 candidates (H∼27H\sim27) lensed by the Hubble Frontier Field cluster Abell 2744. Earlier work has suggested the promise of using the CIII] doublet for redshift confirmation of galaxies in the reionization era given LyαLy\alpha (λ\lambda1216 {\AA}) is likely attenuated by the neutral intergalactic medium. The primary challenge of this approach is the feasibility of locating CIII] emission without advanced knowledge of the spectroscopic redshift. With an integration time of 5 hours in the H-band, we reach a 5σ5\sigma median flux limit (in between the skylines) of 1.5×10−181.5\times10^{-18} ergs cm−2^{-2} sec−1^{-1} but no convincing CIII] emission was found. We also incorporate preliminary measurements from two other CLASH/HFF clusters in which, similarly, no line was detected, but these were observed to lesser depth. Using the known distribution of OH emission and the photometric redshift likelihood distribution of each lensed candidate, we present statistical upper limits on the mean total CIII] rest-frame equivalent width for our z≃7−8z\simeq7-8 sample. For a signal/noise ratio of 5, we estimate the typical CIII] doublet rest-frame equivalent width is, with 95\% confidence, <26±5<26\pm5 {\AA}. Although consistent with the strength of earlier detections in brighter objects at z≃6−7z\simeq6-7, our study illustrates the necessity of studying more luminous or strongly-lensed examples prior to the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Back-in-time dynamics of the cluster IE 0657-56 (the Bullet System)

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    We present a simplified dynamical model of the ``Bullet'' system of two colliding clusters. The model constrains the masses of the system by requiring that the orbits of the main and sub components satisfy the cosmological initial conditions of vanishing physical separation a Hubble time ago. This is also known as the timing argument. The model considers a system embedded in an over-dense region. We argue that a relative speed of 4500km/s4500 \rm km/s between the two components is consistent with cosmological conditions if the system is of a total mass of 2.8×1015h−1M⊙2.8\times 10^{15}h^{-1} M_\odot is embedded in a region of a (mild) over-density of 10 times the cosmological background density. Combining this with the lensing measurements of the projected mass, the model yields a ratio of 3:1 for the mass of the main relative to that of the subcomponent. The effect of the background weakens as the relative speed between the two components is decreased. For relative speeds lower than ∼3700km/s\sim 3700\rm km/s, the timing argument yields masses which are too low to be consistent with lensing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Eksekusi Strategi Di Tingkat Individu

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    Formulasi strategi belum dapat memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan untuk men- jamin keberlangsungan Perusahaan, terlebih lagi terhadap pencapain tujuan Perusa- haan. Strategi yang telah disusun pada tahap formulasi, harus dilaksanakan sampai kepada tingkat operasional Perusahaan. Bentuk eksekusi strategi ni dapat diwujudkan dengan penurunan sasaran strategis, indikator kinerja utama beserta targetnya pada setiap jabatan dalam Perusahaan. Proses ini memerlukan uraian jabatan dari setiap pemegang jabatan, penyelarasan antara uraian jabatan dengan sasaran strategis dan indikator kinerja utama. Metode untuk melakukan proses ini tergantung kepada karakteristik dari masing-masing indikator kinerja utama. Terdapat dua metode yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu pendekatan jumlah dan pendekatan rata-rata. Hasil akhir dari proses ini adalah individual scorecard. Interpretasi para pengambil keputusan di Perusahaan akan menentukan optimalisasi dari penggunaan indivdual scorecard dalam eksekusi strategi


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    Pembudayaan Nilai-nilai Pancasila Bagi Masyarakat sebagai Modal Dasar Pertahanan Nasional Nkri

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan pedekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan bentuk studi kasus dari berita mas media baik media cetak maupun elektronik. Serta kepustakaan, Tahapan penelitian awal pembuatan desain,pengumpulan data/informasi analisis data dan pelaporan. Pembudayaan nilai dasar Pancasila sebagai ideologi nasional adalah bersifat imperatif. Dengan demikian semua komponen bangsa, lebih-lebih para pemegang jabatan pemerintahan negara baik di pusat maupun di daerah, lembaga negara dan Kepemimpinan negara berkewajiban menjalankan amanat di maksud. Demi pertahanan negara ,untuk tegaknya sistem kenegaraan Pancasila, Pemerintah berkewajiban memndidikkan dan membudayakan nilai-nilai dasar negara (ideologi nasional) bagi generasi penerus untuk mempertahankan integritas NKRI. Pemikiran untuk pelakasanaan pembudayaan nilai-nilai dasar negara, seyogyanya dikembangkan secara melembaga,konsepsional dan fungsional oleh negara dengan mendaya gunakan semua kelembagaan dan komponen bangsa


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    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN AMPAS BIR DAN DEDAK PADI TERHADAP KECERNAAN ENERGI PAKAN PADA KAMBING KACANG (Capra aegagrus hircus) JANTAN Warsito Adi Pamungkas1) Wara Pratitis SS, S. Pt, M. P. 2) Yuli Yanti, S. Pt., M. Sc.2) ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ampas bir dan dedak padi yang berbeda proporsinya terhadap kecernaan energi pada kambing kacang. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi energi, energi tercerna (DE), dan kecernaan energi. Materi yang digunakan adalah kambing kacang jantan umur 1,5-2 tahun sebanyak 15 ekor dengan bobot awal 12,67 ±1,61 kg (CV = 12,71). Bahan pakan yang digunakan adalah rumput raja, ampas bir dan dedak padi. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola searah dengan tiga perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Pakan yang diberikan berupa hijauan (rumput raja) dan konsentrat dengan perbandingan 50:50 dari kebutuhan bahan kering. Hasil analisis variansi menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan proporsi ampas bir dan dedak padi dalam ransum tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi energi, energi tercerna (DE) dan kecernaan energi. Perbedaan proporsi dedak padi dan ampas bir dalam konsentrat kambing kacang menghasilkan konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi energi, energi tercerna (DE) dan kecernaan energi yang sama antar perlakuan. Kata kunci : kambing kacang, energi pakan, kecernaan energi, ampas bir ________________________________________ Keterangan: 1) Mahasiswa Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret 2) Dosen Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret EFFECT OF BEER DREGS AND RICE BRAN ON ENERGY DIGESTIBILITY OF KACANG GOATS (Capra aegagrus hircus) WarsitoAdiPamungkas1) Wara Pratitis SS, S. Pt, M. P. 2) Yuli Yanti, S. Pt., M. Sc.2) ABSTRACT The study aims to determine the effect of dregs of beer and rice bran in a different proportion onenergy digestibility of kacang goat. The variables observed were dry matter intake, energy intake, digestible energy and energy digestibility. The material used were 15 kacang goats (1,5-2 years old and initial body weigh 12,67 ± 1,61 kg (CV = 12,71)). The feed material used is king grass , dregs of beer and rice bran. The experimental design used completely randomized design unidirectional pattern with three treatments and five replications . Given feed forage ( grass king ) and concentrates with a 50:50 ratio of dry matter requirements. Results of analysis of variance showed that the differences in the proportion ofthe dregs of beer and rice branin the ration was not significant (P>0.05) ondry matter intake, energy intake, digestible energy (DE) and energy digestibility. The difference proportions of rice bran and beer dregs in concentrate resulted similar value on dry matter intake, energy intake, digestible energy (DE) and energy digestibility between treatments. Keyword : Kacang Goat, feed energy, energy digestibility, dregs of beer ________________________________________ Description: 1) Student of Animal Science Agriculture of Faculty Sebelas Maret University 2) Lecture of Animal Science Agriculture of Faculty Sebelas Maret Universit

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Skripsi (Tugas Akhir) Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Scrum

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    Skripsi/Tugas Akhir merupakan karya ilmiah yang disusun oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil penelitian laboratorium atau penelitian lapangan. Informasi mengenai Skripsi/Tugas Akhir di Program Studi Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret tidak dapat diperoleh dengan mudah. Informasi tersebut seperti ketersediaan dosen pembimbing, judul penelitian, jadwal ujian seminar, serta data informasi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan Skripsi/Tugas Akhir. Sumber Informasi dapat diketahui dengan mudah melalui berbagai media, salah satunya adalah media internet yang berbentuk sebuah situs atau website. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sebuah Aplikasi yang menangani permasalahan Skripsi/Tugas Akhir yang ada di Jurusan Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret berbasis Website. Pengembangan Aplikasi Skripsi/Tugas Akhir dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Agile yaitu dengan model Scrum. Hasil yang diperoleh pada pengembangan Aplikasi Skripsi/Tugas Akhir dengan menggunakan metode Scrum terbukti dapat dengan mudah mengatasi perubahan requirements, menghasilkan produk yang sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna karena mendapatkan feedback secara kontinu. Kemudian dari hasil focus factor kelima sprint didapat rata-rata focus factor nya yaitu 0.84 atau 84%, sehingga dapat dikatakan tingkat presentase tim pengembang fokus mengerjakan pekerjaannya dalam membangun Aplikasi Skripsi/Tugas Akhir berbasis web menggunakan metode scrum adalah 84%
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