29 research outputs found

    Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia: A Review on Current Anti-Trafficking Legislation Development

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    Trafficking in persons has become a global phenomena, including within Indonesia. Even now, Indonesia is identified as a source, transit, and destination country for victims of trafficking in persons for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. The victims include women, children, and men. However, Indonesia is committed to preventing trafficking in persons, punishing offenders, and protecting victims of trafficking. Towards this end, Indonesia is taking many strategic and practical steps to eradicate trafficking in persons; including enacting current specific anti-trafficking law to cope with this type of crime; i.e., Law No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons. This article examines the development of anti trafficking legislation in Indonesia, including international instruments, prior legislation, and current legislation adopted in coping with the criminal act of trafficking in persons. The results would provide more undertsnading pertaining to trafficking in persons in Indonesia and the development of acts adopted by the country in adressing this criminal act. Keywords: Indonesia, trafficking in persons, legislation developmen


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    The crossing bridge at Pasar Minggu is the link between the train station and the shopping center opposite. The reconstruction of the collapsed bridge starts with problem identification and research, then chooses the most appropriate method to use in the reconstruction process, and calculates the cost for the reconstruction of the bridge. From the research results it can be seen that the bridge is reconstructed by retrofitting method where the existing bridge structure is reinforced by the method of scaffolding and launching, so that the bridge is again become feasible to be used, and the cost required to reconstruct the bridge is Rp penyeberangan orang yang berada di pasar minggu merupakan penghubung antara stasiun kereta dengan pusat perbelanjaan yang berada di seberangnya. Kegiatan rekonstruksi jembatan yang telah rubuh dimulai dengan identifikasi masalah dan penelitian, selanjutnya memilih metode yang paling tepat untuk digunakan pada proses rekonstruksi,dan menghitung biaya untuk rekonstruksi jembatan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa jembatan direkonstruksi dengan metode perkuatan dimana struktur jembatan yang ada diperkuat dengan metode perancah dan peluncuran sehingga jembatan tersebut kembali menjadi layak untuk digunakan,dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk merekonstruksi jembatan tersebut sebesar Rp


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    Stunting reduction programs are important to be carried out with a multi-sectoral approach through the synchronization of national, local, and community programs at the central and regional levels. The convergence of stunting prevention can fill the empty spaces of interventions that have been carried out. The purpose of this study is that researchers want to know how the level of influence and dependence between institutional actors in stunting prevention efforts, then how is the relationship between institutional actors' goals in stunting prevention efforts. Stakeholder analysis method using Matrix of Alliance Conflict: Tactic, Operation, and Responses (MACTOR). The results showed that the actor with the highest influence was the Department of Public Works, while the actor with the highest dependence was the Department of Health. Actors who have the same goals will have the potential to collaborate, while actors who have different goals will generate potential conflicts. Actors who responded positively to the goals and were able to collaborate were Bappeda, the Health Office, and the Family Planning Office. Meanwhile, those who gave a negative response related to the goals that had been set were college actors


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    Stunting reduction programs are important to be carried out with a multi-sectoral approach through the synchronization of national, local, and community programs at the central and regional levels. The convergence of stunting prevention can fill the empty spaces of interventions that have been carried out. The purpose of this study is that researchers want to know how the level of influence and dependence between institutional actors in stunting prevention efforts, then how is the relationship between institutional actors' goals in stunting prevention efforts. Stakeholder analysis method using Matrix of Alliance Conflict: Tactic, Operation, and Responses (MACTOR). The results showed that the actor with the highest influence was the Department of Public Works, while the actor with the highest dependence was the Department of Health. Actors who have the same goals will have the potential to collaborate, while actors who have different goals will generate potential conflicts. Actors who responded positively to the goals and were able to collaborate were Bappeda, the Health Office, and the Family Planning Office. Meanwhile, those who gave a negative response related to the goals that had been set were college actors

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Intensi Penggunaan M-Tix Sebagai Layanan Pembelian Tiket Menonton Film Bioskop Jaringan Cinema XXI Indonesia: Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    This research was conducted to analyze the factors that affect to use intention of e- ticketing services provided by Cinema XXI to its customers. These factors were taken from the dimensions of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the form of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm. Data analysis was performed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The applications that are used to analyze the data is AMOS 19. The respondents of this research were some customers of Cinema XXI who know about M-Tix. The result of this research showed that (1) use intention of M-Tix influenced by perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, (2) perceived ease of use have effect on perceived usefulness, (3) subjective norm have effect on perceived usefulness, (4) subjective norm have no effect on use intention of M-Tix when system use is perceived to be voluntary

    Diversi sebagai upaya alternatif penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak/ Adi

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    xii, 190 hal.: tab.; 22 c

    Diversi sebagai upaya alternatif penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak/ Adi

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    xii, 190 hal.: tab.; 21 cm

    Kebijakan kriminal dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak/ Adi

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    x, 123 hal.: ilus.: tab.; 22 c

    Kebijakan kriminal dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak/ Adi

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    x, 123 hal.: ill.; 22 cm

    Diversi sebagai upaya alternatif penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak/ Adi

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    xii, 190 hal.: tab.; 21 cm