13 research outputs found

    Technical efficiency of wheat growing farmers of Nepal

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    Wheat is a major staple food crop of Nepal, so it is necessary to increase its productivity. However, the national average wheat productivity of Nepal is low as compared to other neighboring countries. This study employed a Cobb-Douglas stochastic production frontier model to examine the technical efficiency and its determinants using randomly selected household data from 343 wheat farmers from four districts of Nepal. Maximum likelihood estimation results showed that wheat production responded positively to an increase in the quantity of inorganic fertilizer, whereas it was detrimental to seed rate. Likewise, the study found that farmers were not technically efficient with a mean technical efficiency of 81%. The result showed irrigation, herbicides, sowing time, Farm Yard Manure (FYM), and wheat varieties were statistically significant factors that affect the technical efficiency of wheat farmers. Furthermore, to increase wheat productivity, farmers should use better irrigation, appropriate weed management practices, optimum sowing time, and adoption of recent improved varieties. Findings suggest that the technical efficiency of wheat farmers could be enhanced by practicing optimum use of inputs and improving the inefficiency factor

    Good agricultural practices in mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco); Perception and factors affecting awareness among farmers in Gulmi, Nepal

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    Citrus, in general, and mandarin, in particular, has long been one of Nepal's most important fruit crops. However, in recent years, a lack of good cultivation procedures and negligence has resulted in a significant reduction in its productivity. The declining situation cannot be controlled without the transfer of science-based knowledge and skills where Good Agricultural Practices have been linked to higher output. A study was carried out in 2020 to assess the perception of farmers towards Good Agricultural Practices and factors affecting awareness of GAP among mandarin growers. Altogether 100 households from Dhurkot and Chhatrakot Rural Municipalities, and Resunga Municipality from Gulmi district, were purposively chosen for the study in the command area of the PMAMP PIU Citrus Zone, and sampling was carried out using a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected with the use of a semi-structured questionnaire, entered, and analyzed using SPSS and STATA software. The farmers were categorized into GAP aware and unaware based on the criteria made by the focus group discussion carried out with the leading farmers, mandarin experts, and government agriculture officers. The findings revealed that 39% of the total respondents knew about GAP for mandarin. The entire respondents agreed that GAP-produced fruit has a nicer appearance and better quality and fruits meet national and international standards and enhance exportability of fruits, however, 61.5% of respondents didn’t agree that GAP helps in providing subsidies from governmental organizations. The output of the binary logit model suggested that an increase in participation in training and contact with extension agents has a significant effect on awareness of GAP. Participatory GAP training, regular extension services to smallholding farmers could be beneficial for mandarin farmers leading to commercialization

    Economics of production and marketing of wheat in Rupandehi district of Nepal

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    Wheat is the third most important cereal crop of Nepal after rice and maize in terms of area. The study on profitability and marketing of wheat was conducted in the Rupandehi district in 2019. The household survey, focus group discussion, interview with the individual market actors such as input suppliers, producers, collectors, wholesalers, millers, and retailers in selected clusters was carried out. The study showed that the Benefit-Cost Ratio of wheat production (BCR) was 1.87. The marketing margins at three different levels of marketing farm-wholesale, wholesale-retail, and farm-retail were also analyzed. The farm-retail marketing margin was found highest (31.42%) and the farm-wholesale marketing margins were less (15.78%). The producers’ share in consumer price was 68.5% and the total gross margin was 56.36%.  This showed if value-added activities are absent in the chain, the shorter chain can provide a higher margin to farmers by bypassing the intermediaries

    Zero till in wheat from the gender perspective in Nepal

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    Different tillage practices such as zero-till direct-seeded rice (ZTDSR), zero-till maize (ZTM), and zero-till wheat (ZTW) were implemented in the farmer's field of Sunsari district were evaluated. However, the focus was on ZTW because of high its competitiveness with cheaper wheat from abroad. Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Famers households keeping records, field monitoring, key informant interviews were the primary source of data whereas literature and desktop review were done for secondary data. Zero till wheat operation scale out of the machine use had been increased, by 61.25% out of 109.63ha land in Bhokraha and 66.49 % out of 55.3ha of land in Kaptangunj. Whereas, a new node Chitaha was established with the initiation of non-respondent farmer's where the area occupied 26ha in the year of 2019 respectively as compared to the base year that of 2014. Yield advantage was not much higher with ZTW, the additional benefit of almost 34% over conventional till wheat (CTW) was sufficient enough for the farmers to decide to adopt zero tillage technology. Farmers perceived about 17% saving in seed requirement, 13% saving in irrigation amount and time, and 44% saving in total labor cost with ZTW to make it more profitable as compared to CTW. Among different methods of extension, farmers’ field day with 63% and field trial with 48% with women's participation shows the most effective method to create awareness. Although the percentage of the working hour for the female worker is higher the number of the total hour has been decreased for both the man and women and the total 303.64hr/ha has been saved

    Issues in rice marketing system: a case of central terai

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    This study was conducted to understand the challenges and prospects of ricemarketing by taking case of central Nepal. Two focus group discussionsalong with eight key informants’ interviewswere conductedinBara and Parsa districts of Nepal.Also, secondary information was collected by reviewing the related literatures.The study revealed that the consumer price of rice is almost double than the farm gate price, possibly due to the presence of several intermediaries in different nodes of the supply chain.Key market actors like large collectors, millers and wholesalers have a dominating role in price negotiation and supply of rice in the market. The rice value chain is not strong enough, which might be due to poor vertical and horizontal as well as backward and forward linkages among the key players. The demand of fine and aromatic rice is gradually increasing due to changing food habits of the consumers and their access to purchasing capacity as well.The high yielding short duration varieties of fine and aromatic rice need to be identified and developed to meet the growing demand of consumers.In addition, to boost productivity and profitability of rice, a better investment climate, risk sharing mechanism and strengthened value chain with efficient research and extension services are required

    Technical efficiency of rice production in terai district of Nepal

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       This paper aimed to estimate the technical efficiency of rice production, also identifying the factors affecting technical efficiency. Jhapa, the Terai district of Nepal, having the highest rice production in the country, was purposely selected for the study. The primary information was collected from 100 rice growing farmers, randomly selected from the sampling frame, using the pre-tested semi-structured interview schedule. Also, two Key Informant Surveys were done. Besides, the secondary information was collected by reviewing the related literatures. Descriptive statistics, stochastic frontier model with Cobb-Douglas production function, and tobit model were used for data analysis. The stochastic production frontier model revealed that with the increase in seed, chemical fertilizer, human labor, and tractor power by 1 percent, the rice yield increases by 0.25 (P<0.05), 0.15 (P<0.01), 0.13 (P<0.05) and 0.21 (P<0.01) percent respectively. The average technical efficiency of the rice growing farmers in the study area was estimated 92%; in addition, majority of the farmers (62%) were operating at an efficiency level of 0.91- 0.95 followed by 32% at 0.86- 0.90. The tobit regression model revealed that farming experience (P<0.01), membership of the organization (P<0.01), and major occupation being agriculture (P<0.05) have statistically significant and positive on technical efficiency; while, schooling years (P<0.05) and number of economically active family members (P<0.05) have statistically significant but negative effect. There is still scope to increase the rice yield through efficient use of available resources with existing technologies

    Adoption of certain improved varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in seven different provinces of Nepal

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    This study used farm level data to analyze the adoption of improved wheat varieties in Nepal. The seven districts each having the highest wheat area coverage in their respective provinces was selected. Pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect the primary information. The relevant literatures were reviewed for secondary information. The simple random method of sampling was used and 651 samples were taken. Descriptive statistics, probit regression and indexing were applied. This study showed that 94.1% of the area was covered by the improved wheat varieties, while 3.3% by local and 2.6% by the Indian varieties. In addition, of the improved varieties, NL 297 had the highest area coverage (30.88 %) followed by Vijay (23.24%), Gautam (12.95%), NL 971 (8.94%) and Aditya (5.34%) respectively. Probit econometric model revealed that membership of organization (1% level of significance), subsidy by the government (1% level), gender of the household head (5% level) and family member in foreign employment (10%) significantly determined the adoption of improved wheat varieties developed after NARC establishment. The indexing identified and ranked- lack of availability of quality improved seeds (I= 0.75) as the first followed by poor availability of fertilizers (0.65), labour shortage (0.61), lack of proper irrigation (0.55) and lack of agricultural machines (0.45) that were associated wheat production in study site. The concerned government institutions should assure the availability of quality improved seeds and fertilizers to the farmers; the subsidy on irrigation and agricultural machines allied with financial grant could attract the farmers towards wheat cultivation which ultimately contributes to increase wheat productivity

    Response of Wheat Genotypes to Different Levels of Nitrogen

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    A field experiment was conducted using six genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for response to different levels of nitrogen (N) use. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with four levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1) as main plots and six wheat genotypes (BL 3623, BL 3629, BL 3872, NL 1008, NL 1055 and Vijay, a check variety) as sub-plots. Grain yield and other yield components increased linearly in response to N concentrations in both seasons. Only two parameters: days to heading (DOH) and days to maturity (DTM) varied significantly (p ≤ 0.05) among wheat genotypes in both the years. None of the parameters showed interaction effects in both seasons. Vijay showed highest grain yield of 3.12 t ha-1 in 2013 with the application of 100 kg N ha-1, and 3.23 t ha-1 in 2014 with 150 kg N ha-1. Spike length, productive tillers m-2, number of spikes m-2 and test weight were greater with higher N rates. The straw yield of wheat fertilized with 150 kg N ha-1 was the highest in Vijay (4.35 t ha-1) and BL 3872 (4.33 t ha-1), respectively. Vijay with 100 kg N ha-1 produced the highest number of productive tillers m-2 (276.33) in 2013 and 296.00 with the application of 150 kg N ha-1 in 2014

    Electrospinning Directly Synthesized Porous TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanofibers Modified by Graphitic Carbon Nitride Sheets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation Activity under Solar Light Irradiation

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    We report a direct approach to the fabrication of a composite made of porous TiO<sub>2</sub> nanofibers (NFs) and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>) sheets, by means of an angled two-nozzle electrospinning combined with calcination process. Different wt % amounts of g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> particles in a polymer solution from one nozzle and TiO<sub>2</sub> precursors containing the same polymer solution from another nozzle were electrospun and deposited on the collector. Structural characterizations confirm a well-defined morphology of the TiO<sub>2</sub>/g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> composite in which the TiO<sub>2</sub> NFs are uniformly attached on the g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> sheet. This proper attachment of TiO<sub>2</sub> NFs on the g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> sheets occurred during calcination. The prepared composites showed the enhanced photocatalytic activity over the photodegradation of rhodamine B and reactive black 5 under natural sunlight. Here, the synergistic effect between the g-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> sheets and the TiO<sub>2</sub> NFs having anisotropic properties enhanced the photogenerated electron–hole pair separation and migration, which was confirmed by the measurement of photoluminescence spectra, cyclic voltammograms, and electrochemical impedance spectra. The direct synthesis approach that is established here for such kinds of sheetlike structure and porous NFs composites could provide new insights for the design of high-performance energy conversion catalysts

    Earthquake Risk Reduction Efforts in Nepal: NSET’s Experience

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    This chapter describes earthquake risk reduction efforts in Nepal from NSET’s perspective and is co-authored by a team of researchers who have been with NSET since its inception. NSET was established in 1994 with the objective to reduce earthquake risk in Nepal. The usefulness and innovativeness of NSET’s long-term efforts were tested by the Gorkha earthquake, highlighting positive impacts of the risk management efforts in Nepal in the past 22 years. This chapter provides a brief history of NSET’s earthquake risk management efforts in Nepal and sheds light on some of the innovative postulations and methodologies used