64 research outputs found

    Toxicity of 2D Materials and Their Future Prospect

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    Miniaturization of the devices in terms of size and the necessity of high speed device performance have created opportunities as well as challenges in the material research community. Nanomaterials like 0D and 2D materials are one of such material choices that can help realize the nanosize and ultrafast devices. However, the growth process of these materials, especially emerging 2D materials, needs to be reviewed in terms of human, animal and environmental toxicity along with the economic cost for synthesizing material. Moreover, the green and sustainable alternatives for minimizing or eliminating the toxicity should also be considered for the commercial scale nanomaterials synthesis and device fabrication. This topic will thus highlight the currently developed 2D materials, their growth process, application prospective, toxicity effect and their possible sustainable alternatives

    Effects of plant growth regulators on growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.): A review

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    This review provides a comprehensive overview of the basic and applied aspects of different plant growth regulators in the regulation of growth and development of cucumber plants. The study is completely based on the use of secondary sources of data; related journals, government institutes, and relevant reports. Foliar application of PGRs has been shown to change the physiological and developmental processes, including plant vegetative growth, sex expression, yield, and yield components in cucumber. There are basically two types of growth regulators; plant growth promoters such as auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, maleic hydrazide, ethephon, etc. and plant growth inhibitors such as ethylene, abscisic acids, dormins, etc. The combined use of auxins and gibberellins result in increased secondary growth. Maleic hydrazide (MH) along with Ethephon at 100 ppm each increases the number of nodes and primary branches.  Ethrel at 300-400 ppm retards the secondary development and increase femaleness, and at 200-300 ppm make fruit surface smooth. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) at 400 ppm enhances the maleness in cucumber. Application of Ethephon at 300 ppm reduces the harvesting time of the fruit. Salicylic acid (at 2 doses of 0.07 mm/l + 0.18 mm/l) increases chlorophyll content and its exogenous application increases the fruit yield. Maleic Hydrazide (MH) alone at 100 ppm increases the femaleness, inhibits apical growth at 50-100 ppm, and increases fruit size at 200 ppm. Therefore, various auxin [indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), NAA], auxin transport inhibitor (TIBA), cytokinins (KIN), gibberellin [gibberellic acid (GA3)], ABA, ethylene [(2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel; ethephon; CEPA)] and growth retardant (MH) have been applied to control the vegetative growth and to maximize yield of cucumber. Numerous obstacles have hindered the quality cucumber production in Nepal; like environmental stresses, biotic and abiotic constraints, pest and disease outbreaks, and many others. The use of exogenous plant growth regulators has been crucial to Nepali cucumber producers as plant growth regulators has hasty effect on vegetative as well as the quality yield of plants. This study aims to reveal the suitable concentrations for the applications of growth regulators so that the use of such regulators is environmentally and toxicologically safe for both plants and the consumers

    Improving pumpset selection to support intensification of groundwater irrigation in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains

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    Intensification of groundwater irrigation is central to goals of improving food security and reducing chronic poverty faced by millions of rural households across the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains (EIGP) of Nepal and parts of eastern India. At present, levels of groundwater use and access in the EIGP lag far behind other areas of South Asia despite abundant available groundwater resources. A key reason for prevailing access constraints is the dependence on diesel pumpsets for accessing groundwater, which are typically unsubsidised and therefore expensive to purchase and operate. To date, efforts to reduce access costs have focused almost exclusively on how to incentivise adoption of alternative electric or solar-powered pumping technologies, which are viewed as being cheaper to operate and less environmentally damaging due to their lower operational carbon emissions. In contrast, there has been little attention paid to identifying opportunities to make existing diesel pump systems more cost effective for farmers to operate in order to support adaptation to climate change and reduce poverty. In this study, we use evidence from 116 detailed in-situ pump tests along with interviews with pumpset dealers, mechanics and farmers in the Nepal Terai to assess how and why fuel efficiency and operational costs of diesel pump irrigation are affected by farmers’ pumpset selection decisions. We show that costs diesel pumpset irrigation can be reduced significantly by supporting and incentivising farmers (e.g., through equipment advisories, improved supply chains for maintenance services and spare parts) to invest in newer low-cost, portable and smaller horsepower pumpset designs that are more effectively matched to local operating conditions in the EIGP than older Indian manufactured engines that have historically been preferred by farmers in the region. Such interventions can help to unlock potential for intensified irrigation water use in the EIGP, contributing to goals of improving agricultural productivity and resilience to climate extremes while also strengthening farmers capacity to invest in emerging low-carbon pumping technologies.</p

    Seed-borne infestation and management of Alternaria Species in mustard seed at Chitwan district, Nepal

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    Alternaria blight in mustard cause heavy damage to the foliar parts resulting into poor growth and development of plants and thereby reduces seed yield.&nbsp; Inorder to manage Alternaria infestation in mustard seed for yield maximization, an experiment was conducted in the plant protection laboratory in Nepal Polytechnic Institute, Bharatpur, Chitwan in 2018, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four replicates. Five treatments i.e.Uthane M-45 (2g/kg), Neem powder (3 g/kg), Bojho powder (4g/kg), Trichoderma harzianum, (107 Conidia/mL) and control (without treatment) were used for seed treatment of local variety of Mustard. Four hundred seeds for each treatment (25 seeds in each petriplate) were plated using triple layers of moistened blotter paper in&nbsp; petriplate and incubated at (27±20C) for 2 days and followed deep freezing for 24 hrs. Data of disease incidence and seed germination were recorded in 3, 7 and 10 days after incubation (DAI). Seedling vigor and seedling weight were also recorded at 5 DAI. The percentage of Alternaria spp incidence on seeds at different DAI showed highly significant with respect to different treatments. Application of Uthane M-45 and T. harzianum significantly reduced the seed-borne infection of Alternaria spp. as compared to control.&nbsp; At 3 DAI Uthane M-45 completely checked the pathogen however, only 4% and 5% disease incidence was observed in 7 DAI and 10 DAI respectively. Bio control agent Trichoderma harzianum was found next best alternative after Uthane M-45 to control disease. Plant extract Bojho powder and Neem powder were found better than control to check the disease. Furthermore, highest germination (76%) was observed in Trichoderma treatment whereas, lowest germination was found in control

    Economic analysis and resource use efficiency of carrot production in Chitwan district, Nepal

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    A study was conducted from February to May 2020 to analyze the cost-benefit economics analysis and resource use efficiency of carrot production in Chitwan, Nepal. Altogether 70 households producing carrot were selected randomly and surveyed through the pre-tested semi-structured interview-based schedule. Data was entered and coded using SPSS 25 and analyzed using STATA 12.1. The study revealed that the total variable cost per hectare for carrot production was US $1803.1 and a benefit-cost ratio of 1.81 was estimated. Cobb-Douglas production function models the relationship between production output and production inputs . Production function analysis including seven explanatory variables, showed a significant positive effect of seed cost, tractor cost and human labor cost (P&lt;0.01), fertilizer and manure cost (P&lt;0.05) on gross return but herbicide cost, packaging cost, vitamin and micronutrients cost were found insignificant. The return to scale was found to be 1.42. According to estimated allocative efficiency indices, it is suggested to increase the seed, fertilizer and manure, tractor labor and&nbsp; human labor costs by approximately 45%, 74%, 67%, and 79% respectively and reduce the herbicide and packaging costs approximately by 116% and 246% respectively. The adoption of modern technologies with adjustments to resource use should be suggested to maximize the productivity and profit from carrot production

    Scale Filtering Analysis of Kinetic Reconnection and its Associated Turbulence

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    Previously, using an incompressible von K\'arm\'an-Howarth formalism, the behavior of cross-scale energy transfer in magnetic reconnection and turbulence was found to be essentially identical to each other, independent of an external magnetic (guide) field, in the inertial and energy-containing ranges (Adhikari et al., Phys. Plasmas 30, 082904, 2023). However, this description did not account for the energy transfer in the dissipation range for kinetic plasmas. In this letter, we adopt a scale-filtering approach to investigate this previously unaccounted-for energy transfer channel in reconnection. Using kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of antiparallel and component reconnection, we show that the pressure-strain (PS) interaction becomes important at scales smaller than the ion inertial length, where the nonlinear energy transfer term drops off. Also, the presence of a guide field makes a significant difference in the morphology of the scale-filtered energy transfer. These results are consistent with kinetic turbulence simulations, suggesting that the pressure strain interaction is the dominant energy transfer channel between electron scales and ion scales

    Higher-order nonequilibrium term: Effective power density quantifying evolution towards or away from local thermodynamic equilibrium

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    A common approach to assess the nature of energy conversion in a classical fluid or plasma is to compare power densities of the various possible energy conversion mechanisms. A forefront research area is quantifying energy conversion for systems that are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), as is common in a number of fluid and plasma systems. Here, we introduce the ``higher-order non-equilibrium term'' (HORNET) effective power density that quantifies the rate of change of departure of a phase space density from LTE. It has dimensions of power density, which allows for quantitative comparisons with standard power densities. We employ particle-in-cell simulations to calculate HORNET during two processes, namely magnetic reconnection and decaying kinetic turbulence in collisionless magnetized plasmas, that inherently produce non-LTE effects. We investigate the spatial variation of HORNET and the time evolution of its spatial average. By comparing HORNET with power densities describing changes to the internal energy (pressure dilatation, Pi−D\rm{Pi-D}, and divergence of the vector heat flux density), we find that HORNET can be a significant fraction of these other measures (8\% and 35\% for electrons and ions, respectively, for reconnection; up to 67\% for both electrons and ions for turbulence), meaning evolution of the system towards or away from LTE can be dynamically important. Applications to numerous plasma phenomena are discussed.Comment: 19 pages (including references), 7 figure

    On-farm Diversity Assessment and Evaluation of Finger Millet Genotypes in the Mid Hills of Nepal

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    The objective of the study is to assess the phenotypic diversity among the finger millet genotypes and evaluate overall performance for the recommendation of genotypes to the farming community of mid hills of Nepal. The overall performance of 8 candidate genotypes selected&nbsp; from diversity block of 46 varieties in 2015, were assessed in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates under on-farm conditions in Lamjung district during 2016. Highly significant (p?0.01) variability among the selected 8 genotypes for agro-morphological traits viz., plant height, number of fingers per head, grain yield, 1000 grain weight, straw yield, days to heading and maturity was revealed. Strong inter-correlation among grain yield, plant height, time to flowering and straw yield was detected. The traits viz., plant height, grain yield, straw yield, days to heading and days to maturity were the most important traits contributing to the overall variability and thus, provide options for selection
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