37 research outputs found


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    Effect of Multi Nutrients Sauce (MNS) in ration of beef cattle on average daily gain (ADG) was studied on November 10th, 2015 up to December 09th, 2015 at Pulung Kencana village, Tulang Bawang Tengah, Subdistrict, Provinsi Tulang Bawang Barat.  The experimental design used was complete randomized block design with three treatments P0 (basal diet), P1 (basal diet + 10% MNS), and P2 (Unila diet + 10% MNS). Result of this research indicated that ADG of beef cattle for P0, P1, P2 was 1,28 kg/head/day; 1,56 kg/head/day; 1,26 kg/head/day, respectively. Average of ration consumption based on dry matter were 9,08 kg/head/day; 9,24 kg/head/day; 9,11 kg/head/day, respectively. Efficiency of ration were 0,1403±0,0180 kg weight/kg ration; 0,1687±0,0234 kg weight/kg ration; 0,1385±0,0271 kg weight/kg ration,  respectively. Income over feed cost (IOFC) were 2,76 ; 3,24 ; 3,18, respectively. It could be concluded that addition of 10% MNS in ration of beef cattle didn’t affect (P>0,05) on ADG, ration consumption, efficiency of ration, and IOFC. Keywords : Beef Cattle, Multi Nutrient Sauce, Average Daily Gain, Efficiency of Ration, Income Over Feed Cos


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    The purpose of this research was to study the effect of different level of protein addition in goat ration on feed addition in the ration on feed intake and physiological responses of Saburai goats (rectal temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate). Twenty male Saburai goats were randomly divided into 4 treatments group with 5 goats each. Goats in group 1 (PO) were fed with forage, while goats in group 2 (P1), 3 (P2), and 4 (P3) were fed with forage + concentratre with 13%, 16%, and 19% crude protein, respectively. The treatments were P0= feeding forage, P1= feeding forage + concentrate with 13% crude protein (CP), P2= feeding forage + concentrate with 16% CP, and P3 feeding forage + concentrate with 19% CP. The results showed that the rectal temperature and heart rate did not significantly affected (P0.05) in all treatment, however the heart rate was significantly (P0.05) affected among the treatments. The conclusion is the addition of different protein level in the ration has no effect on rectal temperature and respiratory rate, but significantly increases the heart rate frequency


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    Body weight of cattle would be lose about 10-30% during transportation because of stress. The condition affected on cattle business. Vitamin C could reduce stress, so it’s assumed that vitamin C treatment could reduce weight lost during transportation. An operation research was done on May up to August, 2014 to evaluate the effect of  vitamin C treatment on weight lost of during transportation from Lampung Province to Bengkulu Province.. Two group of cattle were observed in this research, 60 heads of the first group got 500 mg vitamin C treatment and 60 heads as control. Varibale observed were body weight of cattle before and after transportation. Quarrel between body weight before and after transportation were weight lost. Weight lost of cattle of the treatment group and the control group were analysed by t tests. This research indicated that weight lost of  treatment group were not different with control group (P>0,05).It could be concluded that 500 mg vitamin C had not reduced yet stress condition of cattle during transportation. It was suggested to increase dose of vitamin C in the next research. Keywords : Vitamin C, transportation, and weight lost

    Improvement Nutrient Digestibility and Production Performance of Cattle Through Restricted Amino Acid and Organic Minerals Addition on Fermented Palm Oil Waste-Based Feed

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of branched-chain amino acid and organic mineral addition on fermented palm oil waste based-feed to the nutrients digestibility and cattle performance. The research was done using nine Ongole crossbred cattle by applying randomized block design with three treatments and three replications. The first treatment (R0) was fermented palm oil waste-based feed; and the second treatment (R1) was R0 with 13% cassava leaves addition; and the third treatment (R2) was R1 with organic minerals (40 ppm Zn; 10 ppm Cu; 0.1 ppm Se; and 0.3 ppm Cr) addition. The result showed that R2 gave a significant effect (P<0.05) on crude protein, crude fiber, and ether extract digestibility, but showed no significant effect on dry matter and organic matter digestibility and cattle production parameters. The research concluded that fermented palm oil waste-based feed with 13% cassava leaves and organic minerals addition gave the best result based on the digestibility and cattle production parameters


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Multi Nutrients Sauce (MNS) ERO II in the ration on feed consumption and average daily gain of beef cattle.  The research was conducted October 30th, 2015 - December 6th, 2015 at Ngudi Makmur farmer group, Mulyo Asri village, Tulang Bawang Tengah district, Tulang Bawang Barat regency. Samples ration was analysed at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Science.  Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung.  The experimental design used was a randomized block design (CRD) with three treatments and four blocks. The treatments were: 1. Basal diet; 2. Basal diet + 10% MNS; and 3. Unila diets + 10% MNS. Result of experiment showed that the addition of MNS ERO II significantly affected (P<0.05) on consumption, and average daily gain of beef cattle. Keywords: Multi Nutrients Sauce, Feed Consumption, Average Daily Gai

    Pengaruh Penambahan Multi Nutrient Sauce pada Ransum terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Badan Harian Sapi Potong

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    Effect of Multi Nutrients Sauce (MNS) in ration of beef cattle on average daily gain (ADG) was studied on November 10th, 2015 up to December 09th, 2015 at Pulung Kencana village, Tulang Bawang Tengah, Subdistrict, Provinsi Tulang Bawang Barat. The experimental design used was complete randomized block design with three treatments P0 (basal diet), P1 (basal diet + 10% MNS), and P2 (Unila diet + 10% MNS). Result of this research indicated that ADG of beef cattle for P0, P1, P2 was 1,28 kg/head/day; 1,56 kg/head/day; 1,26 kg/head/day, respectively. Average of ration consumption based on dry matter were 9,08 kg/head/day; 9,24 kg/head/day; 9,11 kg/head/day, respectively. Efficiency of ration were 0,1403±0,0180 kg weight/kg ration; 0,1687±0,0234 kg weight/kg ration; 0,1385±0,0271 kg weight/kg ration, respectively. Income over feed cost (IOFC) were 2,76 ; 3,24 ; 3,18, respectively. It could be concluded that addition of 10% MNS in ration of beef cattle didn\u27t affect (P>0,05) on ADG, ration consumption, efficiency of ration, and IOFC

    Kadar Air dan Total Mikroba pada Daging Sapi di Tempat Pemotongan Hewan (Tph) Bandar Lampung

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    The aim of this research was: 1) to determine the water content of the meat in Bandar Lapung abattoirs; 2) to determine the microbial quality of the meat in Bandar Lampung abattoirs. The research was conducted at March 2014 continously from Bandar Lampung abattoirs. The analysis of the water content was conducted in Laboratorium Nutrisi Ternak, Jurusan Peternakan while the analysis of the microbial quality conducted in Laboratorium Penguji Balai Veteriner Lampung. The method of research was survey. The obtain data was analyzed by using the descriptive quantitative analysis.The analysis shows that water content of the meat in Mrs. Mul\u27s abattoir were 71,92% and 71,55%. The total microbial count were 0,67 x105 CFU/g and 1,2 x105 CFU/g. The water content of the meat in H. Bustomi\u27s abattoir were 74,84% and 74,43%. The total microbial count were 0,46x105 CFU/g and 5,9 x105 CFU/g. The water content of the meat in H. Udin\u27s abattoir were 74,24% and 73,14%. The total microbial count were 4,9x 105 CFU/g and 0,088x105 CFU/g. The water content of the meat in Mr. Ampan\u27s abattoir were 72,22% dan 72,65%. The total microbial count were 4,4x105 CFU/g and 0,075x105 CFU/g. Based on the result, it was concluded that the meat from Bandar Lampung abattoirs were still proper for consumption