433 research outputs found

    Climate Change Impacts on Environment: Human Displacement and Social Conflicts in Nigeria

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    In northern Nigeria, drought and desertification have grossly affected water available and land carrying capacity for both pastureland and farmlands. Hence, the northerners, particularly, the youth inevitably migrate to the south for greener pasture for themselves and the animals. Most of these youths are uneducated and not skilled to secure employment, they, therefore, become an instrument in the hands of religious bigotry. This climatic change can also result in a rise in sea level, thereby increasing the flood events especially, in Nigeria\u27s lowlands. These changes have not only caused fierce conflicts buthave additionally brought about the death of thousands and rendered many homeless.The Nigeria Middle Belt has been the region most impacted by violent death resulting from land resource scarcity. The conflict has ensued between contrasting groups when essential resources become scarcely limited. Northern Nigeria accounts for 68% of every fiercedeath due to the issues of land between farmers and pastoralists in 2006 and 2014, a figure not half the reported cases in 2018 alone.The inadequacies in the Nigerian adaptation efforts to its dwindling climate could be attributed to corruption, institutional shortcomings and political will predisposes the country to more dangers of environmental change impacts. Therefore, climate change mitigating and adaptation measures, unbiased and efficient conflict management strategies, as well as the improved condition of living must be ensured by the government stakeholders to safecurrent and future generations of the country from havocs due to climate impacts

    Afromontane forest ecosystem studies with multi-source satellite data

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    The Afromontane Forest of north Eastern Nigeria is an important ecological ecosystem endowed with flora and fauna species. The main goals of this thesis were to explore the potential of multi-source satellite remote sensing for the assessment of the biodiversity-rich Afromontane Forest ecosystem using different methods and algorithms to retrieve two major remote sensing -essential biodiversity variables (RS-EBV) which are related and are also the major determinants of biological and ecosystem stability

    Joseph Conrad\u27s Nostromo: An Investigation of Settled Convictions

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the Department of English at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts by Samuel Ade Adewoye in May of 1973

    The State of e-Banking Implementation in Nigeria: A Post-Consolidation Review

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    The most widely used e-Banking instrument in �igeria is e-Payment, particularly the automatic teller machine (ATM) card. However, with the adoption of e-Banking by all the banks in �igeria, the volume of cash in circulation has continued to increase pre-and-post bank recapitalization/consolidation exercise. Furthermore, some of the 25 banks that survived the exercise were found lately to have depleted their capital base and have lost credibility before the consumers, e-Banking implementation notwithstanding. Therefore, in this paper, we review the state of e-Banking implementation in �igeria and evaluate the influence of trust on the adoption of e-Payment using an extended technology acceptance model (TAM). Similarly, we investigate organizational reputation, perceived risk and perceived trust in the management of banks as a factor for enhancing customer loyalty. The findings in this work reveal that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are not only antecedent to ebanking acceptance, they are also factors to retain customers to the use of e-banking system such as organizational reputation, perceived risk and trust

    An Occupational Therapy Practitioner’S Intervention Guide To Increasing Occupational Engagement In The Virtual Setting With Individuals Diagnosed With Serious Mental Illness

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    Purpose: The purpose of this scholarly project was to ultimately reduce psychiatric readmissions by enhancing tele-health services to those diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) brought attention to the barriers regarding public health policies and lack of a national pandemic response approach as care was moved to the virtual context (Robinson et al., 2021). Due to the restrictions set in place, many individuals lost their ability to engage in meaningful occupations (Hoel et al., 2021). Methods: An in-depth literature review was conducted to better understand the supports and barriers that are affecting effective service care delivery. Databases such as Psycinfo, PubMed, CINAHL and google scholar were used to search terms such as “serious mental illness,” “occupational therapy,” “tele-health” and “intensive outpatient programs.” Concepts from the Ecology of Human Performance (EHP) model (Dunn, Brown, & McGuigan, 1994) were used as a theoretical base for the formation of interventions. Results: An intervention guide was created to promote occupational engagement for those diagnosed with SMI. The intention of the guide was to create activities with generalizable skills to support engagement in everyday occupations. This was done by implementing intervention approaches from EHP. Conclusion: The interventions included will provide occupational therapists with a template to lead group sessions. The interventions included have been structured to be used in the virtual setting in no particular order. Lastly, the interventions were created to support the success of the identified population through facilitating occupational well-being

    Business-to-consumer e-commerce in Nigeria: Prospects and challenges

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    The growth of Internet usage in Nigeria continues to increase, recording over 90% growth rate between 2000 and 2008. While businesses in Nigeria are reported to have online access with opportunity for ecommercial activities, customers in the country however access business websites only to source for information but make purchases the traditional way. This paper aims at assessing the prospects and challenges of Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce implementation in Nigeria from the consumers’ perspective. Survey research was adopted for this study. Research hypotheses were formulated and questionnaire designed and administered randomly to 900 respondents. Collected data was used to evaluate the acceptance of B2C e-commerce using the extended technology acceptance model (TAM). The extended TAM combines task-technology fit, relationship related construct: trust and risk, and the two TAM constructs to determine factors influencing consumer acceptance of B2C e-commerce in Nigeria. Findings revealed that there are significant relationships between the model variables. Tasktechnology fit and perceived usefulness have significant relationships with intentions to use, having a correlation coefficient of 0.2623 and 0.2002 respectively. Similarly, the interrelationship among trust, perceived risk, and behavioral intention are significant. The effect of risk on trust was statistically showing that risk is a predictor of trust. Risk has a high significant on trust and trust in turn has low significant effect on behavioral intention. Adding TTF and its relationships to the TAM also fit the data. The relationship between task-technology fit, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention are significant

    Impact of Management Information System on Microfinance Banks’ Operations, in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the Impact of Management Information System (MIS) on Microfinance Banks (MFBs) Operations in Oyo State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the existing management information system products that support microfinance banks operation and assessed the relationship between MIS and Microfinance Banks’ operations.10 percent of the microfinance banks were selected using random sampling technique through balloting. Primary data was collected with the aid of questionnaire, while sixty-six respondents from the employees of the microfinance banks in Oyo State were selected.   Descriptive statistics were employed to examine the existing MIS products that support microfinance banks operation, while the relationship between MIS and Microfinance Banks’ operations was assessed using inferential statistical tool of Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficients (PPMC).Results revealed that Short Messaging Service (SMS) was the dominant MIS products that support Microfinance Banks operations in the study area. Also, there is significant relationship between MIS and Microfinance Banks’ operations. Keywords: MIS, MIS products, microfinance banks, Short Messaging Service

    Improvement to hydrocyclone used in separating particles from produced water in the oil and gas industry.

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    Hydrocyclone is used to separate particles from produced water. It can be used in different industries, including oil and gas, water treatment and pharmaceutical (among others). The hydrocyclone can effectively separate particles larger than 10μm, but the efficiency is greatly reduced when the particle size is less than 10μm. This research work therefore aimed to improve the efficiency of separating small oil droplets (particle size of 0-20μm) in liquid-liquid hydrocyclone. In order to achieve this, the use of micro particles was employed and magnetism was later induced into the system. The hydrocyclone with micro-doped oil is referred to as the micro-hydrocyclone, while the hydrocyclone that includes both micro-doped oil and induced magnetism is referred to as magnetic hydrocyclone. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) were employed for analysis of the fluid flow in the hydrocyclone; a review of the turbulence model shows that the Reynold stress model (RSM) and Large eddy simulation (LES) are the best turbulence models for the analysis. RSM was employed because of the reduced computational time when compared to the LES model. A pressure-based solver with transient time was used for the simulations. The discretization was done using SIMPLE for the pressure velocity coupling, QUICK was used for all other discretization. The review of the turbulence model was done to evaluate the best RANS model for hydrocyclone simulation, as a reduction in computational time would be greatly appreciated. Results of the eddy viscosity models with curvature correction terms and RSM model were compared to Hseih’s experimental results. The fluid flows in liquid-liquid and solid-liquid hydrocyclones were analysed using different geometrical parts, which established that - as reviewed in the literature - the geometrical parts cannot be used to effectively separate particles less than 10μm. A comparison of the fluid flows in liquid-liquid and solid-liquid hydrocyclone was also reviewed using the same hydrocyclone geometry. The impact of microparticles and microparticles with magnetic induction on the separation oil-emulsion was compared to the conventional hydrocyclone. A review of the magnetic permeability, charge density, magnetic particle density and effect of flowrate was also performed. From turbulence model analysis, it was concluded that RSM better predicts the flow in the hydrocyclone in comparison to the other evaluated RANS model. However, the use of the eddy viscosity model with curvature correction can also be used with a slight reduction in efficiency. The eddy viscosity without curvature correction terms cannot be used to predict the anisotropy flow in the hydrocyclone. The results of the micro-doping analysis show that the magnetic hydrocyclone can improve the efficiency of separating particles smaller than 10μm by approximately 30%. However, the micro-doped hydrocyclone provides better efficiency for separating particles sized between 10-30μm, while the conventional hydrocyclone is better used for particles that are larger than 30μm at a higher flowrate. It was also concluded that the density difference caused by doping oil with magnetic particles is the most important factor influencing the separation. Increasing the density of the microparticle increases the separation efficiency. For the split ratio, however, increasing from a density of 2175kg/m3 to 3175kg/m3 increases the split ratio, whereas a further increase of the density from 3175kg/m3 to 5175kg/m3 did not significantly affect the split ratio. Decreasing the magnetic permeability increases the drag force, lift force and moment while hydrocyclones with lower permeability have a higher velocity profile than hydrocyclones with high permeability. The pressure and split ratio also decrease with increasing permeability. Finally, increasing the microparticle charge density increases separation, while very slightly decreasing the split ratio

    Operations Research, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics: The Relationships

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    Many people have difficulty in seeing any difference between Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Computer Science and other disciplines while others are just plain confused. In this work, OR and its applications are being exposed and then compared in order to look into the relationships between OR, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics and other fields. It has been realized that all these areas of knowledge are also interrelated with other areas such as Engineering, Physics, Microbiology, Economics etc
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