315 research outputs found

    The effect of acidogenic and methanogenic conditions on the availability and stability of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a digestate

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    Acidification and drying of digestate are important post-treatment for, respectively, improving nutrient availability and hygiene. These approaches are expected to reduce digestate soil application mass and increase its value. This study compared eleven organic feedstocks under acidogenic and methanogenic conditions as a sustainable approach to improving phosphorus availablity, organic carbon and stabilising ammoniacal nitrogen of the resulting digestate under thermal drying. The result showed increases in phosphate concentration under acidogenic conditions and reduction in ammonium nitrogen after drying at 100 °C. The highest phosphate values of 3.2 ± 0.38 g/kg were achieved using whey permeate substrate while the effect of drying on ammonium nitrogen concentration was lowest for acidogenic bird seed fermentation with an ammonium loss of 59.7%. Both results were facilitated by high total volatile fatty acid concentration produced from available organic carbon which reached a maximum value of 5.71 ± 0.53 g/L, respectively. Increases in phosphate and ammonium nitrogen stability under acidogenic conditions was a consequence of lower pH, a condition synonymous with acidogenic only fermentation. The accumulated volatile fatty acid contributed to higher carbon to nitrogen ratio under acidogenic fermentation. Higher labile carbon to nitrogen ratio can trigger immobilization of ammonium nitrogen in the soil and this presents a case for subsequent experimentation into acidogenic digestate application in soil


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    Traditional fundraising institutions such as Esusu Cooperatives in South-West Nigeria and the Harambee system in Kenya have been a vital source of capital formation for low income earners. This paper examines traditional and contemporary funding systems, and proposes alternative strategies for addressing funding challenges that confront low-income earners, by reviewing existing literature related to funding systems in Nigeria and Kenya. Harambee schemes have been successfully deployed in the education sector in Kenya, and similarly, many models of the credit and thrift cooperatives that exist in Nigeria (particularly those based on the Esusu system), have provided improved access to loans and credit for low income earners. It is argued that the advantages of these traditional schemes which rely fundamentally on community collaboration can be successfully utilised in the delivery of housing projects. In conclusion, the financial benefits enjoyed in the Esusu and Harambee systems can be successfully harnessed in the delivery of small and medium-sized housing schemes via housing cooperatives and other finance institutions in urban locations, by focusing on loan default minimization and elimination of collaterals

    Impact Of Artificial Intelligence And Big Data On The Oil And Gas Industry In Nigeria

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    This paper examines the concept of Artificial intelligence and Big Data as a field of study and its Impact on the oil and gas industry. Artificial Intelligence refers to the concept having of Computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. Some such tasks are visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translation between languages, amongst others. “Big data” or Big Data analytics is a term often used to describe a huge or somewhat overwhelming data size that exceeds the capacity of both humans and the traditional software to process within an acceptable time and value. There is a big interface between the two concepts. AI does not stand alone; it requires big data for efficiency. AI and Big Data have brought about great impact across different industries and organizations. In the oil and gas industry, there have been an increasing installation of data recording sensors, hence data acquisition in exploration, drilling and production aspects of the industry. The industry is gradually making use of this huge data set by processing them using AI enabled tools and software to arrive at smart decisions that bring efficiency to operations in the industry. Some of such areas are analysis of seismic and micro-seismic data, improvement in reservoir characterization and simulation, reduction in drilling time and increasing drilling safety, optimization of pump performance, amongst others. Some of the solutions listed above have been successfully implemented in Nigeria, mostly by the international oil companies and some additional areas have also been impacted: managing asset integrity, tubular tally for drilling operations using RFID and the licensing and permit system by DPR. The industry has fully embraced the AI and Big Data concept, the future is very bright for more innovative solutions. However, there are still a few challenges especially in Nigeria. Some of these challenges include lack of local skilled manpower, poor data culture, security challenges in the industry’s operating areas, limited availability of good quality data, and understanding the complexity of the concept

    One-pot synthesis, characterisation and biological activities of gold nanoparticles prepared using aqueous seed extract of Garcinia kola

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    Recently, biogenic synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has become a focus area in cancer research owing to the eco-friendliness and cost effectiveness of the synthetic method. In this study, aqueous extract of Garcinia kola seed (AEGKs) was used for the bio-reduction of Au3+ to Au0. The synthesised AEGKs-AuNPs was characterised by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The in vitro antioxidant activity of the AEGKs and AEGKs-AuNPs was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging ability and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays. The AEGKs-AuNPs showed an absorption maximum at 512 nm, and the HRTEM images revealed mostly, spherical-shaped AuNPs in the size range of 2–17 nm. The FT-IR spectroscopy revealed that polyphenolic compounds and proteins were predominant, and responsible for the reduction and capping of the AuNPs. The AEGKs-AuNPs showed concentration dependent antioxidant activities, while dose dependent in vitro anti-cancer activity of the AEGKs-AuNPs was demonstrated against lungs, prostrate, human cervical and human colon cancer cells, using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)− 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide tetrazolium reduction (MTT) assay. The antioxidant and anti-cancer activities of the AEGKs-AuNPs could be attributed to the presence of phytochemicals and physicochemical properties of the AuNPs


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    Vocational education is a vital tool for economic development. The Federal Government, in 2011, launched the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum (SSEC) which requires that all senior secondary school students be trained in one vocational subject. This study examines the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational education in secondary schools in Ado-Odo Local Government, Ogun State, Nigeria. It aims to highlight the factors that affect and influence the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational training as well as identify ways through which these attitudes can be improved. The study employs the use of questionnaires distributed to 200 students and 60 teachers in four secondary schools in Adodo-Ota LGA. The results show that students and teachers recognize the importance of vocational education. The study recommends that students be provided with modern day equipment to encourage students’ engagement in vocational subjects. The curriculum for the teaching of vocational subjects should be comprehensive, standardized and enforced in all secondary schools to ensure that students acquire all the skills they need to practice the vocation(s). These will improve vocational education and the attainment of its goals in secondary schools


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    Vocational education is a vital tool for economic development. The Federal Government, in 2011,launched the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum (SSEC) which requires that all senior secondary school students be trained in one vocational subject. This study examines the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational education in secondary schools in Ado-Odo Local Government,Ogun State, Nigeria. It aims to highlight the factors that affect and influence the attitudes of students and teachers towards vocational training as well as identify ways through which these attitudes can be improved. The study employs the use of questionnaires distributed to 200 students and 60 teachers in four secondary schools in Adodo-Ota LGA. The results show that students and teachers recognize the importance of vocational education. The study recommends that students be provided with modern day equipment to encourage students’ engagement in vocational subjects. The curriculum for the teaching of vocational subjects should be comprehensive, standardized and enforced in all secondary schools to ensure that students acquire all the skills they need to practice the vocation(s). These will improve vocational education and the attainment of its goals in secondary schools


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    The rapid formation of gas hydrates, promoted by typical high pressure/ low temperature operating conditions in deep water installations, is considered one of the most difficult problems with flow assurance. Understanding the conditions for the formation of hydrates is necessary to overcome the problems associated with hydrates. Ideally, the conditions for the formation of gas hydrates are determined experimentally in the laboratory; but this data is not always available. Therefore, correlation is used to determine the conditions for gas hydrate formation. Several models have been proposed that require more complex and longer computations to predict the conditions for the formation of gas hydrate over the years. In this study, it is crucial to develop a reliable and easy-touse method for oil and gas practitioners’. The proposed correlation extends over a wide range of pressure (2000 to 25000kPa) and molecular weights (16 to 27). Consistent and accurate results of the proposed pressure range, temperature, and molecular weight are presented. Statistical error analysis is used to appraise the efficiency and accuracy of the correlation coefficient for estimating the formation of gas hydrate. This will guide designer and operator to select the optimal correlation for a particular application

    Professional Training of Real Estate Students: A Study of Academic Curricula of Three Universities in Nigeria

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    The future of any profession is dependent on the students being trained to become members of the profession. Professional education is therefore often dictated by the educational curriculum of institutions. The Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) therefore stipulates the courses that must be taught in programmes based on specifications of professional bodies. Practitioners however often question the adequacy of this education. The adequacy of professional education of real estate students in the curricula of three Universities in South-West Nigeria is assessed using the standards set by Nigerian Universities Commission and the Nigerian Institute of Estate Valuers and Surveyors (NIESV). The results revealed aspects of professional education that are not yet addressed in the curricula of real estate students in the Universities investigated. A review of the curricula is recommended

    The economic impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on family life and children’s eating habits

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    It is no tittle-tattle that the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world in many areas. Nigeria got her own share of this virus in February 2020, which led to the closure of schools, worship centres, businesses, and other social arenas by the Federal Government. Based on experience and occurrences, we investigated the economic impact of children eating habits during the COVID-19 lockdown in Nigeria. The snowball sampling technique was used to collect data from 334 adults across the nation. Findings revealed that families with an increase or decrease in eating patterns are not likely to support the lockdown policy by the government during COVID-19 compared to families with unchanged eating patterns, among others. Further, families' expenditures change during the COVID-19 lockdown irrespective of their income level. This implies that the pandemic has affected negatively Nigerian parents who have been facing total and partial lockdown with no increase in their income but a decrease in a savings and corresponding increase in their children’s eating rate. We, therefore, recommend that internal institutions oversee the need to have a food reservoir in case of future occurrences of this nature whereby people could have a temporal means of survival. Additionally, parents' coping strategies can be utilised to encourage their children to learn new skills (online skill acquisition training) during the lockdown

    Data on shale-water based drilling fluid interaction for drilling operation

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    The shale dispersion test (rolling test) is a common procedure that is used to measure the interactions between drilling fluids and shales. The shale rolling test depends on the moisture content of the shale, the shale composition, the viscosity of the test fluid, the rotation speed of the rollers, and the test temperature. The rheological behavior of the test fluid has the strongest influence on test results. The data was generated experimentally, shale samples from Agbada formation Niger-Delta was used. These shale samples were cored at a depth of 2000ft and 3400ft. Water based mud that will minimize shaledispersionandswellingofshalewasformulated.Thedispersion test was conducted, and it involves exposing a weighted quantity of sized shale to the formulated mud in roller-oven. This test is used to design fluids and screen the effectiveness of inhibitor additives to maintain the integrityof the cuttings and minimize the interaction of fluids with the shale sections during the drilling and completion operations.Theswellingtest wasconductedandthe linearexpansion adopted because it is the most representative of the increase seen by the wellbore but was measured in the direction perpendicular to the bedding plane as this is the direction of swelling into the wellbore