14 research outputs found

    Piece-wise linear analog to digital (PLADC) converter process

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    Transducers are devices that transform energy from one form to another. Such transformation process may be applicable in the measurement of physical quantities, transfer of information and also in performing a certain control action. Transducers used as measuring devices are generally termed as sensors. Such transducers detect the changes in characteristics of a physical quantity and convert the change into a corresponding electrical signal. This is a common phenomenon when transducers are used to detect temperature, speed, force, liquid level or viscosity. On the other hand transducers, used to carry out control actions, are termed as actuators. These transducers usually convert an electrical signal into some form of physical control action such as heating or movement and are carried by the control devices. Various types of transducers exist meant for sensing and controlling different physical quantities. For example, a light dependent resistor (LOR) or a photodiode can be used to sense light intensity of an environment while lamps and LED displays can be used to control it. Likewise, a thermistor can be used to measure the temperature of an environment while a heater/fan can be used to control it and a tachometer can be used to measure the speed of a device while a stepper motor can be used to control it [1-3]. The focus of this chapter is on the problems and issues related to the interfacing of transducers when used as measuring devices or sensors in smart applications. Smart applications are also termed as tuned control for detecting changes in the parameter of interest which used to be ignorable in the traditional measurement and control system

    Design of multi-valued quaternary based analog-to-digital converter

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    Problem statement: The design of multi-valued quaternary based Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) circuit was presented. The ADC generates multi-valued logic outputs rather than the conventional binary output system to overall reduction in circuit complexity and size. Approach: Design was implemented using pipeline ADC architecture and was simulated using model parameters based on standard 0.13 ยตm CMOS process. Results: Performance analysis of the design showed desirable performance parameters in terms of response, low power consumption, and a sampling rate of 10 MHz at a supply voltage of 1.3V was achieved. Conclusion/Recommendations: The ADC design was suitable for the needs of mixed-signal integrated circuit design and can be implemented as a conversion circuit for systems based on multiple-valued logic design

    Analysis of hybrid stepper motor performance under the influence of voltage supply interference

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    This chapter investigates the effects of voltage supply interference on the performance of hybrid stepper motor. MATLAB Simulink is used to model the power supply, sinusoidal interfering signal, stepper motor driver circuit and the hybrid stepper motor. This stepper motor is using a DC Voltage supply of 28 volts and it is a two-phase motor with a step angle of 1.80 โ€ข The different simulation scenarios that is explored in this work are for a noiseless power

    Development of a new method of crack modeling and prediction algorithm

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    In this report, the well known parametric method of signals and systems representation is extended to modeling and prediction of cracks on building and road surfaces. Also, a new algorithm based on complex value autoregressive neural network with split linear activation function for the determination of Complex-Value Autoregressive Moving average (CARMA) coefficients is also proposed in this report. Furthermore, mathematical derivation and detail analysis of the proposed CARMA based Complex-Value Neural Network (CVNN) algorithm is also discussed in this work

    Design and implementation of an optimal fuzzy logic controller using egentic algorithm

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    Most control systems suITer from problems related to undesirable overshoot, longer settling times aoo vibrations while going from one state 10 an(){her state. Works so far reponed techniques which are on how to oveTCQme or reduce the effects of these issues for ensuring smoother and finely tuned eolltrolling proceM. The devised solution is softwllrebased which employs an algorithmic approach for programming II PICI6F877A microcontroller, thus eliminating allogether the parametric dependence issues while adding the benefits of easier modification to suit a given control system for varying operational conditions_ The approach is first simulated using MATLAB/and the simulated results are verified by programming {he PICI6I'g77A mierocontrolter with {he algorithm and using it on a temperature control system where a fan is regulated in response to variations in the ambient system temperature. The results justify the effectiveness of the approach implemented in this study and they lUnher prove toot the optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller is functioning better than the conventional PID Controlle

    Transducers-to-microcntroller interfaces-software solution approach

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    Health interfacing circuits serves as platforms through which data signals are passed from one acquisition or processing stage to another. The purpose of these platforms vary and could be for the purpose of eliminating some signal components that are not required in the content of data that is moved onward or for the purpose of squeezing an out of range signal into what is said to be within the safe range of the upcoming stage of processing. Interfacing devices could also be a chain of electronic components providing a preliminary stage of processing or decision required for making a processor or plant to start and stop some onward control activitie

    Analysis of Programmable Voltage Source under Power Supply Interference

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    A programmable voltage source is designed by programming a microcontroller making it capable to generate a digital output which is harnessed to ultimately control a voltage to a desirable level. This paper examines the effects of power supply interference on this source by firstly, introducing noise into the power supply of a microcontroller and secondly, introducing noise into the power supply of the operational amplifiers. The effect of the noise on the output voltage source is examined and the resultant error is analyzed and shown theoretically and experimentally to be proportional with the magnitude of the noise and dependent on the harmonic components of the interference signal. The PIC16F877A microcontroller is used in the experimental analysis to verify the theoretical explanations

    Building crack characterization using an hybrid approach

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    Crack can easily be seen on many buildings and along major roads in developing and developed countries. These cracks come in various shapes, sizes and orientation. The main objective of this work is to apply digital signal and image processing techniques to crack detection and analysis so as to establish a grading system for building and road cracks automation system. An hybrid technique using Neural network and Image analysis in determining the size, width, length, orientation and dimension of crack is hereby proposed. Preliminary result obtained shows that this technique will solve the problem of manual screening and analysis of cracks on roads and buildings, hence an improvement in the efficiency of this task and a good step in automation of the process

    Characterization of indoor power lines as data communication channels experimental details and results

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    In this paper, a multi-branch power line is modeled using ABCD matrix to show its worth as a communication channel. The model is simulated using MATLAB in an effort to investigate the effects of multiple loading, multipath, and those as a result of load mismatching. The channel transfer function is obtained and investigated using different cable lengths, and different number of bridge taps under given loading conditions