138 research outputs found

    The Future of Mobile Industry

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    This paper discusses the future of mobile industry along with some of the background leading to the emergence of wireless technology. First, it gives an overview of today’s telecommunication network and the major differences between fixed wired networks and wireless networks. The discussion then focuses on the challenges facing the wireless industry and the way out through aggressive innovation by employing Wireless Intelligence Network (WIN) technology. The paper also discusses some important trends in wireless industry and the customers expectations which are also part of the challenges for the mobile industry. Finally particular reference is made to the developing nations especially Nigeria in the ongoing trends in mobile communication industry

    Should ferritin tests be added to routine screening: An integrative literature review

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    Abstract The purpose of this analysis was to explore the possible benefits of a blood screening to be coupled with the annual routine check-up. Blood screenings are only administered upon reasonable suspicion of pathology. Upon the examination of current research concerning ferritin levels within the blood, one can speculate the existence of strong correlations between ferritin levels, inflammatory disease and early morality. Cause for concern stems from the fact that the ferritin levels of the vast majority of people in the US are completely unknown. Ferritin levels are the most accurate marker for measuring the amount of iron being stored in the human body. Ferritin levels measured higher than 300 mcg/L for men and 200 mcg/L for women represent chronic iron toxicity (Schrier & Bacon, 2017). Although iron toxicity has been studied much less then iron deficiency, there has been some experimentation performed. This literature review will gather relevant works and will use the RE-AIM Framework to interpret the data compiled. Results of the literature review reinforced the theory that there is a relationship between ferritin levels, inflammatory disease and early mortality. The inflammatory diseases studied include, but are not limited to cancer, endocrinological disease, cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. The implications of these findings may potentially have a transformative effect on preventative care. A strong enough relationship between the variables suggest that high ferritin levels may either be a stark precursor to inflammatory disease, or conversely, an invaluable marker for it. Future research may be geared toward discovering which one of these two relationships best describe this correlation

    Cultural and social relevance of contemporary African philosophy

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    The paper attempts an analysis of African philosophy from the commencement of its ontological debate and focuses on its relevance in culture. The paper does not contribute to the debate, since the debate is no longer a serious issue among African philosophers and scholars. It, however, states the importance of the debate to the field of African philosophy. It explains culture as an all encompassing phenomenon and that it serves as a relevant source for the discussion on African philosophy. It uses functionalism and structuralism as theories that could be used to understand African philosophy and culture. The theories are to expatiate how the concerned can analyze African philosophy and other relevant things. The paper concludes that given the understanding of these theories African philosophy can be understood in their directions.KEYWORDS: functionalism, structuralism, culture, ontological debate

    Eliminación simultánea de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en humedales construidos : revisión crítica

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    [Abstract]: Spurred by the needs to find a better treatment method for wastewater, a method that is cheap, less complex when compared to conventional methods, and more importantly, that is climate friendly and has low cost of maintenance and operations, the use of constructed wetlands that is well designed, optimally operated, and of the best type of configuration has been proven by environmental scientists to meet these objectives. Constructed wetlands have proven to be very useful for the simultaneous elimination of nitrogen and organic matter as well as the removal of solids and pathogens contained in wastewater; it can achieve an efficiency as high as 70-94% NH4+removal, 70-96% N removal, 80-95% BOD and 73-96% COD removal. In this study, a profound review is made of the broad treatment process of wastewater from the primary treatment to the tertiary treatment, with the use of the conventional methods, analysis of constructed wetlands, its components, types and functions of each components, the various types of macrophytes and in their best operating environment, as well as the types of micro-organisms present. Also, a special focus is made about the characterization of wastewater, the parameters that are used, the impact of fairly treated or when wastewater is not treated at all, on humans and the environment. Analysis of the physico-chemical and biological processes involved in the removal mechanisms of both nitrogen and organic matter and, of course, how environmental factors and operating parameters influence the effectiveness of the treatment process and lastly, analysis of promising methods, like CANON, ANAMMOX, or SHARON, that are being investigated with the aim of implementing them in the future designs of constructed wetlands.[Resumo]: Existe a necesidade de atopar métodos de xestión das augas residuais, máis sinxelos que os métodos convencionais, respectuosos co medio ambiente e con baixos custes de mantenimiento e operación. Entre estes métodos alternativos atópanse os humidais construidos que, deseñados e operados de maneira óptima, dan resposta a estes obxectivos. Se ten demostrado que os humidais construidos permiten a eliminación simultánea de nitróxeno e materia orgánica, así como de sólidos e patóxenos, en augas residuais. Os resultados amosan eficacias de eliminación entre 70-94% de NH4+, 70-96% de N, 80-95% de DBO e 73-97% de DQO. Neste traballo faise unha revisión do proceso de tratamento de augas residuais empregando os métodos convencionais, dende o tratamento primario até o terciario, para posteriormente centrarse na análise dos humedais cosntruidos, tipos e funcionalidades dos seus componentes, tipos de macrófitas empregadas e as mellores condicións ambientais, así coma microorganismos presentes. Préstase especial atención á caracterización das augas residuais, os parámetros que se estudan e o impacto das augas non tratadas ou moderadamente tratadas sobre os humanos e o medio ambiente. Analízanse os procesos físico-químicos e biolóxicos implicados nos mecanismos de eliminación de nitróxeno e materia orgánica e, por suposto, a maneira na que os factores medioambientais e os parámetros operacionais inflúen na eficacia do proceso. Por último, faise referencia a varios métodos prometedores, CANON, ANAMMOX e SHARON, que están sendo investigados para a súa implementación en futuros deseños de humedais construidos.[Resumen]: En la búsqueda de mejores métodos de gestión de aguas residuales, más simples que los métodos convencionales, respetuosos con el medio ambiente y con costes de mantenimiento y operación bajos, se ha encontrado que los humedales construidos, diseñados, configurados y manejados de manera óptima, dan respuesta a estos objetivos. Se ha demostrado que los humedales construidos permiten la eliminación simultánea de nitrógeno y materia orgánica, así como de sólidos y patógenos, en aguas residuales; los resultados muestran eficiencias de eliminación entre 70-94% de NH4+, 70-96% de N, 80-95% de DBO e 73-97% de DQO. En este trabajo se hace una revisión del proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales empleando los métodos convencionales, desde el tratamiento primario hasta el terciario, para posteriormente centrarse en el análisis de los humedales construidos, tipos y funcionalidades de sus distintos componentes, tipos de macrofitos empleados y sus mejores condiciones ambientales, así como microorganismos presentes. Se presta una particular atención a la caracterización de las aguas residuales, los parámetros que se estudian y el impacto de las aguas no tratadas o moderadamente tratadas sobre los humanos y el medio ambiente. Se analizan los procesos físico-químicos y biológicos implicados en los mecanismos de eliminación de nitrógeno y materia orgánica y, por supuesto, el modo en que los factores medioambientales y los parámetros operacionales influyen en la eficacia del proceso. Por último, se mencionan varios métodos prometedores, CANON, ANAMMOX y SHARON, que están siendo investigados para su implementación en futuros diseños de humedales construidos.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2020/202

    Pulmonary Tuberculosis mimicking a right Eventration on Radiography: The falsity of single view radiograph in the diagnosis of a precursor of pulmonary disease: A Case Report

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    Background: The diaphragm is one of the most important muscles of respiration in the body separating the abdomen from the thorax. Abnormalities of the diaphragm could be congenital or acquired, morphological or functional while pulmonary infection e.g. pulmonary tuberculosis, is implicated in its etiology. Case presentation: A 63-year- old man with six weeks history of cough productive of yellowish sputum. Chest X-ray showed a uniform well-circumscribed opacity in the right lower lobe abutting on or in continuum with the right diaphragm consistent with a diaphragmatic hump. Sputum Gene Xpert was positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chest CT scan revealed bilateral lymph node enlargement with hyperdense lesions in the anterior basal segment of the right lower lobe and medial bronchopulmonary segments of the right middle lobe. He was treated for 6 months with first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. Discussion: The incidence of the diaphragmatic hump on chest radiograph worldwide and among Nigerians is unknown. The association of diaphragmatic hump with chest infection has been well document. The association of diaphragmatic hump with pulmonary tuberculosis is uncommon. Conclusion: A high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis with atypical clinical and radiological presentations. Such prompt diagnosis will aid the treatment of the disease

    Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2010)

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    Foreign trade plays a very important role in the formation of economic and social attributes of countries around the world. Foreign trade is the exchange of goods and services across national borders. In most countries, it represents a significant part of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Foreign trade has been in existence for quite awhile, its economic, social and political importance have increased in recent centuries, mainly because of industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization and multinational corporations

    Effects of Covid-19 on the Economy of An Oil Dependent Nigeria

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    The Coronavirus (COVID - 19) has created anxiety and fear, it has hit the global economy, and has amplified volatility in several international and domestic financial markets. It is a deadly virus that forced the world into a near total lock down and it has claimed millions of lives round the world. The oil price reaction to COVID -19 was stable and accommodating up until March 22nd, 2020 after the release of the first coronavirus monitoring report by the World Health Organization (WHO). Not long after Saudi Arabia floods the market with oil, as a result, international prices drop with more than 20% in one single day. Against this background, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of COVID - 19 figures on crude oil prices. The pandemic has negatively influenced on education, economy, religious worship, sporting activities, social gatherings, banking activities, and others. The state governments, military, NGO, federal government, individuals, and religious bodies provided and donated palliatives to cushion the effects of the pandemic on the populace. Keywords: Covid-19, Financial Volatility, Coronavirus, Oil Price, Global Economy, World Health Organization DOI: 10.7176/JETP/11-1-02 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Analyzing the Impact of Microfinance Banks Credit Variables on Micro, Small Enterprises Growth Indicators in South-West, Nigeria

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    Despite several reforms both in the banking and informal sectors; it is sad that there have been dwindling development in both sectors. In view of this, this study analyzed the impact of Microfinance Banks (MFBs) credit variables on Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs) growth indicators in South-West, Nigeria. Sampled MFBs, MSEs and some South-West States were purposively selected. Secondary data was extracted from financial statements of eight selected MFBs from 2007-2016 (10years). Relationship between MFBs variables and MSEs’ growth was analyzed using Correlation matrix, while extent at which MFBs variables influenced MSEs growth was analyzed using panel regression. Results showed the relationship between MFBs credit variables and MSEs’ growth with an average ‘r’ at 68.56% (p<0.05); and the extent at which MFBs credit variables influenced MSEs growth (p<0.05) such as  profit, total asset, number of employee growth and sales with R2 were 61.4%, 58.3%, 48.1% and 52.1%, respectively. The study concluded that MFBs credit variables influenced MSEs growth. It was recommended that MFBs should moderately increase loan size in order to improve MSEs’ business operations. Keywords: Microfinance Banks, Micro Small Enterprises, Credit Variables, Growth indicators, South-West, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-12-06 Publication date:June 30th 2020

    Phytoremediation of Spent Oil and Palm Kernel Sludge Contaminated Soil Using Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) L

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    This study was carried out to investigate the phytotoxicity of spent engine oil and palm kernel sludge on seed germination, seedling early growth and survival of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) and its phytoremediating potential. 8.0 kg topsoil mixed with 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% (w/v) of spent engine oil and palm kernel sludge, while the control was not mixed with spent oil and sludge (0%). The seeds were sown on these soils and monitored daily. Parameters taken were; plant height, leaf number and stem girth. The result showed that spent engine oil treated plants adversely affected growth compared to palm kernel sludge plants and control which performed better. For plant height, the mean stem girth for control at 2nd week was 0.40±0.05 mm, spent engine oil was 5.96±0.97 palm kernel oil effluent was 14.73±1.16 and at 12th week, control was 1.30±0.05 while for SEO the plant had withered and 124.6±9.02 for POE. Number of leaves at the 12th week was 26.00±2.08 in the control, 8.66±0.66, for spent engine oil at 4%, while for palm oil effluent it was 27.66±0.66, at 4%, concentration respectively. Stem girth at 2 weeks for spent engine oil was 0.19±0.05 at 2%, 0.43±0.03 for palm kernel oil effluent and at the 12th week of planting at 10% concentration was 1.63±0.08 for palm kernel oil effluent, and all plants had withered off for spent engine oil at same concentration at the 12th week. Also, spent engine oil at all concentrations delayed the germination of Helianthus annuus by 2days compared to control. Comparison analysis test showed that growth in untreated plants were significantly higher (p>0.05) than spent oil and palm kernel sludge treated plants. Similar result was observed for leaf number and stem girth which had higher mean value in palm kernel sludge and control compared to spent oil. Sunflower grown in 8% and 10% palm kernel sludge contaminated soil also flowered eight days earlier than control plants, while spent oil treated plant did not. The result shows that sunflower cannot tolerate high (4%, 6%, 8% and 10%) concentrations of spent engine oil in soil compared to palm oil effluent. Therefore, spent engine oil should be properly disposed because of its adverse effect on the growth and yield of sunflower