92 research outputs found

    Self-directed learning readiness and learning style preferences of adult learners

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    The main purpose of the study was to identify the relationships among demographic characteristics, learning styles, and self-directed learning of adult American and foreign students. Based on adult self-directed learning and experiential learning theoretical frameworks, a conceptual model was formulated and tested;The experiential Learning Style Inventory (LSI), and the Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) were used to collect data from 178 graduate students;The study is based on a correlational ex post facto research design. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and path-analysis were employed for testing the hypotheses of the study;The results of the study indicate that nationality and degree program directly influence readiness for self-directed learning. Also, preference for learning styles and level of education directly influence an individual\u27s level of readiness for self-directed learning;Academic major and years of prior work experience are indirectly indicative of readiness for self-directed learning;Age, gender and type of employment showed neither direct nor indirect influence on inner-outer directedness in learning; therefore they have no predictive capability for either self-directed learning readiness or preference for experiential learning style. The researcher concluded that a combination of active and abstract abilities are required for effective self-directed learning. Propensity for self-direction in learning can be enhanced. With further research, and adequate understanding of the relationships among demographic characteristics, learning preferences and readiness for self-directed learning, intervention efforts can become more feasible and productive. Implications for theory and research were highlighted, along with recommendations for further research

    Integration of magnetic residuals,derivates and located euler deconvolution for structural and geologic mapping of parts of the precambrian gneisses of Ago-Iwoye, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Ground based magnetic survey conducted between longitude 06O 55I 51IIN –06O 55I 54IIN and latitude 03O 52I 06IIE –03O 52I 4.8IIE (Olabisi Onabanjo University) remarkably revealed a consistent subsurface NW -SE structural azimuth of localized discontinuities within the shallowly buried heterogeneous basement rocks, which at exposed locations are composed of strongly foliated granite gneiss and migmatite-gneiss with veins and veinlets principally orientated in NNW –SSE direction.Magnetic survey of the area was preceded by site inspection to avoid metallic objects interferences. Field procedure in the area involved Cartesian gridding, base station establishment, data acquisition at gridded points, and repeated bihourly diurnal checksat the base station. At the processing stage, diurnal variation effect was aptly removed before subjection to Kriging (gridding). The gridded data was then prepared as input for Forward Fourier Filter Transform (FFT), which upon definition and implementation enabled Butterworth filtering of isolated ringing effects, reduction to the equator (RTE) for geomagnetic correction, and the use of Gaussian and Upward Continuation filtering for regional magnetic intensity trend determination. Removal of the regional magnetic intensity (RMI) from the total magnetic intensity (TMI) resulted in the derivation of the residual anomaly. Enhancement filters adopted for better resolution of the residual magnetic gradient include analytical signal (AS), tilt-angle derivative (TDR), vertical derivative deconvolution (VDD), and the first vertical derivatives (FVD).TMI and RMI values range between 32925nT –33050nT and 32935nT –333050nT respectively, while the residual gradient ranges between 15nT/m and10nT/m; AS ranges between 0.28nT/m and4.1nT/m; and TDR ranges from-1.4nT/m to 1.4nT/m. Source depth calculation estimated from power spectrum analysis and Euler deconvolution ranges between 1m and15m. Composite overlay of magnetic maps revealed jointed and faulted zones within the area; exhibiting a NW-SE principal azimuth of Liberian orogenic impress, which are in consistence with the foliation direction of the jagged foliated bedrock with an estimated maximum overburden of about 15m.The structural significance of this area as a prospective hydro-geological centre, and as an undesirable spot for high-rise building has been accurately evaluated from research findings. Application of integrated geophysical approach, complemented by detailed geological studies may furnish greater information about the subsurface structural architecture.Keywords:Gneisses; Ground Magnetic Surveying;RTE;Structural discontinuities;TDR.1INTRODUCTIONStructuralmapping is an integral part of geologic surveys. It involves measurements, analyses, interpretation and recognition of geometrical features (structures) generated by rock deformations [1]. These structures often serve as fountains of environmental challenges or unparalleled opportunities depending on their modesof occurrences, which in most cases are imminently controlled by the dynamic interplay of differential stress distributions within the earth interior. In line with the principle of uniformitarianism, a broad understanding about Earth’s paleo processes and internal workingsare deductible from the various deformation types for diverse applications. Deductible inferences from brittle deformationsinclude the kinematics of crustal blocks, orientation of principal axes of regional and local stresses, and geometry. Deeper insights indeep seated stresses, regional movements and block motions are obtainable from ductile deformations

    Sodium Nitrite Alone Protects the Brain o _i_ Microsomal Ca -ATPase Against Potassium Cyanide-induced Neurotoxicity In Rats

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    The effect of a short-term oral administration of potassium cyanide (KCN) (200 ppm in diet) with or without sodium nitrite (NaNO2) pretreatment on rat brain microsomal Ca2* ATPase was investigated. The specific activity value of the enzyme significantly decreased (p\u3c0.05) by 50% compared with control and by 63% for KCN-treated rats compared with KCN-treated rats pretreated with NaNO;,. There was no significant difference at the h = 0.05 level between the values obtained for the control and KCN-treated rats pretreated with NaNO,. These results show both that feeding lowers brain microsomal Ca2f-ATPase activity and that NaNO, has a protective role (antidote function) in that respect

    Financial Access, Financial Depth, and Economic Growth in Nigeria

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    Financial sector development is increasingly recognised as critically important to the micro-foundations of wealth creation and economic development of nations. An increasingly relevant component in this relationship relates to the issue of financial access. This paper contributes to the growing debate on the relationship between financial development indicators and output growth by investigating the long run relationship between financial depth, financial access and economic growth in Nigeria. The research question is: how growth propelling is an inclusive financial system in Nigeria? This question is of significant policy relevance, as Nigeria recently launched a financial inclusion programme as a strategy for wealth creation and poverty alleviation for her citizens. By setting up an error correction model, this paper showed that increased financial depth (measured either as ratio of broad money supply to output or as ratio of credit to private sector to output) propelled output growth in Nigeria during 1975 – 2012. However, population per bank branch conferred significant negative effect on economic growth, implying that financial access matters for growth in Nigeria. Therefore, the study strongly endorses the current financial inclusion programme of the Central Bank of Nigeria as a way of promoting growth in the country. Also, the authors call for the inclusion of financial access questions in the General Household Survey (GHS) questionnaire of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) as a way forward. This is based on the author’s belief that the first step to improving financial access is measuring it. It is hoped that this effort would trigger further analysis that will help policy makers identify the real constraints to financial access in Nigeria


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    This study examines the determinants of poverty among 120 representative dry season women vegetable farmers in Kwara state, North Central Nigeria using logistic regression model. The poverty status of the dry season women vegetable farmers were also profiled using the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke, (1984) weighted poverty indices. The results of the descriptive statistics show that 30% of the women vegetable farmers have no formal education. The FGT indices indicate that 36% of the women are poor. The results of the logistic regression model reveal membership of cooperative society, type of irrigation system, presence of other sources of income, size of farm land and farming experience as the major determinants of poverty among the women vegetable farmers in the study area. It was suggested that women vegetable farmers in the study area should endeavour to be members of cooperative societies in the state as there are benefits derivable from such association. Cooperative societies could also be harnessed by government to make meaningful improvement in vegetable production and by extension welfare of the women vegetable farmers in the state.Â

    Willingness to pay for captive wildlife tourism at the university of Ibadan Zoological Garden, Nigeria

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    Zoo visits represent a unique opportunity for large numbers of people to be engaged on wildlife conservation issues and given opportunity to support it. The University of Ibadan Zoo is one of the major sites with animals of high intrinsic value and attractions to tourists and other visitors. Copies of structured questionnaire were administered to 165 visitors to the zoo to elicit information on their socio-demography in relation to their paying characteristics, their willingness to pay (WTP) for the services offered by the Zoo, and the factors influencing their WTP. The Result showed that majority (51.5%) of the visitors were males and 48.5% were females. 61% of the visitors had repeated visits while 39% were first time visitors. Although, 76% of them were often willing to pay for captive wildlife tourism in the Zoo, 52% of the visitors were not satisfied with the current charges by the Zoo. Income, marital status and place of residence of the visitors were significantly related to visitors willingness to pay (p<0.05). Five factors significantly influence visitors’ WTP, out of which, the level of satisfaction of the visitors had the highest weighted mean of 4.39, and hence the highest influence on visitors’ WTP. Zoo visitors will be willing to pay more for captive wildlife tourism at the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden, if the facilities, services and conservation strategies are improved to provide more satisfaction to visitors.Keywords: University of Ibadan Zoo, wildlife, visitors, willingness to pay, level of satisfactio

    Cooperatives in Small Scale Amaranthus Production in Kwara State Nigeria

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    The study assessed cooperative in small scale amaranthus vegetable production in Kwara State, Nigeria with reference to cooperator and non- cooperator amaranthus vegetable farmers. Specifically, the study looked at the costs and returns to amaranthus vegetable farming for both groups and the effect of cooperative membership on the amaranthus vegetable farmers’ output. A three stage sampling procedure was employed to collect data from 140 (70 cooperator and 70 non cooperator) vegetable farmers using a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, gross margin analysis and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression methods were the major analytical techniques employed. The result of the study showed a significantly higher gross margin for the co-operator vegetable farmers compared to the non-cooperator vegetable farmers. Family size, farm size, Labour and cooperative membership were the significant factors influencing vegetable farmers’ output in the study area. The study recommends that the government should through appropriate ministries and agencies, organise periodic seminars and workshops for the farmers on the need to form viable cooperatives and ways to get the best out of the cooperative societies. Provision of machineries such as tractors to the farmers under the supervision of viable farmers’ cooperative societies to help reduce the over dependence on human labour and consequently raise production is also recommended.Keywords: Cooperator vegetable farmers, Non-Cooperator vegetable farmers, Gross margin, Ordinary Least Squares Regression, Kwara Stat

    Prevalence and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in north-central Nigeria

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    Background: To determine the prevalence, pattern and risk factors of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) among patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in a tertiary hospital in north-central Nigeria.Settings and Design: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted in Jos, north-central Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Consecutive adult patients with DM attending the endocrinology clinic who consented to the study were examined over a six-month period. Demographic data, duration of diabetes and history of any systemic disorder were obtained for each patient. A detailed ocular examination and fundus photography were performed and results of blood investigations such as Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) and serum lipid profile were analysed. Data analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 software.Results: Three hundred and fifty-six patients were examined comprising of 120 (33.7%) males and 236 (66.3%) females giving a male to female ratio of 1:2. The mean age of the study population was 56.6 ± 12.3 years. Diabetic retinopathy and macular oedema were present in 66 (18.5%) and 51 (14.3%) patients respectively. Diabetes diagnosis of 10 years and above, FBG and HbA1c all had a statistically significant association with DR with p values <0.001.Conclusion: The prevalence of DR was 18.5% in a hospital cohort of diabetic patients in north-central Nigeria with long duration of diabetes and poor glycaemic control being the major risk factors for retinopathy. These findings highlight the need for regular eye screening and good glycaemic control in individuals with diabetes in our environment.  Funding: None declared Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, diabetes mellitus, macular oedema, prevalence, blindnes

    A Model of Competitive Intelligence for e-Health Technologies

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    Competitive intelligence is an important part in enterprises’ competitive strategy and decision support. It entails the collection of data, analyzing the data and delivering the analyzed data by means of available information on the behavior outside the organization. The study is based on research where competitive intelligence has been explored. The study also reviews e-Health technology and its impact. A proposed model is developed from Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) framework for competitive intelligence for e-Health technologies. Subsequently, efforts made extend to elaborate on the construct, measurement items, hypotheses and research questions which will be used in the validation of the framework. Future work will use confirmatory factor analysis to reduce the variables from the constructs and Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) will also be used for the reliability and the validity of the construct of the framework
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