6,796 research outputs found

    A Five-year Spectroscopic and Photometric Campaign on the Prototypical alpha Cygni Variable and A-type Supergiant Star Deneb

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    Deneb is often considered the prototypical A-type supergiant, and is one of the visually most luminous stars in the Galaxy. A-type supergiants are potential extragalactic distance indicators, but the variability of these stars needs to be better characterized before this technique can be considered reliable. We analyzed 339 high resolution echelle spectra of Deneb obtained over the five-year span of 1997 through 2001 as well as 370 Stromgren photometric measurements obtained during the same time frame. Our spectroscopic analysis included dynamical spectra of the H-alpha profile, H-alpha equivalent widths, and radial velocities measured from Si II 6347, 6371. Time-series analysis reveals no obvious cyclic behavior that proceeds through multiple observing seasons, although we found a suspected 40 day period in two, non-consecutive observing seasons. Some correlations are found between photometric and radial velocity data sets, and suggest radial pulsations at two epochs. No correlation is found between the variability of the H-alpha profiles and that of the radial velocities or the photometry. Lucy (1976) found evidence that Deneb was a long period single-lined spectroscopic binary star, but our data set shows no evidence for radial velocity variations caused by a binary companion.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Retinoic acid induces the differentiation of B cell hybridomas from patients with common variable immunodeficiency.

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    Human-human B cell hybridomas constructed from B lymphocytes of common variable immunodeficiency (CVI) patients and the nonsecreting cell line WIL2/729 HF consistently secrete low levels of Ig and appear to retain a defect characteristic of the CVI patient's B cells. We assessed the differentiative capacity of retinoic acid (RA) on these hybridomas, as well as on hybridomas constructed from normal B cells and from patients with selective IgA deficiency. RA at concentrations varying between 10(-5) and 10(-9) M augmented IgM secretion 4-20-fold from four of four CVI hybridomas tested, but did not affect Ig secretion from normal or IgA-deficiency hybridomas. In support of this elevated Ig secretion, RA enhanced the de novo synthesis of biosynthetically labeled light (kappa) and heavy (mu) Ig (up to 4- and 15-fold, respectively) in the CVI hybridoma line JK32.1. The increase in IgM synthesis/secretion could not be accounted for by RA-induced alteration in the cell cycle. In inducing this increase in IgM production, RA was found to affect two aspects of Ig gene expression: (a) the steady-state levels of heavy and light chain mRNAs were enhanced, and (b) the processing of mu heavy chain transcripts to the secreted mRNA form became favored over the membrane mRNA form. We also show that expression of Leu-17 (CD38), a surface marker that is re-expressed in the late pre-plasma stage of B cell development, was increased by RA from less than 20% to greater than 90% of the total cell population, with a concomitant 4-10-fold augmentation in the mean fluorescence intensity. Changes in both Leu-17 expression and de novo Ig synthesis were prominent by 24 h, but could be observed as early as 8 h after induction. Taken together, our study demonstrates that RA affects a marked alteration in the differentiated state of the CVI hybridoma clones. This finding suggests that retinoids can enhance the functional capabilities of B cells with defects in maturation and support further studies to evaluate their clinical potential in CVI

    Xenon in Mercury-Manganese Stars

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    Previous studies of elemental abundances in Mercury-Manganese (HgMn) stars have occasionally reported the presence of lines of the ionized rare noble gas Xe II, especially in a few of the hottest stars with Teff ~ 13000--15000 K. A new study of this element has been undertaken using observations from Lick Observatory's Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph. In this work, the spectrum synthesis program UCLSYN has been used to undertake abundance analysis assuming LTE. We find that in the Smith & Dworetsky sample of HgMn stars, Xe is vastly over-abundant in 21 of 22 HgMn stars studied, by factors of 3.1--4.8 dex. There does not appear to be a significant correlation of Xe abundance with Teff. A comparison sample of normal late B stars shows no sign of Xe II lines that could be detected, consistent with the expected weakness of lines at normal abundance. The main reason for the previous lack of widespread detection in HgMn stars is probably due to the strongest lines being at longer wavelengths than the photographic blue. The lines used in this work were 4603.03A, 4844.33A and 5292.22A.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 8 January 200

    Uses of zeta regularization in QFT with boundary conditions: a cosmo-topological Casimir effect

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    Zeta regularization has proven to be a powerful and reliable tool for the regularization of the vacuum energy density in ideal situations. With the Hadamard complement, it has been shown to provide finite (and meaningful) answers too in more involved cases, as when imposing physical boundary conditions (BCs) in two-- and higher--dimensional surfaces (being able to mimic, in a very convenient way, other {\it ad hoc} cut-offs, as non-zero depths). What we have considered is the {\it additional} contribution to the cc coming from the non-trivial topology of space or from specific boundary conditions imposed on braneworld models (kind of cosmological Casimir effects). Assuming someone will be able to prove (some day) that the ground value of the cc is zero, as many had suspected until very recently, we will then be left with this incremental value coming from the topology or BCs. We show that this value can have the correct order of magnitude in a number of quite reasonable models involving small and large compactified scales and/or brane BCs, and supergravitons.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, Talk given at the Seventh International Workshop Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, QFEXT'05, Barcelona, September 5-9, 200

    Extremely metal-poor stars from the SDSS

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    We give a progress report about the activities within the CIFIST Team related to the search for extremely metal-poor stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's spectroscopic catalog. So far the search has provided 25 candidates with metallicities around or smaller -3. For 15 candidates high resolution spectroscopy with UVES at the VLT has confirmed their extremely metal-poor status. Work is under way to extend the search to the SDSS's photometric catalog by augmenting the SDSS photometry, and by gauging the capabilities of X-shooter when going to significantly fainter targets.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings paper of the conference "A stellar journey: A symposium in celebration of Bengt Gustafsson's 65th birthday

    Quintom model with O(NN) symmetry

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    We investigate the quintom model of dark energy in the generalized case where the corresponding canonical and phantom fields possess O(NN) symmetries. Assuming exponential potentials we find that this O(N)(N) quintom paradigm exhibits novel properties comparing to the simple canonical and phantom scenarios. In particular, we find that the universe cannot result in a quintessence-type solution with w>1w>-1, even in the cases where the phantom field seems to be irrelevant. On the contrary, there are always late-time attractors which correspond to accelerating universes with w<1w<-1 and with a recent crossing of the phantom divide, and for a very large area of the parameter space they are the only ones. This is in contrast with the previous simple-quintom results, where an accelerating universe is a possible late-time stable solution but it is not guaranteed.Comment: 13 pages, no figur

    RATAN-600 7.6-cm Deep Sky Strip Surveys at the Declination of the SS433 Source During the 1980-1999 Period. Data Reduction and the Catalog of Radio Sources in the Right-Ascension Interval 7h < R.A. < 17h

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    We use two independent methods to reduce the data of the surveys made with RATAN-600 radio telescope at 7.6 cm in 1988-1999 at the declination of the SS433 source. We also reprocess the data of the "Cold" survey (1980-1981). The resulting RCR (RATAN COLD REFINED) catalog contains the right ascensions and fluxes of objects identified with those of the NVSS catalog in the right-ascension interval 7h < R.A. < 17h. We obtain the spectra of the radio sources and determine their spectral indices at 3.94 and 0.5 GHz. The spectra are based on the data from all known catalogs available from the CATS, Vizier, and NED databases, and the flux estimates inferred from the maps of the VLSS and GB6 surveys. For 245 of the 550 objects of the RCR catalog the fluxes are known at two frequencies only: 3.94 GHz (RCR) and 1.4 GHz (NVSS). These are mostly sources with fluxes smaller than 30 mJy. About 65% of these sources have flat or inverse spectra (alpha > -0.5). We analyze the reliability of the results obtained for the entire list of objects and construct the histograms of the spectral indices and fluxes of the sources. Our main conclusion is that all 10-15 mJy objects found in the considered right-ascension interval were already included in the decimeter-wave catalogs.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure

    Rotation Velocities of Red and Blue Field Horizontal-Branch Stars

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    We present measurements of the projected stellar rotation velocities (v sin i) of a sample of 45 candidate field horizontal-branch (HB) stars spanning a wide range of effective temperature, from red HB stars with Teff ~ 5000 K to blue HB stars with Teff of 17000 K. Among the cooler blue HB stars (Teff = 7500-11500 K), we confirm prior studies showing that although a majority of stars rotate at v sin i < 15 km/s, there exists a subset of "fast rotators" with v sin i as high as 30-35 km/s. All but one of the red HB stars in our sample have v sin i < 10 km/s, and no analogous rotation bimodality is evident. We also identify a narrow-lined hot star (Teff ~ 16000 K) with enhanced photospheric metal abundances and helium depletion, similar to the abundance patterns found among hot BHB stars in globular clusters, and four other stars that may also belong in this category. We discuss details of the spectral line fitting procedure that we use to deduce v sin i, and explore how measurements of field HB star rotation may shed light on the issue of HB star rotation in globular clusters.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in November 2003 ApJ

    Pertussis toxin is required for pertussis vaccine encephalopathy.

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    Comprehensive study of the magnetic stars HD 5797 and HD 40711 with large chromium and iron overabundances

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    We present the results of a comprehensive study of the chemically peculiar stars HD 5797 and HD 40711. The stars have the same effective temperature, Teff = 8900 K, and a similar chemical composition with large iron (+1.5 dex) and chromium (+3 dex) overabundances compared to the Sun. The overabundance of rare-earth elements typically reaches +3 dex. We have measured the magnetic field of HD 5797. The longitudinal field component Be has been found to vary sinusoidally between -100 and +1000 G with a period of 69 days. Our estimate of the evolutionary status of the stars suggests that HD 5797 and HD 40711, old objects with an age t \approx 5 \times 108 yr, are near the end of the core hydrogen burning phase.Comment: 26 pages, 5 Encapsulated Postscript figure