617 research outputs found

    Farm Bill Trends and Food Insecurity: Impacts on Rural and Urban Communities

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    With the constraints in federal budgeting requiring the shrinkage of federal programs, programs outlined in the 2014 Farm Bill are significantly impacted, showing a thirteen year trend toward funding reduction. This paper examines historical Farm Bill programs, including crop subsidies and the nutritional assistance programs and how these programs historically addressed food insecurity versus how they are impacted by today’s budgetary constraints. The paper also examines new models for addressing food insecurity and how communities are pulling together resources to address food insecurity. In discussing the new models, the paper focuses on policy trends and funding structures; for example community food co-ops and their impact on farmers, rural and urban communities that are facing food insecurity. Ultimately, the paper aims to give the agriculture and law sectors tools to lessen the impact of Farm Bill changes and funding reductions in local communities

    Monotone and fast computation of Euler’s constant

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    Abstract We construct sequences of finite sums ( l ˜ n ) n ≥ 0 (l~n)n0(\tilde{l}_{n})_{n\geq 0} and ( u ˜ n ) n ≥ 0 (u~n)n0(\tilde{u}_{n})_{n\geq 0} converging increasingly and decreasingly, respectively, to the Euler-Mascheroni constant γ at the geometric rate 1/2. Such sequences are easy to compute and satisfy complete monotonicity-type properties. As a consequence, we obtain an infinite product representation for 2 γ 2γ2^{\gamma } converging in a monotone and fast way at the same time. We use a probabilistic approach based on a differentiation formula for the gamma process

    Ensayos de dinteles de fábrica de ladrillo atirantada sobre los nuevos Apoyos Pi, distanciados 6m entre sí

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    Comunicación presentada en las II Jornadas de Investigación en Construcción: "60 años de Informes de la Construcción", celebradas los pasados 22, 23 y 24 de mayo de 2008 en el Instituto "Eduardo Torroja" de Ciencias de la Construcción (IETCC-CSIC) de Madrid.Comparando la Arquitectura de Ladrillos del s.XIX con el empleo del ladrillo en la Arquitectura del s.XX, se puede observar que abunda mayor patología en las fábricas de ladrillo cara vista recientes que en las más antiguas. El primer paso para prevenir la abundante fisuración de la albañilería apreciada en España a finales del siglo pasado, se dio en 1992, con la realización del "Manual Murfor: La fábrica armada", estableciéndose en él los criterios posteriormente contemplados en el "Eurocódigo 6: Estructuras de Fábrica", de recomendar armar con el 0,03% de la sección del muro, y a distancias verticales no mayores de 600mm. Las primeras aplicaciones arquitectónicas de la fábrica armada en España, fueron realizadas por este Arquitecto en sus obras de la Plaza de la Remonta y de El Espinillo, divulgándose por su potencial arquitectónico, tanto en Europa como en América.En este artículo se retoman las posibilidades del incremento de prestaciones de la fábrica armada Murfor con "arcos atirantados ciegos de gran luz", establecidas por primera vez en el Manual español, lo que permite salvar 6m de luz con solamente 2 armaduras Murfor de 5mm de diámetro en la parte inferior de los dinteles.Los autores agradecen la inestimable colaboración de los Institutos de Investigación IBAC de Aachen (Alemania) y el I.E. Torroja de Madrid (España), por haber hecho posible esta interesante colaboración investigadora europea de valor internacional.Peer reviewe

    MnAs dots grown on GaN(0001)-(1x1) surface

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    MnAs has been grown by means of MBE on the GaN(0001)-(1x1) surface. Two options of initiating the crystal growth were applied: (a) a regular MBE procedure (manganese and arsenic were delivered simultaneously) and (b) subsequent deposition of manganese and arsenic layers. It was shown that spontaneous formation of MnAs dots with the surface density of 11011\cdot 10^{11} cm2^{-2} and 2.510112.5\cdot 10^{11} cm2^{-2}, respectively (as observed by AFM), occurred for the layer thickness higher than 5 ML. Electronic structure of the MnAs/GaN systems was studied by resonant photoemission spectroscopy. That led to determination of the Mn 3d - related contribution to the total density of states (DOS) distribution of MnAs. It has been proven that the electronic structures of the MnAs dots grown by the two procedures differ markedly. One corresponds to metallic, ferromagnetic NiAs-type MnAs, the other is similar to that reported for half-metallic zinc-blende MnAs. Both system behave superparamagnetically (as revealed by magnetization measurements), but with both the blocking temperatures and the intra-dot Curie temperatures substantially different. The intra-dot Curie temperature is about 260 K for the former system while markedly higher than room temperature for the latter one. Relations between growth process, electronic structure and other properties of the studied systems are discussed. Possible mechanisms of half-metallic MnAs formation on GaN are considered.Comment: 20+ pages, 8 figure

    Planarian regeneration: achievements and future directions after 20 years of research.

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    Planarians can undergo dramatic changes in body size and regenerate their entire body plan from small pieces after cutting. This remarkable morphological plasticity has made them an excellent model in which to analyze phenomena such as morphogenesis, restoration of pattern and polarity, control of tissue proportions and tissue homeostasis. They have a unique population of pluripotent stem cells in the adult that can give rise to all differentiated cell types, including the germ cells. These cellular characteristics provide an excellent opportunity to study the mechanisms involved in the maintenance and differentiation of cell populations in intact and regenerating animals. Until recently, the planarian model system lacked opportunities for genetic analysis; however, this handicap was overcome in the last decade through the development of new molecular methods which have been successfully applied to planarians. These techniques have allowed analysis of the temporal and spatial expression of genes, as well as interference with gene function, generating the first phenotypes by loss or gain of function. Finally, the sequencing of the planarian genome has provided the essential tools for an in-depth analysis of the genomic regulation of this model system. In this review, we provide an overview of planarians as a model system for research into development and regeneration and describe new lines of investigation in this area

    Systems Integration and Test of the Lunar Flashlight Spacecraft

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    Lunar Flashlight is a 6U CubeSat launching in late 2022 or early 2023 that will search for surface water ice content in permanently shadowed regions at the south pole of the Moon using infrared relative reflectance spectroscopy. The mission will act as a technology demonstration of an Advanced Spacecraft Energetic NonToxic (ASCENT) green propulsion system and active laser spectroscopy within the CubeSat form-factor. This paper provides an overview of the entire Systems Integration and Test campaign which took place at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Georgia Institute of Technology. From initial testing of the isolated avionics and payload subsystems to the final tests with a fully integrated spacecraft, the project’s integration and test campaign is reviewed, with a focus on lessons learned