3,306 research outputs found


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    Gen Z is analogous as strawberry generation because they assumed to be creative, skilled, and critical, but are vulnerable to destruction or lack resilience when facing competition or obstacles. This can be assumed if Gen Z lacks toughness or what is also known as grit. Grit is the perseverance, tenacity, perseverance, and fortitude that a person has in maintaining their interest or doing something even though they face challenges in everyday life. With grit, a person tends to be able to persevere and remain focused on goals even when facing difficult difficulties or obstacles. One of the factors thought to be related to grit is a growth mindset. This research aims to find out whether there is a positive relationship between a growth mindset and grit in the Generation Z group of teenagers. The research method used is a correlational quantitative method. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a total of 299 subjects whose criteria were a junior high school student and high school student. The research instruments used were the “Alat Ukur Mindset” and the Grit-S Scale. Data analysis used pearson correlation analysis. The results of this study show that there is a positive correlation between growth mindset and grit in generation Z teenagers (r = 0.278). This shows that the higher the growth mindset, the higher the grit in generation Z teenagers, and the contribution of growth mindset to grit is 7.9%

    FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI NIAT BELI PRODUK RAMAH LINGKUNGAN (Survei pada Konsumen Sedotan Stainless Steel di Jakarta)

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    Adelia, 2019; Factors Affecting Green Purchase Intention (Survey of Consumer Stainless Steel Straws in Jakarta). Thesis, Jakarta: Concentration in Marketing Management, S1 Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University. Advisory Team: Setyo Ferry Wibowo, SE.,M.Si.& Ika Febrilia, SE,M.M. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumer innovativeness, attitude toward behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control on purchase intention. And the influence of consumer innovativeness on attitude toward behavior and subjective norm. The data collection method uses a survey method in the form of a questionnaire via Google Form. Respondents in this study are millennials (17-36 years), domiciled in DKI Jakarta, and are considering buying environmentally friendly products, with a sample of 200. Technical data analysis uses AMOS version 21 and SPSS version 24 to process and analyze the results data research. The results showed that consumer innovativeness, attitude toward behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control variables positively and significantly affect purchase intention. And consumer innovation variables have a positive and significant effect on attitude toward behavior and subjective norm. Keywords: Consumer Innovaativenss, Attitudes Towards Behavior, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, Purchase Intention

    Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of multinational companies in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the various CSR contributions of multinational companies in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially for the community and affected parties. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with in-depth analysis to describe the topic of the problem to be studied. The final results of this study indicate that in improving the quality of life and empowering the community and surrounding agencies and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic, various multinational companies in Indonesia also contribute to social responsibility. The implementation of CSR of multinational companies in Indonesia to the public during the Covid-19 virus outbreak has the opportunity to make changes for the better in channeling social responsibility contributions with development goals in the long term to achieve balance with the community and stakeholders. Several multinational companies in Indonesia that are used as samples in this study are CSR contributions carried out by PT Unilever Indonesia, PT Gojek Indonesia, PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia, Danone Indonesia, PT Nestlé Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the company's CSR programs are donations, based on this it can be seen that CSR contributions during the pandemic are aimed at affected communities, medical personnel, and communities or agencies


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    Many cashless payment tools have been introduced into the Indonesia market in the form of electronic money cards. The Sharia-compliant credit card is a traditional electronic payment tool, but is provided by only two Islamic finance institutions among the many in Indonesia. The increase in Sharia-compliant credit card transactions over time may mean banks are exposed to non-performing risk. Customer behaviour varies in the use of such cards, and this may cause unpredicted results with regard to card performance. Therefore, the purposes of this study are: 1) to identify the behaviour of Sharia-compliant credit card users and 2) to analyse the factors which influence this behaviour. The primary data were gathered by distributing questionnaires with a total sample of 170 respondents and were analysed by employing structural equation modeling. The research shows that gender, age, and education influence perceived behaviour control, and that expenditure influences subjective norms. Customers’ attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behaviour control are proven to influence their intentions, while customers’ intentions, perceived behaviour control and income influence their behaviour when using Sharia-compliant credit cards. For further sustainable inclusive growth, issuers should pay attention to education for specific audiences

    Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak Daun Benalu Kopi (Scurrula Parasitica L.) Dataran Tinggi Gayo

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    Daun S. parasitica adalah tanaman yang tumbuh pada inang kopi dan menyerap unsur hara dan air dari tanaman inangnya sehingga dapat merusak tanaman inangnya dan digunakan sebagai obat tradisional oleh masyarakat Bener Meriah Aceh. Pemanfaatan daun S parasitica sebagai obat tradisional sangat mudah dengan cara meminum rebusan daun S. parasitica. Kandunan kimia yang terdapat dalam tumbuhan memiliki peran terhadap efek farmakologis yang berbeda, sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan pemanfaatan daun S. Parasitica. Skrining fitokimia bertujuan memberkan gambaran tentang golongan senyawadalam daun S. parasitica. Berdasarkan skrining fitokimia ekstrak n-heksana S. parasitica mengandung senyawa kimia golongan terpenoid, ekstrak etil asetat mengandung senyawa kimia golongan alkaloid, terpenoid, dan fenol, ekstrak metanol mengandung senyawa kimia golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, saponin, tanin dan fenol
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