1,524 research outputs found

    Modelling and simulation of wireless information and power exchange protocol with power splitting for energy sustainability in device-to-device communications

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    Wireless Information and Power Exchange (WIPE) protocols are very important on the Internet of thing (IoT) wireless sensor communication. With this scheme, the nodes can control and manage their power. Also, with the scheme, one will know which nodes consume more powers and which nodes consume fewer powers. To understand the WIPE protocol and operating system, this research was explored the system operation of WIPE protocol and studied the power splitting among all the nodes. In this study, MATLAB coding was used and the user is allowed to enter the network size and the number of nodes in the program. With these two parameters, the MATLAB plots the location of nodes randomly within the size defined by the user and plots the power splitting as well as displays the power and energy consumed by each node. It is suggested, when the nodes are not sending any message, they can go into sleep mode to save energy. The nodes only wake up when they want to send or communicate with other nodes. In this study, the RF energy harvesting technology was used to power-ups all the wireless sensor nodes wirelessly. At the end of the research, graphs displaying the number of nodes and the size of the network that affect the power splitting, power consumption and energy used were analyzed

    The Role of the Health Care Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity

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    This report provides an overview and critical assessment of the ways in which multinational pharmaceutical companies currently participate in expanding economic opportunities in developing countries. As pharmaceutical companies become more involved in both business and philanthropic activities in developing countries, it will be important for each company to identify the best strategies available to it to create new economic opportunities and to leverage the benefits of activities already underway. While the primary focus of the industry is, and will most likely continue to be, on increasing access to health care, the potential for expanding economic opportunities through its activities should not be overlooked as a significant outcome. The analysis and case studies contained in the report highlight companies' contributions to economic opportunity expansion through job creation, training and capacity building, and shaping public policy. The report also offers recommendations for future work to increase economic opportunities. This paper is part of the Economic Opportunity Series published by the CSR Initiative at Harvard University Kennedy School

    Ahead of the Curve: Insights for the International NGO of the Future

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    International NGOs have a unique and important role to play in addressing today's complex global challenges. But few of them are living up to their full potential. With support from the Hewlett Foundation, FSG researched how the most innovative INGOs are adapting to the disruptions in the global development sector and embracing four approaches to create greater impact

    Anti-Corruption as Strategic CSR: A Call to Action for Corporations

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    Corruption is not a peripheral social concern that corporations can ignore or passively address -- it is a bottom-line issue that directly affects companies' ability to compete. Widespread in emerging markets, corruption is becoming an increasingly important issue for business to address. Furthermore, it inflicts enduring harm on disadvantaged populations by diverting resources for critical services like education, clean water and health care into the pockets of dishonest public officials. This white paper presents a critical assessment of corporate anti-corruption efforts in the developing world and offers a guide for corporations to move beyond traditional ethics and compliance activities to strategic anti-corruption efforts. Sponsored by The Merck Company Foundation and developed in collaboration with the Ethics Resource Center, the paper reveals opportunities for corporations to engage in more comprehensive and effective anti-corruption reform as a business imperative

    Maximizing Impact: An Integrated Strategy for Grantmaking and Mission Investing in Climate Change

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    With funding from The Surdna Foundation, FSG has developed this report to help foundations identify how various mission investing instruments and opportunities can help them create greater impact. Guided by an expert Advisory Board and based on interviews with more than 50 practitioners from the field, the report provides a framework for foundations to think about how mission investments can create the greatest impact when combined with grants in an integrated program portfolio, with a specific focus on climate change

    Locating the (post-) colonial in Soviet history

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    Being Muslim in Soviet Central Asia, or an Alternative History of Muslim Modernity

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    The literature on Muslim modernity takes little account of the experience of the Muslim societies of the Soviet Union, even though they might have undergone some of the most radical transitions to modernity. The Soviet sought a different kind of modernity, one without markets and liberalism, and one with little place for religion in it. I argue that the Soviet project succeeded to a great extent. This article explores some of the implications for our understanding of Muslim modernity if we are to take the experience of Soviet Muslim societies seriously.La documentation relative à la modernité musulmane ne tient que très peu compte de l’expérience des sociétés musulmanes de l’Union soviétique, même si elles ont connu les transitions vers la modernité parmi les plus radicales qui soient. Les Soviétiques ont cherché une modernité différente, sans marchés ni libéralisme, laissant peu de place à la religion. Je fais valoir que le projet soviétique a réussi dans une large mesure. Cet article explore certaines des implications liées à notre compréhension de la modernité islamique si nous considérons sérieusement l’expérience des sociétés musulmanes soviétiques

    The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Athletic Performance and Injury Prevention

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    Vitamin D supplementation has numerous effects on athletic performance and plays a significant role in preventing an athlete’s risk of getting injuries. Vitamin D has an impact on numerous physiological functions such as: bone health, muscle function, inflammatory response, and immune function. An athlete’s bone and muscle health are essential for maximum performance and career success. A bone fracture due to vitamin D deficiency can delay an athlete’s training and ultimately inhibit obtaining a collegiate scholarship and/or contract. A cross sectional study found that more than half of athletic trainers did not view 25-hydroxyvitamin D(25[OH]) testing and vitamin D supplementation as a necessary use of athletic program funds. There is disagreement over vitamin D in the applied and clinical setting. Further studies are needed in which a host of variables are investigated regarding the optimal dosages of vitamin D supplements for athletes. The objective of this review is to investigate current research looking at the effects of vitamin D supplementation on athletic performance and injury prevention as well as optimal doses of vitamin D3 for athletes. Adequate vitamin D supplementation can be utilized to prevent and reduce the risk of frequent injuries among athletes
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