412 research outputs found

    Pattern of Infrastructure-induced Socio-economic Development in Rural Settlements of Niger State, Nigeria

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    This study analyses the variation in infrastructure – induced pattern of socio – economic development among some selected rural settlements in Niger state of Nigeria. To achieve this aim, twenty-two rural settlements were randomly selected and their scores on selected infrastructure were used to ascertain the pattern of socio – economic development. The relative strength of the factors was determined by factors analysis. The results revealed variation in infrastructure – induced pattern of development. Factor analysis revealed five factors that account for 85.82% of the total variance. Factor 1 which is Institutional infrastructure indicated high positive scores on four settlements namely Paiko, Agwara, Wushishi and Maikunkele. Factor 2 which is the Households’ infrastructure loaded positively high in six settlements namely Enagi, Gawu Babangida, Lemu, Sabo Wuse, Doko and Nasko. Factor 3 is Welfare infrastructure shows high positive scores on three settlements namely Kuta, Bangi and Doko. Accessibility factor is indicated in factor 4 with high positive scores on four settlements namely Gbajibo, Enagi, Paiko and Rafin Gora. Lastly, Factor 5, which has been termed Road density, shows high positive scores on three settlements. These are Tunga Magajiya, Doko and Maikunkele. The study recommends provision of rural infrastructure and their proper maintenance to improve the standard and quality of life of rural residents in the state.Key words: Rural Infrastructure, Factor scores, Variation, Pattern, Rural settlements and Socio-economic development

    Assessment of Rural Dwellers Satisfaction with Quality of Infrastructure in Rural Settlements of Niger State, Nigeria

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    This study evaluates the responses of rural dwellers to an aspect of their environment, the quality attributes of the infrastructure provided for their use. The quality attributes considered were derived from location, management, economic, environmental and physical qualities of the respective infrastructure namely health, education, water supply, electricity and road.To achieve this aim, a multi-stage sampling technique was employed to systematically select 22 rural settlements in 22 local government areas. In all, a total of 1,792 rural dwellers were selected. Chi-square (X2) was used to determine the relationships between the quality attributes and perceived level of satisfaction of the respondents in the study area. The findings revealed that the quality attributes of the infrastructure such as availability of personnel, drugs and equipment, distance to facilities, cost, regularity and maintenance of facilities as well as quality of infrastructure were perceived by the rural dwellers to be generally unsatisfactory. Chi-square analysis revealed that there exists significant relationship between perceived level of satisfaction and the entire infrastructure considered. The results of the chi-squire analysis are all significant at 5% level. It can therefore be concluded that the quality attributes of the facilities were generally perceived as unsatisfactory by the rural dwellers. The paper recommends regular monitoring and proper maintenance jointly by the providers and beneficiaries. Keywords: Satisfaction, Rural Dwellers, Infrastructure, Quality attributes, Transformation and Rural Settlements

    Implications of Community Infrastructure Provision in the Development of Medium-Sized Towns in Kwara State Nigeria

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    Infrastructure has been recognized as the crux of human settlement development. This paper therefore examines the implications of community provision of infrastructure in the development of medium – sized towns in Nigeria. Medium-sized towns are settlements with population size of between 5,000 and 20,000. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The findings generally revealed a high level of community participation in the provision of such infrastructure as schools, electricity, roads, water, market stalls, health facilities, and town halls. However, variations exist among the medium – sized towns in the type and number of infrastructure provided by community action. Kendall’s Coefficient Concordance (W) used to test the degree of variations in ranks revealed a significant agreement in the ranking. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis used to classify the medium – sized towns based on infrastructure provision produced three classes. The general implication of this study is that, infrastructure provision by community action can lead to a balanced regional development as other smaller towns around the study emulate the action. Recognizing the role of small – sized towns in a balanced regional development process, government should encourage the people through the provision of financial support, machineries and technical know-how in the provision of infrastructure. This paper recommends the integration of community development plans with those of the local government towards achieving even development.Keywords: Infrastructure, Medium-Sized, Towns, Community, Participatio

    Assessment of Metals Accumulation in Selected Dumpsites of Oyo Township, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Dumpsoil samples from nine refuse dumps and one control site in Oyo Township were analysed for Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd), Iron (Fe) and Chromium (Cr). Samples were obtained at depths of 0-0.5m, 0.5-1m, 1-1.5m and 1.5-2.0m. The values of  concentration of  Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe and Cr in the dumpsite  soil samples in mg/l ranged from 0.01-3.20, 0.01-3.72, 0.01-3.37 and 0.001-3.16 respectively. The concentrated trend recorded in the analyses  is in the order of  Pb<Zn<Cd<Fe<Cr. The concentration of metals  at the dumpsoils  and control sampled site showed that there was remarkable  of increase in the  concentration of trace metals from sampled   dumpsoils compared to the sampled soil at the control site. It is observed that these  values of the observed in view of high concentration require an urgent attention. It is recommended that the  refuse dumps should be relocated outside Oyo township and appropriate remedial measures  soils should be initiated at the dumpsites locations to map up the leachates. Keywords: Dumpsites, Soils,  Heavy Metals, Oyo Township, Remediatio

    Influence of tanks liner material on water quality and growth of Clarias gariepinus

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    Three tank liner materials: polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyethylene and polyester were evaluated in a 93 days experiment for their influence on culture water quality and growth performance of Clarias gariepinus. Fish of average weight of 5.03±0.21g were stocked at 375 per m3 in tanks lined with the aforementioned materials. Fish were hand fed twice a day. Growth performance and water quality parameters were measured using standard methods. Average temperature of 25.09±1.14OC was recorded in the tanks. Dissolved oxygen with the highest mean value of 5.41±0.96 mg/l was recorded in polyethylene lined tanks while the highest mean alkalinity value of 110.38±2043mg/l was obtained in polyester lined tank .Fish cultured in PVC lined tanks recorded the highest mean daily growth rate of 4.87±3.87g while polyester lined tanks recorded the lowest mean value of daily growth rate of 2.95±2.08g. Highest mean food conversion ratio was recorded in PVC lined tanks with the value of 1.59±0.70. Highest mean weight of 22.59±1.56g was obtained in PVC lined tanks while the least mean weight of 15.41±1,11g was obtained in polyethylene lined tanks. Fish cultured in PVC lined tanks had better growth performance when compared to other tanks liner materials. It would be beneficial with respect to fish growth and culture water quality, to use polyvinylchloride materials in lining fish culture ponds and rearing tanks.Keywords: Aquaculture, Liners, Fish Farming, Tank, Clarias gariepinu

    Administration of Land use Charge in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    The Land Use Charge Law of Lagos State was enacted in year 2001 with a view to increasing the State’s internally generated revenue as a result of the dwindling federal government allocations and the need to meet increasing demand for the provision of infrastructures. Since its inception, the enactment of the law has generated diverse controversies. Hence, this research is aimed at assessing the administration of land use charge law in Lagos State. Data collection for the study was through structured questionnaires administered on one hundred and eighty randomly selected Estate Surveying and valuation firms operating within Lagos metropolis, and the results were presented using factor analysis and descriptive statistics of mean score and ranking. Findings revealed that the inherent problems associated with the administration of the land use charge include the method of assessment, payment of charges by Estate Surveyors & Valuers and penalty. This is evidenced by a mean score of 4.6200, 4.4667, and 4.3467 thereby ranking 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. It is concluded that the law should be amended to make annual return the basis of assessment

    Security and the 2063 agenda for sustainable development in Africa: whither Nigeria?

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    Globally, the successes of millennium development goals in a number of development areas have been acknowledged, especially as regards poverty reduction. However, there is a consensus that the millennium development agenda failed in a critical target of ensuring justice and security. Hence, the African Union grew in confidence to define its own development goal, by highlighting its vision of structural changes that are essential to achieving economic transformation, social protection, peace and security. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s initial concerns of achieving MDGs centred on tackling corruption, dwindling standard of education, low agricultural yields, and perennial epileptic power supply, were overtaken by the need to address the recurring spate of hapless killings among other violent crimes in different parts of the country. This paper examined Nigeria’s bid to meet with the goal of attaining sustainable peace and security as part of the 2063 Agenda for sustainable development in Africa. The study drew on literature on security and development as well as secondary data on security situation in Nigeria to make projections into Nigeria’s strategic positioning to realise the Agenda. It concluded that the challenges posed to sustainable development from a peace and security perspective will require a more nuanced approach that takes into account governance, rule of law and human rights compliance in security and justice sector institutions in a conflict, postconflict and peaceful Nigerian society.Keywords: Millennium Development Goals, Security, Sustainable Development Goal

    Evaluation of Simultaneous Equation Techniques in the Presence of Misspecification Error: A Monte Carlo Approach

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    One  of  the  assumptions  of  Classical  Linear  Regression  Model (CLRMA),  is  that  the  regression  model be  ‘correctly’   specified.  If  the  model  is  not  ‘correctly’  specified,  the  problem  of  model  misspecification  error arises. The objective of the study is to know the performances of the estimator and also the estimator that is greatly affected by misspecification error due to omission of relevant explanatory variable.  Four simultaneous equation techniques (OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS, LIML) were applied to a two-equation model and investigated on their performances when plagued with the problem of misspecification error. A Monte Carlo method simulation method was employed to investigate the effect of these estimators due to misspecification of the model. The findings revealed that the estimates obtained by 2SLS and 3SLS are similar and variances by all the estimates reduced consistently as the sample size increases. The study had revealed that 2 3 SLS performed best using average of parameter criterion while OLS generated the least variances. LIML is mostly affected by misspecification. Keywords: Monte Carlo, Misspecification error, Simultaneous equation

    A Model for Assessment of Transient Stability of Electrical Power System

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    The stability of a system is its ability to return to normal or stable operation after having been subjected to some forms of disturbances. A disturbance in a power system is a sudden change or sequence of changes in one or more of the physical quantities. In this paper, the transient reactance of a synchronous machine, mechanical input power, kinetic energy of a rotating body, moment of inertia, angular acceleration, angular displacement and the rotor displacement angles were used as input parameters for the development of the Transient Stability model..The model is validated with a single machine system, a 2-machine system and a multi-machine system.  The results of the work showed that the single machine system supplying an infinite bus-bar fluctuates while the 2-machine system remains unstable throughout the period. Generator 3 of the multi-machine system experienced the most violent swing, pulled out of synchronism during the first swing thus making the system to be unstable. The Transient Stability Model developed can be used for effective planning and operation of power systems.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i4.585

    Nutritional Value of some Edible Mushrooms from Egbe Farmland, West Yagba Local Government Area, Kogi State, Nigeria

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    Studies were carried out on four different Species of wild mushrooms: Lentinus subnudus, Chlorophyllum molybditis, Marasmus species and Pleurotus tuberregium. The fungal species were analyzed for their nutritional compositions, biological and Structural characteristics. The fungal species were rich in proteins (amino acids) and carbohydrates. The fibres contained in the different species were also good sources of roughages. Moreover, their low acidity confirms their edibility. This study strongly recommends the commercialization of mushroom production as a means of additional source of protein requirements and income to the people in the developing economy of Nigeri