44 research outputs found

    Design studio project complexity and students’ perceptions of their creativity

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    The quality of design that architecture students produce has often been attributed to the complexity of the design project, sometimes referred to as “how challenging the project is”. In this study, an attempt is made to test this assumption, using a sample of students in the Department of Architecture, Covenant University. The data obtained were analysed using regression analysis. The results of the study confirm the assumption and identify the aspects of complexity that resulted in perceived higher creativity of the students. Recommendations were made in line with the findings of the stud

    Econometric Entropy - Neural Network-Based Model for Project Cost Adjudication System in Residential Building Project Procurement

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    The main aim of this research work is to develop a Neural network –Econometric –Entropy-Based Project Adjudication Model for Residential Building Project Procurement. An econometric model which incorporates exigency escalator and inflation buffer was generated in this study, this is accompanied with risk entropy matrix that could aid determination of the extent of risk implication on the project elements at tendering and construction stages of building projects. The model incorporates residential building elemental dichotomies within the context of early and late constructible elements with speculated prediction period, taken into consideration the present value of cost. This attributes would enable a builder or contactor load cost implication of an unseen circumstance even on occasion of deferred cost reimbursemen

    Visual Quality Assessment of Covenant University Senate Building Façade

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    Visual quality assessment plays a major role in determining the visual sustainability of the physical environment. Visual sustainability underscores the visual relationship between people and their environment. Several studies have been carried out on the subject of visual quality in architecture from other parts of the world. However, not much is seen on record in the Nigerian context. There are also concerns that there is a decline in the visual quality of university buildings. In the light of foregoing, it is essential to understand in detail the visual quality of university buildings not only from the perspective of built environment practitioners but also from the general public as potential users of the buildings. In this respect, the senate buildings of selected universities in Southwest Nigeria were selected for the study given the central role such buildings play in university administration and interaction with a variety of users. However, the senate building of Covenant University Ota is the focus of this paper. The study was aimed at identifying the architectural elements on the Covenant University Senate Building facade to understand public perception for future applications in architectural education, design, and overall visual sustainability. A cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study, and a stratified random sampling technique used in selecting respondents. In Total, 577 valid responses were collected from respondents in ten selected universities in Southwest Nigeria and analysed descriptively using frequencies, percentages, and mean score on the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Photograph of the Covenant University senate building façade was attached to the questionnaire to aid the visual assessment. Qualitative research involving the use of an interview guide preceded the survey research. The result from the study revealed that façade shape and height were perceived as the most interesting in the Covenant University senate building façade attractiveness. The study implied the need for equipping of designers on the perception of building design elements for adequate facade conceptualisation in designing. This, in essence, will enhance the attractiveness of the university senate building façade and also impact the entire campus visual sustainability

    Ultrasonic Fluid Level Measuring Device

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    Accurate measurement of fluid level is very vital both in industrial and consumer market. Ultrasonic technology is one of the solutions used by the industry. However, an optimized balance between cost and features are a must for almost all target applications. The ultrasonic level measurement is used mainly when a non-contact measurement is required. Precise measurement of low-range distance (level) is the main objective for this project. This device can measure level in the range of 0.02m to 4m with an accuracy of 1cm. This measuring system is based on ultrasonic sound utilizing an Atmega328P low-power microcontroller. The system transmits a burst of ultrasonic sound waves towards the subject and then receives the corresponding echo. An HC-SR04 ultrasonic Module is used to both generate and detect the ultrasound required for level computation. The time taken for the ultrasonic burst to travel the distance from the system to the subject and back to the system is accurately measured. This level is displayed on an alphanumeric LCD with an accuracy of ± 2.5cm. The minimum depth that this system can measure is 2cm and is limited by the transmitter's transducer settling-time. The maximum height that can be measured is 4 meters. The amplitude of the echo depends on the reflecting material, shape, and size. Sound-absorbing targets such as carpets and reflecting surfaces less than two square feet in area reflect poorly. The maximum measurable range is lower for such subjects. If the amplitude of the echo received by the system is so low that it is not detectable by the ultrasonic module, the system goes out of range. This is indicated by displaying the error message OOR (Out-of-Range) on the LCD

    On COVID-19 Vaccination in Nigeria: An Empirical Study

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    This study assessed the knowledge and perception of Nigerians about COVID-19 vaccination. A cross-sectional survey was conducted comprising Health and Non-health workers in Nigeria. The knowledge, attitude, and perception of respondents on COVID- 19 vaccination in Nigeria was obtained through an online. Logistic regression was employed to determine which factor imparted on COVID-19 vaccination decision. The study showed a significant relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and immigration requirements. The survey showed that 74.07%of the health workers had been vaccinated, while 47.06% of non-Health Workers had been vaccinated. This study recommends that Governments at all levels should create more awareness of the importance of COVID-19 vaccination to increase the number of vaccinated individuals

    Reappraisal of Morphological Differences between Renal Medullary Carcinoma, Collecting Duct Carcinoma, and Fumarate Hydratase-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Renal medullary carcinomas (RMCs) and collecting duct carcinomas (CDCs) are rare subsets of lethal high-stage, high-grade distal nephron-related adenocarcinomas with a predilection for the renal medullary region. Recent findings have established an emerging group of fumarate hydratase (FH)-deficient tumors related to hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HLRCC-RCCs) syndrome within this morphologic spectrum. Recently developed, reliable ancillary testing has enabled consistent separation between these tumor types. Here, we present the clinicopathologic features and differences in the morphologic patterns between RMC, CDC, and FH-deficient RCC in consequence of these recent developments. This study included a total of 100 cases classified using contemporary criteria and ancillary tests. Thirty-three RMCs (SMARCB1/INI1-deficient, hemoglobinopathy), 38 CDCs (SMARCB1/INI1-retained), and 29 RCCs defined by the FH-deficient phenotype (FH/2SC or FH/2SC with FH mutation, regardless of HLRCC syndromic stigmata/history) were selected. The spectrum of morphologic patterns was critically evaluated, and the differences between the morphologic patterns present in the 3 groups were analyzed statistically. Twenty-five percent of cases initially diagnosed as CDC were reclassified as FH-deficient RCC on the basis of our contemporary diagnostic approach. Among the different overlapping morphologic patterns, sieve-like/cribriform and reticular/yolk sac tumor-like patterns favored RMCs, whereas intracystic papillary and tubulocystic patterns favored FH-deficient RCC. The tubulopapillary pattern favored both CDCs and FH-deficient RCCs, and the multinodular infiltrating papillary pattern favored CDCs. Infiltrating glandular and solid sheets/cords/nested patterns were not statistically different among the 3 groups. Viral inclusion-like macronucleoli, considered as a hallmark of HLRCC-RCCs, were observed significantly more frequently in FH-deficient RCCs. Despite the overlapping morphology found among these clinically aggressive infiltrating high-grade adenocarcinomas of the kidney, reproducible differences in morphology emerged between these categories after rigorous characterization. Finally, we recommend that definitive diagnosis of CDC should only be made if RMC and FH-deficient RCC are excluded

    African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Ab-initio and DFT studies of the kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of the gas-phase pyrolysis of ethyl bromide

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    The kinetics, mechanisms, thermodynamics and vibrational studies of the pyrolysis of ethyl bromide in the gas -phase at 623 K was studied using HF at 3-21G, 6-31G* and DFT with B3LYP/6 31G*, 6-311++G (2df, 2p) basis sets. The reaction proved to be a unimolecular reaction and followed a first order rate equatio

    Characterization of a novel polymeric Zinc (II) complex containing the anti- malarial Quinine as ligand: A Theoretical Approach (Semi-empirical and DFT methods)

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    ABSTRACT A novel polymeric zinc (II) complex of quinine, [chlorosulphato (2-ethenyl)-4-azabicyclo [2.2.2]oct-5-ylium-(6-methoxyquinolin-4-yl) methanol zinc (II)] has been synthesized and characterized. However, theoretical studies on the geometries, thermodynamic parameters, vibrational frequencies, geometric parameters, dipole moments, and band gaps of the complex were carried out. All these properties were obtained using the AM1, PM3 and DFT methods. Comparisons were made on the calculated bond distances, bond angles, dihedral and vibrational frequencies with the experimental data and it compared favourably well