32 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Care Process for Hypertensive People in a Polyclinic in Old Havana

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    Foundation: arterial hypertension is the most common of all conditions internationally and one of the main risk factors that contributes to premature mortality. Objective: to describe the epidemiological behavior of arterial hypertension and some elements of the care process at the Ángel Arturo Aballi Polyclinic, in the Old Havana municipality, from September 2019 to May 2020. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 159 people aged 18 years and over classified as hypertensive, to whom a questionnaire was applied to explore sociodemographic aspects, personal history and others related to the care process. Three blood pressure measurements were made at different times. The results were expressed in absolute and relative frequency. Results: 62.3 % of hypertensive people were older than 60 years, 61.6 % female. The most frequent comorbidities were: diabetes mellitus with 21.4 % and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma in 9.4 %. 54.7 % of these people did not feel the need for care in the last year and only 45.3 % were seen in a follow-up consultation. 81.8 % had not had their blood pressure measured for more than a year, 89.3 % had indicated drug treatment, 86.2 % were controlled and 74.6 % adhered to the treatment. Conclusions: the attention that these people received was not adequate; there were difficulties with dispensing, compliance with the program, in addition to a low perception of risk in these people

    Evaluation of the Medical Assistance to Patients with Arterial Hypertension in Four Urban Áreas

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    Foundation: improving the quality of assistance is a challenge for all in charge of providing health services. It is no enough to know what happens but also to modify unsatisfactory results. Objective: to evaluate the quality of the medical assistance which patients with hypertension receive by means of the program observance in four health areas during 2013. Methods: a research of the health systems and services was done, using a two stage conglomerate sample. The variables studied were related to the coverage and quality of human resources, the availability of material resources, the compliance of the main activities set for the process of assistance. Various instruments approved by experts were applied to hypertensive population. More than 85 % of clinical records were audited. For collecting and analyzing data statistic packages Access 2000 and SPSS 15, 0 were used. Results: the evaluation of structure, process and results dimensions was not satisfactory in the studies area, because the proposed standards were not achieved. Conclusion: the assistance received by these patients is not appropriate since there were difficulties in the program compliance, which influenced in the quality provided

    Morbidity, utilization of curative care and service entry point preferences in metropolitan Centro Habana, Cuba

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    Pol De Vos - ORCID: 0000-0002-1672-6469 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1672-6469First-line health services with a primary health care approach are a strong trigger for adequate health-care-seeking behavior. Research on the association between prevalence of chronic diseases and acute illnesses and use of health services emphasizes the importance of socioeconomic determinants in such patterns of utilization. In a cross-sectional study of 408 families in Centro Habana, Cuba, home interviews were conducted between April and June 2010 to analyze socio-demographic determinants of acute and chronic health problems and use of formal health services. Bivariate and logistic regression models were used. 529 persons reported a chronic disease. During the previous month, 155 of the latter reported an exacerbation and 50 experienced an unrelated acute health problem. 107 persons without chronic diseases reported acute health problems. Age was the strongest determinant of chronic disease prevalence. Adult women and the elderly were more likely to report acute problems. Acute patients with underlying chronic disease used formal services more often. No socio-demographic variable was associated with services use or consultation with the family physician. While the family physician is defined as the system's entry-point, this was the case for only 54% of patients that had used formal services, thus compromising the physician's role in counseling patients and summarizing their health issues. The importance of chronic diseases highlights the need to strengthen the family physician's pivotal role. New economic policies in Cuba, stimulating self-employment and private initiative, may increase the strain on the exclusively public health care system. Still, the Cuban health system has demonstrated its ability to adapt to new challenges, and the basic premises of Cuba's health policy are expected to be preserved.Paper adds to the growing body of evidence that children can acquire phonological systems before they are able to master the phonetic skills needed to convey the contrasts in that systemsch_iih32pub5025e00108914pub1

    Use of medical services in a health area

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    De Vos, Pol - ORCID 0000-0002-1672-6469 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1672-6469Introducción: en la utilización de los servicios de salud convergen no solo la necesidad de atención de la población en términos de enfermedad, sino sus creencias y aspectos culturales; pero, sobre todo, el complejo contexto en que se da la prestación de servicios. Objetivo: exponer las características sociodemográficas y las enfermedades o sintomatologías más frecuentes en la población del área de salud "Marcio Manduley", del municipio Centro Habana, y los que hicieron uso de los servicios de salud durante el período abril - junio de 2010. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal. Se seleccionó una muestra poblacional representativa del área; se tomó en consideración el total de viviendas. Como se desconoce la prevalencia del factor bajo estudio, se maximizó la muestra tomando como prevalencia el 50 %, la precisión en 10 % y una posible caída muestral del 10 %. El tamaño muestral fue de 408 familias. Se aplicaron cuestionarios a todos los integrantes de las familias seleccionadas y en particular a aquellos individuos que durante los últimos 30 días enfermaron e hicieron uso de algún servicio de salud. Resultados: se obtuvieron datos de 1 244 personas; de ellas enfermaron 25,1 % en los últimos 30 días y el 17,7 % hizo uso de servicios formales de salud. Las enfermedades más frecuentes fueron respiratorias, cardiovasculares y osteomioarticular. La puerta de entrada al sistema de salud más utilizada fue el consultorio médico (54,1 %). Conclusiones: en nuestro estudio los factores del individuo que influyen en la utilización de los servicios de salud son el nivel de enfermedad percibida o necesidad de salud y el sexo.Introduction: use of health services is determined not only by the need of health care in case of illness, but also by beliefs and cultural views, and above all by the complex environment in which services are rendered. Objective: present the sociodemographic characteristics and the most common conditions and symptoms in Marcio Manduley health area, municipality of Centro Habana, and describe the use of health services in the period from April to June 2010. Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study of a representative sample of the population in the area, taking into consideration the total number of households. Since the prevalence of the factor under study is unknown, the sample was maximized to a prevalence of 50%, an accuracy of 10% and a potential sample dropout rate of 10%. The sample size was 408 households. Questionnaires were given to all members of the households selected, particularly to those who had been ill in the previous 30 days and had made use of any health service. Results: data were obtained about 1 244 persons, of whom 25.1% had been ill in the previous 30 days and 17.7% had made use of formal health services. The most frequent conditions were respiratory, cardiovascular and osteoarticular. Family doctors' offices were the most common entrance door to the health care system (54.1%). Conclusions: according to our study, the factors exerting the greatest influence on the use of health services by the population are the level of perceived severity of the illness or need of medical care, and gender.http://ref.scielo.org/wvhcr551pubpub

    Calidad de la atención al diabético tipo 2 en el policlínico José Antonio Echeverría

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    Fundamento: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es la diabetes más común en Cuba, lo que demanda un incremento en los servicios de salud, situación que pudiera afectar la calidad de la atención de estos pacientes. Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de la atención médica que se brinda a los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 en el policlínico José Antonio Echeverría, del municipio Cárdenas en el año 2016. Método: se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud de tipo evaluativa. Se calculó una muestra y se estudiaron 375 pacientes, para la selección se utilizó un muestreo por conglomerado bietápico estratificado. Las variables estudiadas se relacionaron con los resultados de la atención y la percepción de los individuos. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron construidos y validados por expertos. El procesamiento se realizó por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 21.0. Resultados: los criterios más distantes de los estándares establecidos recayeron en: índice de masa corporal, solo el 29,6 % eran normopeso, satisfacción de los usuarios (52,5 %) y control glucémico (58,1 %). Conclusiones: la calidad de la atención fue evaluada de no satisfactoria, los resultados fueron valorados de no aceptables. A pesar de existir directrices nacionales para el control clínico del diabético, estas no siempre se cumplen, así lo confirma la cantidad de pacientes no controlados e insatisfechos con la atención recibida

    Evaluación de la estructura para la atención a diabéticos tipo 2

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    Fundamento: la diabetes tipo 2 en Cuba constituye un creciente problema de salud. Para la mejora continua de la calidad de la atención prestada a estas personas es necesario identificar los problemas de salud del paciente, a partir de evaluaciones, donde también se tenga en cuenta la estructura y las mejoras en el acceso a los recursos. Objetivo: evaluar la estructura que posee el Policlínico Comunitario José Antonio Echeverría de Cárdenas para la atención a los pacientes diabéticos. Método: se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud de tipo evaluativa. Se utilizó un muestreo por conglomerado bietápico estratificado. Las variables estudiadas se relacionaron con la cobertura de los recursos humanos, capacitación y disponibilidad de recursos materiales. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron construidos y validados por expertos. Se calcularon números y porcientos como medida de resumen para variables cualitativas. El procesamiento se realizó por medo del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 21,0. Resultados: resultaron ser satisfactorios 11 de 19 indicadores, para un 57,9 %, por lo que se evaluó dicha dimensión de insuficiente. Conclusiones: la estructura resultó insuficiente, existieron deficiencias de índole material, estructural, organizacional, funcional y metodológica que repercutieron en la calidad de las prestaciones de los servicios brindados a los pacientes diabéticos

    Evaluación de la estructura para la atención a diabéticos tipo 2

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    Fundamento: la diabetes tipo 2 en Cuba constituye un creciente problema de salud. Para la mejora continua de la calidad de la atención prestada a estas personas es necesario identificar los problemas de salud del paciente, a partir de evaluaciones, donde también se tenga en cuenta la estructura y las mejoras en el acceso a los recursos. Objetivo: evaluar la estructura que posee el Policlínico Comunitario José Antonio Echeverría de Cárdenas para la atención a los pacientes diabéticos. Método: se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud de tipo evaluativa. Se utilizó un muestreo por conglomerado bietápico estratificado. Las variables estudiadas se relacionaron con la cobertura de los recursos humanos, capacitación y disponibilidad de recursos materiales. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron construidos y validados por expertos. Se calcularon números y porcientos como medida de resumen para variables cualitativas. El procesamiento se realizó por medo del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 21,0. Resultados: resultaron ser satisfactorios 11 de 19 indicadores, para un 57,9 %, por lo que se evaluó dicha dimensión de insuficiente. Conclusiones: la estructura resultó insuficiente, existieron deficiencias de índole material, estructural, organizacional, funcional y metodológica que repercutieron en la calidad de las prestaciones de los servicios brindados a los pacientes diabéticos

    Gaps in the Management of Type 2 Diabetic Patients in a Metropolitan Area of Havana

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    Foundation: there are flaws in diabetic patient management this makes it difficult to develop intervention strategies to improve the quality of their medical care. Objective: to identify the main gaps which affected the comprehensive management of diabetic people, in a metropolitan area of Havana during 2016. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive investigation was carried out. Sample selection was made by bi periodic conglomerate sampling, it consisted of 580 people, to whom an instrument made for this purpose was applied. Number variables were presented with central tendency and dispersion measures. Categorical variables were shown as frequencies and percentages. Results: 96.4 % of the interviewees needed medical attention in the last year. Out of them, 90.5 % attended primary health care. There were difficulties with attention due to organizational problems and lack of resources, although 85 % of the patients were satisfied with the received care. The main gap was follow-up, with only 69.7 % of the patients consulted in the last year. 68.3 % have indicated pharmacological treatment, and of these 77.5 % is adhered to according to the Morinsky test 83.4 % had their blood glucose levels checked. Conclusions: gaps related to health services access are a direct consequence of the instability of health personnel. This affects the patient control due to noncompliance in the schedule and periodicity of follow-up medical consultations