83 research outputs found


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    This study aims to evaluate and compare the development of the mandible and gross anatomy in three breeds of sheep. A total of 180 and 720 prenatal and postnatal samples were used respectively, their skulls were macerated and mandibles detached. In prenatal life, the mental and mandibular foramina were rudimentary in the late 1st trimester and 2nd trimester and developed in the 3rd trimester. The alveolus and mandibular canal differentiated in the 3rd trimesters respectively. In the postnatal life, the ventral border was convexed in Uda but flat in Balami and Yankasa breeds. The angular part of the ramus was thin in Uda and thick in Balami and Yankasa. The mandibular tuberosity was absent in Balami and Yankasa but present in Uda. There was a small accessory foramen caudal to the mental foramen just below the first premolar teeth in the Uda and Yankasa. The labial surface was wide and rough in Balami and Uda but smooth in Yankasa. The medial surface was flat in the young postnatal and convexed in the adult postnatal. It was brought to a conclusion that the mandible in the Nigerian breeds undergoes various morphological changes from prenatal and postnatal ages with peculiar differentiating features

    Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Empirical Evidence from Listed Conglomerate Firms in Nigeria

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    In recent years, internal and external investors have lost confidence in Nigeria due to insecurity, energy (power), economic instability, and governance. Although the government is trying to overcome the menace, there are still unresolved issues in the aspect of the challenges above, which affect value relevance and accounting information in ensuring the perpetual existence of companies in Nigeria. As such, the study examined the value relevance of accounting information of listed conglomerate companies in Nigeria. The study population comprises six companies: UAC Nigeria Plc, Chellarams Plc, SCOA Nigeria Plc, John Holt Plc, Transnational Corporation of Nigeria Plc, and Custodian Investment Plc. The data was extracted from their annual report and accounts. Descriptive statistics correlation regression was conducted in the study. The result shows that return on share price has a significant negative relationship with dividend per share. The study recommends that standards comply in reporting and disclosing all accounting information in the published financial statement to maintain value relevance and attract more investors

    Embryonic Development and Comparative Anatomy of the Mandible

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    Objective: This study was designed to determine the ossification time and pattern of the mandible. Methodology: Three hundred and fifty (350) wasted fetuses consisting of 70 Balami, 140 each of Uda and Yankasa breeds whose crown vertebral rump length ranged from 3.0-15 cm were used. The fetuses were processed using the Alizarin technique and the mandible was dissected from the head for stereography. Result: The result revealed that the first part of the mandible to develop was the body and mental foramina at the 42ndโ€“44th days of gestation while the coronoid process, rami, and condyloid process develop later at different time points. In addition, the mandibular foramina remained undeveloped in all age groups. Interestingly, the mandibular canal began ossification earlier in the Yankasa breed compared to other breeds. It was shown to arise from a cartilaginous tissue at the medial and lateral surfaces of the body and dorsally remained opened and undifferentiated from the teeth alveoli of the lower jaws in the 7 age groups. Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that the mandible arises from three ossification centres at the body, rami, and coronoid process. These segments develop at different time intervals in the three breeds of sheep with Yankasa mandible ossifying and progressing faster than in Balami and Uda. ย  Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0301-3 Full Text: PD


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    This study describes the ossification time, sequence, and morphogenic pattern of the neuro-cranial and viscera-cranial bones of the skull in three Nigerian breeds of sheep. A total number of four hundred and ninety (490) wasted fetuses were collected from abattoirs. The heads of the fetuses were severed and processed using the Alizarin technique. The ossifying bones were identified, and their morphology was mapped using FastStone Image software. In the three breeds of sheep, the neuro-cranial and viscera-cranial bones developed via intra-membranous ossification. Generally, bony spicules appeared to radiate from the ossification centers of the skull bones faster in Yankasa than Balami and Uda. The frontal, parietal, and the zygomatic process of frontal bones were the first of the neuro-cranial bones to begin ossification. The premaxilla, zygomatic, and maxilla were the first of the viscera-cranial bones to begin ossification. The earliest morphogenic pattern of the neuro-cranium, the occipital condyle was comma-shaped, the parietal and frontal were irregular, and the zygomatic process of temporal bones and frontal process of zygomatic were finger-like projections. Whereas among viscera-cranium, the premaxilla, nasal, and zygomatic were spindle-shaped, the maxilla and lacrimal were triangular and cube-shaped in all the three breeds of sheep. The ossification centers of the skull bones started from the calvarium and developed faster in Yankasa and the shape of the developing bones-varies as the bone spicules radiates and fetuses advance with age. The temporal and interparietal ossification did not occur in the 1st and early 2nd trimester fetuses (42-67 days of gestation) of the three breeds of sheep. It was concluded that the frontal and premaxilla were the first bones of the skull to ossify and ossification of the viscera-cranium occurred earlier in Yankasa than in Balami and Uda and the ossification centers of all the neuro-cranial bones and nasal bones were eccentric

    Impact of Gurara Dam on Land Cover in the Surrounding Communities of Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    This research focuses on the impact of Gurara Dam on land cover in the surrounding communities of Kaduna state Nigeria. The aim of the study is to assess changes land cover condition in communities surrounding Gurara Dam as a result of the Dam construction. This was achieved by analysing the land cover changes between pre-dam (2000) and the post-dam (2013) in terms of spatial extent and percentage coverage.To assess the impact, Landsat (ETM, TM and MSS) covering the area for 2000 (pre-dam period) and 2013 (post-dam period) was obtained. To interpret and verify the accuracy of the satellite imagery; ground truth observation was conducted on the land cover of the study area. Using ArcGIS 10.0 and AutoCAD Map 2013 software, different image processing techniques and analysis were undertaken to produce land cover maps of the study area for pre-dam and post dam period. The extent of area coverage of each land use/land cover was calculated in hectares and express in percentages. The study discovers that in the post-dam period (between 2000 and 2013) the impact of Gurara dam has resulted in substantial changes in the land cover, with losses in fadama land. Forestry, arable land and Rock outcrop by 58%, 9%, 7%, and 12% respectively. Whereas gains occurred in bare land (26%), water bodies (42%), circulation (28%).ย  Modern irrigation also witnessed gain by 100% and built up area 26%. It is there recommended that, modern technology (Geographic Information System) be provided as mitigation measure to land cover problems in communities surrounding Gurara Dam. Keywords: Dam Construction, Geographic Information System, land cover, Upstream and Spatial Exten

    Throughput analysis of TCP congestion control algorithms in a cloud based collaborative virtual environment

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    Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) has become popular in the last few years, this is because CVE is designed to allow geographically distributed users to work together over the network. In CVE the state of the virtual objects is witnessing unprecedentant change. When a user performs an action in CVE, the information of the action needs to be transmitted to other users to maintain consistency in the cooperative work. TCP is the most widely used protocol in the design of CVE, and its throughput deteriorates in the network with large delay. Gital et al, 2014 proposes a cloud based architectural model for improving scalability and consistency in CVE. Therefore, this paper aim at evaluating and comparing the performance of different TCP variant (Tahoe, Reno, New Reno, Vegas, SACK, Fack and Linux) with the cloud based CVE architecture to determine the suitability of each TCP variant for CVE. A comparative analysis between the different TCP variants is presented in terms of throughput verses elapse time, with increasing number of users in the system. TCP with the cloud based model was found to be effective, promising and robust for achieving consistency requirement in CVE system

    Dealing with well-formed and malformed packets, associated with point of failure that cause network security breach

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    T It is quite challenging to understand the weakest single points of failure in a network because it is the point where an entire network system can be taken down. The paths leading to a point of failure, and the status of packets that causes network security breaches were examined by Intent-Based Networking approach in this study. Two algorithms are proposed, utilizing single-path and multipath in transmission flow. Every path is potentially weak and a point of failure for which a network security can be breached. Two sets of rules, namely, โ€˜โ€˜vulnerability rules policiesโ€™โ€™ with โ€˜โ€˜rules formulationโ€™โ€™ from the regions of connection recognized by Eulerโ€™s theorem were outlined. The intent is to use these sets of rules in finding the point of failure the packet status that is leading to possible security breaches within network connections. The frequencies of the packets that are liable to create security breaches and the paths where they originate are analyzed. Well-formed packet originating from the least likely weak point of failure is associated the network security breach than malformed packets. This study has contributed to revealing that network security breaches are influenced by the paths with least likely point of failure from well-formed packets

    An ensemble CRT, RVFLN, SVM method for estimating Propane Spot Price

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    In this paper, we propose an ensemble of the CRT-RVFLN-SVM (Classification and Regression Tree (CRT), Random Variable Functional Link Neural Network (RVFLN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)) to improve robustness and effectiveness in estimating propane spot price. The propane spot price data which are collected from the Energy Information Administration of the US Department of Energy and Barchart were used to build an ensemble CRT-RVFLN-SVM model for the estimating of propane spot price. For the purpose of evaluation, the constituted intelligent computing technologies of the proposed ensemble methodology in addition to Multilayer Back-Propagation Neural Network (MBPNN) were also applied to estimate the propane spot price. Experimental results show that the proposed ensemble CRT-RVFLN-SVM model has improved the performance of CRT, RVFLN, SVM, and MBPNN. The can help to reduce the level of future uncertainty of the propane spot price. Propane investors can use our model as an alternative investment tool for generating more revenue because accurate estimations of future propane price implies generating more profit

    A Review on mobile SMS Spam filtering techniques

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    Under short messaging service (SMS) spam is understood the unsolicited or undesired messages received on mobile phones. These SMS spams constitute a veritable nuisance to the mobile subscribers. This marketing practice also worries service providers in view of the fact that it upsets their clients or even causes them lose subscribers. By way of mitigating this practice, researchers have proposed several solutions for the detection and filtering of SMS spams. In this paper, we present a review of the currently available methods, challenges, and future research directions on spam detection techniques, filtering, and mitigation of mobile SMS spams. The existing research literature is critically reviewed and analyzed. The most popular techniques for SMS spam detection, filtering, and mitigation are compared, including the used data sets, their findings, and limitations, and the future research directions are discussed. This review is designed to assist expert researchers to identify open areas that need further improvement

    Performance analysis of cloud-based cve communication architecture in comparison with the traditional client server, p2p and hybrid models

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    Gital et al. (2014) proposed a cloud based communication architecture for improving efficiency of collaborative virtual environment (CVE) systems in terms of Scalability and Consistency requirements. This paper evaluates the performance of the proposed CVE architecture. The metrics use for the evaluation is response time. We compare the cloud-based architecture to the traditional client server and peer-2โ€“peer (P2P) architecture. The comparison was implemented in the CVE systems. The comparative simulation analysis of the results suggested that the CVE architecture based on cloud computing can significantly improve the performance of the CVE system
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