455 research outputs found

    Axial anomaly and Ginsparg-Wilson fermions in the Lattice Dirac Sea picture

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    The axial anomaly equation in 1+1 dimensional QED is obtained on the lattice for fermions obeying the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. We make use of the properties of the Lattice Dirac sea to investigate the connection between the anomaly and the Ginsparg-Wilson operator in the Hamiltonian picture. The correct anomaly is reproduced for gauge fields whose characteristic time is much larger than the lattice spacing, which is the regime where the adiabatic approximation applies. A non-zero Wilson rr parameter is necessary to get the correct anomaly. The anomaly is shown to be independent of rr for r>0.5r>0.5. The generalization to 3+1 dimensions is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages latex,12 figures; manuscript revised, references adde

    On the effective action of confining strings

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    We study the low-energy effective action on confining strings (in the fundamental representation) in SU(N) gauge theories in D space-time dimensions. We write this action in terms of the physical transverse fluctuations of the string. We show that for any D, the four-derivative terms in the effective action must exactly match the ones in the Nambu-Goto action, generalizing a result of Luscher and Weisz for D=3. We then analyze the six-derivative terms, and we show that some of these terms are constrained. For D=3 this uniquely determines the effective action for closed strings to this order, while for D>3 one term is not uniquely determined by our considerations. This implies that for D=3 the energy levels of a closed string of length L agree with the Nambu-Goto result at least up to order 1/L^5. For any D we find that the partition function of a long string on a torus is unaffected by the free coefficient, so it is always equal to the Nambu-Goto partition function up to six-derivative order. For a closed string of length L, this means that for D>3 its energy can, in principle, deviate from the Nambu-Goto result at order 1/L^5, but such deviations must always cancel in the computation of the partition function. Next, we compute the effective action up to six-derivative order for the special case of confining strings in weakly-curved holographic backgrounds, at one-loop order (leading order in the curvature). Our computation is general, and applies in particular to backgrounds like the Witten background, the Maldacena-Nunez background, and the Klebanov-Strassler background. We show that this effective action obeys all of the constraints we derive, and in fact it precisely agrees with the Nambu-Goto action (the single allowed deviation does not appear).Comment: 71 pages, 7 figures. v2: added reference, minor corrections. v3: removed one term from the effective action since it is trivial. The conclusions on the corrections to energy levels are unchanged, but the claim that the holographic computation shows a deviation from Nambu-Goto was modified. v4: added reference

    Closed String Tachyon Condensation at c=1

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    The c=1 matrix model, with or without a type 0 hat, has an exact quantum solution corresponding to closed string tachyon condensation along a null surface. The condensation occurs, and spacetime dissolves, at a finite retarded time on I^+. The outgoing quantum state of tachyon fluctuations in this time-dependent background is computed using both the collective field and exact fermion pictures. Perturbative particle production induced by the moving tachyon wall is shown to be similar to that induced by a soft moving mirror. Hence, despite the fact that I^+ for the tachyon is geodesicaly incomplete, quantum correlations in the incoming state are unitarily transmitted to the outgoing state in perturbation theory. It is also shown that, non-perturbatively, information can leak across the tachyon wall, and tachyon scattering is not unitary. Exact unitarity remains intact only in the free fermion picture.Comment: Minor corrections; References added; 24 pages, 2 figures, harvma

    Anomalous Superconducting Properties and Field Induced Magnetism in CeCoIn5

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    In the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3K) the critical field is large, anisotropic and displays hysteresis. The magnitude of the critical-field anisotropy in the a-c plane can be as large as 70 kOe and depends on orientation. Critical field measurements in the (110) plane suggest 2D superconductivity, whereas conventional effective mass anisotropy is observed in the (100) plane. Two distinct field-induced magnetic phases are observed: Ha appears deep in the superconducting phase, while Hb intersects Hc2 at T=1.4 K and extends well above Tc. These observations suggest the possible realization of a direct transition from ferromagnetism to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity in CeCoIn5.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    AdS Bubbles, Entropy and Closed String Tachyons

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    We study the conjectured connection between AdS bubbles (AdS solitons) and closed string tachyon condensations. We confirm that the entanglement entropy, which measures the degree of freedom, decreases under the tachyon condensation. The entropies in supergravity and free Yang-Mills agree with each other remarkably. Next we consider the tachyon condensation on the AdS twisted circle and argue that its endpoint is given by the twisted AdS bubble, defined by the double Wick rotation of rotating black 3-brane solutions. We calculated the Casimir energy and entropy and checked the agreements between the gauge and gravity results. Finally we show an infinite boost of a null linear dilaton theory with a tachyon wall (or bubble), leads to a solvable time-dependent background with a bulk tachyon condensation. This is the simplest example of spacetimes with null boundaries in string theory.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figures, harvmac, eq.(2.16) corrected, references adde

    Large-eddy simulation of low-frequency unsteadiness in a turbulent shock-induced separation bubble

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    The need for better understanding of the low-frequency unsteadiness observed in shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions has been driving research in this area for several decades. We present here a large-eddy simulation investigation of the interaction between an impinging oblique shock and a Mach 2.3 turbulent boundary layer. Contrary to past large-eddy simulation investigations on shock/turbulent boundary layer interactions, we have used an inflow technique which does not introduce any energetically significant low frequencies into the domain, hence avoiding possible interference with the shock/boundary layer interaction system. The large-eddy simulation has been run for much longer times than previous computational studies making a Fourier analysis of the low frequency possible. The broadband and energetic low-frequency component found in the interaction is in excellent agreement with the experimental findings. Furthermore, a linear stability analysis of the mean flow was performed and a stationary unstable global mode was found. The long-run large-eddy simulation data were analyzed and a phase change in the wall pressure fluctuations was related to the global-mode structure, leading to a possible driving mechanism for the observed low-frequency motions

    The Causal Structure of QED in Curved Spacetime: Analyticity and the Refractive Index

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    The effect of vacuum polarization on the propagation of photons in curved spacetime is studied in scalar QED. A compact formula is given for the full frequency dependence of the refractive index for any background in terms of the Van Vleck-Morette matrix for its Penrose limit and it is shown how the superluminal propagation found in the low-energy effective action is reconciled with causality. The geometry of null geodesic congruences is found to imply a novel analytic structure for the refractive index and Green functions of QED in curved spacetime, which preserves their causal nature but violates familiar axioms of S-matrix theory and dispersion relations. The general formalism is illustrated in a number of examples, in some of which it is found that the refractive index develops a negative imaginary part, implying an amplification of photons as an electromagnetic wave propagates through curved spacetime.Comment: 54 pages, 19 figures, corrected some signs in formulae and graph

    Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g1ng_1^n with a Polarized ^3He Target

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    Results are reported from the HERMES experiment at HERA on a measurement of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_1^n(x,Q^2) in deep inelastic scattering using 27.5 GeV longitudinally polarized positrons incident on a polarized 3^3He internal gas target. The data cover the kinematic range 0.023<x<0.60.023<x<0.6 and 1(GeV/c)2<Q2<15(GeV/c)21 (GeV/c)^2 < Q^2 <15 (GeV/c)^2. The integral 0.0230.6g1n(x)dx\int_{0.023}^{0.6} g_1^n(x) dx evaluated at a fixed Q2Q^2 of 2.5(GeV/c)22.5 (GeV/c)^2 is 0.034±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)-0.034\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.). Assuming Regge behavior at low xx, the first moment Γ1n=01g1n(x)dx\Gamma_1^n=\int_0^1 g_1^n(x) dx is 0.037±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)±0.006(extrapol.)-0.037\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.)\pm 0.006(extrapol.).Comment: 4 pages TEX, text available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/OAP.htm

    Magnetogenesis and the dynamics of internal dimensions

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    The dynamical evolution of internal space-like dimensions breaks the invariance of the Maxwell's equations under Weyl rescaling of the (conformally flat) four-dimensional metric. Depending upon the number and upon the dynamics of internal dimensions large scale magnetic fields can be created. The requirements coming from magnetogenesis together with the other cosmological constraints are examined under the assumption that the internal dimensions either grow or shrink (in conformal time) prior to a radiation dominated epoch. If the internal dimensions are growing the magnitude of the generated magnetic fields can seed the galactic dynamo mechanism.Comment: 27 in RevTex style, four figure

    Triangulation network of 1929-1944 of the first 1:500 urban map of València

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    [EN] Triangulation is a surveying method on which earlier maps made were based. Although the origins of the method can be traced back to the 16th century, it is still used today, with minor changes, to adjust networks observed with modern geodetic techniques. In this paper we present the geodetic survey work that was carried out for the primary triangulation network of the first 1:500 urban map of the city of València (Spain). It spanned from 1929 to 1944 and resulted in 421 maps covering about 174 square kilometres. We focus on four key elements to define the geometric framework of a map: (1) the geodetic network, (2) the cartographic projection, (3) the baseline measurements, and (4) the primary triangulation. The paper is based on the interpretation of original documents and field books recovered from the archives of the València City Council. In order to check the accuracy and consistency of the survey work, we recomputed all calculations directly from the field data, following the mathematical procedures of the time. We obtained a set of transformation parameters to convert the coordinates of 1929 to current coordinates based on the European Terrestrial Reference System of 1989 (ETRS89). Results showed that the 1929 primary triangulation angles and coordinates are accurate to 8 s of arc and 35 cm respectively, and that the coordinates transform well into the current reference system with average residuals of 26 cm across nine control points, demonstrating the high quality of the 1929 work.Villar-Cano, M.; Marqués-Mateu, Á.; Jiménez-Martínez, MJ. (2020). Triangulation network of 1929-1944 of the first 1:500 urban map of València. Survey Review (Online). 52(373):317-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396265.2018.1564599S31732952373Bitelli, G., Cremonini, S., & Gatta, G. (2014). Cartographic heritage: Toward unconventional methods for quantitative analysis of pre-geodetic maps. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(2), 183-195. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2013.04.003Blachut, T. J., Chrzanowski, A., & Saastamoinen, J. H. (1979). Urban Surveying and Mapping. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-6145-2Brinker, R. C., & Minnick, R. (Eds.). (1987). The Surveying Handbook. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-1188-2Gatta, G. 2010. Valorizzazione di cartografia storica attraverso moderne tecniche geomatiche: recupero metrico, elaborazione e consultazione in ambiente digitale [Valuation of historic cartography using modern geomatics techniques: metric recovering, making and use in digital environment]. Doctoral thesis. Bologna: Universitá di Bologna. 295 pages. (In Italian).Gorse, C., Johnston, D., & Pritchard, M. (2012). A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199534463.001.0001Hotine, M. (1939). THE RE-TRIANGULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN IV—BASE MEASUREMENT. Empire Survey Review, 5(34), 211-225. doi:10.1179/sre.1939.5.34.211Kahmen, H., & Faig, W. (1988). Surveying. doi:10.1515/9783110845716Leick, A., Rapoport, L., & Tatarnikov, D. (2015). GPS Satellite Surveying. doi:10.1002/9781119018612Murdin, P. (2009). Full Meridian of Glory. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-75534-2Schofield, W., & Breach, M. (2007). Engineering Surveying. doi:10.1201/b12847Seeber, G. (2003). Satellite Geodesy. doi:10.1515/9783110200089Snyder, J. P. (1987). Map projections: A working manual. Professional Paper. doi:10.3133/pp139