85 research outputs found

    Species diversity of macrofungi on fallows in the buffer zones of the landscape parks in Łódzkie province

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    This study presents the species structure of macrofungi in different plant communities formed on fallows as a result of secondary succession. The mycological observations were carried out in 2012 and 2013 in the buffer zones of all landscape parks in the Łódzkie province, i.e. Bolimów LP, Spała LP, Sulejów LP, Warta-Widawka LP, Łódź Hills LP, Przedbórz LP and Załęcze LP. The botanical research identified fallows representing 7 types of plant communities. In total 46 macromycetes species were found on the fallows. The diversity of macrofungi depended on the type of plant community. The highest number of fungi species was found in the communities with an admixture of trees (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula), while the lowest was collected on fallows almost completely covered by Cirsium arvense and Solidago canadensis. Considering the trophic classification of macrofungi found on fallows, most species were saprotrophic and mycorrhizal. Wood inhabiting saprotrophs were represented by only two speciesPrzemiany użytkowania ziemi w ostatnich 20 latach przyczyniły się do powstania w naszym kraju znacznych powierzchni odłogów, które stwarzają nowe siedliska dla rozwoju spontanicznej roślinności i grzybów. Dotychczasowe dane o grzybach wielkoowocnikowych gruntów porolnych są znikome. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono wyniki dwuletnich obserwacji macromycetes na powierzchniach odłogów, usytułowanych w strefach otaczających wszystkie parki krajobrazowe w woj. łódzkim. Obserwacje te pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie 7 typów zbiorowisk roślinnych powstałych na odłogach oraz zanotowanie na nich 46 gatunków macromycetes. Roślinność obserwowanych odłogów wykazywała znaczne różnice strukturalne. Były tu pionierskie powierzchnie porośnięte jedynie porostami z rodzaju Cladonia, inicjalne stadia muraw, z dominacją traw (np. Agrostis capilllaris, Festuca ovina) oraz powierzchnie o znacznej liczbie gatunków roślin zielnych, zarówno łąkowych, jak i leśnych. Odrębną grupę stanowiły powierzchnie porośnięte w przeważającej części gatunkami inwazyjnymi obcego pochodzenia, głównie Solidago canadensis i Padus serotina. Funga obserwowanych powierzchni wykazywała zróżnicowanie związane z typem roślinności. Najuboższe w grzyby okazały się powierzchnie inicjalnych muraw z chrobotkami lub roślinnością trawiastą oraz powierzchnie z dominacją Solidago canadensis. Występowały tu nieliczne owocniki gatunków z rodzaju Bovista, Lycoperdon, Calvatia. Natomiast najbogatsze w gatunki grzybów były powierzchnie porośnięte drzewami, głównie sosnami, gdzie zanotowano gatunki grzybów mykoryzowych z rodzajów: Amanita, Boletus, Inocybe, Laccaria, Suillus, Xerocomus. Na odłogach z dużym pokryciem mszakami, obserwowano grzyby wykorzystujące mchy, np. Rickenella fibula i Arrhenia lobata. Dotychczasowe badania macromycetes na odłogach woj. łódzkiego dostarczają jedynie wstępnej wiedzy o różnorodności gatunkowej grzybów na tego typu siedliskach. Wydaje się celowe prowadzenia dalszych badań na tych samych powierzchniach i obserwowanie zmian, jakie będą zachodzić w strukturze macromycetes wraz z postępującą na odłogach sukcesją

    Pedagogika konfrontacyjna jako propozycja nowego podejścia do pracy z młodzieżą niedostosowaną społecznie w placówkach oświatowych. Doświadczenia niemieckie

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    Supporting child and youth development, especially the wards of socio-therapeutic and reclamation centres, is one of the aims of educational process. As can be seen from previous experiences, classes based on education through sport and its values as well as moral models connected with it play an immense role. I hope most sincerely that the lesson plans, games and plays as well as educational classes included here will become a complementation of the previous volume where the issue of social maladjustment of the young people was presented from theoretical perspective.Published within the project “Therapy through development. Programme of developing a chain of youth centres for young people at risk of being excluded from education system”. Project co-financed by the EU funds as part of the European Social Fund

    Diversity of macromycete communities

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    The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment. The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands. The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.Niniejsza monografia w języku angielskim jest podsumowaniem wyników badań w ramach grantu NCN nr 1760/B/P01/2011/40 – „Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim”

    Diversity of the flora and vegetation of abandoned farmlands

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    The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment. The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands. The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.Niniejsza monografia w języku angielskim jest podsumowaniem wyników badań w ramach grantu NCN nr 1760/B/P01/2011/40 – „Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim”

    Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim. Streszczenie

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    The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment. The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands. The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.Niniejsza monografia w języku angielskim jest podsumowaniem wyników badań w ramach grantu NCN nr 1760/B/P01/2011/40 – „Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim”


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    The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment. The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands. The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.Niniejsza monografia w języku angielskim jest podsumowaniem wyników badań w ramach grantu NCN nr 1760/B/P01/2011/40 – „Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim”


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    The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment. The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands. The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.Niniejsza monografia w języku angielskim jest podsumowaniem wyników badań w ramach grantu NCN nr 1760/B/P01/2011/40 – „Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim”

    Fabrication and characterization of BST 60/40/PVDF ceramic-polymer composite

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    In this paper BST//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were prepared from (Ba0:6Sr0:4)O3 (BST60/40) ceramic powder and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) powder by a hot pressing method, for different concentration of the ceramic phase (cV ). Morphology of BST//PVDF composites was observed by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, whereas the crystalline structure was studied by the X-ray diffraction method. The temperature dependence of dielectric permittivity of BST//PVDF composites was measured in the frequency range of f =10kHz-1MHz. The split-post dielectric resonator (SPDR) was used for the measurements of the real and imaginary part of dielectric permittivity of BST//PVDF composites in the microwave frequency range of f =3-10GHz. It was found, that the dielectric properties of the ceramic-polymer composite for cV >20% change significantly for both small ( f =10kHz-1MHz) and high ( f =3-10GHz) frequencies. The abrupt increase in permittivity may indicate an excess of the percolation threshold, so the ceramic-polymer composite for the concentrations of the active ceramic phase cV >20% cannot be indexed as composites with 0-3 connectivity

    Influence of calcium doping on microstructure, dielectric and electric properties of BaBi2Nb2O9 ceramics

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    Barium bismuth niobiate (BaBi2Nb2O9) ceramics modified by calcium were prepared by solid state synthesis and two-step sintering process. An impact of calcium substitution on the A site of perovskite block is presented. The investigations are focused on dielectric as well as electric aspects of the modification. The presented results reveal that the concentration of a space charge is not preserved, what is surprising due to the homovalent nature of the dopant and no reason for creating additional lattice defects and charges connected. However, not only the valence of ions, but also the calcium-oxygen and barium–oxygen bond strength should be taken into consideration. Since the calcium–oxygen bond is probably weaker the loss of the bismuth oxide is expected to increase with an increase in the calcium content. Such a scenario results in appearance of a large number of negative charge carriers connected with unsaturated oxygen ions