7 research outputs found

    Bee bread - perspective source of bioactive compounds for future

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    Bee bread is product with long history used mainly in folk medicine. Nowadays, bee bread is growing in commercial interest due to its high nutritional properties. The objective of this study was to determine biological activity of ethanolic extract of bee bread obtained from selected region of Ukraine - Poltava oblast, Kirovohrad oblast, Vinnica oblast, Kyiv oblast, Dnepropetrovsk oblast. The antioxidant activity was measured with the radical scavenging assays using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical as well as phosphomolybdenum assay. Total polyphenol content was determined with Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and total flavonoid content by aluminium-chloride method. Secondary was also evaluated antimicrobial activity in bee bread samples with disc diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentrations. Antioxidant activity expressed as mg TEAC per g of dry weight (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity) was the highest in bee bread from Poltava oblast in DPPH and also phosphomolybdenum method. Samples of bee bread contained high levels of total polyphenols (12.36 - 18.24 mg GAE - gallic acid equivalent per g of dry weight) and flavonoids (13.56 - 18.24 μg QE - quercetin equivalent per g of dry weight) with the best values of bee bread from Poltava oblast. An elevated level of antioxidant potential in the bee bread determines its biological properties, which conditioned of the biological active substances. The best antibacterial activity of bee bred with disc diffusion method was found against Bacillus thuringiensis CCM 19. The antibacterial activity inhibited by the bee bread extract in the present study indicate that best minimal inhibition concentration was against bacteria Escherichia coli CCM 3988 and Salmonella enterica subs. enterica CCM 3807

    Justification of approaches to development of the standard civil society organization based on international experience

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    The object of the research is the principles of the quality management system and the interaction of different approaches to the quality assessment of civil society organizations (CSOs). In many countries, regulatory documents have not been developed regarding the quality management of the CSO activities. Let’s consider this problem using the example of Ukraine, since there has been an increase in the number of public associations by more than 85,000 during the last decade. Along with it, the principles of implementing DSTU ISO 9001:2015 for non-commercial, in particular civil organizations, are not sufficiently clear, given the various socio-cultural and economic prerequisites. Based on theoretical and analytical methods, it is proposed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and further justification of the implementation of the practice of compliance with Quality Standards and good governance in civil society organizations. That is primarily due to the desire of CSOs themselves to self-organize, reinforced by the need to establish partnership relations with state authorities and commercial organizations, which is accompanied by the fulfillment of requirements for transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of CSOs activities. Adherence to Quality Standards forms a commitment on the part of CSOs to generally accepted ethical principles and standards of behavior, which further contributes to the achievement of social legitimacy. Based on the analyzed regulatory and technical documentation, the need to develop a Quality Standard of Ukraine for CSOs based on the complementarity of different approaches to evaluating the quality of organizations according to the «Quality Standard of CSOs» and DSTU ISO 9001:2015 is substantiated. The results of the analysis of registered public associations by organizational and legal forms in Ukraine confirm the tendency to increase their number, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the international experience of using the CSO Quality Standard. Taking into account the results of a comparative assessment of the principles of the CSO Quality Standard and DSTU ISO 9001:2015, wit is possible to state that there are no differences in the main approaches to managing the quality system of organizations. The governance aspects of the Modified Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool are similar to those of the «Quality Standard of CSOs», based on the subcategories: authorities; values, vision, and mission of the organization; management style and leadership; strategic planning

    Обґрунтування підходів до розробки стандарту організації громадянського суспільства на підґрунті міжнародного досвіду

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    The object of the research is the principles of the quality management system and the interaction of different approaches to the quality assessment of civil society organizations (CSOs). In many countries, regulatory documents have not been developed regarding the quality management of the CSO activities. Let’s consider this problem using the example of Ukraine, since there has been an increase in the number of public associations by more than 85,000 during the last decade. Along with it, the principles of implementing DSTU ISO 9001:2015 for non-commercial, in particular civil organizations, are not sufficiently clear, given the various socio-cultural and economic prerequisites. Based on theoretical and analytical methods, it is proposed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and further justification of the implementation of the practice of compliance with Quality Standards and good governance in civil society organizations. That is primarily due to the desire of CSOs themselves to self-organize, reinforced by the need to establish partnership relations with state authorities and commercial organizations, which is accompanied by the fulfillment of requirements for transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of CSOs activities. Adherence to Quality Standards forms a commitment on the part of CSOs to generally accepted ethical principles and standards of behavior, which further contributes to the achievement of social legitimacy. Based on the analyzed regulatory and technical documentation, the need to develop a Quality Standard of Ukraine for CSOs based on the complementarity of different approaches to evaluating the quality of organizations according to the «Quality Standard of CSOs» and DSTU ISO 9001:2015 is substantiated. The results of the analysis of registered public associations by organizational and legal forms in Ukraine confirm the tendency to increase their number, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the international experience of using the CSO Quality Standard. Taking into account the results of a comparative assessment of the principles of the CSO Quality Standard and DSTU ISO 9001:2015, wit is possible to state that there are no differences in the main approaches to managing the quality system of organizations. The governance aspects of the Modified Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool are similar to those of the «Quality Standard of CSOs», based on the subcategories: authorities; values, vision, and mission of the organization; management style and leadership; strategic planning.Об’єктом дослідження в роботі є принципи системи управління якістю та характер взаємодоповнюваності різних підходів до оцінювання якості діяльності організацій громадянського суспільства (ОГС). В багатьох країнах не розроблені нормативні документи щодо управління якістю діяльності ОСГ. Ця проблематика розглядається на прикладі України, оскільки тут відбулося зростання кількості громадських об’єднань на понад 85 тис. протягом останнього десятиліття. Поряд з цим, недостатньо зрозумілими є принципи впровадження ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015 для некомерційних, зокрема громадянських організацій, зважаючи на різні соціокультурні та економічні передумови. Пропонується на основі теоретико-аналітичних методів провести поглиблений аналіз проблематики та подальше обґрунтування впровадження практики щодо дотримання стандартів якості та належного врядування в організаціях громадянського суспільства. Це насамперед зумовлено прагненням самих ОГС до самоорганізації, підкріпленим необхідністю встановити партнерські відносини з державними органами влади та комерційними організаціями, що супроводжується виконанням вимог щодо прозорості, підзвітності та ефективної діяльності ОГС. Дотримання стандартів якості формує прихильність з боку ОГС до загальноприйнятих етичних принципів та стандартів поведінки, що в подальшому сприяє досягненню соціальної легітимності. На підставі проаналізованої нормативно-технічної документації обґрунтовано необхідність розроблення СОУ (Стандарт Організації України) для ОГС на підґрунті взаємодоповнюваності різних підходів до оцінювання якості організацій за Стандартом якості ОГС, Модифікованим інструментом оцінки організаційної спроможності (МОСАТ) та ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015. Результати аналізування зареєстрованих громадських об’єднань за організаційно-правовими формами в Україні підтверджують тенденцію до збільшення їх кількості, що є передумовою впровадження міжнародного досвіду використання Стандарту якості ОГС. Враховуючи результати порівняльної оцінки принципів Стандарту якості ОГС та ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015, можемо стверджувати про відсутність розбіжностей до основних підходів управління системою якості організацій. Аспекти врядування МОСАТ є аналогічними до таких для Стандарту якості ОГС, що базується на підкатегоріях: органи врядування; цінності, бачення та місія організації; стиль управління та лідерство; стратегічне планування


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    Modern beekeeping industry globalization leads to an increase in competition between countries for the foreign market. The products that provide the appropriate level of safety and quality following international requirements would be able to gain a competitive advantage. Establishing a competitive advantage for honey on the world market and improving exports/import process with the guaranteed observance of consumers’ rights and interests require a systematic revision of regulatory documentation for beekeeping products. The study aimed to analyze the current international and national regulations governing the safety and quality of honey. Critical analysis of normative documentation, a comparison of international, European, and Ukrainian requirements for physicochemical indicators of honey quality and content of dangerous contaminants, as well as the study of the organic beekeeping regulation was made. It was found that the national regulatory framework for the safety and quality of honey needs to be optimized. Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (Ukraine) of June 19, 2019, № 330 contains requirements that are more adapted to international and European standards for honey quality criteria compared to current national requirements. Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (Ukraine) of June 19, 2019, № 330 still needs to be improved for items governing the value of moisture content and mineral content as well as diastasis activity of honey components. Concerning the production of organic beekeeping products, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced the current EU regulatory framework for organic beekeepin

    Antibacterial Activity of Honey Samples from Ukraine

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    The employment of natural substances such as beehive products with a preventive and therapeutic purpose has been a widespread custom since ancient times. In this investigation, the antibacterial activity of 41 honey samples from different Ukraine regions has been evaluated. For each honey, melissopalynological and physico-chemical analysis were performed in order to determine botanical origin, pH, glucose and fructose contents and free acidity. So, antibacterial activity against Staphylococcusaureus CCM 4223, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium CCM 3807 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 was assessed through the determination of MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) and MBC (Minimum Bactericidal Concentration) values by the microdilutions method. The results show that the most susceptible bacterial strain was L. monocytogenes. Its growth was inhibited at a honey concentration ranging from 0.094 to 0.188 g/mL. The most resistant bacterial strain was S. aureus. As concerns MBC values, L. monocytogenes was the most susceptible bacteria, while S. aureus was the most resistant. Helianthus spp. honeys was the most effective against all tested bacterial strains, followed by Robinia spp. and multifloral honeys. Promising results for MIC tests have been found for Brassica spp