12 research outputs found

    Survival and synergistic growth of mixed cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli combined with prebiotic oligosaccharides in a gastrointestinal tract simulator

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    Background: Probiotics, especially in combination with non-digestible oligosaccharides, may balance the gut microflora while multistrain preparations may express an improved functionality over single strain cultures. In vitro gastrointestinal models enable to test survival and growth dynamics of mixed strain probiotics in a controlled, replicable manner. Methods: The robustness and compatibility of multistrain probiotics composed of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli combined with mixed prebiotics (galacto-, fructo- and xylo-oligosaccharides or galactooligosaccharides and soluble starch) were studied using a dynamic gastrointestinal tract simulator (GITS). The exposure to acid and bile of the upper gastrointestinal tract was followed by dilution with a continuous decrease of the dilution rate (de-celerostat) to simulate the descending nutrient availability of the large intestine. The bacterial numbers and metabolic products were analyzed and the growth parameters determined. Results: The most acid- and bile-resistant strains were Lactobacillus plantarum F44 and L. paracasei F8. Bifidobacterium breve 46 had the highest specific growth rate and, although sensitive to bile exposure, recovered during the dilution phase in most experiments. B. breve 46, L. plantarum F44, and L. paracasei F8 were selected as the most promising strains for further studies. Conclusions: De-celerostat cultivation can be applied to study the mixed bacterial cultures under defined conditions of decreasing nutrient availability to select a compatible set of strains

    Preparation of onion-like multilayered particles comprising mainly poly(iso-butyl methacrylate)-block-polystyrene by two-step AGET ATRP

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    The role of dietary fiber in supporting healthy gut microbiota and overall well-being of the host has been revealed in several studies. Here, we show the effect of a bacterial polyfructan levan on the growth dynamics and metabolism of fecal microbiota in vitro by using isothermal microcalorimetry. Eleven fecal samples from healthy donors were incubated in phosphate-buffered defined medium with or without levan supplementation and varying presence of amino acids. The generation of heat, changes in pH and microbiota composition, concentrations of produced and consumed metabolites during the growth were determined. The composition of fecal microbiota and profile of metabolites changed in response to substrate (levan and amino acids) availability. The main products of levan metabolism were acetic, lactic, butyric, propionic and succinic acids and carbon dioxide. Associated growth of levan-degrading (e.g. Bacteroides) and butyric acid-producing (e.g. Faecalibacterium) taxa was observed in levan-supplemented media. The study shows that the capacity of levan and possibly also other dietary fibers/prebiotics to modulate the composition and function of colon microbiota can be predicted by using isothermal microcalorimetry of fecal samples linked to metabolite and consortia analyses


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    2021. aastal uurisid Tallinna TehnikaĂŒlikooli teadlased Kaitseministeeriumi tellimusel KaitsevĂ€e 2. jalavĂ€ebrigaadi Kuperjanovi pataljoni ajateenijate toitumist koos nende vere ja soolemikrobioota analĂŒĂŒsidega, et leida seoseid sööklatoidu/kuiv toiduratsioonide ja tervisenĂ€itajate vahel. Ajateenijate toiduvalikutes oli suuri erine vusi, kuid levinud oli see, et söödi vĂ€he tĂ€isteraviljatooteid ja köögivilju. Uuringu tulemused on ĂŒldistatavad Eesti ajateenijatele laiemalt. ToidupĂ€evikute analĂŒĂŒsid kinnitasid, et kiudainevaene ja rasvarikas toit sisaldab oluliselt vĂ€hem mitmeid mineraalaineid ja vitamiine. Vere ja mikrobioomianalĂŒĂŒsid nĂ€itasid, et rafineeritud toidu tarbijatel oli kĂ”rgem ĂŒld ja LDL kolesteroolitase veres ning suurem pĂ”letikega seostatud bakterite, kuid madalam kasulikke happeid tootvate bakterite hulk soo lestiku mikrobiootas. Kuivtoidupakkides eelistati konservtoitudele kĂŒlmkuivatatud toite. Sööklatoidud peaksid sisaldama rohkem köögivilju, marju ja tĂ€isteravilju, mis on head kiudainete ja mikrotoitainete allikad

    Engineered Resistant-Starch (ERS) Diet Shapes Colon Microbiota Profile in Parallel with the Retardation of Tumor Growth in In Vitro and In Vivo Pancreatic Cancer Models

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    Background/aims: Pancreatic cancer (PC) is ranked as the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Despite recent advances in treatment options, a modest impact on the outcome of the disease is observed so far. We have previously demonstrated that short-term fasting cycles have the potential to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy against PC. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of an engineered resistant-starch (ERS) mimicking diet on the growth of cancer cell lines in vitro, on the composition of fecal microbiota, and on tumor growth in an in vivo pancreatic cancer mouse xenograft model. Materials and Methods: BxPC-3, MIA PaCa-2 and PANC-1 cells were cultured in the control, and in the ERS-mimicking diet culturing condition, to evaluate tumor growth and proliferation pathways. Pancreatic cancer xenograft mice were subjected to an ERS diet to assess tumor volume and weight as compared to mice fed with a control diet. The composition and activity of fecal microbiota were further analyzed in growth experiments by isothermal microcalorimetry. Results: Pancreatic cancer cells cultured in an ERS diet-mimicking medium showed decreased levels of phospho-ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase proteins) and phospho-mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) levels, as compared to those cultured in standard medium. Consistently, xenograft pancreatic cancer mice subjected to an ERS diet displayed significant retardation in tumor growth. In in vitro growth experiments, the fecal microbial cultures from mice fed with an ERS diet showed enhanced growth on residual substrates, higher production of formate and lactate, and decreased amounts of propionate, compared to fecal microbiota from mice fed with the control diet. Conclusion: A positive effect of the ERS diet on composition and metabolism of mouse fecal microbiota shown in vitro is associated with the decrease of tumor progression in the in vivo PC xenograft mouse model. These results suggest that engineered dietary interventions could be supportive as a synergistic approach to enhance the efficacy of existing cancer treatments in pancreatic cancer patients

    Metaproteomics reveals parallel utilization of colonic mucin glycans and dietary fibers by the human gut microbiota

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    Summary: A diet lacking dietary fibers promotes the expansion of gut microbiota members that can degrade host glycans, such as those on mucins. The microbial foraging on mucin has been associated with disruptions of the gut-protective mucus layer and colonic inflammation. Yet, it remains unclear how the co-utilization of mucin and dietary fibers affects the microbiota composition and metabolic activity. Here, we used 14 dietary fibers and porcine colonic and gastric mucins to study the dynamics of mucin and dietary fiber utilization by the human fecal microbiota in vitro. Combining metaproteome and metabolites analyses revealed the central role of the Bacteroides genus in the utilization of complex fibers together with mucin while Akkermansia muciniphila was the main utilizer of sole porcine colonic mucin but not gastric mucin. This study gives a broad overview of the colonic environment in response to dietary and host glycan availability

    Production of organic acids, carbon dioxide and ethanol (A), biogenic amines and branched-chain fatty acids (B), and production/consumption of amino acids (C) (mmol/gDW) during growth of fecal consortia in media containing levan (in red), levan + amino acids (in green) or without added substrates (in blue).

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    <p>The data presents the average of all fecal samples (n = 11 with 1–4 biological replicates). Dotted line indicates the zero level (no production or consumption). *—significant difference between levan and no-substrate conditions (p-value < 0.05), **—significant difference between levan and levan + amino acids (p-value < 0.05), ***—significant difference between levan and levan + amino acids and no substrate conditions (p-value < 0.05).</p

    Growth characteristics of fecal consortia on media of varied composition.

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    <p>(A) Growth of fecal cultures from group I (FS1-5) on medium without levan and amino acids. (B) Growth of fecal cultures from group II (FS6-11) on medium without levan and amino acids. (C) Growth of fecal cultures from group I on medium with levan. (D) Growth of fecal cultures from group II on medium with levan. ÎŒ - specific growth rate (h<sup>-1</sup>), Q—heat accumulated (J) and P<sub>max</sub>—maximum heat evolution rates (power, ÎŒW) achieved in different growth phases. Growth phase is defined as time between the power peak maxima, <i>i</i>.<i>e</i>. each power peak divides growth into two phases: before and after power peak maximum. Error bars indicate standard deviation of 2–4 biological replicates. Line graphs illustrate the heat evolution rate (P–power, ÎŒW) during the whole experiment. Note that line graphs on consortia growth with and without levan have different Y axis scale.</p