54 research outputs found

    Estimating the Complier Average Causal Effect for Exponential Survival in the Presence of Mid-Trial Switching

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    The intention-to-treat (ITT) rate ratio estimator is conservatively biased for the treatment effect among compliers (who stick with their assigned arm) when individuals switch treatment in two-arm randomised trials. In this article we propose simple ways to estimate the complier average causal effect (CACE) with mid-trial switching. The estimators use aggregate data of events and times rather than individualised data. The motivating model considers survival times as exponentially distributed conditional on whether the individual would comply with randomisation. To estimate the CACE the ante-switch treatment effect and the post-switch treatment effect amongst the compliers are combined. Furthermore, we discuss ways of estimating the counterfactual intent-to-treat (ITT) effect, which is defined as the rate ratio if switching was not permitted. This approach might be a useful alternative to CACE estimation, and so a time and event adjustment of the non-compliers data is developed. Finally, simulated switching scenarios are used to illustrate the importance of correcting for informative switching

    External validation of a mammographic texture marker for breast cancer risk in a case–control study

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    Purpose: The pattern of dense tissue on a mammogram appears to provide additional information than overall density for risk assessment, but there has been little consistency in measures of texture identified. The purpose of this study is thus to validate a mammographic texture feature developed from a previous study in a new setting. Approach: A case–control study (316 invasive cases and 1339 controls) of women in Virginia, USA was used to validate a mammographic texture feature (MMTEXT) derived in a independent previous study. Analysis of predictive ability was adjusted for age, demographic factors, questionnaire risk factors (combined through the Tyrer-Cuzick model), and optionally BI-RADS breast density. Odds ratios per interquartile range (IQ-OR) in controls were estimated. Subgroup analysis assessed heterogeneity by mode of cancer detection (94 not detected by mammography). Results: MMTEXT was not a significant risk factor at 0.05 level after adjusting for classical risk factors (IQ-OR  =  1.16, 95%CI 0.92 to 1.46), nor after further adjustment for BI-RADS density (IQ-OR  =  0.92, 95%CI 0.76 to 1.10). There was weak evidence that MMTEXT was more predictive for cancers that were not detected by mammography (unadjusted for density: IQ-OR  =  1.46, 95%CI 0.99 to 2.15 versus 1.03, 95%CI 0.79 to 1.35, Phet 0.10; adjusted for density: IQ-OR  =  1.11, 95%CI 0.70 to 1.77 versus 0.76, 95%CI 0.55 to 1.05, Phet 0.21). Conclusions: MMTEXT is unlikely to be a useful imaging marker for invasive breast cancer risk assessment in women attending mammography screening. Future studies may benefit from a larger sample size to confirm this as well as developing and validating other measures of risk. This negative finding demonstrates the importance of external validation

    A method for exploratory repeated-measures analysis applied to a breast-cancer screening study

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    When a model may be fitted separately to each individual statistical unit, inspection of the point estimates may help the statistician to understand between-individual variability and to identify possible relationships. However, some information will be lost in such an approach because estimation uncertainty is disregarded. We present a comparative method for exploratory repeated-measures analysis to complement the point estimates that was motivated by and is demonstrated by analysis of data from the CADET II breast-cancer screening study. The approach helped to flag up some unusual reader behavior, to assess differences in performance, and to identify potential random-effects models for further analysis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS481 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Is Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Menopausal Hormone Therapy Modified by Current or Early Adulthood BMI or Age of First Pregnancy?

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    Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) has an attenuated effect on breast cancer (BC) risk amongst heavier women, but there are few data on a potential interaction with early adulthood body mass index (at age 20 years) and age of first pregnancy. We studied 56,489 women recruited to the PROCAS (Predicting Risk of Cancer at Screening) study in Manchester UK, 2009-15. Cox regression models estimated the effect of reported MHT use at entry on breast cancer (BC) risk, and potential interactions with a. self-reported current body mass index (BMI), b. BMI aged 20 and c. First pregnancy >30 years or nulliparity compared with first pregnancy <30 years. Analysis was adjusted for age, height, family history, age of menarche and menopause, menopausal status, oophorectomy, ethnicity, self-reported exercise and alcohol. With median follow up of 8 years, 1663 breast cancers occurred. BC risk was elevated amongst current users of combined MHT compared to never users (Hazard ratioHR 1.64, 95% CI 1.32-2.03), risk was higher than for oestrogen only users (HR 1.03, 95% CI 0.79-1.34). Risk of current MHT was attenuated by current BMI (interaction HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.65-0.99) per 5 unit increase in BMI. There was little evidence of an interaction between MHT use, breast cancer risk and early and current BMI or with age of first pregnancy

    Are better AI algorithms for breast cancer detection also better at predicting risk? A paired case–control study

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    Background: There is increasing evidence that artificial intelligence (AI) breast cancer risk evaluation tools using digital mammograms are highly informative for 1–6 years following a negative screening examination. We hypothesized that algorithms that have previously been shown to work well for cancer detection will also work well for risk assessment and that performance of algorithms for detection and risk assessment is correlated. Methods: To evaluate our hypothesis, we designed a case-control study using paired mammograms at diagnosis and at the previous screening visit. The study included n = 3386 women from the OPTIMAM registry, that includes mammograms from women diagnosed with breast cancer in the English breast screening program 2010–2019. Cases were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ at screening and were selected if they had a mammogram available at the screening examination that led to detection, and a paired mammogram at their previous screening visit 3y prior to detection when no cancer was detected. Controls without cancer were matched 1:1 to cases based on age (year), screening site, and mammography machine type. Risk assessment was conducted using a deep-learning model designed for breast cancer risk assessment (Mirai), and three open-source deep-learning algorithms designed for breast cancer detection. Discrimination was assessed using a matched area under the curve (AUC) statistic. Results: Overall performance using the paired mammograms followed the same order by algorithm for risk assessment (AUC range 0.59–0.67) and detection (AUC 0.81–0.89), with Mirai performing best for both. There was also a correlation in performance for risk and detection within algorithms by cancer size, with much greater accuracy for large cancers (30 mm+, detection AUC: 0.88–0.92; risk AUC: 0.64–0.74) than smaller cancers (0 to < 10 mm, detection AUC: 0.73–0.86, risk AUC: 0.54–0.64). Mirai was relatively strong for risk assessment of smaller cancers (0 to < 10 mm, risk, Mirai AUC: 0.64 (95% CI 0.57 to 0.70); other algorithms AUC 0.54–0.56). Conclusions: Improvements in risk assessment could stem from enhancing cancer detection capabilities of smaller cancers. Other state-of-the-art AI detection algorithms with high performance for smaller cancers might achieve relatively high performance for risk assessment

    Mammographic breast density refines Tyrer-Cuzick estimates of breast cancer risk in high-risk women: findings from the placebo arm of the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study I

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    Introduction: Mammographic density is well-established as a risk factor for breast cancer, however, adjustment for age and body mass index (BMI) is vital to its clinical interpretation when assessing individual risk. In this paper we develop a model to adjust mammographic density for age and BMI and show how this adjusted mammographic density measure might be used with existing risk prediction models to identify high-risk women more precisely. Methods: We explored the association between age, BMI, visually assessed percent dense area and breast cancer risk in a nested case-control study of women from the placebo arm of the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study I (72 cases, 486 controls). Linear regression was used to adjust mammographic density for age and BMI. This adjusted measure was evaluated in a multivariable logistic regression model that included the Tyrer-Cuzick (TC) risk score, which is based on classical breast cancer risk factors. Results: Percent dense area adjusted for age and BMI (the density residual) was a stronger measure of breast cancer risk than unadjusted percent dense area (odds ratio per standard deviation 1.55 versus 1.38; area under the curve (AUC) 0.62 versus 0.59). Furthermore, in this population at increased risk of breast cancer, the density residual added information beyond that obtained from the TC model alone, with the AUC for the model containing both TC risk and density residual being 0.62 compared to 0.51 for the model containing TC risk alone (P =0.002). Approximately 16% of controls and 19% of cases moved into the highest risk group (8% or more absolute risk of developing breast cancer within 10 years) when the density residual was taken into account. The net reclassification index was +15.7%. Conclusions: In women at high risk of breast cancer, adjusting percent mammographic density for age and BMI provides additional predictive information to the TC risk score, which already incorporates BMI, age, family history and other classic breast cancer risk factors. Furthermore, simple selection criteria can be developed using mammographic density, age and BMI to identify women at increased risk in a clinical setting

    The Relationship between Body Mass Index and Mammographic Density during a Premenopausal Weight Loss Intervention Study.

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    We evaluated the association between short-term change in body mass index (BMI) and breast density during a 1 year weight-loss intervention (Manchester, UK). We included 65 premenopausal women (35-45 years, ≥7 kg adult weight gain, family history of breast cancer). BMI and breast density (semi-automated area-based, automated volume-based) were measured at baseline, 1 year, and 2 years after study entry (1 year post intervention). Cross-sectional (between-women) and short-term change (within-women) associations between BMI and breast density were measured using repeated-measures correlation coefficients and multivariable linear mixed models. BMI was positively correlated with dense volume between-women (r = 0.41, 95%CI: 0.17, 0.61), but less so within-women (r = 0.08, 95%CI: -0.16, 0.28). There was little association with dense area (between-women r = -0.12, 95%CI: -0.38, 0.16; within-women r = 0.01, 95%CI: -0.24, 0.25). BMI and breast fat were positively correlated (volume: between r = 0.77, 95%CI: 0.69, 0.84, within r = 0.58, 95%CI: 0.36, 0.75; area: between r = 0.74, 95%CI: 0.63, 0.82, within r = 0.45, 95%CI: 0.23, 0.63). Multivariable models reported similar associations. Exploratory analysis suggested associations between BMI gain from 20 years and density measures (standard deviation change per +5 kg/m2 BMI: dense area: +0.61 (95%CI: 0.12, 1.09); fat volume: -0.31 (95%CI: -0.62, 0.00)). Short-term BMI change is likely to be positively associated with breast fat, but we found little association with dense tissue, although power was limited by small sample size

    A novel and fully automated mammographic texture analysis for risk prediction : results from two case-control studies

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    BACKGROUND: The percentage of mammographic dense tissue (PD) is an important risk factor for breast cancer, and there is some evidence that texture features may further improve predictive ability. However, relatively little work has assessed or validated textural feature algorithms using raw full field digital mammograms (FFDM). METHOD: A case-control study nested within a screening cohort (age 46-73 years) from Manchester UK was used to develop a texture feature risk score (264 cases diagnosed at the same time as mammogram of the contralateral breast, 787 controls) using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) method for 112 features, and validated in a second case-control study from the same cohort but with cases diagnosed after the index mammogram (317 cases, 931 controls). Predictive ability was assessed using deviance and matched concordance index (mC). The ability to improve risk estimation beyond percent volumetric density (Volpara) was evaluated using conditional logistic regression. RESULTS: The strongest features identified in the training set were "sum average" based on the grey-level co-occurrence matrix at low image resolutions (original resolution 10.628 pixels per mm; downsized by factors of 16, 32 and 64), which had a better deviance and mC than volumetric PD. In the validation study, the risk score combining the three sum average features achieved a better deviance than volumetric PD (Deltachi2 = 10.55 or 6.95 if logarithm PD) and a similar mC to volumetric PD (0.58 and 0.57, respectively). The risk score added independent information to volumetric PD (Deltachi2 = 14.38, p = 0.0008). CONCLUSION: Textural features based on digital mammograms improve risk assessment beyond volumetric percentage density. The features and risk score developed need further investigation in other settings

    Exploring the prediction performance for breast cancer risk based on volumetric mammographic density at different thresholds

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    Background The percentage of mammographic dense tissue (PD) defined by pixel value threshold is a well-established risk factor for breast cancer. Recently there has been some evidence to suggest that an increased threshold based on visual assessment could improve risk prediction. It is unknown, however, whether this also applies to volumetric density using digital raw mammograms. Method Two case-control studies nested within a screening cohort (ages of participants 46–73 years) from Manchester UK were used. In the first study (317 cases and 947 controls) cases were detected at the first screen; whereas in the second study (318 cases and 935 controls), cases were diagnosed after the initial mammogram. Volpara software was used to estimate dense tissue height at each pixel point, and from these, volumetric and area-based PD were computed at a range of thresholds. Volumetric and area-based PDs were evaluated using conditional logistic regression, and their predictive ability was assessed using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and matched concordance index (mC). Results The best performing volumetric PD was based on a threshold of 5 mm of dense tissue height (which we refer to as VPD5), and the best areal PD was at a threshold level of 6 mm (which we refer to as APD6), using pooled data and in both studies separately. VPD5 showed a modest improvement in prediction performance compared to the original volumetric PD by Volpara with ΔAIC = 5.90 for the pooled data. APD6, on the other hand, shows much stronger evidence for better prediction performance, with ΔAIC = 14.52 for the pooled data, and mC increased slightly from 0.567 to 0.577. Conclusion These results suggest that imposing a 5 mm threshold on dense tissue height for volumetric PD could result in better prediction of cancer risk. There is stronger evidence that area-based density with a 6 mm threshold gives better prediction than the original volumetric density metric

    Is Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Menopausal Hormone Therapy Modified by Current or Early Adulthood BMI or Age of First Pregnancy?

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-05-25, pub-electronic 2021-05-31Publication status: PublishedMenopausal hormone therapy (MHT) has an attenuated effect on breast cancer (BC) risk amongst heavier women, but there are few data on a potential interaction with early adulthood body mass index (at age 20 years) and age of first pregnancy. We studied 56,489 women recruited to the PROCAS (Predicting Risk of Cancer at Screening) study in Manchester UK, 2009-15. Cox regression models estimated the effect of reported MHT use at entry on breast cancer (BC) risk, and potential interactions with a. self-reported current body mass index (BMI), b. BMI aged 20 and c. First pregnancy >30 years or nulliparity compared with first pregnancy 30 years. Analysis was adjusted for age, height, family history, age of menarche and menopause, menopausal status, oophorectomy, ethnicity, self-reported exercise and alcohol. With median follow up of 8 years, 1663 breast cancers occurred. BC risk was elevated amongst current users of combined MHT compared to never users (Hazard ratioHR 1.64, 95% CI 1.32–2.03), risk was higher than for oestrogen only users (HR 1.03, 95% CI 0.79–1.34). Risk of current MHT was attenuated by current BMI (interaction HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.65–0.99) per 5 unit increase in BMI. There was little evidence of an interaction between MHT use, breast cancer risk and early and current BMI or with age of first pregnancy
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